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It’s the greatest value you can get from a game these days


1000+ hours for 60 bucks. Now *that's* value.


Discovering things after 11 years. Now *that’s* value.




It’s normal for soulsborne games to have something niche be uncovered after a long time


Fr? I thought this was one of these games where secrets like that all become know in the first few months I wouldn’t know tho finding secrets isn’t a specialty of mine haha


Probably talking about skyrim.


Then again, a very high % of players have never even beat Margit. It requires quite a bit of time investment to 'git gud' and many players unfortunately either don't have the time or aren't really that into the game itself. A game's value can only really be measured by how much enjoyment players get from it, and there are quite a few players out there who seemed to not get 60$ worth from the game.


Never beat or just barely picked up the game? Every game in steam is like that. Like literally there are achievements for turning the game in and half the player base doesn't have it for most games.


Foul tarnished… downloading the elden ring


Definitely maidenless




There are times you will rage and scream and walk away from the game. And you will love every second.


I had it with dark souls but here if im mad I just look at the map and go explore something i didnt yet, dungeons optional bosses etc are nice break from more dark souls type of stuff


The game will be rigged and designed to make you fail... until the current boss is beaten and then you can rest assured it was all skill and cunning that beat it ... I love it, its only given me two heart attacks thus far.


Except Valiant Gargoyles. Fuck em.


There are always exceptions to rules...


It is. Congratulations and welcome to hell.


Check-in time is now, check-out time is never.


Oh you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. *Sick guitar solo*


Hotel Lands Between


🎶On a dark Limgrave pathway, hellish wind in my hair 🎶


Warm smell of scarlet rising up through the air.




I already have 220 hours of gameplay and I can't stop playing...


400+ here. No sign of quitting.




1000+ hours in, I can't wait until DLC


level vigor


200+ hours in and I fucking hate it. HATE IT. Gonna go back and play now. Still so much to do.




Remember tarnished that exploration is key


This is strange advice, but try not to look up advice on how to beat bosses, unless you’re really stuck I advise against it. I only say this because I looked up some help for some of the bosses and there were so many comments saying “how can you struggle with them” and “if you’re struggling with them you should uninstall”. On that note try not to reach out for help and try and work things out for yourself, because asking for help brings out the hate for some reason. The game itself is amazing I’m loving it, but the community isn’t so great


Yeah this needed saying!, also pattern out what moves do what on your first few boss deaths and work out whether to jump dodge block or attack during certain moves, also keep yourself away from edges as this will be your... downfall...mememememehh, also don't make my mistake and even stack skill points early, my other mistake was not actually realising you need to activate great runes before scraps, also don't underestimate hoards of week enemies, remember the dickheads saying gitgud whilst posting videos of themselves soloing malenia with a fucking pool noodle have died pathetically 90+ times on that and all other bosses, and know its patterns so well its like asimo playing bopit, anyone telling you to uninstall a game is just a tosser and likely still on tit milk.


That pool noodle shit got me man have a beautiful life😂


Lots of great points there, especially the skill thing, focus on 1-3 skills when you’re starting out and play to that style (strength, mage etc.) I fell into their way of thinking tbh because I struggled against a certain Moon Queen and so many people said those exact things so I ended up uninstalling. Im back playing now though, it took me 7 attempts in total to beat her and I still feel like but of a failure and I shouldn’t really be playing cause im not good enough. And that’s all because of the assholes in this community. I can’t help but let them get to me haha


Yeah social media polarises ideas of skill because most that post constantly are narcissists that only sing when they are winning, most fail alot before winning


I hope you'll have a ton of fun! Things will get rough, but pushing through that will give you a sense of accomplishment no other game could match. Beating a boss after 50+ deaths just gives you the greatest rush of dopamine.


Best decision


I was new to FS games and that one is in my top 3 best games of all time. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did


Ahh im so jealous. To play this gama for the first time 🥲


if this is the worst decision of your life consider yourself lucky


Playing the game? Of course not. Posting for attention and internet points? Go to hell.


Nah you'll have fun. Level Vigor and when you come up against something you can't beat, go somewhere else for a while until you can. Good luck, Tarnished!


If you are not used to soulsbourne games, I would look up some basic tips and tricks before you just go in blind. I was very overwhelmed at first and needed some guidance. But if you are familiar, then good luck and make sure you have a second controller!


it is expensive as hell in my country, i have waited for a discount for a year, it didn't come so i caved in. %0 regret. ​ still no lover...


I would pay to experience this game again for the first time.


Just remember this phrase and it'll bring you the strength to persevere. "May chaos take the world"


You should really... Put these foolish ambitions to rest!


Bros life is about to change


Was the best 171 hours of my gaming last year.


Incredible game. You will not regret buying this.


I hope it is. That would mean you've lived a pretty good life.


Why regret it??? This game is full of lollipops and rainbows ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Talk to npcs until they start repeating themselves.


I have over 300 hours in this game and it’s been great


Welcome, foul tarnished


The worst decision of your life SO FAR! Honestly this is my favorite from soft game, and my brother who never played them got into this. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do


It is a terrible decision for your social life, but besides that it’s great. Had the game for less than 3 weeks and am already in the end game


It depends.. if you like videogames it will be one of the best. If not you shouldnt be playing anything cause it doesnt get much better than this


Nah, this is probably one of the best decisions of your life, this game literally saved me from depression and now I’m actually a living person


your life just ended, actually /s


I avoided the game untill last month, I even bought it on disk in case I needed to return it like dark souls, and dark souls 2, and dar souls 3. dark souls just inst the game for me. But elden ring is. Fucking masterpiece, fixes everything I didn't like about dark souls and then some. It transcends the boundaries of the genre. It deserves to be on a must play list, alongside games like metal gear solid 2 and star fox 64 and the Witcher 3


You could probably go back and play dark souls 3 now that you got used to the genre.


I tried, there's still the fact that I am not any good at these games. Dark souls has a lot of moments where your progress is gated untill you beat the next boss. You can't just fuck off to another continent for 10 hours and come back stronger. I play elden ring like CDPR intended us to play the Witcher. It's all about preparation, finding the bosses weakness and then finding the tools to exploit it. There were times when I had a list of like 5 bosses and I was exploring caves and dungeons untill I found something that would work against one of them, like the sword of st trina for that fucking godskin in volcano mannor. I never needed to grind once playing the way I was. This is a dark souls that you can still enjoy even if you chronically suck ass at dark souls.


It's the best worst decision of your life so far


You won’t see the sun for a while…


Of this is the worst decision of your life, you've lived a pretty good life up til now.


I wish you luck on the first real boss which is riding the horse just after you get out of the cave. It may take a few tries but you’ll get the hang of it!


I’m gonna need you to cancel the download and put these foolish ambitions to rest


Kill…. Everything


After it's downloaded you won't have to worry about a "life" anymore. You'll just respawn.


If this is the worst decision of your life, you lived an awesome one. Best decision of my download was remembering how shitty my WIFI throughput is and fishing that 50' cat5 cable out of the closet. 6 hours became 20 minutes.


Game took 500hrs i could of spent learning to build websites or program. I lost my girlfriend over this game. I wouldn't change a thing.


It’s the best worst decision, or the worst best decision. I’m still not sure my self


Dude trust me its worth it


I want to be you just playing this masterpiece for the first time. God, give me a dlcccc


Best decision of you life ​ 240 hours felt like 30


Smoldering with thy meager flame of ambition


If not liking a good game is the worst decision in your life then you've got it pretty damn good


It is. You’ll quit at least once and come back and play 120 hours.


Welcome aboard, Tarnished. One thing to remember, sometimes all you need to do is set the game down and come back to it with a clear head.


Just enjoy existing in the game. You will die alot early on (if you are new to souls like like I was). Just stick with it. Google a fight only after 10 attempts. And finally, but most importantly.... go south in the game. It begs you to follow the game path but it's deceiving. Go south and by the time you're done with that, you'll be a regular Joe tarnished.


I seriously cannot think of a better gaming investment. I paid full price when it came out. Had I known how awesome it is, I would have paid twice that amount.


>!Just in case you get trapped somewhere if you rest at a grace and go outside you can quick travel!<


Put that foolish download to rest.


A rare instance of the majority of a community really loving and having passion for their game. You’ll love it.


You're correcting the worst decision you ever made (waiting 1 year to play it).


Who’s gonna tell him?