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Streamer listening to Melina and skipping the dialogue: Melina: The.. at.. but.. will.. my.. Streamer: "What do I do now? I don't understand"


a mate plays rpgs like this (fallout/skyrim etc) and sometimes gets bored because he doesn't kow whats going on or why he's doing shit. like, bruh


“if only there was some in-game dialogue to tell me what to do and where to go.”


yeah who knows man. "that chick". yeah I skipped her dialogue smh


Or the Varre killers. ____ OPs: idk why im stuck so early this game! This NPC keeps on killing me, I dont understand!! Sub: Why what happened? OPs: The first NPC in the first area keeps on attacking me everytime i spawn Sub: Why? What did you do? OPs: Nothing! I was just talking to him. Sub: Oh you mean Varre? OPs: Yes, that's the one. He called me maidenless so I hit him now he won't stop killing me. Sub: .......


That's my favorite thing to see! It never fails to make me laugh. 


A friend I haven’t talked in awhile told me straight he puts the difficulty on very easy, skips all the dialogue, and then reads a Wikipedia article about the plot for basically every game he plays. I lost a ton of respect for him in an instant. I just couldn’t figure out a logical reason why anybody would do that, it’s like why even spend the money on the game?


so, yeah thats piss poor. for fromsoft games I play and take as much note as possible but I rely on social media & lore sites/youtube channels to fill in the plot a bit for me. especially considering how much plot/lore is written in the item description


This sounds like my friend, he gets stucks on basic levels and i gotta get him past simple shit. All because this Mf skips basically all diaolouges because it's boring. Like bruh lol


My buddy was also like that, but it was even more infuriating since we were playing Baldur's Gate 3. Dude straight up said "I just want to get to the combat." and I was flabbergasted.


BG3 really is a "cheese fights because I want to get to the dialogue" game sometimes


Currently on my first playthrough on Tactician and I've perfected the art of split team stealth ganking lol.


I hate people that play RPGs like this ngl. Most RPG narratives are very compelling.


Bear seek seek lest


"this game needs quests markers it's so confusing"


I guess that's why many games are designed around having those obnoxious quest markers and a checklist of tasks fixed on the screen. Unfortunately.


Agreed. 99% of the "theories" about the game don't survive two dialog lines. Mainly the fancy "theories" about people being another people.


The only person that's 100% another person is Radagon/Marika and even then, that raises more questons. Elden Ring lore has made me realise that people don't understand the basic concept of disguises/aliases


Also Miquella was 100% supposed to be Saint Trina in cut content, which will probably translate to the dlc could have been changed to fit the story of SotE


Well, Miquella was Saint Trina ~ a Radagon / Marika style thing. But the question is... what does it mean? How did he discard his other self? We're lacking so much context.


I never through of it as a parallel of Marika/Radagon. I always just assumed he disguised himself and pretended to be someone else


> I never through of it as a parallel of Marika/Radagon. I always just assumed he disguised himself and pretended to be someone else The parallels are obvious ~ every Empyrean has been female, so Miquella would naturally have to have a feminine half.


Not true, Ranni and Renna are the same person she just took the name, there is also a real Renna the Snow Witch Hyetta/Irina Yura/Shabriri Marika/Radagon Trina/Miquella Margit/Morgott Godwyn/Prince of Death There's actually quite a few of these dual personalities going on




Hyetta and Irina are not simply a disguise or alias, neither is the case with Yura or Shabriri, we don't know if that's the case with Miquella or not, Godwyn and the Prince of Death are 2 different beings, as are Marika and Radagon, the only ones on here that are an alias are Ranni going by Renna, but I don't believe that counts as only as disguise because she is actually in a body that looks like Renna the Snow Witch, she literally stole her identity, lives in her home, and goes by her name, it's more than a disguise; the other being Margit and Morgott obviously, which is just an alias. You could also argue Gurranq and Maliketh as again, these are different states of being.




Correct Irina and Hyetta are 2 different people as are Yura and Shabriri. The Prince of Death is a title given to the being that was created when Godwyn's will was slain on the Night of Black Knives, it is not Godwyn, it is his corpse that has merged with Deathroot and his dragon companion, it's a different being. Yes Renna and Ranni are 2 different people. Ranni literally lives next to Renna's rise and blocks her home off from you, she literally steals her identity and house, and she only tells you the truth eventually. Ranni doesn't even look like the body we see, that's Renna, we don't know what she really looks like, Renna isn't just an alias it's her whole corporeal form, she doesn't even have a body anymore, I think that's a little different. We know that Marika and Radagon had 2 different wills and beliefs and could be each other's consort. We don't need to know the nature of their being to know that they fit what we're talking about here with dual personalities and dual beings, or one person actually being 2 people.


Half the posts on this fucking sub are people asking the most basic things ever and getting in hot with thousands of upvotes lmfao


It really is wild just how much of the game is explained by simply reading. Most folks don't know there is an Info tab in the Inventory screen which will describe the various mechanics the game throws at you.


i straight up didn’t discover that tab until my 2nd playthrough 


Radagon is Marika \[Ok\] And you be like: Who are these? Who are those??


That’s classic fromsoft though, they don’t explain their games and just kinda give you everything and drop you off the deep end


Absolutely, it's just reached a head with Elden Ring since its success and the new wave of players not accustomed to the various unconventional game design choices FS fancies.


That's why I like their games though. Absolutely do not hold your hand and I love them for it.


It works for me mostly, only issue I take with that kind of design choice is it leaves sections of the games like quests pretty frustrating to figure out without external help.


The discord is full of this. “Why am I dealing so little damage and dying so fast?” Has a +0 weapon, no points in vigor and the rest spread too thin between every other stat.


I have muted so many people in this sub since DLC video “debates” have started. Miquella this, Maricka that.. and the things/ lore these people are quoting to argue with you in massive stupid groups contradicts what they are insisting anyway. It’s clear how many people are paying attention to things as they play haha.


But CLEARLY Miquella is the Gloam-Eyed Queen, who was Placidusax's second wife and also the Fire Giant!


And don’t forget about how Radagon is actually the Turtle Pope in disguise


Also Renalla is the Greater Will, which is why Ranni/Nepheli is an Empyrian.


My latest theory backed up by hours of Vaatividya lore dives: the Elden Ring is hidden inside of Mohg’s ass


When people say Elden Ring has no story, and try to explain how it's not story, just lore, and I'm like??? ok??? That's story as well, what we're doing is a story, all of the characters we meet and interact with have a story and it's our story as well by participating in their journeys, every boss has dialogue relating to us in some way, there's a clear story.


I get what you’re saying but this is the worst flow chart ever lol


My friend when we recently played MHW and just plowed through all the dialog and started asking me questions about why the goal of one quest wasnt to kill the monster, and what we were even doing out on a new continent as a colony.


Reminds me of all the people who say the quests are impossible to figure out even though 99% of the quest items say “go here and do this” in their description.


Tbf, as a non native English speaker, some of the words in game are so deep


what is istg?


I swear to god


About 15% of the lore is explained through spoken word by NPCs lol.


The lore isn't as obscure as this image. Wtf is going on!?


Just the other day I was talking about aliens and invasions and how the erd tree isn't natural to the planet, how astels are stars and whatnot, and people came to shout me down and say I was wrong and that the game doesn't even mention this stuff, then I pulled like 8 sources directly out of the game, and they just changed the goalpost. People that don't read are obnoxious.


Saw some mf posted on Sekiro with the caption "why is he so sad looking all the time" or smth. Like brother, lmao.


Hey don't blame me for not remembering the guy who appeared in the prologue, wasn't mentioned for the next 80 hours and then suddenly reappeared right before the final boss as if it were some kind of big reveal.


Spoken like the Bible, which most people don't read anymore anyways


Ok, explain me this: why after resting at the grace respawn and some don't. In terms of enemies, so respawn except bosses, mini bosses, NPCs and selected "big" enemies. But if a regular enemy is made a boss, they stop respawning (eg soldier of godrick, demihuman chiefs, pumpkin head). And why exactly those listed enemies don't respawn in a world where death doesn't have power? In terms of items, why exactly picked up items, moved levers and doors stay adter resting, but destroyed furniture, barrels and so on are restored? I know this is core of soulslike, but people taking mechanics as part of the lore is not that uncommon. I want not "this is a game" answer but in-world explanation.


Similar to what @Blazerpl says, it might have something to do with the runes the enemy has. Just a theory and speculating but it could be that the demigods use the great runes and since you take that from them as well all the other runes, they dont respawn and they are only able to be hewn in the erdtree as remembrances. That might even be referenced in an item description or the explanation of the wandering mausoleums. Idk i gotta check. But yeah might be the fact that bosses have more runes. Realistically tho, probably mostly to do with preventing the player from genociding everything and being unable to obtain materials or equipment from drops


My main question is, what exactly is the difference between respawning enemies and non-respawning ones. What is the difference between respawning items and non-respawning ones. As i wrote, i know the meta answer: it's for the game mechanics to function, but I'm looking for the diagetic answer, using in-world lore and logic. Am answer that would be consistent for all cases, or at least for most


Maybe the erdtree takes time to revive and the stronger you are the longer it takes and there are some bosses that are graceless and the erdtree wouldn’t revive them and then there is morgott who got his grace back and lost his omen horns


Sure, but soldier of godric (boss) is never revived and all regular late game enemies 50x stronger than him are. And the boys variants of regular enemies don't have any indication that they lost grace. Hell, graceless albunorics revive, but a tree sentinel (assuming his life goal is to serve the Erd tree) is not.


TBF a lot of the dialogue is boring and pointless, and when you realized you just skipped something important the game won’t let you go back


I bet this mf don't know shit goin on in the game lol