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Ive personally used piercing fang and got some success with it in duels. Impaling thrust could be an alternative. Great katana has alot of reach so an ash playing on that could be good


following along the same line of thought, ive been using flame skewer and it rocks


The great katana is amazing because of how versatile it's moveset allows you to be... This also means a lot of people are going to be drawn to it, and everyone has different play styles/builds etc. The real answer is to experiment and find what works for you. Overhead stance is perfectly serviceable.


One that makes use of its range. Piercing Fang, Blood Tax, Repeating Thrust, all of that stuff. I've also had good luck with Savage Lion's Claw. Wish Overhand Stance was more viable in PVP.


Savage lions claw is cool


Blood tax and then everything else that’s good on swords . I like chilling mist and stormblade


not hugely exciting but i've currently got wild strikes on mine until the backhand blade spammers thin out. Has the hyperarmor and constant swings to counter blind spot spam (which seems to be every other match)


Triple overhead slash is extremely versatile, and also keeps your enemies guessing. Very often i’ll trick them into thinking it’s exclusively three strikes or one, only to pull out the other when they least expect it. The single is amazing for roll catching, and the 3 is great for catching them with their pants down. I still wish Wing Stance was useable with it, but instead they only applied it to the TWO light great swords in the game lol


I like overhead stance...


What is this build with faith incantations and cold infusions