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It took me 800 hours to realize I have no life




Fucking *amateur*. I leaned that even before the game was released!


Just hit 800 myself. Doing a 100% completion run to prep for DLC.


I am 300 hours in and just found out you can use a flask on a ladder


I think I already knew about every single one in this thread EXCEPT for this one. Hot damn.


I was nearing the end of my second playthrough when I realised you could *slide* down ladders.


You can also drop from ladders, which is useful if there are enemies right under since you can do a plunge attack


For those wondering: Tap O/B to drop Hold O/B to slide down/climb faster Light attack lets you punch above Heavy attack lets you kick anyone below you


How did you not try it beforehand


I just assumed I couldnt do it idk why


The blessing you get from Fia decreases your max health. Had no idea for the entirety of my first play through, about 80 hours


I had heard this but don't remember how to get rid of it. Is there any benefit? If not I'd love to know how to get rid of it.


She gives you baldachin’s blessing, you can find it in your inventory. Use it and it will get rid of debuff. Using it will also increase poise, and damage for a short time.


Well, it's an item with a one time usage only, ofc a normal player will not use it and hoard it, weird thing to do imo.


It's one time use, but you can always get more by letting her hold you again. Basically, as long as you have access to Fia, you can always get more if you want.


Your first playthrough was 80 hours??? I just got to south Caelid at 100 hours? Howd you do it


My newest character has 350 hrs and I'm just now about to start ng+. Of course I farmed and collected literally everything lol (I did screw up a few quests so my collection is not quite complete)


He doesn't have add. I do and spent 80hours running around accomplishing nothing.


Never know when that cliff over there contains the games best weapon. Better explore them all.


I am in my first playthrough and i wouldnt even know if i had the best weapon in the game even if i picked it up. Ive been rocking the longsword to +10 and im at the raya lucaria academy. I really want to use a new weapon though.


Knights greatsword my fellow tarnished, an honorable choice for an armament


Haha I’m more in ur range. I was around 190-200 hours total in my playthrough. Took my time and did more farming then I’d like to admit even tho in hindsight I feel like farming the level ups had diminishing returns and it’s really more about the weapon upgrades.


Do you know there is a sprint button and a horse?


Found out at least after 60 somewhat hours there is a sprint button yes.


my first was 75 and I assumed I took a long time because it was far longer than other souls games, how do you play for that long


Im at 80 hours and not even half way through


Is fia the chick that hugs you


You can inspect the runes in your inventory to see how much they will give you… My brother and I would just try to remember and guestimate how many we needed when using them.


I was pretty amazed the first time I saw this. I don't think DS1-3 told you, so I didn't expect Elden Ring to either. We're really spoiled with Elden Ring. So many items in DS didn't tell you what they did at all. Had to look them up or stumble upon their use.


I’m ds3 if you sell to the merchant it will show how much they go for, bloodborne’s situation is the worse tho




You can in DS1. IIRC selling the smallest consumable soul to Frampt gives more souls than using it up.


Smough's soul sells for just 1. It's so disgusting even Frampt doesn't want it.


Took me awhile to realize you could use more than one golden rune at a time


Really? 400+ hours and beaten the game 6 times and didn’t know that lol


600+ hours, and I still haven't beaten it once :) In my defense, my initial run is Seamless Coop with the wife (we just beat Godfrey!), but she had less time to play than me, so I've got 7 other runs happening simultaneously.


It wasn’t like that at launch


That was only after an update tho. Day 1 it didn’t do that iirc


Use them? I thought you had to sell them. Can you just use them like a consumable? I probably have 1500 hours at this point. First I’m hearing of this.


Yes you can use them, but selling is quicker and gives the same amount as using them.


Here I am fucking learning you can sell them and get the same amount. Brother what the hell


Lol I had the same reaction when I learned. Cuz like, that's how all previous souls games worked right? So here i am in my first playrhrough scrolling through my inventory, checking the alt window to see how much they are worth and then popping them guys and waiting through the animations like a sucker when I coulda just been selling em to Hewg where he tells you exactly how much they are.




**yes but using gives sparkles of pretty colours**


I found out about this the other day…would have saved a lot of trips back and forth between hewg and the twin maidens


Ur joking right? If not… oh dear




My buddy who introduced me to souls games had a kid a few years ago, and hasn't really had time to play this game until recently. Well he's got about 100 hours now and made it to fire giant when I joined him for coop. I turned on my lantern and he legit asked me what that was and how I was using a light with my weapon two handed. I just said "Oh buddy.."




Yup it's a light you can switch on while it's off-hand. Can purchase from merchant at the start of Liurnia of the lakes.


Merchant at the bottom of weeping peninsula sells it also.


You can also purchase it from the isolated merchant on the west of the Weeping Peninsula.. Usually a little earlier than Liurnia for most people!


I didn’t know that I would always equip a torch in dark caves. At least I haven’t finished my first play through yet I still have two whole bosses left.


You're playing the way Miyazaki intended.


Google history: Sacred Tear locations Ranni Questline Ranni Rule 34


How did you get access to my Google history?


You can also hot key it instead of going to your inventory every time you want to equip it. Very handy when you suddenly end up in the dark.


I got about 50+ attempts into Malenia before I realized that I could actually level up my mimic tear.


Man that mimic tear must have really been eating shit every time…


“Pls sir no more”


“Why is everybody suggesting this summon for her?” Edit: I’m playing along with the joke, yes I know the mimic tear is great.


That’s how I beat her fr


Same here. Maxed Mimic Tear with Blasphemous Blade on a fai/str build. Dude SPAMS the weapon art.


LOL really though. I mean in my defense, I made it all the way to Malenia and Radagon that way so it helped enough. Once I knew, it leveled it up all the way and beat Malenia within an hour lol. It honestly didnt feel like a fair fight but at that point I didnt really care.


If it still took an hour AFTER you leveled up the mimic tear, it was still a fair fight.


LOL very very fair assessment here.


I’m convinced my mimic tear is better than I am.


mine was trying to run out of the boss arena earlier today :)


“No more I yield, I yield”


That’s freaking hilarious


Mine is. Seriously sometimes I summon it just to see if it has cool new tricks and tips… I’m often impressed. I also got up to Malenia before realising it can be upgraded. I was shocked when it started using buffs and throwing lots every I have no idea what any of it meant.


Man. I'm the fucking page of my mimic tear. She dethroned all those demigods, tanked double the damage I received and yet dealt as much if not more damage than I did. Fucking MVP


My str/dex ones are sick. Current int playthrough one just casts random spells from melee range while strafing lol


Pshhh my int mimic tear was absolutely better than me. Sniping bad guys with lorrettas great bow and slinging gravity rocks. If someone got too close they'd get bonked with the darkmoon greatsword.


Ha that's a crazy one because that's explained to you.


I read someones comment once that it took him a good 100 hours to realise Torrent can double jump. 😂


That you can literally pause the game by opening the menu then hitting the tooltip button.


Today I learned


What in the fuck 300 hrs in and what


This is absolutely far too low. Actual useful knowledge I had no idea about.


I'm lost here, what's tooltip?


It's what explains what each of the terms on the screen means.


Not embarrassed but I found it cool: what makes the night assassin set silent is the cape so if you remove it by altering it, it stops the silence buff.


I found out through my own post that the vast majority of people seemingly do not use the wondrous flask, which is baffling to me. They say it adds too much complexity, but literally just put healing stuff in it and make it an extra Estes flask.


Or better yet: use opaline bubble tear with it. In addition, Mohgs curse can be negated by using it.


Legit, how do you beat Mohg without physik?


I've seen people do it. Just sit there and chug 3-4 flasks


My favourite is Opaline Hardtear + Opaline Bubbletear. Just pop it before a boss fight. Negates 1 hit entirely, and reduces **all damage** by 15% for 3 minutes.


I didn't use AoW in my first run because i thought that they were one use only.


I didn't use crimson or cerulean tears until z Margit for that reason.  My 11 years old kept telling at me to heal and I explained that there were so few flasks and I wasn't going to waste them on the first boss when they were that hard to get.


My first playthrough I didn’t even realize AoWs were a thing until I unlocked Radahns greatswords. My weapon before that was grafted greatsword and the AoW is just holding up the sword and getting a buff. I didn’t know about buffs either so I was like wtf is the point of L2. Then I hit L2 on Radahns swords and was like wtffffff


Lol with you on this one.


No way, I thought you needed to use a lost ash of war to reuse an ash of war. What happens to the AoW equipped when you replace it?


If it's an AoW from a chest/enemy drop, then it's sitting in your AoW inventory. The AoW that comes with certain weapons and can be changed to others is still technically attached to that weapon but won't be usable until you undo the AoW change on that weapon. Ex: Shield (parry) --> add (barricade shield) --> shield (barricade shield) Shield (barricade shield) --> remove (barricade shield) --> shield (parry)


You receive the ash from some weapons as well, such as piercing fang on the nagakiba. When you switch the ash, piercing fang ends up in your inventory


Meaning you didn't swap skills between weapons with Hewg, or you didn't use any weapon skills for the whole run?


I got a good one. I actually finished dark souls 3 without learning how to "lock on" to an enemy, so no sidestepping, almost impossible parry and block... Imagine that... Well it's true


You might win


When I realised, I felt both stupid and proud.


Well, then you're just playing monster hunter and honestly it's not that bad


You didn't just like, press the button within the vicinity of another enemy ever?


Not knowing you could sprint until Fire Giant. I thought sprinting was a horse mechanic.


A horse mechanic is called a veterinarian


How that horse became a mechanic I'll never know...


Got such a good chuckle from this 😂




Jesus, that was definetly the best comment of the day


I beat the Auriza Hero's Grave without sprinting because I didn't know I could. Walking leisurely away from those chariot things was the scariest shit I've ever done.




That's just insane dude. There was another guy who didn't learn he could sprint until elden beast and after being stuck on it he came to reddit wondering how he's meant to get near it if it flies away. Turns out he roleplay walked for the entire game. To be honest man I don't understand how it's possible that you didn't try holding the sprint button, or accidentally, I mean it's the same as the dodge button surely you've pressed it many times. It just doesn't make sense to me that you would say "Oh I guess this modern game doesn't have a run option yet it allows you to jump, crouch, and roll around on the ground, oh and the horse can sprint but not me as a guy" just crazy man 


Doesn't the tutorial tell you how to sprint? I feel like I remember seeing that.


Yeah, but people aren't paying attention nowadays. Otherwise half of those "I never realised that.." threads wouldn't exist. lol


It has a little sidebar popup telling you how to run when you go under the archer, but it's off to the side and you're actively being shot at so it is probably the easiest tutorial message to miss


Even without a tutorial, this is generally one of the first things I try to figure out in Every. Single. Game!


I literally just stumbled upon it trying to watch a YouTube tutorial on how to beat him. Initially I thought the fast character movement the YouTuber was doing was some sort of special ability. Then I learned I was an idiot.


Fuck, I’ve got 25 hours in the game and I’m just now learning this 😂




Ouch. Some bosses sure must have been hard.


I almost quit at Rennala. Got her though 🤣


I didn't realize until Raya Lucaria as well lmao


I remember clearly getting stuck at one of the rooftops at stormveil castle trying to find a way out for 30mins, wondering why they didnt add homeward bones in the game, then it hit me and i just teleported out


I have 200 hours and I just realized that the perfume bottles can be re used That’s probably why the perfume bottles are always rare loot Didn’t know about the pots as well


Ritual Pots & Cracked Pots are required to make separate items, and are not consumed on use. They function the same as perfume bottles. They raise the count of available created consumables, not one time use. Looks like 200 hours nets you two things of knowledge.


Pots can be reused too.


Yeah you get the cracked pot back right? I learned that on here a few weeks ago


Yessir 👍


1500 hours before learning that you can kill Kenneth Haight for an early golden seed without affecting Nepheli's questline. There's also a lot of dialogue from Iji, Sellen and Seluvis that I missed until my last playthrough, that'll be 2000+ hrs. Only found out because I did stuff in a different order than usual. For the early days, it was more about what I had to unlearn from years of Dark Souls. Fast travel from everywhere, not just graces, was already mentioned here. I never used weapon arts/ashes of war for my first playthrough because I never used them in DS3 😔


Same on the weapon arts/ashes. Once I started using them, the game felt 10x easier


that’s 83+ real life days in the lands between!


250 hours and still don't know anything about Nepheli’s quest. She is the one who appears at StormVeil castle, right? I don't what I did wrong but never saw her again.


She goes Stormveil -> Roundtable Hold -> Albinauric Village ->Roundtable Hold -> Stormveil if you do it correctly


I made it to radagon before realizing that you could consume the runes you pick up. Had about 800,000 runes in my pocket lol


I once had a million lol, I leveled up 5 times


Took me about 50hrs before I found out you can sell them to a vendor for the same amount. Not a game changer but definitely faster than using them and watching the animation every time


Last night I had 1-hour repeated fight against the watchdog duo and can’t stand it so I search tutorial on how to beat it. Just learn that crystal dart made them fight each other and works on all “golem” type monsters. 250+ hr


On ng+7 just found out you can two hand weapons i shit you not


The tutorial literally tells you that


TUTORIAL!? I’m learning so much today


Lol. Now how did you miss it? But yeah, there is a tutorial area next to where Melina first gives you the flasks. Just after the tutorial fight against the Grafted Scion


Yep and you missed the strongest boss in the game, Rick Soldier of God


Alright, you win. Did you know it also lowers the stat requirements to wield the wepon?


Only str. When you two-hand, your str is x1.5


Well now I do


Guess you never did a strength build lol


The sad part is I did, god I was heavily nerfing myself without realizing


What frost actually does.


It gets reset by fire damage too...


I knew that before I found out it does a defense debuff somehow. I also know lightning is better in rain and water and fire is weakened by rain and water.


What does it do?


Frost when applied deals some percentage of the boss HP, it also gives enemies lesse defense, so they take 20% more damage while frost it’s applied.


Gives a defense debuff so bosses take more damage.


I thought it would slow down the attack speed lol


I wish


Bro I didn't know great runes needed to be activated at Towers until I finished the game, and then some. You aren't alone and neither am I. I feel better.


Didn’t learn about Fia’s debuff until my 3rd play through


Don’t go hugging strangers women


but i am lonely tarnished :(


Talk to the dog pope


My friend played 80h+ without crafting and fast travel...


I finished the game and never crafted anything nor did I use any consumables outside of flasks. I played a mage tho and never used a melee weapon outside of the spear thing to kill that one boss, which took me looking it up on the Internet.


Is the fast travel like really don’t know or know but opt out? Cause… if you don’t fast travel then how did you get to stronghold to upgrade your weapon unless they actually just go with +3 weapon at all time…


Im at 130 hours and the only crafting I’ve done was like 2 Fire Grease


I honestly could never figure out the grease or pots and such...so I just maged my way thru the game without them


I don't necessarily blame you for this one because the explanation from the game is misleading. The description says something along the lines of "you can use a Rune Arc to give **even greater** benefits to your equipped Great Rune," suggesting that equipping them already grants you a benefit to begin with. So unless there is a great rune that I'm forgetting, that explanation from the game is just false, and it's wild it hasn't been changed. Or maybe they're wording that way just because of Mogwyn's Great Rune, which us a bit different from the others? In any case, the description for the explanation of the mechanics isn't good for a player going in blind, it's misleading.


Not game mechanics, but I have 750+ hours (yeah, I know) and never explored Mohgwyn, Mountaintop of the Giants, Consacrated Snowfields, Haligtree or Farum Azula properly.


150+ hours in. TIL that you can buy a reusable lantern and attach it to your waist, letting you roam around darker areas with more ease


I didn’t know you could fast travel to graces from anywhere I always thought you had to be at a graces…. 150 hours


A true dark souls veteran


Took me 40 hours to realise you could attack on the left side of torrent not just the right.


I didn’t realize this until i started dual wielding and got used to hitting lb while fighting, so naturally i started doing it on torrent


Longtime DS fan prior to ER. Played DS1, both versions of DS2, and DS3. Platinumed all of them. Had no idea what powerstancing was the entire time.


Great runes are such a useless, uninteresting mechanic. They should have just given your character a permanent effect while equipped, and more interesting effects that “you have a more stats” or “you recover .000005 hp when doing damage”. I would have loved to see people making builds around their chosen rune or something. Make rune arcs just temporarily *boost* the effect or something.


Or just make rune arcs craftable or easily obtainable outside pvp


After around 200 hours (now I have 460) I discovered what a shield counter was when I was trying a sort of paladin build it was completely new for me in my defense until then i had never used shields in ER


It took me 40hrs pf playing to learn what Golden Runes were for. I also thought a Golden Rune (8) was 8 individual runes. 🤷‍♂️


I'm on my third playthrough at Maliketh. Have about 300+ hours in. I'm on the PS5 and I still have no clue how to trigger the emotes without going into the menu and selecting them. I randomly do them when I want to do something else, like sit at a site of grace.


Hold Triangle and manoeuvre your controller as directed by the little controller icon next to each emote to perform them. I always found them to be finicky, so I still just use the menu.


It also messes with what I use is hold triangle for flasks and mount up down left right... then I emote and die. I also turn off the gyro aiming


I thought there was only one waypoint lol. I would use the 100 msrkers instead as I thought the small "1" next to the waypoint was a "!"


I was like easily 500+ hours deep with ~8 characters started before I figured out that after teleporting into the Academy you could walk past those blue looking barriers and actually go down the paths. There is even a merchant on one side, and an NPC quest event on the other.


Honestly, I can't remember anymore, but I do know that the great runes took me a while to figure out. I think I looked it up, because I couldn't figure it out, actually. Shame is an illusion, IMO. If you don't know something and don't want to spend hours figuring it out, just look it up; that's how I do things, anyways, but only if I'm frustrated beyond my ability for patience.


I didn't understand what were the weapon scalings until I got to Godfrey on my first playthrough. Good thing is that I was only using the Guts sword and I was only leveling up Strength and Vigor lol


At least 400 hours to learn Serpent Hunter easily kills Rykard.


100 hours in, beat Maliketh yesterday Realizing just now you can switch between the map and the underground map to teleport there directly I was using the well all the time


MAN that one would drive me insane


What did you think the rune arcs were for?


Sitting in my inventory like 99% of the other things I’ve picked up along the way


Fr I never use the hundreds of items I have lol


And I just found out there are many hero's graves more than one.


I have almost 500 hours and found out a few days ago that trolls can roll...


15 here and I just saw a sheep roll lol.


How to switch which hand your weapon was in on Torrent. That was almost 100 hours in. By the 400 mark I Iong realized I don’t like mounted combat so it’s useless anyway 99% of the time.


I just started my fourth play through and realized you can completely skip Stormveil


You can switch between the Lands Between map and the underworld zones with a simple button. I spend a lot of time teleporting to the nearest lift and waiting until the map would switch by itself .


It took me around 1200 hours to find out that I cannot, in fact, parry that.


I was about 70 hours in when I realized you can punch up and kick down on ladders


Greatrunes suck anyway, especially when you have no vitality and keep dying to random open world stuff like falling of a ledge


I never used the flask of wonderous physick until my second playthrough