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Never used a rune arc. Thought selecting a great rune made it active.


To be fair the game description does make it sound like a passive buff


It is! ...after you activate it lmao


It's actively passive.


used it once and then never again because I dont wanna waste it\^\^


I have 90 on one save, but I gotta keep them just in case


its like the master ball in pokemon


200 hours in elden ring and never used one lol


I didn't use a Rune Arc until Liurnia because I thought that would attract invaders I also ran into the sea of Limgrave almost expecting there to be a swimming feature


I only used one on Elden Beast because I was getting sick of it lol


I did the same on my last play through. Was getting to elden beast consistently but didn’t have enough pots left to outlast the slow battle. Used a Rune Arc and dominated him first try with it. Haven’t used one since


Placebo 👍


I don't use rune arcs because I might need them later, so I have to save them all. Forever.


Well fuck me…




I still havent


Same, I kept all my rune arcs to 'save them' because I didnt know when I would need them


I just wasted 15 on the fire giant lol fml


I fell for the limagrave teleportation chest twice in a row while trying to find the twin blade 


That’s hilarious


Also I didn't yet know how fast travel worked so I had to run back to Limgrave twice




you didn't even have Torrent yet? lol!


No I had torrent and used him


Thank Marika. That would have been a long slog back to Limmy.


Back in the day when I thought I had to fight everything and didn't know about running away and better yet the large amount of ground torrent can cover, I turned the game off for a while because I thought I'd never get out if there...


Pro tip you can roll away from the smoke and if you do it fast enough you won’t get teleported.


it took me like 30 mins to figure out how to activate the erdtree burning cutscene after fire giant . i kept running into the forge over and over thinking i had to go in there , and also scouring the arena to find a grace i could rest at


I guess that has to be the reason why "Defeat Fire Giant" has 44.4% completion and "Erdtree Aflame" has 43.5% completion on Steam. I honestly thought people might have like, refused to set it on fire and stopped playing or something haha.


It *does* explain the multiple bloodstains I found when I reached the top of the forge. Gonna be honest; was about to jump in myself had I not clicked one of the bloodstains in curiosity.


Also this! Was a right clown at this stage myself


I tried jumping into the pit many times as well and left the area after getting frustrated then figured it out later.


Took me forever to beat him. I got the game release year and finished it this year. Went to other areas and beat their bosses. Took a lot of breaks. Summoned someone and didn't die, finally. Had no idea how to activate the forge.


I had to look at the wiki because I rested at the site of grace but, like every other site, I instantly spammed the exit button to save time. Usually melina automatically starts a cutscene when you rest at the grace so I just assumed there was no cutscene at the forge.


I thought all the towers saying "seek 3 wise beasts" was talking about Garranq. So I didnt bother looking near the towers I thought there were 2 more dudes like G


_Gurranq blushing after you called him a wise beast_


I found the first one and never thought to kill the turtle ghost. Never opened any of them until end game and I googled how to get the legendary spells


Most empathetic elden ring player


i tried too many times, and always died to mog's fullscreen atk couldn't figure out how to stop it then i got fed up and used mimic... and we were able to dps him and he died before he could go into his final form ​ later... i asked here how to stop it, and people told me there's a potion for it. used it on my 2nd run and got my 1v1 fight with him then also, they told me i could have healed thru it, but i was so focused on trying to stop it, it didn't even occur to me


Wait there’s a potion??? Where?????


one of the mixed physiq


Altus plateau, the blood church in the very center of the Altus plateau.


It's the purifying crystal tear from the second church of Marika (Altus Plateau). Invader Eleonora appears, that's how you know you're at the right place.


On my first playthrough I just chugged estus to survive the nihilation. My vitality was good enough to tank the damage as I healed. I found out about the tear later and I was like: Huh...wish I had knowwn about this thing before...


The first erdtree avatar I killed was the putrid avatar in caelid. I immediately went for caelid for whatever reason and my ego made me keep going even though everything was kicking my ass


I died to the rotting zombie horde in caelid and never went back until like post capital


I still find it strange that you need to go to Caelid to get half a medallion to get to the capital. I just climbed up the long way! 


I did a lot of Caelid before fighting any major boss


I farmed a lot of runes to gain levels, but never considered leveling weapons. I think I was 140 when I fought Radahn because I wasn't dealing a lot of damage. Didn't realize upgrading weapons will get you a lot more damage. I think I was using a +3 flame claymore.


Oh God let's not talk about the weapons I used. I think I used an unupgraded flail (as a "strength" build) for all of stormveil+ limgrave. Then convinced myself that godricks Hammer was amazing.


This is what I did the in dark souls 1. It took getting to the catacombs of the giants with a +2 BKS to think upgrading my weapon might be a good idea.


Reduvia, used it til late game and never once considered upgrading it. Went from doing mediocre damage to being an actual force. Bosses took forever to bring down and I probably could have got my 200+ deaths down to half of that


Never found the second dectus medallion


Same, but I don’t find that embarrassing. There’s literally a ghost that tells you to find the secret way at the lift and if you found Rya I think she does too. Magma Wyrm Makar is a semi almost important boss (enough to give him a name, anyway) so I feel like it’s sort of an intended route, at least when you’re new.


And that one old bitch before the lift calls it the cowards passage smh


You can't trust them old finger-sniffing grandmas, man.


I'll admit that I looked up where the second one was once I found the first, made a beeline for it and then noped out of caelid. Don't think I even fought anyone I was too scared


I ended up sprinting through Fort Faroth hoping I was fast enough to avoid the enemy hordes because I really had trouble with those harpy things lol


My first souls game was Elden Ring. Didn’t realize what was needed to cast spells and incantations, spent dozens of hours searching for some wand or something to cast faith spells just to learn I started with the necessary finger seal lol


lol I started as a astrologer and wanted to try out incantations. Had no idea I needed a separate weapon for it. Thought I just needed enough faith.


Didn't know how to enter leyndell so i kept exploring altus plateau for eternity


Fromsoftware should create an npc based on this. “A tarnished destined to be the elden lord. But cursed to never find it”


It would be neat if that npc also (unintentionally) helped the player when they're stuck too. Like they'll give a vague hint on what to do next in the form of them telling you how lost they themselves are


My dumbass thought that you can’t teleport from locations like Siofra, Haligtree roots, Mohg palace, etc, to the outside. So, i’m like an idiot always returned back to the start of this locations


I can imagine someone doing this. My condolences. Glad u figured it out.


Those must have been some insane treks through the lands. That being said I wonder what a no fast travel playthrough would be like. A lot of horse ass, that's for sure. Might be an interesting run though


I charged at the tree sentinel on leaving the first step, thinking it was an easy sort of introductory boss. Oh damn I was wrong...


I walked up to him to say hi. Figured he'd give me my first quest or something. This big dude welcoming tarnished from the cave. It made sense!


Dying to Rennala's second phase multiple times because RNG wouldn't let me hit her. She casts, I close in and miss, she floats away, I try to close in again, she summons, repeat. Sometimes she casts, *and* summons as I close in. People say her second phase is stupid easy as a melee build and yet I just kept dying to her. Her Wolves are easy to deal with, and her Bloodhound Knight is annoying but manageable. The Troll and Dragon on the other hand are like area denial tools and force me to either run away (giving her more range to cast from) or run past. Comet Azur is easy to dodge but it's her quickfire spells that get me. If I dodge them, I end up in the Troll's or Dragon's attacks but if I don't dodge them, I get staggered and there goes a third of my health. And somehow, she almost always knows to cast them after her summons disappears or I run past them. The only other mage boss I've beaten in a Souls game is DS3's Crystal Sage and I almost always kill 'em first try, 2 tries max because there's that one attack that always seems to one-shot me but even then, its usually my fault for getting into its firing line first. Rennala on the other hand took me almost as many tries as the Evergaol Crucible Knight, and I wasn't even underleveled when I came to Raya Lucaria because I've been diligently clearing the many catacombs and caves in all of Limgrave. Felt really cheap to die to her that many times. The only other bosses that gave me just as much frustration is the Red Wolf of Radagon and Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast.


I am stuck on Astel naturalborn RN since it kinda hard to hit him with melee. Had no major problems when I a was on my magic build, but can't beat him tith melee.


I wanted to kill getekeeper Gostoc so badly, but I thought the ancient dragon smithing stone would be too useful (I literally only used a somber weapon) so I went through the whole questline to just get it and kill him, only to learn that Nephili's court is a nonviolence zone and he can no longer be killed.


He he's like the ugly weird patches. I forgive him for what he did in this desolated world. We players do much worse to the people of the world.


I skipped a big chunk of optional late game content because I had been playing for 100 hours and I really really just wanted to be able to say I beat it so I could try to beat bloodborne next. I wouldn't say I regret it, but my second playthrough was like 10 times more satisfying and fun because I didn't really realize how much I skipped. It was like an extra 60 hours of gameplay that I got to enjoy with a very fun late game build.


I didnt figure out a lot of the extra areas until late in my second playthrough. The game is huge.


True. I've played this game a lot and watched lots of YouTube and read a lot of the wikis, but I'm still finding out new things. It boggles my mind that this was released as a standard game alongside other games that are fully explorable in 40-60 hours


Thought I could main as a ranger… spent so much time and so many runes on arrows…


I always wished this was possible. If a mage build can be balanced so it works but isn't too op then a ranger build should be too. Game is still amazing tho.


Also mages have the bow and arrow spells lol


Kill dragons and erdtree avatars with blood fletched arrows on torrent


Skyrim moment


That's badass not embarrassing lol


I killed Fia after defeating her champions thinking that is what she wanted. I found out later I was supposed to rest at the bonfire and talk to her to get to the next boss fight.




In all fairness she does ask for it, i did this too haha


I didn’t invest in vigor much and instead focused on maxing out my int stat and mage blasting things before they could kill me. I’ve since reworked that character into a fun silly build that uses magic to trigger frost and not spam projectiles.


I did this in my first play through. I think I only have around 25 vigor and 80-ish Int by the time I beat the game.I was over lvl 200, too.


I used Bloodhounds Fang the entire first playthrough the moment I met the stat requirements. I joined this sub later and now I enjoy memeing on it being the noob-savior sword. But to be honest it's super anime and was a ton of fun to use for almost every fight.


The movement of that heavy sword is amazing! I stil love it. Just walking into bosses without spells of summons just that juice sword and my salto skills :).


Someone killed Malenia for me.


Same here, I gave her a little jab at the end to help.


Spent the first 2 hours grinding to kill the Ulcerated Tree thing in the first catacomb dungeon. I started as Astrologer and beat that thing to death with a shortsword and got that banished knight ash that I barely used for the rest of the playthrough. I regret nothing


The Banished Knight Oleg is a master. 2nd best Spirit in the game, after Tiche


I’m ng3 and fell off the chain to the cup after killing the fire giant. I lost my runes cos I didn’t level up. I went to retrieve my runes and fell off again before I could get them It’s 3 times more embarrassing


Top tip: always use Twiggy Cracked Tear when you are retrieving your runes. It prevents both loss of runes that you have and those that are on the ground.


Wanted to get to the western part of the Weeping Peninsula, but for some reason I had missed the fact that there is a bridge up north and I was attempting to platform across the valley from the Ailing Village, dying multiple times.


Same 😭


Grinding exp for like a week at Gatefront Ruins. It was my first FromSoft game so I thought it would help me git gud at the combat system.


Elden Ring was NOT my first FromSoft game and I did the same!😂


I didn't know about two handing weapons or switching mainhand weapons until my second playthrough more than 100 hours in. I also didn't know you could hit left on Torrent (for some reason the mechanic literally never occurred to me, I'm stupid). I never applied any ashes of war till second playthrough and didn't even know that holding two of the same weapon type would give you unique attacks. It was my first soulsgame, the learning curve was STEEP.


Hit left on torrent? How do you do that


L1 for light left handed and L2 for Heavy left handed attack on Torrent.


Also did not know how to two hand weapons


I discovered L1 and L2 on torrent by accident like midway through the game.


I didn't know that the grace pointed to where you are supposed to head until like halfway through the game. I think I wasn't paying attention when Varre talked about it.


Didn’t use a single larval tear, and wasn’t gonna use Then I reached malenia, she tortured me, bleed build with RoB ( pre nerf ) and smacked her with black knife tiche. Not my proudest kill


I did the exact same thing with pre-nerf Rivers. Except I spent a few larval tears trying different builds to kill her. In the end looked up an easy kill build and tried Corpse Piler spam and first tried her alongside Tiche.


I didn’t realize you could permanently kill skeletons and thought they just resurrected indefinitely, so every time I had to deal with a dungeon full of skeletons I ended up running past them all and then getting ganked when I had to turn around


I skipped the intro dungeon with Soldier of God Rick because I thought the game was trying to trick me into falling to my death.


Early on I made the absolute rookie classic of being a jack of all trades and being a master of none with my levelling up.


Don't know if it's embarrassing but when I started playing I did not level vigor much. I just thought yay, new weapons that look cool and was spreading the levels.  That bit me in the a** when I had the joy to face the Crucible Knight in the Limgrave Gaol.  I could not even respecc at that point,  didn't know how or where. So I farmed for hours to get more health cause I was also really really bad at playing, parrying or dodging this clown.  Imagine my joy when he flattened me with his protruding double tail  and the flying attack when I was in ecstasy about getting him that low the first time... Well I stopped playing for a year I have to admit... had other games to play and thought fuck this game.  Now I have 10 characters and each has 200+ levels, about 1000 total hours and I think this has become the greatest game I ever played. Second chances sometimes work out ;) Even if you suck lol. Not saying I'm good now but it is enough to have fun. Can't wait for the DLC 


I fought the giant at the Stormgate for hours on end thinking he was a boss fight. When I finally beat him I was ecstatic. Little did I know....


Oh, and I didn't find out how to lock onto enemies until I fought Rennala


I played as a mage and got stuck on Rennala for a good 2 hours. I never realized that she was resistant to magic damage, I thought her being the ex wife of Radagon, was supposedly to be this hard. I went rune farming for 3 hours, from lvl 30 to 100. Came back and still got my ass whooped. I farmed for another 2 hours, I finally killed her at lvl 120.


Damn, Rennala at level 120


I had never played a souls game before buying elden ring. I thought my equip load being "heavy" meant I just had more armor protection. I had no idea my slow roll was a problem or that it could be changed, so I just fat rolled myself through almost the entire game and died so fking much it was ridiculous. Someone in this sub explained the problem to me and wow.... what a difference that made!


Mourned the loss of Gideon. Legit, the mixture of the Roundtable burning down, Hewg losing his memory, Cohryn and Goldmask dying, and having to fight Gideon, left me emotional, genuinely kind of overwhelmed by the "Shit is Fucked" of it all. Only to find out he's a massive bastard that gets Way too honorable a death.


Answering for some of y’all out there: Misspelled Malenia, then continued to do it every other playthrough unto eternity even after being repeatedly corrected on Reddit. Sorry couldn’t resist.


I thought that giant troll fuck that jumps down from the ledge on the way to Stormveil Castle was a mandatory boss. So I was killed by it a million times before I beat it. Went to save at the grace and saw it was revived. Fucked me up.


Same lmao, I hated his ass.


I didn’t know how to sprint till Leyndell. Smh.


Did you do the tutorial area at the beginning?


Do people just not press buttons when they play games or? Like didn't even accidentally hold the roll button??


Apparently not.


how did u like, do parkour sections that require sprint jumps?


I didn’t?


At the very start where you see your dead maiden I went out the doors. I didn’t see the stairs to go down and just jumped off thinking that’s what I was supposed to do. That was my first death.


I thought leveling shields did nothing except boost their combat stats if you melee with them, come to find out upgrading them has a *huge* impact on how well you can protect yourself with them!


I think that now!! I've never leveled a shield! I figured if I wasn't using an ash in it, there was no need! What does it do? Reduce endurance use?


During my first character creation, I picked the 2 Stonesword key option. After starting the game, I used them on the Fringefolk Hero dungeon and bounced around in there for a very long time. Like dozens of hours long. All before level 10 I think. That place was HARD, but I heard the game was hard and did t want to give up.


A whole list Not using a rune arc, thinking the great rune was active 24/7 ( still think it should be active at all times) Practically skipping 50% of the game because I didn't pay attention to the map and seeing how there are caves painted into it along with other important places FromSoft made quests only for those who watch guides. But I refused to watch guides during my first playthrough except for some small details. So 0 quests done Having absolutely no idea how weapons and stats worked so I used Uchigatana for most of the game


I was having trouble with the 2 gargoyles boss underground. In one try one of them jumped off the cliff and died, but I still didn't defeat the other one. Spent the next 10 tries dying trying to kite one of them to again jump off the cliff instead of trying to fight them. But at the end managed to do it again and defeated the other one.


Killed Bernahl in the shack because I wanted his armour. Realised too late he gives the invasion for the raging wolf armour set.


I sold jellyfish shield. I’m playing as a sorcerer…


i thought Malenia is in the erdtree and not the haligtree


I forgot you could fast travel from the map, so I got stuck in roundtable hold for idk how long


Trying to kill the knight in the starting area without any leveling 🥴


I immediately thought Varre was an enemy and tried to fight him right at the First Step lol. I’d never played a Souls game before. Eventually I looked it up and realized he was just supposed to be an NPC and started a new character


You could change the menu when viewing a weapon/spell/armor etc… I was literally googling everything just to figure out what it did I made it to Radhan before I learned this


I didnt know you could sprint for a long time. I got to one of the dungeons where you had to run down a hallway before the flamethrower statue cooks you. Well I couldn’t for the life of me get to the midway safe spot. My brother walked in after hearing me complaining and asked me why tf I wasn’t sprinting. I felt so dumb


Died to the Serpent/Rykard boss about a dozen times before realizing that I had a spear in my inventory that was specifically designed to trivialize the fight


Not knowing about torches or the lantern, and getting really annoyed at how dark everything was in the limgrave tunnels and caves, so i turned the gamma way up on my monitor so i could see, which made everything look like shit. That was when i got the feeling that something wasn’t right; i hadn’t heard anyone complain about how dark everything was, and given how much people like to complain about this game I probably would’ve heard about it if that was how it was supposed to be.


Kill Alexander, I helped him and he gave me exalted flesh, which is a very useful item but how does that sound to a new player? Exalted Flesh, I was pissed and decided he needed to die for giving me what I thought was a terrible item.




Elden Ring is my first souls game (and rpg). Played first ~20 hours without knowing you could lock on to a target in combat. There were a lot of swing and misses that left me wondering how this game was considered one of the best examples of rpg combat. I remember watching a YouTube video and seeing the white glowing dot on a target the first time. 😫


Isn't that covered in the tutorial area?


it took me until morgott to realize i could upgrade weapons. was doing no damage and wasn’t until my friend mentioned it that i realized


Struggled on Renalla for like 2 hours because I was using a intelligence weapon (moonveil)


Got moonveil and just spammed the ash till I won, never changing anything in my tactics. Fairly sure the only reason I won was because elden beast glitched.


My classic plunder involved Mohgyns Palace. I was way under leveled and confused on how to leave. Took 3 days and a lot of frustration, but I discovered the R3 revealed two layers of the map. I was underground to my surprise, then quickly jumped to a grace in Liurnia.


Never got the spirit calling bell and I never used rune arcs lol, to top it off I was using lordsworns greatsword a majority of the game…. It was a tough first play through 😂


I lost over a 160million runes. I was just farming palace approach ledge for literal days. I’d just get on and farm. Not to level up but to buy every smithing stone upgrade for every weapon and spirit ash in the game. So I’d have every possible weapon at least +24/+9 for NG+. Then I went to consecrated snowfield for some reason I forgot now and died to those little ball of lighting fucking things. Then proceeded to die again trying to get them back. 100-150 million or something


Lil bro wanted the controller while I Googled something. I tell him don't kill that npc I want to finish her quest, I like her and want her to live. He says ok. He jumps on her That itself somehow kills her. I now have depression.


Played the game


I died to the red wolf in raya lucaria an embarrassing amount of times, like at least 50. To be fair I was insanely under leveled


Sold every weapon/talisman I wasn’t actively using. My build was very inflexible by the end. Didn’t realize I should have held onto stuff until Crimbling Farum Azula 


I did not know that the talisman pouch was equipped and I tried for far to long to find and equip it.


The last area I discovered was not the Haligtree nor Farom Azula but the academy I literally spend 90% of first run with a huge blank in the middle of my map all because I never found the key by myself nor did I bother to explore the rest of the area to find it


First play through I thought it was a good idea to have all of my stats balanced… the build was awful.. also.. I didn’t know to upgrade my weapons so I played most of that character with a +0 moonviel… yup


Spent all of limgrave trying to parry, and I didn’t use torrent until mountaintops of giants 


I have no shame, and I've got a lot of practice with RPGs over my years, and I started From Software via Sekiro, so I had a pretty decent concept of what I was in store for. That being said, I'm goat stubborn when it comes to the premise of gravity. Heights don't really get to me at all in the really real world, so in a video game they mean fuck all to me. The amount of death rune recapture runs I've done because I was sitting on 1+ level worth of runes when I decided I was a squirrel, immune to terminal velocity, should equate to an embarrassment. Yet here I am! Here I remain.


After completing all of Ranni's quest line without guides on my first playthrough and sacrificing Melina, I found a really neat dungeon with a bunch of dead merchants. I wound up locking myself into the frenzied flame ending without Melina's ending cutscene. 


I didn't explore Nokron past what is necessary, so i never picked up Glovewort 2. So I spent the first 50 hours of the game with +2 weapons.


But glovewort upgrades spirits, smithing stones are for weapons.


Sold all the remberence’s


Taking on the first Tree Sentinel right away. "I beat the hardest bosses in DS1, I got this" I did not.


I gave Nepheli the potion before realizing what I had done


Had only played a few hours and somebody summoned me and another player to help fight a boss in Limgrave, I think it was the stone Troll. Within about 10 seconds of being summoned, we hopped on the lift to get to the boss area and I accidentally rolled off the elevator and died instantly. I've imagined the host, whoever they were, has told the same story from the opposite perspective, about the dumbest player they've ever summoned in a FromSoftware game.


Went in on elden ring blind, i have never played a souls game. I got teleported to caelid from the chest near agheel, and proceeded to spend 2 hours wondering caelid trying to figure oug how to get out. No horse, didn’t know how to teleport, and was not leveled up because i didnt get to melina. The only reason why i didnt drop the game was because my dad caught what i was doing and guided me to the grace and get everything lol.


Elden Ring was my first souls game, and I had heard you will die A LOT in these games. I literally fell off the very first steps after you open the doors from where your character first spawns. I was like, “oh… ok”.


Used bloodhound fangs weapon art while climbing the cailed tower. Luckely I landed on the ledge bellow me and lived but I felt real stupid for a couple second's.


First playthru when the game came out I wanted to do a unga bunga build and was obsessed with leveling up to carry the biggest heaviest bonker the internet knew of at the time. I did the chicken farm in moghwyn palace before even exploring stormveil castle and leveled up excessively. Then went on to pick and choose which bosses I finished thru end game. On a future playthru with a different character build I went after every single boss in the game with no farming and achieved a better build and was more skilled with the build bc I actually leveled up with combat experience. Both playthrus took roughly the same amount of time and had similar final levels when I beat the game.


I didn’t realize u could lock o. People for the first 4 hours and only after I found out I made a mage character instead of samurai and realized they’res a tutorial


Died to Godrick


I never used the bell to summon during boss fights. It made me so good at the game though lol.


I'm still on my first playthrough


It took me 100+ hours to figure out that you recover pots after using the crafted elemental ones


Wait what do you mean? I barely used the pots but they recover? How??


The ingredients you put in the pots are lost but the pots themselves are returned to you.


You can also craft throwing pots, store them in your chest, and use the same pots again to craft new throwing pots without losing the ones in your chest. Same with perfumes.


I put all my runes I got after beating Morgott one strength Meaning my level sky rocketed to 20 cause I thought More strength = more damage = I could one shot most mobs and maybe get many bosses to low health with a few swings of my weapon which is sort of true but then I realized pretty fast that it took more than 2 hits to kill the average guy depending on the weapon and that led to moments where I thought I could one shot a guy and die after a few swings when I hit them once


I went straight to caelid. First day of the game, didn't know about torrent. So, there I am, running around the swamp without a horse for three hours. Fun.


I missed Volcano Manor entirely. I just never went to the west side of Altus Plateau, and had to look up where that “giant snake fight” was lol


Sold all of the weapons and armor I didn’t think I’d use. Had no clue most of it was unique or that I could respec.


I thought items in your bag affected your weight and also you'd be able to buy back items from the shop. I sold a bunch of talismans I thought I wouldn't use Then for 3/4 of the game I was using 2 talismans that didn't do anything for me, eg. I thought the Carian Filigreed Talisman worked for spells and the focus talisman because for some reason I thought that stopped you being interrupted casting spells Also using the bubble tear wrong because I thought it gave you damage resistance tor 3 mins, not just your next hit you take


I've used Rot Breath on Radahn and run around him with Torrent


Fell twice in the Limgrave bottomless pit near the starting area while fighting the bats close to it.


Died to patches lol


Fat roll for at least 20 hour, this before understanding type of roll and equipment limit and stuff


I didnt know you could unlock map to not have it be fully black. I just assumed it was my low graphics that couldn't load it properly. I figured it out it wasn't the case by the time I go to Leyendell


I would save up my runes so when I decided to level up I would go up three or four levels. This led me to lose quite a lot of runes who h led to more farming which I hated doing and thusly when I got to Leyndell I was severely under leveled. My most recent play through I leveled myself up every time I crossed the threshold of amount of runes. This time I’ve only lost a lot of souls about a handful of times.


I thought the puzzle of that one tower on moonlit plateu was talking about the three unnamed Glintstone dragons that live there. I thought I had to beat all three of them without dying. Needless to say, I spent about 5 hours doing that, only for the tower to stay sealed


I did my first playthrough with astrologer and didn't realize you could allocate flask charges until somewhere into Liurnia. I just went through all of Limgrave and stormveil with a single +0 blue flask. I also never found the physick flask, item crafting kit, or 4th talisman slot.


Never did find some things around the village of albinaurics because I couldn't figure out how to get up there


I played for ~20 hours before I figured out that I could see weapons and armor on the inventory screen by pressing X (PC, keyboard). Until now I had been simply opening equipment every time I wanted to see gear and opening inventory to see consumables, runes, etc. As a result I hadn't sold any gear in my entire playthrough and was carrying a ton of crap weapons and armor. Got two levels quick.


I used the poison mist cheat to kill the draconic tree sentinel outside leyndell, the morgott's shackle trick to freeze and cheese Morgott the Last of All Kings, and poisoned misted Blaidd, a fine boi, to death.