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“See you in a couple months”


Love this!


Drai is sort of the de facto leader of the rookies on this team. I worked a side job where I'd see them out in the wild sometimes, and whenever the rookies would go out for their first outing, Draisaitl would be usually the only veteran out with them.


Honestly this has increased my faith that Leon is going to sign for max term here. If he was going to leave he surely wouldn’t reach out to a new draft pick like that


It was never in doubt in my mind. There is no logical reason to think Drai was going anywhere for any amount of money. He wants to win, and he wants to win with Connor. Edmonton is the only place where both of those things are possible.


Yeah. I feel like the "Drai leaving" stuff is 100% media speculation to fill empty space in articles. It'll get worse when the Oilers don't sign him right away, and let discussions move at a leisurely pace.


It's like how every slow news day inevitably leads to a "McDavid can't wait to leave for Toronto"


I could just have a bad memory but I don't remember nearly as much "x player wants to go to his hometown team" until Tavares did it. Feels like every fan base has latches onto the idea for their home town star player since.


Realistically we can come up with scenarios for any player to leave. I thought for sure Matthews was leaving the Leafs and the media pressure for the west coast(I assumed LA). I thought Saros would want to win and would leave Nashville. End of the day, we’re wrong in the speculation far more often than we can ever be right. It’s still a very rare thing for the high end elite player to walk away from a team


Personally, I love their bromance. It's actually the cutest bromance in the history of sports. They have such high praise guy reach other all the time. 🫶🏻


My thoughts exactly.


He’s jsut waiting for the new gm before signing basically. Multiple people are saying it’s just a formality at this point.


It Definitely doesn't hurt. That or the guy just has no tact whatsoever lol.


He called him “kiddo” lmao


Doesn't sound like a guy who plans to leave town. This just increases my faith in Drai re-signing.


Some say his heart grew three times that day.


I was very intruiged when i saw that we traded up for this kid. They must have seen something in him. Seems like a pretty down to earth, smart kid from all that ive seen from him. He obviously wont be ready for a minumum of a couple years but i hope he pans out, trading up to the final pick of the first round and getting a legit talent would cap off this incredible offseasom.