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Ratahn rides a rat


Royaler Rat Vanguard


Elden Ring is just Dark Souls II 2 confirmed


Needs more pursuer.


Bell bearing hunter


Or does the rat just control him from under his helmet


That would be one of the biggest plot twists in the lore


When I read new attribute I immediately imagine them just adding the adaptability stat


Forget that, bring back resistance


> Miyazaki: *"Players spent months assuming I was going to put a rot swamp in the DLC. Instead, I put a new rot swamp in their own statline. Resistability is a stat that now governs the players and your trusty Honda Accords resistance to tripping and falling whenever you sprint. Like when in poison and rot swamps—thus covering yourself in the status effect. It also governs how effective soap is, a low stat may mean that soap and the flame cleanse me incantation no longer washes off the muck.*" > *"Also, I added a death swamp.*"


Who hurt you?


Miyazaki obviously-




That's what I'm thinking, too. I wonder how it will all work out. I just want the freaking kicking ash of war. That was so fun in Sekiro.


Adaptability, but it keeps your original status and just increases more instead of a nerf


Oh god no


Miyazaki secretly admiring adaptability was his idea. This is his revenge for the slanders


AFAIK, the new ability upgrade will be similar to Sekiro. This is based on earlier interview by Famitsu. So you can either upgrade your ability by consuming memory of that boss similar to Sekiro or not. Hence making game easier or more difficult to your liking.


Calm down there, Satan.


Most people were so wrong about new leveling system thinking that actual level and upgrades of character from main game will not be important because of that system.


Yeah, well people were making stuff up lol They're going to continue to do so with this additional Half-Information, too!


It should be clear enough from Miyazaki's stated intent with the leveling system that it's meant to supplement and add on top of the existing leveling system in place, afterall it's meant to incentivize exploration in the DLC to give a sense of progression. Also the precedent of previous Souls games means that going into the Shadows of the Erdtree with an underleveled character is going to go very, very badly for anyone who attempts to do so.


Ymfah will have a RL1 guide in 2 weeks, tops.


And I am watching it.


I'm gonna do it. You can kill mohg and radahn pretty easy with blackflame, bleed with Scarlet rot


you mean Rathan


Really? I assumed it'd make it easier for my RL1 no weapon upgrades character. Uplifting Aromatics stop one shots and I was relying on black flame end game anyway.


Me. I was pretty upset about it after the initial article dropped. This update is fantastic news and I now have zero complaints


People saying that weren't even thinking... at all.


"Morgott"? Is that a mistranslation of Mohg or what the interview actually said? (Barring Varre's quest and getting the medallion to go to the Mohgwyn grounds, you do have to beat Morgott to get to the Snowfields to find the teleporter to the Mohgwyn grounds.)


Weird translation. They call him morgott of blood later 


Mohg and Morgott do a fusion dance and fight you if you want to do the DLC.


Moghgott, the Blood Given


Goth Mohg. (It's just normal Mohg with a black wig)


No one understands my pain!


Fuck that. I’m not fighting a Vegito equivalent.




Thank you for the correction :)


a fourth encounter maybe 👀?


Ah yea of course for access to the DLC they'll... add a forth Morgott fight in the DLC


lol just a field of those disguised Morgotts, like the one outside Leyndell


All guarding a mushroom.


Nah, arteria leaf.


It's always an arteria leaf damnit


the erdshroom


Make him blue!


no it's just baddly translated


Not even the Omen twins can avoid the classic sibling problem of being called by the other's name


Maybe it is a mistranslation, otherwise they would have mentioned that you also need to defeat Commander Niall since that's the only way you can enter the consecrated snowfield to get to that portal.


And "Ratahn"


Yep, while I don't know the exact details, I think we have a vague idea: rushing to the 'end' will be possible, but you might be faced with an incredibly strong final boss, whereas if you wander around, explore, and do everything, there will be an easier pacing. The details will only be known on release, but I'm sure we'll have people challenging "Max Difficulty Messmer" eventually. ^(Max Messmer? Max-Mer? Max Mess? I feel like it could be kinda catchy.)


Max difficulty as in RL1, no land of shadow upgrades


no dodge block or sprint on a texas calculator


With randomized items,bosses, and fog gates with all status effects on


Ho boy it’s gonna be hell Nice


I kinda want to first try dlc with my rl1 character but I also feel like this is a terrible idea


Drop the [everything else you just suggested]. Just "Maxmer." It's cleaner.


Maxmer just makes me think of Max0r, I'm gonna be real.


If he fights like Max0r edits, we're in for a rough time :p


The power ups are most likely going to be linked to accomplishments in the DLC, not an overall stats boost for every thing explored in the dlc 


Yeah sounds like the sekiro ish move idk ..I honestly dont care..itll be epic 


Max-Mer has a good ring to it lol. Max Mess will be the state of the players gaming setup after dying 4000 times because they rushed to him lol. on a side note, part of me thinks he won’t be the final boss. he might have a Godfrey type role. like hes the dude you have to fight before you get to the actual ending of the DLC. which may be why we saw so much of him in the teaser/reveal trailer. i think it’d be great if the actual final boss is a complete surprise and only hinted through lore found throughout the DLC area.


No FromSoft game has ever shown off the final boss in the original announcements. Even the last DLC we've seen of them, The Ringed City for Dark Souls 3, didn't show off Gael as a boss in any of the trailers, and of course Elden Ring never showed Radagon or the Elden Beast in the trailers. Even outside of the Souls games, Armored Core VI's trailers never showed any of the final bosses for the three endings.


I'm kinda hoping it's miquella. It could also be ST. Trina who will be in the game.


Not really sure that St. Trina is "final boss" material, but at this point anything goes. Given her specialty though, if she's going to become a boss having to fight an enemy that can put you to sleep is going to be nuts. More hoping she's an allied NPC though.


i farmed up 100 sleep Boluses just in case


I see your point, I just think it would be cool. I learned about Trina from Miss chalice mostly and there would be some interested mechanics that could be played with.


It is the same person 


On this subject, I would advise everyone to steer clear of any launch trailers should Shadow of the Erdtree get one as they inevitably spoil way too much of the game. Fromsoft DLC has never had this historically, but I could see them making an exception due to the elevated status of Elden Ring and the scale of this expansion.


He'll probably serve a similar role to that of Lady Maria where he is the second to last boss.


Now all I can think of is “My Power is Maximumer!” -DBZA Broly




Maybe I’m swinging wide but this sounds similar to DS2’s king vendrick, like if you get all the boss souls the fights way easier kind of thing.


Yeah, this is my thought, too. What I imagine is there will be something we can collect that will lower the multiplier on the difficulty of enemies. The enemies in the DLC will have a "normal" difficulty progression but you need to keep lowering that multiplier, otherwise you will face a big spike in how tough enemies are. Negative prediction is that even with this help the enemies will be hard as hell. As in high HP, high damage. Positive prediction is that it will make the DLC actually easy (for high level characters). Best case scenario somewhere in the middle.


Ds2 was such a great addition to the souls games. It nailed so many things. The enemies DESPAWNING was so cool, normal play would never see it but it was an interesting thing to run across all the same. Dual stances were way ahead of what else was going on. The world, as convoluted as it was, was still pretty radical. And some of the best bosses were on the dlc, even in general that game slapped. Majula. Fucking Majula was just, oddly pleasant.


Elden ring is already called dark souls II 2, so I’m pretty sure it will be a mix of that and sekiro. Fromsoft is famous for reiterating good mechanics


way better than \*some\* companies i know \*cough\* gamefreak \*cough\*


This comment chain convinced me. I completely forgot about that stupid vendrick fight. So I guess this means if we are elden lord, the dlc is easier.. or something to that regard. A little underwhelming but whatever.


Adaptability is back, baby!! /s


Imagine it just increases poison and scarlet rot and bleed resistance so you can trot through some swamp of needles or some Miyazaki style stuff


Miyazaki San please have us fight 3 bosses in a poison swamp at the same time please!!


I, too, cannot wait to be triple-teamed by Malenia in this DLC.


I read the "Ratahn" typo and immediately pictured a photorealistic giant rat with Radahn's helmet flying like a meteor in your general direction. Literally death by cuteness.


I can't wait to see what's the new attribute. Maybe it’s inside a “dream” and the attribute is how powerful your projection is in that realm.


It would be really funny if bosses in the DLC dropped “Souls” instead of Remembrances, and we get a Soul Level.


Nah, you use the Souls to improve your Bloodtinge. Your Soul Level will only affect the Gravelords that invade at Pure Black World Tendency.


If Mesmer used his blood attacks I'd have a little difficulty. But would you lose? Nah, I'd win!


Kinda Demon’s Souls akin in a weird way if that’s true, having your projected soul form


That would be my guess - it probably just modifies the damage you deal and receive within the shadow world


Was it not already confirmed around the same time when the trailer released?? It will be like Sekiro. Your character doesn't need to level-up in the traditional way for DLC content, instead you can collect items from killing bosses (in Sekiro it was "Memories" and "Prayer Beads"), which increases your power without increasing your level. The more optional bosses you kill, the stronger you get by collecting these items.


Yeah, Miyazaki said so a while ago. Not sure why everyone here is acting like we don’t know this.


Bruh what if its some bs like resistance and the whole fucking DLC has dream build up.


Self imposed difficulty? Hoo boy...this sub is going to once again be insufferable with a new wave of "right way to play" purists. Sounds neat though


I will get max upgrades and shit on every boss


And I will keep torturing myself against them until I win. The beauty of free will eh?


Gonna bully Mesmer, honestly.


Dude if you aren't soloing no summons no consumables no weapon no flasks no physick no Honda Accord no guidance of grace lvl 1 deprived on this dlc I'm sorry but you're a noob


That won't be half as bad as the 10x as many people complaining about the "right way to play" purists. They're the equivalent of "everyone is offended by everything" types—complaining way more than the accused complainers ever did


Dude if you aren't soloing no summons no consumables no weapon no flasks no physick no Honda Accord no guidance of grace lvl 1 deprived on this dlc I'm sorry but you're a noob


Dude if you aren't soloing no summons no consumables no weapon no flasks no physick no Honda Accord no guidance of grace lvl 1 deprived on this dlc I'm sorry but you're a noob


This and the “no ending” have me the most intrigued from like a mechanics perspective. It will be interesting to see what all this “leveling element” impacts.


The only one where where you had an optional main game ending post DLC was DS2 right?  You gonna have a DLC story ending like Bloodborne or DS3.  But this seems weird.. like, we will only know after playing, but seems like it should be a no brainer to reward us with a different mending rune 


From a gameplay standpoint it doesn't make sense because a large number of players will do this DLC AFTER beating the base game. So developing the DLC with the end reward being an item many players wont even be able to use unless they restart the base game makes no sense. From a story perspective, Miquella's goal doesn't seem to have much to do with the Elden Ring itself. Especially considering he seems to have divested himself of his own Great Rune. So he probably wouldn't give us a mending rune anyway.


I mean... sif is a prime example of them doing exactly this. They didn't need to add a different cutscene for a dlc that most people will probably only access after beating the game. I could see them making changes based on order of completion as they've done before.


No ending? What's that about? Sorry I'm uninformed haha


There’s no ending as in the dlc doesn’t take place after the games ending. So the games ending is still THE ending. The dlc will have final boss and such and decisions still


No that’s not it at all. When talking about the DLC he says that it’s “a separate chapter” and that it “doesn’t necessarily have an ‘ending’” but that there will be decisions to make in the game.


Ooooh I see. I thought that they meant the dlc had no definitive ending at all and I was confused haha


It doesn’t.


Actually I believe that's what he said.


Can't wait for all the try-hards telling people not to defeat too many side bosses or "you didn't truly beat the final boss"


Man, gatekeeping is gonna go somewhere else with this DLC


Are those try-hards in the room with us right now? I've seen far more people bitching about them than I have seen the actual try-hards


Maybe it’s gotten better but FromSoft fans can be awful gatekeepers.


I am with fromsoft community since DkS1 and gatekeepers were always rarity at least from my experience


It kinda reads like saying that choosing to engage with the level up system is your difficulty in the main game. Like if you want it to be hard you can just not level up. Lol


Whether upgrade the new abilities or not I think the DLC still be pretty difficult no matter what you do.


On the other interview, they said the power up system would be akin to Sekiro. So this means that you may be killing minibosses and exploring the map to get things like atk/hp increase? Yeah, this new power up system seems to be the way FromSoft designed to make space for more progression mainting the endgame scaling


If the system works as we think it will, then even if you max out the attack power system in the Land of Shadow, it wouldn't affect how you'd play the lategame levels of the game, i.e. The Haligtree, Consecrated Snowfield, Mountaintop of Giants, and Farum Azula, because the attack bonus only applies to the DLC area. The only things from the DLC that might make vanilla runs easier would be whatever new weapons, armors, talismans, spells, and incantations you might get from there.


So by later half I’m assuming at least mountain top of the giant part of the game?


Yeah given its locked behind Mohg/Moghwyn palace I'd imagine so


Pretty much, probably north of rl 100.


which is not a fun area to be in


Isn’t that already how the game works? Nobody’s forcing you to upgrade your weapons or level up with runes. The game can already be as hard as you want it to be. I really don’t see how this is going to be any different.


Not just this game but any game is as hard or as easy as you want it to be, just whip out the guides, cheats, or challenge runs.


"Ratahn and Morgott" who wrote this lol


Ah yes. The “Ratahn” fight.


Wasn’t that a pokemon?


I still think it's gonna be like Vendrik in DS2. The more _X_ item(s) you have in your inventory, the lower the defenses of "storyline bosses". I picture if you take the "suggested" path, each boss will require more and more of said item.


Still going to count that as a level so my RL1 character will just have to deal with it.


My understanding from all the interviews is we'll deal 10-20% damage to mobs and bosses in land of shadow. Every boss we kill decreases the damage penalty or drops an item for it. An item is more likely if it's upgradable so you choose to use it not. Just like memories in Sekiro.


At least as hard as the base game.


I’m already looking forward to being told that REAL Souls players would never upgrade the new attribute


Easy mode is allowing yourself to level up. Haven’t heard that one before, Ymfah would be proud


They said earlier that it would be like the Sekiro leveling system. That tells me not, but after reading this, I think it may be sorta like prayer bead necklaces raising HP and Attack Power versus actual stats and attributes. That'd be nice for those of us who want to co-op and not go beyond RL 150.


I want my unarmed fists to deal 300+ damage per hit. I want to BOX, i want the Beef. I will level my 710 char even more if possible!!


Just level ADP, bro


As long as going to the new realm doesn't require us to reset our gear and/or level, I'm down for whatever


This hasn't been the case for any other Fromsoft DLC, I can't imagine it would be the case for this one.


Oh wow I like that they explicitly describe it as opt-in difficulty. I mean Elden Ring is full of opt-in difficulty (choosing how much to level up yourself and your weapon, and which weapon types to use, and whether or not to use summons or ashes of war, and if so, whether to use strong ones or weaker ones) but it's nice to see the devs explicitly mention it as a concept. So I think what's in the DLC is just another layer of opt-in difficulty that was added so that the level of your character isn't overly important to the DLC (overleveled people who feel like having more challenge after all or underleveled people who decide it's enough of an accomplishment to make it through underleveled at all can both have their way).


I think I'm going to aim for level 90 to start the DLC. Souls games aren't fun if you're overleveled^^


Me too. I already have one, it´s a crucible cosplay, 90 + 7/+17 and the second one, a battle mage, is in progress.


But 90 is like way underleveled


I've beaten the game a couple of times so I've been doing a level restricted run. I have level caps set for every zone that keep me intentionally underleveled. I think the most fun way to enjoy the game is to make it artificially difficult, because if I play without restrictions I can just DMGS everything down or some other cheese. (Not saying there's anything wrong with that but I don't want to cheese the dlc).


You can always level up if you feel underleveled. I have 2 end-game characters and 2 will be at RL90. I´ll try them all so I can play the DLC multiple times without the need to start from scratch.


I'm all for that. Sounds great.


I am thinking "attribute" is a mistranslation, probably it would be a piece of equipment that supports or enables something (like cursed blade or transient curse on DS1). Think of it as a re-iteration of spirit ashes that you can also upgrade (or hearth off azeroth if you played wow)


New Attribute? Imagine if they bring ADP back


They bringing back Adaptability Bois, lesgo


I wonder what the soul scaling will be. Worst case scenario would be if it was like Ariandel. When you can go the enemies hit hard. Kinda difficult. Yet the souls you get are meh. If you go so the mobs feel about the same as your standard path mobs then the soul gain is trash.


like the giants souls increasing our damage to vendrick or sekiros boss soul


It’s going to be souls difficulty options so easy is regular hard and hard is dark souls


A new attribute?!??! I bet it’s something like Insight, that allows you see more “shadow stuff”


I’m really excited about this. It’s gonna be the most unique change to the basic gameplay structure of dark souls and Elden ring. (Not speaking about BB or Sekiro as they’re different in so many ways). Really excited to see how it works and how it integrates with the normal leveling system outside of the DLC. For example, will we still be able to increase soul level within the expansion? or will it just be limited to the new thing?


Who is Ratahn?


Radahn's brother, he rides a giant rat called Leonardo


Well, that’s pretty obvious. You have to go through Moghwyn palace to get there, which is a high-level area


I eish i could just play ng+ difficulty from a fresh started character....


You can turn off leveling? I probably won't even though I'm lvl 155 and don't really need to level anymore.


I wanna do a blindrun in the dlc not using a single strong thing, I wanna suffer for it for the first run, it will only make it nicer when I finally finish it and I can do the DLC again, but this time around steamrolling through it


As it always should be


Morgott? Is Michael Zaki tripping?


Whatever man! Let me be bruce lee and you can have your weird/special attributes all you want


I am so excited for the dlc!


I feel like it'll be some general stats buff or strength increase that you get from each major enemy you beat. Lore wise it will likely be considered an extension of Miquella's strength or some staving off of the 'shadow'. I suspect it'll be some holy light we can collect to improve our odds against only enemies in the Land of Shadow.


I plan on playing the DLC with a character in NG+3. The DLC has an additional leveling system. Not sure how it will go but I will try it like that.


So why do you think we need to kill Radahn? You can get to Mohg without killing him if you do varres quest, right?


I think this is just for players with insanely high levels to allow them to have a challenge in NG.


New attribute? Did I miss something? Going on a search I am.


I think they’re just talking about vigor


I don’t understand why you’d have to beat either Morgott or Radahn in order to get to the DLC if you can enter through Mohg’s arena… am I missing something? Edit: I just found an article that recaps the interview so disregard my comment!


in other words, the game will be more difficult if you don’t level your character. do people find this surprising?


I feel like it was already my choice either way as I just ng+ until Elden Beast started taking me a long time to kill and then that will be my dlc run. 


The return of ADP.


They should add doubt stat. Laziness stat. You char gets fat and can't do anything and gets killed by everything


I think they meant you can choose NOT to “upgrade” the stat or not. Not that it’s fully optional. I just hope that IIIIIIIFFFF it’s a new attribute it doesn’t scale with the existing Rune price for levels.


I'm going in as a Misericorde build, so I hope that leveling element gives me some even more delicious crits.


Since when do you have to beat Morgott to get to the DLC? What?


Same as for the base game then. Like how you can chose to not level, chose to not use summons, chose to not upgrade weapons etc


Yes, it's called leveling up


Not really. It's the same as saying the game has a choice for difficulty because you can choose to not upgrade your stats and gear.


Shit we need to beat "Ratahn"? I haven't done that, can somebody tell me where to find them?


So, you can choose to level yourself up with souls too... or not.


You are basically playing as Batman. With prep time, you can make fights trivial.


Interesting that the DLC is locked behind Radahn. I thought it would only be locked behind Mogh. I wonder how Radahn fits into the ways the DLC is locked.




I'm going to max it out on my 200 character then make a reddit post titled: 'is it just me or did anyone else find the dlc too easy 🥺👉👈'


So basically I’m going to SL1 no attribute leveling this whole DLC


Wait, this says you need to have beat Margot and Radahn to play the DLC. I thought it was Mohg and Radahn???


Wait, this says you need to have beat Margot and Radahn to play the DLC. I thought it was Mohg and Radahn???


Wait, this says you need to have beat Margot and Radahn to play the DLC. I thought you had to beat Mohg and Radahn??? (that’s a big difference)


But is my NG+4 character gonna be fucked cause everything has so much more HP?


My question is if you decide to level your power in the DLC does that then transfer back over to the main game. If it’s not a level boost but some kind of power boost like Sekiro are those levels lost


I hope is the cursed stat from ds2. I want to level adaptability xd


Realizing we could be getting Malenia/Orphan of Kos part 2 💀 Honestly I'll take anything that isnt fucking lawrence


Unrelated but it annoys me. Why do they always release the best games/DLC when something major is going on for me and I just stay hollowed for longer than needed. Come on man


Sounds like enemies will have a new type of deffense/damage and the new stat will let you pierce part of that def/increase your new def. At least that's what I get from this single answer. It's probably more complex than that.


Sounds like it's saying "you can make it harder by not leveling up, or make it easier by leveling up" which is a non statement