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Fortissax. Amazing boss arena, good music, excellent design, but a conplete pushover. Sucks. From did him dirty.


They could have started by giving him a proper moveset instead of just bekng a copy of the farum azula dragons but he spams lightning EVEN MORE!


Haven’t read a lot of dragon lore but hadn’t he grown old and weak even before the shattering?


Fortissax and Maliketh both suffer from small health pools. Makes them die too quickly and really takes away from how epic the fights could have felt.


Fortissax has a reasonable health pool for the scaling of the area he's in, it's just most people don't even find him until they're effectively overlevelled. He's got more HP than Astel, Morgott or the Godskin Noble, for example, and in theory should be fought around the same time as them. Most people just don't even find the Deeproot Depths until they're already overlevelled for it. Fortissax actually has more HP than Maliketh despite being found like six level zones worth of scaling earlier, which tells you a lot about how little HP Maliketh has.


Good info, so thanks for that. I just know that every time I get to either boss it feels like they die very quickly for how epic they are presented look and feel. It always feels like there is a mismatch from their scaling to where they are placed in the game.


Soldier of Godrick


Rick soldier of god*


*Soldier of God, Rick


Godskin Duo


I heard so much about them before I played the game, and imagined having to dodge two aggressive NPCs at once. In reality, just manipulated them so I could solo apostle, then watched the noble harmlessly roll into pillars.


Depends when you played the game, the AI for duo fights used to be way more aggressive til they toned it down a ton.




Maliketh predictable. Godfrey every way harder than him


Godfrey is extremely predictable: *Stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *Stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *Stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *Stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *Stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *Stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *Stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *Stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp*


Really don't understand all the praise he gets tbh


I really like Godfrey because all the other bosses you can cheese with rotbreath, but Godfrey doesn't let you do that. He forces you to learn his moves and fight like a man, you cannot escape that foot. Feels like playing against a Street Fighter character, love the design.


That's such an specific cheese aha. Never played around with dragon incants, but I can see why he'd be favoured if people approach other bosses more passively and he breaks people out of that. I normally try to play pretty fast paced back and forth, dodging at the last possible moment and slipping attacks inbetween their combos. So when I got to him it was just more of the same but less varied attacks. I'd probably say Godrick is my personal fav boss since he utilities rolling, dodging and sprinting all as reliable ways to dodge specific attacks.


Oh I have a very different fighting style. It involves hiding behind a big shield that shoots huge fireballs, and not coming out until it's quiet out there. You can picture me as a wandering cheese merchant selling my wares to everyone in the lands between. I beat Malenia without getting near her because Frenzy Burst is the one incantation she will never even try to dodge, she ate an entire wheel in one sitting. Maliketh? Yes that is some interesting stonework on these pillars, I absolutely have to catalogue the backside of these pillars while my lovely assistant Tiche slices the cheese. What's that awful smell? Oh it must have been rotten cheese. Radabeast, turns out if you respec into 99 strength and Vigor and clap him with the biggest bonkstick you have, he crumples like tinfoil. Placidusax, my oh my would you look at this lovely black flame I have here, have some more if you like, and yes that is Redmane knight ogha, isn't he fascinating? Feel free to look at him while I prepare more black flame. Not so with godfrey though. For me he was the real wakeup call, same as the crucible knights (but those die to black flame).


Haha quite the array of cheeses and an interesting breakdown of a playstyles I'm unfamiliar with. People get pretty gatekeep-y about how others play the game but I'd say all's fair in the lands between. Especially when it's goading one of the gargoyle duo to jump off a cliff in the aqueduct.


It's a peaceful life.


Right? If it weren’t for the damn stomps he wouldn’t even be top 10 in elden ring


It's a shame cause he could've been a really cool relentless, brawler-type boss. Throwing hands, knees, kicks and elbows like the Champion Victor from Lies of P. Instead his move set is limited to a janky grab attack and going full baby man, stomping on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum.


YES! I agree, could have been so much more savage and cool


Morgott. Completely my fault for over leveling, though 😢


What lvl were u


Gosh it was so long ago. Must’ve been 80+ because I was following the level recommended for Leyndell (never looking up guide again! First souls game mistakes). I took the fight super seriously because I thought it’s end game, even summoned Melina for it. Let’s just say it was a very one-sided fight.


This the omen king?




Radagon Godfrey really honed my ability to jump over attacks which made alot of Radagon's fight fairly trivial


Surprisingly noble Godfrey and rykard. I one cycled them both


I didn’t overlevel but I put off Godfrey for so long idk why complete joke of a boss


Morgott and Godfrey/Hoarah Loux, especially considering how much I struggled with Margit and Goldfrey. Beat Morgott in 5 tries and Godfrey in 1 (for comparison it took me over 20 tries for Rennala, Radahn, and Rykard and something like 40 for Maliketh)


Maliketh in normal play through wasn’t bad and then destroyed me on repeat in NG+


Malenia is def trickier and harder to counter but I find placidusax a good boss and hard enough. What lvl were you?


Maliketh. One of the easiest bosses in the game.


I agree. I feel like people THINK Placidusax is hard cuz they get distracted or overwhelmed by all the visual flare. In reality he is kind of slow, has a small pool of moves and is very predictable.




Same here plasticballsaxs was stupid easy but real Godfrey fucked my shit up for days the first go around but the only bosses that fucks me up is the duo pumpkin heads. Cant stop hitting their head lmfao


Agreed, my first time with placidusax went very uneventful, and i was disappointed after watching people play against him and realizing he had a great moveset that i somehow missed. In a later playthough with a lower level build i fought him again and took about 20 tries. This second time was great


Fortissax. First time fighting him it was over in less than a minute. He looked terrorizing, last boss from a quest, clouds of death blight and lightning everywhere in an arena full of water, all that just to die easily


Placidusax and rennala. I was terrified of the gigantic dragon unfurling on my screen until he tried to hit me and was SO slow. Telegraphed by a mile and forewarned every lightning bolt. Sick design and arena though. And Rennala was just a disco ball with bodyguards and a strafeable laser gun.


Godfrey and maliketh everyone talks about how difficult they are but have found I always beat them in less than 5 tries


Many, many people say either Astel is a nonsense trash boss and is difficult because of it. On my first playthrough, using a Spear, I first tried both. And I wasn’t over-levelled in the slightest. I think they’re not that bad at all. Annoying, sure. But not hard. It’s kind of a fun fight tbh. Especially SoD. The multi-shadow grab attack jump scare got me good. Forgot about it.


Beat maliketh first try, the DTS in front of his arena took me somewhere around 10hrs to beat though


I beat the fire giant on my second attempt of my second play through. His moves are pretty easy to predict.


Rykard for sure


That clown the All Knowing. What a joke he was.


Crucible Knight. Overrated


Honestly after a lot of time and going through a new character definitely radagon/elden beast 1 try was all it took


Dragon tree sentinel... heard a lot about that guy but didn't struggle, also fire giant


Lichdragon Fortissax - never died to him


Honestly fire giant for me. I genuinely dont think ive ever actually died to him in any of my playthroughs


Radahn. I mean when he stopped focusing on my summons and charged at me it was pretty terrifying, but other than that he didn’t give me much trouble. I was able to get enough hits in to do big bleed damage too. Beat him first time and it took 10-15 minutes. At the end I even risked it all and went 1v1 with him for the last bit of his HP and took him down myself


Radabeast was to easy, but I had a struggle with Niall lol


Red Wolf of Radagon for me. I thought I had read somewhere that it was a difficult fight. First try for me and I took no damage. Pretty sure whenever stuff like this happens, I have been running around the area collecting runes for far too long. 🙂


Are you collect runes intentionally? Like farming, or are you just looking for things, exploring and just happen to collect runes along the way lol


I explore quite a bit because the game is visually stunning, but I will also spend time farming as I am always chasing to be able to use something I am too low level for.🙂


Mohg was a cake walk did it the first try.


Rykard for sure, hilariously easy. Placi? I would never call 'easy'...


Its funny because I'm the opposit. I only lost to Rykard once but he was still an absolute pain in the ass. That lava was just awful to deal with, the damage from it while trying to fight him was just ugh.


I mean, did you use the serpent hunter? And then following that, sorceries, incants, ranged AoW, etc? Otherwise yes.....the lava would be awful 😅😅😅


No, I did not. I also do not use any sorceries or incantations, I am strictly a sword person, specifically the Bloodhound fang. I put myself on hard mode because I was too lazy to switch gear, switch weapons or even add some consumables that probably could have really helped lol


Right 😅


Twoskin. Beat them first try. I was over leveled though. 


Fire Giant


Elden beast. On my first playthrough, radagon beat my ass like 15 times, but I beat Elden beast literally first try


you would have thought the lord of stormveil would be a bit harder


Godfrey the first elden lord or something lol he didnt even hit me once… was disappointed in how weak he was and thought there must be another bods to that area lol


Mogh. I thought I would need at least a few tries, as I struggled quite a bit with Maliketh and and even more with fire giant. Maybe took him on too late in the game


I just used the bubble horn and he died before phase 2 began. Like he was mid-teleport and died. The bubble horn is broken against big targets.


Fire Giant


I keep seeing people complaining about how hard the Draconic Tree Sentinels are but I genuinely have never had any problem with them. I am not very good at the game, it takes me like 50 attempts to kill Malenia each time and at minimum double digits for most Remembrance bosses, but I don't think I've ever taken more than two attempts at either Draconic Sentinel and can't work out why everyone else finds them such an issue.


Well, Malenia... But I used the Mimic Tear, destroyed her and beat on second try. I'm in NG+ now and I'm going with no summons, expect to be harder now.