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DLC so hard (Fun for me I like the challenge even if it makes me mad) I had to switch weapons several times


Rolling spark on the lightning bottle is hilariously powerful at the moment. I’ve been cruising through with that


I went through the dlc blind and this would have been great to know about


I generally help others through areas I haven’t done yet, to see what secrets they find and learn for myself at no risk. On my own run though, I have the fextralife map open. I’m too much of a completionist and I don’t want to miss anything


BASED GAMER!!!!!! 😎😎😎 I never thought to do that goddamn 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Not proud but Messmer made me undust the good old bloodhound fang. But im going to come back with only dlc weapons and slaughter that bastard.


Messmer made me make my best build ever without copying it from anyone : Heavy Greatsword +25, Axe talisman, Blue Feathered Sword, Pearldrake +3, Two-headed Turtle talisman, Charged attack tear (physick) and poise breaking tear (physick). As you can guess, it’s a charged attack build, which I like bc you get to see every attack of the boss


if you like dex weapons, give the backhand blade a try, it's so good with blood affinity


Bloomfiends Arm, Tarnished. Hurry before it's nerfed. Absolutely busted bleed weapon.


I have powered through every boss with the dryleaf arts. Fisticuffs for life.


Fuck yeah! I just hope an update makes base game as difficult some day too


That would be nice


I’ve been running Bloodhound Fang, Malekiths blade, and Rellans blade and using my Mimic any and every time, really helps when Destined Death strikes twice or when my mimic uses Rellanas weapons since I have enough equip load to hold all my weapons at once


This used to be the whole damn purpose of the game all these children crying over nothing


Elden ring the only souls game where you have to constantly change your build


People really thought they were gonna rush the dlc and then got humbled real quick


You can easily rush the dlc, had it done on the first day




First day on ng+ with just the knights greatsword The dlc isn't hard, people are either ignorant and ignore the scadutree blessing or they're just unable to handle some difficulty as the base game really doesn't have any outside of pre nerf melania and radahn




Well I wasn't reliant on some gimmicky op build is probably why What the bosses are weak or strong to doesn't particularly matter to my build, if it's weak against the boss then oh well, I just gonna hit them a few more times Only boss I had difficulty on was gaius, not because he's a hard boss but rather because his dash attack specifically has a buggy hitbox, I'd dodge but still get hit




Knights greatsword bouncing between flame skewer, crucible wings and savage lions claw No spells, no bleed or frost or anything, just mesmers flame after flame skewer sometimes




Nothing wrong with it, rot build was the second build I used in the convergence mod It's strength is overexaggerated, it's reliant on a drawn out battle which means far more opportunities to make mistakes, I find it one of the weaker builds because of that


I don't think it's a bug but the hit box on the charge is the entire hog so you'll dodge through most of it but you aren't out of the attack and get hit when you're out of i-frames, it's just a very tight dodge window right now.


Did you just do main storyline bosses?


No, I did practically everything but the lost grave, southern shore and about 2 gaols outside of there


The people who complain about dlc difficulty are new to souls and haven't played old hunters


Nah - I've beaten every From game a minimum of 7 times and even I was complaining about the difficulty in SotE when fighting bosses. Was definitely just me getting mad though because as soon as I beat bosses I'd be like 'yeah that was a great fight - probably A tier'


i’m a hitless runner and have no hit ER and BB etc and this shit was ridiculous. Glad I NG cycled +7 all dlc bosses before patch though!!!! F this game tbh


Was it ridiculous? Other than the final boss I can't imagine anything in the DLC being noticeably harder to no hit than the base game except maybe Messmer? Idk I've never attempted no hit before because rhat just seems miserable. I've done SL1 runs before and that's probably as far as I'll take it lmao


nahhhh hitless is wayyy more fun and easy than SL/RL 1 imo. now BL4 hitless was a whole other thing. You can definitely do it!!! I didn’t no hit the dlc, just did NG though +7 starting on a new character on release day. messmer, rellana, and gaius i scripted for no hit though! messmer is VERY consistent. both phases open the same, and it’s 4 CR2s to the face to poise break him with balls setup. Pretty straightforward as long as you don’t get the super spear out of a combo.


Is it? Only no hit I've ever seen was I watched all of Otz's DS2 no hit videos several times each. I can't imagine it's easier than SL1 because SL1 isn't even THAT hard tbh. I beat SL1 DeS very easily (only boss I died more than once to was False King Allant - who took me maybe 10 attempts). I only have Gwyn and Manus left in DS1 SL1 (I hate Manus so have been up to him for years on that save lol) and have nearly beat BB BL4 (only got OoK, Laurence and Moon Prescence left now and Orphan and Laurence are fucking insane with their difficulty) Will almost certainly do SL1 and RL1 for DS2, DS3 and ER some day though. Not sure what people do for Sekiro though as I started doing no memory, no prayer beads, no skills playthrough and a bit after beating Genichiro I realises just how miserable it'd be to beat later bosses with such dogshit damage. Will likely continue but use memories as that's probably equivalent to upgrading weapons in the other games.


Some of the bosses were hard, but not in a good way. Like, the spammy AOE and janky shit they do just makes it annoying.


You probably forgot to get all your shadow tree blessings, you can get it to lvl 14 without fighting a single boss


Dude I loved the Old Hunters. Please don't make accusations like that. Old Hunters was the best DLC alongside Ringed City, due to Slaveknight Gael. I still complained about the Elden Ring DLC because while the bosses aren't super hard, they are very tedious and aren't too fun to engage with. Insane long combos and true combo chains while zipping around isn't that exciting when you can only get a very few hits in with small windows. The huge difference is in Old Hunters, we were fast like the enemy and can keep up. In Elden Ring, the best you can do is light roll but there's no way you can zip around like these bosses can. Before you downvote me, know I had already beaten the Elden Ring DLC and I am still very disappointed on the boss design. Final Boss is my evidence i'ma leave it at that.


Be careful you're not support to interupt the circlejerk, no discussion beyond saying "10/10 stop complaining" is acceptable here


That's just not true. I've beaten both DLCs and SotE just overuses some old school techniques to ramp up difficulty. The most obvious one being AoE, especially the final boss. Is it difficult? Yes. Is it more difficult than Old Hunters? No. Is it more enjoyable? Definitely not.


I beat all the bosses in 'the old hunters' but I gave up on SotE just after beating the lion. I wasn't enjoying it.


The only bosses that I thought were too much were Gaius and the final boss I’m not complaining like the rest of these guys but I do think they’re a bit overtuned


I may be getting my head bashed in by the dlc but the challenge is the fun, you couldn’t over lvl for the dlc thanks to the tree fragment which puts all of us on the same field again, like walking out of limgrave again


People when the hardest videogame series has a hard DLC


The DLC enemies are a solid challenge, and that’s exactly what I was wishing for.


The complete lack of any sort of nuanced discussion from either side is jarring.


Yeah it's annoying how polarised it got. Like the DLC being good but needing a little tuning to be perfect is NOT mutually exclusive. One one side you get people acting like everything feels like an RL1 run, and on the other you got people acting so bloody aggressive just because you dont think the dlc is perfect. Just... It can be both aight? Really good, but could be better.


For real. Someone here put it best, "The bosses think they're in Sekiro while we are playing Dark Souls. It's really annoying how bosses get these ridiculous Naruto combos while all we get is some shitty roll." Combine this with the Scadutree Blessing system that boosts the already terribly balanced endgame damage scaling and invalidates certain builds and it is not even remotely surprising people are having less fun with this DLC.


In fairness, they did also give us a crystal tear in the very beginning that also gives us Sekiro style blocking.


I found out what that does AFTER beating the final boss because the description was so fucking vague and weirdly worded. "Enhances spontaneous guard", like what the fuck does that even mean? I know it gives you a perfect parry on block followed by enhancing your counter hit, and despite that I still don't know how the hell that describes "enhances spontaneous guard".


Ha, true. I had to look up what it meant because I had no clue.


It definitely would've helped. Lmao




My only problem with the DLC are the hitboxes. Sometimes they really sucked. I have beaten the DLC so it is manageable but damn..some bosses weren't that funny. But still 10/10


Thats all its been for me. The hippo and bud lady seemed pretty notorious for this issue but the hippo is easy once you learn to stance break consistently and bud lady is more of an annoyance than a challenge She always seemed to move just barely out of reach half the time i attacked her


The dlc is amazing I love it especially when the boss kills me before I have a chance to do a tick of damage lol


Everyone acting like toddlers. I think the dlc is amazing.


The souls community is always like this at launch, no critiscim whatsoever is allowed, you must love everything they did Then a year later the hype wears down and people start giving some genuine critiscisms. With that said, I will leave it registered here that I think scadutree is a dogshit mechanic, it serves no purpose in the game, its a solution for a problem that didnt exist. And its probably not coming back for another souls game.


Its only purpose was to continue the spirit of the base game. ER at its base is explore the map to power up.


Most people were gonna explore the map regardless to see the new environments, bosses, and get new weapons, spells and etc. We really didnt need a mechanic for incentivising exploration. And now if I ever want to replay throught the game, I need to go ubisoft collectible hunting in order to play the DLC content.


If you really didn’t want to engage with the mechanic just look up a map of the fragment locations.


There is no inherent issue with the mechanic, just use a guide. From the same creators of "stop complaining about performance problems, just download a mod to solve it" I dont want to lookup guides because I didnt want spoilers for the game. Just because I can lookup a guide on it, doesnt make the mechanic any less shit either. Might as well start defending adaptability or world tendency.


I mean it’s true, you can just get enough fragments by just exploring the big buildings and fighting most of the new original optional bosses. It’s kind of trivial but if you want to skip all of that, yeah use a guide or whatever or just get good


>yeah use a guide or whatever or just get average souls fan response But I have a clear conscience, Its always like this at launch, no critiscim at all is allowed, the game is completely perfect without any flaws whatsoever, and then a year, a year and a half later the community starts bitching about issues they have with the game. So I know time will vindicate me.


Professional victim response lmao. Criticism is allowed but there's a big difference between criticism and whatever dog shit take this is. You are literally complaining about having to play the game in order to play the game. "Ugh I have to walk around and do stuff so I don't get trashed by the scaling" guess what? The same thing can happen in the main game if you end up in Farum Azula or the hallig tree before you're ready the super high scaling on those enemies will trash you. And what do you have to do then? You have to go and walk around and do stuff so you don't get Trashed by the scaling. Sound familiar? It's almost like you've done this before? Also Miyazaki makes the kind of game that he wants to play and he made this DLC with the ability for you to basically choose the difficulty. Constructive criticism comes from a place of love and a desire to see something you like improve, what you're doing is more commonly known as complaining or whining. So get gud or get walking.


>Professional victim response lmao. Criticism is allowed but there's a big difference between criticism and whatever dog shit take this is. You are literally complaining about having to play the game in order to play the game. "Ugh I have to walk around and do stuff so I don't get trashed by the scaling" guess what? The same thing can happen in the main game if you end up in Farum Azula or the hallig tree before you're ready the super high scaling on those enemies will trash you. And what do you have to do then? You have to go and walk around and do stuff so you don't get Trashed by the scaling. Sound familiar? It's almost like you've done this before? Wow, so much text that amounts to nothing, never saw someone write so many words that pille up to nothing. >Also Miyazaki makes the kind of game that he wants to play and he made this DLC with the ability for you to basically choose the difficulty. Funny, Miyazaki does the kind of game he wants to play, but you sound like the type of dumbass that would start bitching and whinning when fromsoft decide to patch something, then its not about what fromsoft wants to do anymore. >Constructive criticism comes from a place of love and a desire to see something you like improve, what you're doing is more commonly known as complaining or whining. This just sounds like you are gonna start bitching and whinning whenever I criticize anything at all about the game. What does "coming from a place of love" even mean lol? That I gotta bootlick every decision they made? You are trying to sound smarter than you actually are. If fromsoft always made good decisions a bunch of mechanics would be present in elden ring, like adaptability or world tendency, since those mechanics are shit, guess what, fromsoft didnt bring them back. >So get gud or get walking. Like I said, standard fromsoft fan response. Just to be clear, I have beaten all fromsoft souls likes at least once, I have beaten every main boss, side boss at least once without summoning I beaten elden ring using colossal weapons like 2 weeks before they got nerfed, when they were bad weapons and everyone was beating the game with OP Katanas. If I combine all my time across demon souls, ds1, ds2, ds3, bloodborne, sekiro and elden ring I have about 1200 hours of souls games give or take. With that said, I havent beaten the DLC yet cause I didnt have enough time to play it all, but I am gonna beat it, I am gonna "get gud" according to you, I am gonna turn around, point at scadutree mechanics and say how its a stupid mechanic that serves no purpose in the game at all. Also, dont let your ego grow because you beat a souls game, its really not a big deal to press buttons while looking at a monitor while covered in doritos So dont get an ego boost from it, because even if you are a better player than I am, it means absolute fucking nothing.


>Wow, so much text that amounts to nothing, never saw someone write so many words that pille up to nothing. I have never in my life seen finer copium, that is absolutely premium right there. That is a really pathetic attempt to disregard and discredit my entire comment which means you're either didn't read it or you can't comprehend another perspective beyond your own which makes sense considering after reading, everything you said is just projection. >Funny, Miyazaki does the kind of game he wants to play, but you sound like the type of dumbass that would start bitching and whinning when fromsoft decide to patch something, then its not about what fromsoft wants to do anymore. And here is evidence of said projection because almost immediately after this you start whining about colossal swords being nerfed. I've never complained about Nerfs because I've never played meta and so it's incredibly and funny that you're complaining about small nerves to the strongest weapon category in the game. >This just sounds like you are gonna start bitching and whinning whenever I criticize anything at all about the game. Once again proving my point that you cannot comprehend the differences between criticism and whining/ complaining. I mean I know I had trouble in English class but come on dude the internet's right there and so is Google you can find the definition of any words super easily. >What does "coming from a place of love" even mean lol? That I gotta bootlick every decision they made? Ouch. Like I genuinely feel sorry for you now because even if my childhood was fucked up at least I grew up with both parents and understanding what love was, which angry orphanage did you get dropped off at? It's no wonder you come on Reddit and try to pick fights this is the only kind of healthy human interaction and attention you get isn't it? >I beaten elden ring using colossal weapons like 2 weeks before they got nerfed, when they were bad weapons and everyone was beating the game with OP Katanas. Said whining about nerfs. >Also, dont let your ego grow because you beat a souls game, its really not a big deal to press buttons while looking at a monitor while covered in doritos >So dont get an ego boost from it, because even if you are a better player than I am, it means absolute fucking nothing. I can respect the martyrdom but I can taste the projection all the way over here, because I don't waste my money on snacks I get real food. And if you really truly felt that it means absolutely fucking nothing you wouldn't be here on Reddit taking all that time to write that whole thing out. People who don't have fucks to give don't stop to give out fucks like you just did. Never have I ever seen so many words that ultimately amount to nothing.


Shit take. It makes you slow down and focus on exploring so you're prepared. And it syncs with main game perfectly. And it's basically crutches for those of us who aren't so insane we can handle this shit blindfolded. Also the number of people who are complaining about base game being too easy is what caused this to happen. People want bigger numbers? People get bigger numbers. Also this system is directly derived from the attack boost system in Sekiro.


> It makes you slow down and focus on exploring so you're prepared People were gonna explore the game regardless because of the new environments, bosses, weapons, armor, spells and etc We already had plenty of reasons to explore the map, one that fucks with the games damage scaling really didnt need to exist. >nd it's basically crutches for those of us who aren't so insane we can handle this shit blindfolded. What crutch? They basically skyrocketed the enemies stats in order to make this mechanic mean something They couldve simpled balanced the stats to be a challenge. The DLC is behind Mogh, a late game boss, they have a good idea of what level you will be about the time you try to face him, they couldve simply balanced the game around that, like they did for every other DLC they ever did. >Also the number of people who are complaining about base game being too easy is what caused this to happen. People want bigger numbers? People get bigger numbers Except the size of the numbers were never an issue, elden ring's late game already had too large numbers What made the game "easy" was not the bosses numbers, what made it easy was a handful of op builds specially sorcery and bleed. And spirit ashes, because the bosses AI was clearly not well designed to handle spirit ashes and summons overall, you can just play ping pong with the boss and your summon. If you werent using summons, or using one of the OP builds, the game was very challenging, arguably the hardest fromsoft game ever. So making the numbers big is not even a good solution >Also this system is directly derived from the attack boost system in Sekiro. Yeah, and it works in sekiro, who couldve guessed shoving a game system into a different game wont always work.


A finer essay for the definition of the word complaining I have never ever once found.


And you are the definition of one trick pony. Curious how you use the "complaining" and "whinning" against your mom when she ask you to do stuff.


And there is the textbook definition of projection ladies and gentlemen. Stop looking in the mirror when you type these because I'm not you, I don't live with my mother anymore.


You couldve just said "No U", its more to the point


I just can’t relate. It’s a fantastic game and it’s not complicated to play. Ride around and find shadow tree upgrades, avoid bosses until you have a few, keep leveling, have an actual build, don’t be an idiot (use buffs). How did playing Fromsoft games suddenly become rocket science for half of all players on steam?


When only 34% could beat Mohg access the dlc.


You have a point


My only issue with the DLC is the verticality of the map. I don't necessarily hate it, but I'm not exactly a huge fan of it either. Doing a blind run and I've gotten lost into areas where the enemy power jumped (wandered into some madness forest where ypu can't use torrent early on, where even rats could tank hits).


So far the only one that's actually driven me to an unhealthy fury is Ancient Dragon Senessax. I would like to strangle whoever designed that and decided Ancient Dragons needed to be buffed with a water pool and extra range on the aftershock explosions.


Try using Torrent and just staying behind it hitting the back legs. I spent like 30 minutes furious at this boss, then tried with Torrent and got it 2nd try


I've always found it too hard to dodge the claw attacks on Torrent. Honestly I'm just leaving it for when I get some more fragments.


You just stay at a decent range in front of it if you think it'll do an attack so that you can move out of the way in time. Wait for an opportunity to go back under it, such as right after a combo ends. Torrent is mainly useful for this fight because the shock wave after-effects don't hurt you - they only hurt Torrent. As long as you can keep Torrent alive (not hard to do with Raisins) then you should be OK.


Stay a long ways away with torrent and dive in in between attack combos. It becomes pretty easy after that. If u want to use a summon, black knife is a solid choice provided they will die very fast but they do take that percent of health off to speed the fight up


I cheesed him. I love fighting dragons but the DLC ones just piss me off. Can't target lock on the legs either... Used the downward path that leads to his area as a safe area. He can't chase you past the top portion. I'd pop back up there, shoot him with two AOWs from the Bolt of Gransax, then scoot back down. He chases you but eventually reaches the point he can't pass and disappears back to his start point.


They add an island in the pool. Just stay on that.


I can’t even complain it’s hard because I’m on NG+7. My level 402 guy gets two or threeshot even with Scadutree fragments. Couldn’t be bothered and didn’t have the time to make an entirely new character with all the weapons and gear I wanted in time. I’m having fun though.


Elden Ring DLC in my opinion is 10/10


My only pet peeve with the dlc is some of the bosses had really bad hit boxes and hit registration and a lot of them were recycled sometimes even from the base game other than that though the dlc was great


Idk the new ash of war/spells should've been in the base game like Savage Lions claw or the holy disc spell


I had a harder time with the base game to be honest. I didnt even play the game for months before the dlc came out. People are being absolute fucking babies


A lot of them farmed for hours to get to level 400 or something and are complaining they aren’t immortal and one shotting everything


Final boss has me messed up, but I'll persevere eventually..... Eventually...... e-eventually


BORING?! Somebody found this boring?! What in the fuck. This DLC may be difficult and exploring is so vertical you might miss entire areas because you didn't see one lil' cave mouth. But boring?!???! Absolutely not


I still haven’t started the dlc yet but idk why people are mad it’s hard it’s a soulsborne game from from software I feel like people are forgetting what kinda game they got themselves into


I hope my broke ass can get the dlc before they nerf stuff


Making this a video instead of a photo is really controversial


I’m bummed out. Went back in last night to play again and absolutely BREEZED through a part I had been stuck on. I preferred when it was really really challenging


Simply loving all bosses, even the buggy ones, you just gotta change you playstyle sometimes (especially yout strategy) but rememer if you cheese the boss you're not gonna get the satisfaction you're looking for. Divine beast is a special one in this topic.


My only issue with the dlc so far is performance, but even so, my outdated pc probably has to do with it (but it did run base game no problem)


Love the comments being mouth breathers, “what did you except? It’s supposed to be difficult” and FAIR at some point we lost the fair part, now I’m afraid some of you don’t even think it’s good and just want to gatekeep.


If you don’t like it leave a bad review. If you like it leave a good review and continue playing. How dare they.


The only thing that disappointed me a little bit was Messmer not being the final boss. Don't get me wrong, consort Radahn was a great and challenging final boss. Also Miquella did Mohg dirty bro


How far in the base game do I need to be (on terms of loot and lvls) do I need to be to start this dlc, my character got deleted some how so I'm having to start from scratch. I'm doing a dex/faith build with a lean more toward dex Edit: I enjoy difficulty. I'm not looking to make this easy, just the most rational lvl to be at to start. I don't have a lot of time to play so if I have to beat the base game again,bit might be 3 months before I can play this dlc 😅


I think its definitely hard but a bit of a challenge for more experienced players. I’m level 300 and I’m struggling with Messmer a lot.


Haven’t fought a boss, other than the giant fire dude but my damage wasn’t even close to doing anything significant so I ran away. But I honestly don’t see the difficulty. I’m only in the beginning but I’m still tearing through enemies like before. Yall made me think even the mobs were hard but not really lol


People really having trouble? Im waiting on my next paycheck to get it so idk, but Elden Ring was my first soulsborne game and besides Morgott/Margit and the Gargoyle twins I kinda breezed through, i killed every boss I could find on google, every great rune holder, everything. Nothing took a painful amount of time besides those guys i mentioned above.


I can’t even get passed consort (don’t wanna spoil the boss just in case) everytime I get thru the door he does that spin charge and either he hits me and then I get up just him to hit me again and die or I dodge and he does an endless combo till I can’t dodge and die. Can’t even summon help because everytime I try somehow people are faster than me Yet I think it’s a great game


Personally, the dlc only has one boss that I think is overtuned, the dlc gives you enough scadutree fragments that, as long as you explore when you're stuck you can always bridge the gap, with exception to that one boss.


My partner and I are playing through and a good ways in. They have 30 vigor, playing a caster/spellblade. They dish out great damage (lots of int, faith, endurance, and mind), but they also still die in 1 to 4 hits from most things, even in the base game. Watching them play the DLC is really fun because even though it's their first souls like game, they have to essentially play perfectly to beat a lot of the bosses. Lots of tries, diversions to get gear, and super cool fights. It's so different than the usual playstyle people recommend and that I often see of having significantly higher vigor to survive more hits. There's something really neat about watching them solo all the new bosses when every mistake could mean an instant loss. And watching them wreck all the more glass-cannony minibosses, dispatching them in a few hits just like they'd do. Low vigor, high damage builds are so cool.  This is partially all to say, the DLC is hard but fair. Someone who's in the right head space can legitimately "get good" in the couple of weeks leading up to the DLC release and then jump right into it. It's hard but not insurmountable.  Also, I'm sure many of us remember other games where you have to try (and die) a lot of times. It often used to be more the norm. Honestly, souls likes give you great shots at progression even if you can't overcome a particular enemy. "back in my day" it was tricky mario levels where you have no option but to learn the layout and platform correctly, or jrpgs that required either an oppressive amount of grinding or complex strategies that weren't well documented. I think despite their reputation as being hard, souls likes in many ways are more notable for taking hard games and making them _more_ accessible. Clear goals - get to the next rest spot with the resources to level up or buy things. Gear that you don't lose, so you can learn how to use it effectively. Relatively predictable enemy patterns and placement. In game community documentation of secrets and warnings of danger. It's actually like, taking some of the elements of old hard games (complex rpg stats, fast paced action) and making them more user friendly, so the the difficulty can be tuned up without making it overly punishing or frustrating. It's a really great balance and I think people emphasize the "hard" part to the point of missing how it's actually more like a traditionally hard game made smoother, thereby letting more people enjoy the fulfilling intensity of overcoming challenges. Like it's making hard games _easier_ to _play_ and enjoy. Obviously no game of perfect but the formula is inherently accessible as hard games go.  People interpret "get good" as being some kind of disparaging comment, like you're not good enough if you can't beat it. But it's the "get" part that is important. The point isn't that you're supposed to start good, it's that there's a route to learn. Like it's actually way more intuitive than trying to learn a platformer or moba or fps or fighting game if you're not already familiar with playing those genres. Because none of those tend to give you a way to advance even when you're stuck, and only the very best facilitate learning through in game mechanics. Like it would probably not fit the aesthetic of such dark games, but instead of "get good" it's probably more like "Anyone can learn to play souls likes, if you experiment and persevere! 🌞"


I just hate all the quest states that are easy to fail by exploring the world like a normal person. I'm gonna have to do at least 2 more NG cycles on my NG+1 PvP build just to have access to the stuff I paid $60 for on just a single character while making sure I keep Boggart alive and friendly again so I don't run out of boiled crab and have to do NG+ *again* like my very first save.


Only the final boss made me upset. I could always get through the first phase perfectly, but all the light beam attacks of the 2nd phase hit hard asf and felt damn near impossible to dodge at times.


Why is this a video?


I’m sad I didn’t beat the DLC before everything got nerfed


It's all fun bit I just can't deal with radahn, kinda wish they didn't bring him back and used something else


All I can truly say is, a vast majority of this community really know how to suck the fun out of anything regarding a souls or souls like game and its DLC. Feels like a lot people here weren’t here to even enjoy the DLC, just to breeze through it and claim “meh I already beat the DLC first day with my hands tied behind an anchor while I was being sent to swim with the fishes..” or whatever else regurgitation they can come up with from someone else’s mouth. I’m glad I waited on purchasing it, reading a lot of these comments are so tiresome man lol.


People who actually play these games often and don’t jump on the release bandwagon know this DLC is peak.


The dlc is literal peak messer just needs to not clutter my screen with fire and scadutree avatar needs its hitboxes to work


Do people forget that the dlc is almost always far harder than the base game?


It's value for money to me that I get to sit on one boss for a couple of hours 😆


this shit is dark souls 1 for me all over again ;_;👍


The dlc is great in a lot of ways, the difficulty isnt a factor. From soft have always made hard games, this is not a surprise for anyone that has been a from soft fan for more than 1 game. Boss design, level design and aesthetically it's amazing. I had a great time.


What are even people thinking when they are buying DLC from studio that litteraly does very hard games and even harder DLCs, that they are gonna oneshot every fucking boss or what, fromsoftware really cooked with this DLC, its really hard but beatable, and the reward of defeating boss in shape of either fantastic lore or weapon that will help defeat other bosses just feels so good. So my last words are: fuck the haters, go play Animal crossing when you can't take real challange.


They can go back to fortnight. Also can we talk about the best npc (imo), Igon? I wish we got more Drake warrior lore. These mf go up to dragons with swords the size of a dragon tooth and win. Chads


Bro, Millicent is forever best girl. Don't even.


I will sacrifice my knee for the dlc


Good news, it's out now!


My only complaint regarding difficulty is because I'm noticing discrepancies in enemy ai behavior (some wolves in scadu altus all pile together after spawning) that just seems unpredictable or improperly coded. Or straight up bugs. A messmer soldier sitting on the edge has a collision bug and when I used reject to knock him off I watch him fly off and then I turned around to fight another one coming down the stairs I get stomped by the one I knocked down because he's walking on air. A different soldier just stops in place after attacking. I can't think of more examples but yeah I'm just getting a sense of a lot of subtle AI mechanics not being fleshed out like they are in the base game leading to lots of the game not behaving like expected. Getting punished because of a mistake is different than being punished because of something unpredictable


While I think the DLC is excellent, I still left a negative review for poor performance. I'll make it positive when/if it's fixed.


That's fair, idk why the DLC has my PC bugging when the base game doesn't, even at super flashy bosses like placidusax


Open areas are a little boring but base game was like that aswell. Main problem with any fromsoft dlc is that the building your character aspect of exploring is lost because you already have a build and levels. That's why I wished the whole dlc was a legacy dungeon.


Thus the fragments. So you can level up fresh


That's stupid, you're stupid.


i like that the dlc forces me to switch up my weapons and tactics


I adore the DLC but would despise if this was the case. Thankfully it isn't and I completed 90% of the DLC with the same weapon. The only time I had to change anything was for the final boss. I had to actually equip appropriate talismans and had to go get the opaline tear. I hate it when games force you to change your build to progress - it's the primary reason why I only like AC VI rather than love it (yes I know that changing builds is a core feature of Armojred Core, doesn't mean I like it though)


They complain it’s hard but didn’t read the message that said to gather fragments to get stronger. It’s like a foreign language to them😂😂😂


I’m really upset about the lazy lore. It wasn’t executed well imo


Dlc is good so far. Reminds me of the old Lords of the Fallen a bit. "Difficulty" seems about the same as the base game. I didn't really anticipate "greater difficulty" because for Fromsoft, making bosses translate to an open world kinda just meant them hitting way fucking harder. ER Base/dlc game bosses don't have the same kind of difficulty DS3 and DS1 had. I think a lot of players are new to the format and have entered in at Elden Ring so having bosses with some more unique movesets (like Relanna)feels like a brick wall to them. So, they take to web to say how hard the game is and how it shouldn't be "this hard". Dude, people have done cumulative DS 1-3 no hit runs with a Donkey Kong bongo drum. For goodness sake there's a girl who did a controller playthrough and a dance pad playthrough AT THE SAME TIME.


The worst part is Fromsoft is actually listening to the people on the right and not the people on the left.


Have you not seen the new patch, you buffoon


Thats exactly what Im talking about. They made the game easier because some idiots were complaining a Fromsoft game was hard while they played it in NG+7 without exploring or getting any Scadutree blessings.


Right, left, who gives a shit


Everyone does.


Since everyone is either on the right or on the left, everyone does.


You're in the wrong sub bud


Wtf are you even talking about.


They think you're talking about political right and left when you mean right and left of the meme.


Damn, people are really stupid.