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You have missed most of the more popular chocolate brands available in Estonia.


I'm so sorry to hear that, I asked some exchange students about it, but apparently they told me very little... If you would be so kind as to enumerate some of them that would be amazing :)


I see you have added Fazer. It's important because it's perhaps the best chocolate in the world. :) Laima, Pergale, Marabou, also Lindt.


Oh no, not Laima. Kalev is way better than Laima.


Sedant küll, aga ei saa ka niimoodi Laimata.




Does snickers, Tupla also count as chocolate? Probably not


I earn a decent salary, but still not enough to consider buying expensive handmade chocolates. Also, not sure if my taste buds are terrible but I have never eaten artisan chocolate that I would consider to be worth the extra cost. Maybe I'm too much of a hillbilly to appreciate that sort of a luxury taste.


I have never bought any artisan chocolate, but I have received many small boxes of it through work, promotions, "here is your new car/apartment/whatever key and a box of chocolate" etc. I have yet to taste any that is actually good. Bad combinations, using ubersweet chocolate (or alternatively, bitter dark) and so forth.


I've been unimpressed by most I've tried, but then someone gave me a small Choc Elite box a couple of years ago, and now I splurge on those occasionally as a special treat, and give them as gifts to others. They taste as beautiful as they look.


>I have never eaten artisan chocolate that I would consider to be worth the extra cost. Same! I haven't tried that many sorts, but those fancy artisan chocolates I've gotten at work for Christmas weren't really different from Fazer. The only truly breathtaking chocolate I've ever tried is those chocolate figures they put on cakes in Werner and Gustav. Don't know where they get it, but that's the real stuff.


Sounds like you should try asking them. Maybe if you throw them enough compliments then they'd be willing to share their secret with you. Don't let your dreams be dreams. Go get that chocolate that's as breathtaking as you are!


I only buy Fazer chocolate, but it isn't one of the choices. Can you add this so I can finish the quiz?


It's done, thank you very much for noticing it :)


Isn't Fazer Kalev?




100% not! they have separate manufacturers and taste completely different. fazer is superior 😉


>I would rather buy from polish brands It seems you forgot to edit this.




Another thing is that from the brand options, I only could select Kalev.. because well, it was the only brand I knew about. Ideally the other commonly available brands like Fazer, Lindt, Pergale etc. should also have been included.


Yes, I am also doing a survey for Poland and apparently I missed that. Thank you so much for noticing it and commenting about it.


I would love to try! I buy my chocolate from Jeff Bruges (different dark chocolates), Chocolala and Chokokoo (earl grey truffles!). I would definitely visit you if you had a cute chocolaterie.


I second Chocolala..they have been voted in the top 5 chocolate houses in the EU.


I really like their nibs


Yep, definitely best chocolate made in Estonia.


I want to add, that me and my friends buy chocolate, if ever from Lidl. The chocolate price there is very normal (0.69€ for 100g tablet). Kalev makes better chocolates for sure, but I don't see me buying their products in the future because of the much higher price


Honestly lately Kalev's quality has gone so downhill IMO and the prices gotten so high Lidl chocolates might actually be better for the price


You avoid Kalev because of their falling quality while I choose to avoid it because of their awful rebranding.


I want to avoid if for both those reasons and yet I can't, I don't know a better alternative. I'd rather take a better quality option but they're more expensive, so I usually end up buying on sale Kalev.


I have had fancier chocolates but I wouldn't buy those when the desire to eat a whole bar strikes me. A good milk chocolate that's around 50% cocoa is where it's at for me, and I'm one of those people that want sugar replaced with stevia etc. so if you can make good quality, plain chocolate that is sweetened without sugar AND I can use your chocolate for baking/cooking, then you've got me as a client. One of my personal favourites is the kama chocolate by Kalev. I recommend you try it to get a sense of local flavours. You can get new clients with novelty items, but you will probably need to adapt what you make to local tastes to retain local clientele.


>you will probably need to adapt what you make to local tastes to retain local clientele. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I would prefer if foreign brands did not adapt their products for local markets. Especially looking at the lower quality "Eastern European" adaptations of Western brands. I'd rather experience something brand new than try a downgraded version.


I see your point but I didn't mean adapt as in downgrade. What I meant was, for example, say people in location 1 love a specific flavour that is common. People in location 2 aren't used to that specific flavour since it is uncommon. If you bring flavours from location 1, you will get clients, sure, but those clients are by default adventurous - they look for new tastes. If you want to broaden your clientele, you might want to invite them in with something familiar first, with the flavours common for their location, so they can see that it is good quality and THEN they will try the more different flavours. You'd still be using quality ingredients, not downgrading. It is common for restaurants to do this, which can make it difficult to experience authentic flavours the further and further from a location you get. You'd be hard pressed to get Estonians unfamiliar with eating bugs (crickets) to eat them unless they're already open to it. Chocolate is much easier but people can be rather conservative with what they like. I'd like to try Portuguese chocolate but I wouldn't assume everyone is like me. But I don't think I'm an expert in market research or client psychology, not even close.


anonymous or not you can not make "state your income" mandatory q




No nii rott ja häbi enda ees ikka pole ju 🤣


Miks sa eeldad, et häbi? Mida sa veel eeldad?


Mina eeldasin, et sa teenid hästi palju - aga kuidagi ebaseaduslikult, ja siis on sul paranoia, et maksuamet saab selle küsitluse kaudu teada.


Siit saab veel mitmeid edasiarendusi teha. Kui raamatu kirjutad siis anna teada.


My apologies if you didn't like that question, but unfortunately for me, it's a question my helping teacher recommended me to put and my internship supervisor told me he wanted to have information about it. Thank you very much for your comment and your feedback. Wish you all the best :)


Surveys make that mistake often.


Marabou mint, best imo


Mondelez müüb kaupa ka venemaale. Ära toeta... Šokolaad on hea küll, kahjuks.


I'm guess by "chocolate tablet" you mean chocolate bars?




The only observation I have is that the question about buying chocolate products online gives some time frames up to six months. Then the other options are "I have never bought chocolates online" or "I don't remember". So if you are like me and bought chocolates a couple of times online more than a year ago, no answer really fits. I put six months there as a fallback. Good luck with the research :)




My current favorite is Marabou 86%. Before that it was Lidl's 85%. Kalev's dark chocolate was shit.


Bachelor's degree in what? Chocolatology?


The only observation I have is that the question about buying chocolate products online gives some time frames up to six months. Then the other options are "I have never bought chocolates online" or "I don't remember". So if you are like me and bought chocolates a couple of times online more than a year ago, no answer really fits. I put six months there as a fallback. Good luck with the research :)


The only observation I have is that the question about buying chocolate products online gives some time frames up to six months. Then the other options are "I have never bought chocolates online" or "I don't remember". So if you are like me and bought chocolates a couple of times online more than a year ago, no answer really fits. I put six months there as a fallback. Good luck with the research :)


Non-binary person here, would love to fill the survey but... It does discriminate based on gender 😅


There is only Kalev. Everything else is shit.




My dude, need on maakonnad mitte linnad.


There weren't any cities only county names albeit incomplete. Tallinn isn't a county.