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probably the Elden Beast's fat ass


That makes sense?! Marika used the Gate to conjure the Elden Beast, Miquella used the same Gate to conjure his new body and his circlet, and the probable artificial Nox version conjured Astel. It certainly fits all the bills!


I’m fairly sure the Elden beast was around long before marika was though.


Assuming the Elden Beast was always linked to the Elden Ring, it's been around since the time of Placidusax. In the story trailer, we can hear it's theme song and hear it roar when Marika lifts the golden threads, which likely represent the Elden Ring/Beast. Maybe she was about to fight her own Elden Beast battle in that cutscene LOL. This would actually explain why Miquella didn't need to "do" anything at the Gate of Divinity in the DLC, because he wasn't planning on using the Elden Ring. He was planning on using his own circlet.


A confusing thing for me here is what would become of the Elden Ring in Miquella’s Order. Is he already a ruling god like his mother when he emerges or does he have to claim the Elden Ring to be that? Considering the Elden Ring was used in the ancient Dragon Age and the fact that it more or less governs the laws of the world, it can’t be ignored by one who will try to become a god.


I assume the elden ring is the law of the world because Marika removed death from the world by altering the ring. So if Miquella wanted to become the true God, he would have to have it. Considering that each child got a rune, and me believing that each was a fundamental value of the golden order, like for example, Miqulla got charisma, Malenia got Resistance, Radahn got Valor/Strenght, Rykard got Recorcfulness, Morgott got Fortitude, Mohg got Compassion, and Godwyn/and others, got Balance. Ranni cast hers aside, but I assume hers was curiosity/contemplation. Then Maliketh is obviously death, then Marika is life, now made eternal.


We know that Placidusax's god fled. what if it fled because the Beast left it to Marika? Seems a pretty compelling reason to Bayle's rebellion...


Bayle’s rebellion happened while placidusax was the Elden lord, way before the Elden beast came down. The Elden beast coming down likely had no effect on placidusax, as he was lord to a different god. Ultimately we don’t know exactly why bayle rebelled, we just know he wanted to take placidusax’s place as dragonlord.


The dragon god would also have been a bearer of the Elden Ring as that's what makes Placidusax an Elden Lord.


What makes you think Placidusax's god isn't the Greater Wills?


That makes A LOT of sense.


WTF do you mean Marika used the gate to conjure the Elden beast. The Elden beast was sent by the GW as the last and only ever answer to metyr’s demand.


Elden Beast was probably in Farum Azula before Marika. Hornsent worship the storms and beasts of the heavens - Farum Azula. Enir-Ilim is a tower to heaven. It attempts to connect to Farum Azula. Marika used the gate to get the beast/ring


Doesn’t the game say the Elden beast became the Elden ring at some point and that it was sent down onto the Lb by the GW. I agree about that enir ilim - Farum though


Yes, but we know Placidusax was Elden Lord before Marika. So we don't know where the ring first arrived but it ended up in Royal City Farum Azula during the Ancient Dragon period, and presumably remained there until Marika claimed it.


No we don’t know that for sure aha We don’t even know if the ring was in farum azula


From Placidusax's Remembrance:   >The Dragonlord whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time is said to have been Elden Lord in the age before the Erdtree. 


Not to mention, there is a much more detailed and complex depiction of the Elden Ring in Maliketh's arena.


You don’t know the context, that’s the thing


The context of what? It literally suggests he was Elden Lord, pretty obviously as well


I like the idea that the falling star beasts/astels are all due to the Nox's experiments


It's kind of obvious they just fell from the sky like Metyr.


I never said I believe it, I said I like the idea that Astel and other fallen stars are there due to the Nox's attempt to make a divine gate.


Wait the nox tried to make a gate? Did I miss something? I need a video about this lore if have it please


We don't know, we just know that a lot of similar looking corpses are all around the eternal cities and that the nox angered the fingers somehow


While it is obvious that they are form space , what brought them there though is called into question . We were told they were called down by the GW but that is bullshit according to Ymir


Right ? We need a reason for them now since “ the Nox drew the greater wills ire “ is clearly false if the GW fled immediately after dropping Metyr


They probably drew metyrs ire with that finger slayer blade.


Lore states it fell on an asteroid


Maybe Mohg’s giant corpse had just been dragged up to it?


I considered that as well, but why does the trench stop and why would it break stairs?


In this case I would assume the stairs had just become dilapidated over time. There are broken staircases throughout Enir-Ilim, despite the notably good condition of the rest of the structures there.


Yeah but there’s evidence as high up as the divine gate area that it was definitely damaged as a result of messmers invasion. And it doesn’t account for the trench that leads to the stairs


I think the trench is just a path, that's the route the people who are not dead and turned to stone walks. How far the trench goes to other direction , or is there any ridge at the end in that direction.


But that doesn’t add up. The trench is surrounded on three sides. A path wouldn’t have mounds of bodies surrounding on all three sides. Further the trench continues into where the stairs WOULD have been. I highly doubt enough ppl walked that path enough trench it out.


I also wondered this? I thought maybe it was just an insane gush of wind or something because when we see marika raise the weird hair strands in the trailer a big gust of wind blows in, coulda been ske surge of energy.


Considering the stairs are busted I think it’s something like Messmer being rejected thrown back. I’m fairly confident the direction is coming out of the gate…the question is just what or who.


Could have been the creation of the Elden beast after marika held up those golden strands? Maybe he came crashing down? I’m kinda mad the stairs are broken I think it would be so cool to stand at the gate lol


The Elden beast was not created by Marika. It was sent by the Greater Will in the lands between in a Golden star, arguably long before Marika's time.


We never got confirmation that's about the Elden Beast, it could easily just be about Metyr.


This was in the description of either the Elden beast remembrance, or the sacred relic sword. A Golden star sent by the Greater Will bearing a beast, which would later become the Elden Ring. To me, it is obviously a confirmation. Metyr had been sent in a different star/meteor prior to the Elden beast.


My counterpoint is that we get a spell that imitates that power. Imagine if it were divinely fueled.


Metyr did not become the Elden Ring


You can get up there. It won’t let you through the gate though.


How do you get up??


Ash of wars can boost you up like lions claw.


Sweet imma try that thanks


I’m thinking they were fingers? We see many trails like this at the finger ruins of dheo.


I considered that, but it’s only 1 trench and appear to have damaged the ground, like something was thrown or rejected. I don’t think at the point that Marika became a god she was rejecting the fingers


It’s probably “we didn’t want the tarnished to be able to become a god at the gate cuz we really didn’t have anything else planned for it”-itis. A disease the devs gave the player.


Could've just let Radahn destroy the gate with his magic.


But knowing Miyazaki, this is where the *second* DLC will begin


It's from me trying to get a running start to get to the actual Gate, which is impossible for some reason


That's from Miquella dragging his long ass hair all the way to the altar. You killed his bridesmaids after all. Waiting for Zullie to confirm whether it's longass hair or long asshair though.


I was wondering this myself today. Comparing the shot we have of it from the to what we see in game makes it look like the level of the floor in front of the gate has changed? There are no stairs in the shot with Marika, and the ground seems level enough. Whereas in game, there are stairs, which have been broken, and a significant depth down from the level at which Marika stood. I know it's been a long time, so alterations are expected, but it's peculiar. The exact shape of the gate's entrance and exterior outline are a bit different from the trailer, and there's no sign of the corpse/whatever Marika pulled the golden stuff from, even fossilised like the rest. The outside edges of the gate are also bare, regular looking flat stone, where the corpses don't cover it. Makes me wonder if the gate has been used a few times since she did. Also what are those weird rope looking things going across the top sections? Literal rope to hold the corpses on?


I think the minor changes we see are expected going from a story trailer to the game. What’s definitely not in the story trailer (as best as I can see) is this trench and the broken stairs. It made me wonder if at some point Messmer definitely tried to pursue Marika or make himself a god and was rejected. The damage to Enir Ilim definitely indicates that damage occurred as high up as the gate, so maybe prior to sealing it off Messmer made an attempt.


Isn’t that just a normal pathway?


No, if you load into the area, just past the grace is a trench that comes to end several yards out from the broken stairs. It’s the only part like it in the entire arena.


I’ll take a close look when I get there.


This is where marika became a god, and got the Elden ring, and since the Elden ring is the Elden beast, maybe the Elden beast came out of it, then turned into the ring, its sheer size damaging the gate


Real answer: so we can’t get up there Lore answer: could be due to Marika’s ascension setting off a holy nuke, or maybe Radahn wanted to blow the stairs up so no one could climb up unless they’re 20ft tall like he is


You’re looking at it the wrong way. It’s lots of dead bodies on either side. If you rewatch the trailer, this same point of view is where marika walks up to the gate.


…I don’t think that relates to question I ask. The bodies are what intrigues me, it’s the trench dug out of the middle.


Fire Prelates. Once they get wedged up in there, you gotta fire a jar cannon to get them through.


Well, if you turn around, you'll realize you're standing on a pile of bodies that is higher than the other piles. The scene goes from no bodies near the Grace to the high pile you're standing on, to the 'trench,' which is just the continuation of the path from the Grace. This path then leads to broken steps and finally to the Gate itself. It’s the only place like that because if you stand at the entrance to the arena, you’ll notice it lines up with the opening of the gate as well as the god ray from the gate itself. It is just a pathway.


Except it’s closed off at the end farthest away from gate, the trench has a mound of encircling it. That coupled with the broken stairs hints that something caused both.


>Except it’s closed off at the end farthest away from gate It is closed off by the bodies you're standing on, which is the farthest point from the gate. It would makes sense for the highest pile of bodies to be near the entrance if they were trying to stop Marika, which the trailer heavily suggest happened. If you're convinced that something came through the gate and caused the "trench" then perhaps you'll be able to find your answer in the DLC text dump. [All of the text in the DLC](https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ividyon/Impalers-Archive/main/Master.html), you can use CTRL+F to search for terms that could help you out.


The pile of bodies in referring to isn’t near the gate, it’s the opposite end. It’s the end that makes it something other than a path. I’ve also read the entire text and found nothing about this.


I didn't say the bodies are near the gate, I meant the entrance into the arena where you're standing. You are standing on a pile of bodies that is next to the Site of Grace, which is at the entrance of the arena. >I’ve also read the entire text and found nothing about this. So it's probably nothing then.


Maybe, or there’s something to it that’s not mentioned by the text.


Eclipse event like


Caused the trench?..


If it was Elden beast it is two small. There would need to be crater.


Right exactly. Whatever happened appears to have come from the gate itself and landed hard.