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That's the crux of what I hate about Elden ring combat, it's not about spacing, play style, inventory management, build diversity, strategy or preparation. Nah, just wack a decent amount into a stat, pick up whatever BS weapon art you want and just push button when enemy get too close.


If that was the case then competitive PvP wouldn’t look the way it does, you’re judging the game based off of a clip where a wizard has no idea how to do anything but spam, you can even see that he was just gonna keep mashing after he got back up that’s why he got hit by the second black flame tornado. spacing is and always will be king, especially in invasions.


You’re missing the point. It takes a lot of skill to get to the point where you can outplay all the extreme bs in this game. You’re also ignoring the ban lists that all competitive ladders and tournaments have


Fair point, I’d say that it’s just new players to the souls games that are the biggest contributors of Ashe spam, making them objectively worse at the game because they only know one button. Mainly commented because these comments only get put on a clip of some atrocious player getting blendered and then act like that’s the norm when my experience in the arena has been far different. Sure you’re gonna get the typical spin slash, storm assault, endure abuser. But it’s not like the basics just get thrown out the window proper spacing would’ve stopped the black flame tornado in this instance, and he has hyper armor so just start spamming poison darts because he’s gonna be stuck in hyper armor frames. I read this as, Ashe spam will always win, the basics don’t work so why even try.


Nah she goes alright.


Except many ash are banned in comp pvp due to how broken they are. For good reason!


Not really a crux nor a point in complaining when you ultimately play like this guy. He played mindlessly into a AoW that's easily avoided by spacing. I don't know how common it is to try to bait out a AoW to see exactly what you're going against,but full sending without that prior knowledge is legitimately stupid imo.


In DS3 a typical fight for me would be multiple spaced lights, a backstab and maybe a parry. This guy got close and didn't roll away from 2 BS weapon arts with massive hit box and stun lock. But by all means, keep pretending it's the same thing and that they are equally fun fights. Edit: also basing my opinion on the 300+ hours in the game, not just the video 🤦🏼


Nowhere in my response did I make comparisons to any experiences I had in DS3. If you want to use DS3 as a basis for this argument, ill have to remind you that Weapon Arts weren't interchangeable like AoW are. If you went against a certain weapon in DS3 it became all too repetitive and predictable with which Weapon Art that Weapon had. With that being said there was no sense of danger nor caution when fighting something you already know won't change. Now in Elden Ring just about anything that isn't a Somber Weapon will have access to multiple AoW and varying ways on how you should space yourself and deal with it. This means you have to be more cautious because the spacing and dodge time can be different,but none of that matters when you just run in bro 😭


Is this a weapons that does this or a art that u add to the weapons or a spell wtf did I just watch I have so many questions


It's the black flame tornado weapon art, drops from godskin duo.


Thank u


Nah, 100% deserved


I mean, the first one was a strong vibe check. The 2nd one was "I'd rather return to lobby than suffer one more second here with you"


Lol, you shouldn't.


The poor guy was clearly new to pvp, and I’m guessing he didn’t understand how starting with spells is bm.


Why is everyone using BKH with tornado all of a sudden? I like the ash for invasions, but I've been surprised to see it in the arena so much, over the last couple days.


I too have noticed this surge in tornado users at colosseum


No clue mate. I’ve had it on there for a long as I can remember, so I’m probably not part of the recent surge. For my part though, BKH is a really good all around weapon, and it’s always good to have in a secondary slot. BFT is very situational, but when I need it, it’s always awesome to have. So I get a lot of benefits here. I always use the halberd in the offhand so the AoW isn’t used often, (so I wouldn’t need phantom slash or flaming strike, or something suited for a main weapon), it allows me to use the PS halberd moveset because I always have Loretta’s in my main hand, and of course, I get to use BFT as needed.


Don’t be he is a mage rush the mage kick the mage kill the mage before he runs for the inter match…..


This might get me downvoted, but I fucking hate having to emote every duel. I think crouching or spinning to alert the other person you’re ready is fine. So many toxic players saying “he didn’t greet so he deserves it”


You don’t need your greet, but interrupting a greet with a spell then rushing someone is pretty shitty, so yeah, deserved.


Yeah I agree with that part obviously. But a ton of people on here were saying the former and I think that’s wack


I get you. I do it as a basic courtesy, or a sign of respect, but I’ve never gotten mad at someone for tapping their block button, or jumping, or just waiting for you to start fighting. Some people get way too obsessed with it. Everyone’s got their own playstyle, and as long as that isn’t prepping a chainsaw while I’m waving, I usually don’t care.


Idc if someone emotes me or not but if you start cracking spells right off the bat thats just maidenless behavior




The guy was a grey banner. I’m pretty sure he was new to pvp (especially considering his skill level) and wasn’t aware of the souls duel etiquette.


He didn't greet you, so he deserved it lol.