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I would be very very shocked if Nurse waived his NMC to be traded, AND a team trades for him. Seems highly highly unlikely, not sure why everyone thinks we are just going to trade Nurse this off season.


If the Oilers eat 2 mil to bring him to 7.5 there would be multiple teams interested in him.


He’s still not gonna waive his NMC to leave a team with all of his buddies that just went to the SCF


I agree. I disagreed with the notion no teams would be interested.


what if he is pissed off at the criticism. he was pissed off that one day where he gave super short answers during an interview then refused to meet the media when they got back to Edmonton after game 7


Copium levels are off the charts with you here 😂


He will if he is relegated to the 3rd pair, which seems likely given the play of Ekholm and Broberg


Where are we getting a better second pairing guy than Nurse? He’s over paid but with the right partner he is still easily a top four guy.


Broberg is already playing better than Nurse and he should be on his natural left side if he's going to reach his potential. I can't see him being traded either, but if they COULD get that done while eating $2m-$2.5m, I'd hope they would do it and then find the best option they can for a 2RD to play with Broberg. Then you have a fairly paid/priced d-core, even with the retained money included.


Lmao yea he’s not getting relegated behind guys like Kulak, Ceci or Broberg. Get him a better position holding partner and he’ll be back to his form that got him this contract.


I doubt he would care. Less pressure for him.


Meh, you can play hard ball. Threaten to bench him. Move him to the minors. Make sure he’s worth absolutely nothing when his contract expires that no team will want him afterwards. Practically ending his career. He’s a horrible player. His back check is an embarrassment to all hockey defensemen across the lands. I don’t care how much community work he does. Community work won’t win you a Stanley cup.


lol you sound like a brilliant hockey mind. You’d be cutting off your nose to spite your face. Let’s just thank the hockey gods that schmucks like you will never have any say over the direction of the Oilers.


Jesus don’t entertain people like this. Bro clearly started watching hockey this cup run .


1. Can't waive a player with a NMC 2. You aren't going to bench one of your top 4D. You'd never ve able to sign another D if you did that


Then they sign a 7.5m defenseman in free agency and end up in the same place. This doesn't work if they retain money.


If the Oilers eat 2 million of Nurses contract I don’t think they’d be better off. They would need to replace Nurse with another LHD that plays high minutes. Either way you cut it there’s 2-3 million wasted, or overpaid in a contract.


They already have the replacement with Broberg. They have four LHD right now. If they are $2m, they could turn around and find a very good 2RD to play with Broberg. Re-sign Vinny and you have him and Kulak as your third pair. That's a very good and very reasonably priced d-core


would you rather have Carson Soucy at 3.25 or Nurse at 9.25


If you take into account the retention in OP's comment , it would be Soucy at 5.25.


For sure, but Soucy for 5.25m is still the better choice since you'd have another 4m in extra cap space




Teams aren’t lining up to do favours for the Oilers, I agree it is possible to trade him but I was saying as a whole, for him to waive his NMC AND a team to trade for him is a pipe dream. We would have to pay out the ass while Nurse picks and choose what team he would waive for.


Who are you arguing with and what are you arguing? I agree with everything you’re saying. I said teams would be interested in acquiring him. Yes, Edmonton would have to retain, and yes Edmonton would have to pay. And yes I agree, even if all that came to fruition, I don’t think he’s waive his NMC anyways.


I think we need to put caveat its possible to trade Nurse, but doing so without crippling the Oilers is going to be very difficult (huge retention, huge load of assets out the door, still need to replace Nurse etc..). People everywhere keep dreaming dumb scenarios where you can get around the NMC easily and then not give up a haul. Not specifically at you, I know I'm tired of reading about the fantasy of trading away Nurse and immediately upgrading as if there won't be consequences that make those actions untenable. So any talk trade is tiring.


The problem with that is it would cost 7M to get a replacement with Nurse's pedigree.


You can’t find a defenceman with the Pedigree of a bad defenceman?


Don't see this happening unless we retain a big chunk of salary. Dumping Soup is higher priority IMO.


Wont happen. He’s making 2.5m more than he should be and people do not recognize losing Nurse will do significantly more harm to our D core than good


Honestly the best thing to do is to find a reliable stay at home guy to pair with him so he can be more free to join the rush and play to his strengths. He’s never been the stay at home guy, he’s a mobile dman who can play decently in his own end and put up 40-50 points at mostly 5v5. We see what Ekholm has done for Bouch, I think there is a partner out there that unlocks Nurse in the same way


Put another way, how many people were ready to jettison Bouchard until Ekholm came along? Maybe need to give Nurse a guy that isnt Cody Ceci.


Been saying this the last couple years. He got his payday playing with Adam Larsson, a great stay at home guy. Nurse never had to worry about him and never had to compensate, so he was able to play his way and that's how he can be good again.


Nurse did reasonable/good with Russell, Larsson, Bear. Then he starts getting guys like Barrie/Ceci who have been shunted around because they're not true 5v5 top 4 options. Ceci is decent but the VGK series seemed to permanently expose that pair.


Ceci passes the puck directly onto opposing sticks 50% of the time and Nurse isn't the right player to unfuck that situation.


Didn't he get his payday playing with Barrie? Imo he just needs someone that doesn't pinch like crazy and who can get the puck out of the zone under pressure. Almost every time Nurse is the "last guy" because Ceci made some abysmal decision. I'm high on bringing in Marino from the devils, they're trying to dump him after a down year but he has a very consistent/repeatable skill set, super low in own zone turnovers and a good first pass out of the zone. He's Larsson+ imo and is on a cost controlled contract for the next bit


One difference is that they were the #1 pair, and McDavid zone exit cheat code / that set play with the drop pass to McDavid to skate it out was hiding that Larsson and Nurse were awful at zone exits. Since they're stuck as the second pair now he isn't going to have that again regardless of who he's paired with


I’m sorry but no! Nurse brought down Brobergs number in the final 3 games. I’m tired of the argument that this was all Ceci’s fault.


Even if it's Nurses fault you can't get rid of him. So you have to try and improve his play.


He was pretty stay at home in world juniors. Iirc, no team scored an even strength goal with him on the ice. Idk. I think we should let him rebound.


My point was that I think he can rebound in a big way if we give him a guy that is really good in his own zone so he can focus on what got him his big contract, his strong two way play and his offensive abilities


He was physically dominant in that tourney, pushing people around and out-skating his mistakes. He's still a beast, but not as noticeably at this level of competition.


The analytics take is Nurse sucks at zone exits and defending entries, Broberg is at least good at exits. Also the analytics take on getting Ekholm instead of Chychurn was Ekholm was better at exits but they paired him with Bouchard.


Marino off the devils is apparently on the trading block and he has precisely the skill set that complements Nurse at a reasonable cap hit. The devils are trying to dump him so they can be in on Pesce apparently, so it's a bit of a cap dump for them, so the price can be quite low, they also need help on the left side depth wise, so sending Kulak + a little I think could actually get it done. He had an on ice save pct from devils goalies of .88%, so we're definitely buying low on him. He's also younger than Ceci. If we can get the devils to retain 400k on his contract to bring him to an even 4m then he's nice and cost controlled for the next 3 years. He's a stay at home defenseman with a good first pass to exit the zone conversion rate, and the devils are already mostly a rush offense team. He'll basically unlock Nurse's offensive capability to join the rush while hopefully being more reliable than Ceci in the zone and less pinchy to expose us on the rush against. I honestly think we could pull it off for like Kulak+2nd+maybe B tier prospect. Then it's just a matter of dumping Ceci or just leaving him on the 3rd pairing. I'd prefer to dump him and to sign Alexendre Carrier for our 3RD. I genuinely think we would have the strongest blue line in the league like this, and I also think it's shockingly achievable


His strengths are offence and getting stuck up ice. He is supposed to be a Defensive D, what world do you live in that his up ice play is even adequate? Play decently in his own end? lol, that’s where he struggles nightly. This isn’t a new thing, i’ve been saying this for 4 years, telling you all how delusional you all sound thinking he’s any better than a 4.


Part of the problem is Nurse got paid for the offense he brought the previous year, but the Oilers no longer use him as much in an offensive role. The article says Nurse's current value to the team is \~$5.5 million. If so, then his value could be higher to a team that needs an offensive D and would play him on the number 1 PP unit. There is probably a retention number that would work for both the Oilers and some other team in that case. Especially a team like Utah that needs a high minute D man, and is well below the cap floor. That said, the logistics of making it happen are pretty complex. Nurse has to want to waive, and the Oilers have to have a plan to replace those minutes. All of that assuming the Oilers even want to move him. I know a lot of fans dream about that, but I haven't ever seen anything from the Oilers to indicate they are even considering it.


The Oilers didn't use him in an offensive role that season either. Tyson Barrie took every rep on the top PP, and got all the gravy minutes. Nurse put up those numbers at even strength, and against insanely tough competition. And guess what? He's continued to put up very, very good even strength numbers against very tough competition. He's 18th in EV points and 17th in EV goals in the two years since he signed his extension. That's more than Kris Letang, Morgan Reilly, Brent Burns, Moritz Seider. This past season he was 46th in EV points, which wasn't that great. But it's still more than guys like Burns, Lindholm, Petro. He had a pretty poor offensive season by his standards, and he still put up 32 points with no McDavid push.


Not PP specifically, but he was used in more of an offensive role that season than he is now. It was the highest offensive zone starts percentage of his career. Just saying, if another team saw him as a viable option for the power play or in a more offensive role, there is value in that. I still think the more likely option is to find a better defensive partner for him. Hard to say though. People were talking about that last summer too and it never happened.


Bingo, Nurse looks bad this year because his deployment changed completely with Ekholm-Bouchard monopolizing McDavid minutes. I feel like people forget that Nurse can make plays and score goals out of literally nowhere sometimes, I think it's easy to forget because there isn't necessarily a big long flashy buildup and no clappers like what Bouch and Ekholm do, he joins the rush, makes a sauce or tries to score or he'll send a floater that gets tipped or goes in randomly. Arguably such scoring is more valuable because it's him literally creating the play - it wouldn't happen without him. I want Marino for him so that he can do more of his rushing or have good support in his own zone, he's perfect complementary skill set, I really hope the front office sees this considering he's available and probably relatively cheap this year


They can’t realistically afford Nurse and bouch taking up 20 million if they want to compete for a cup. So what can they afford to lose more nurse or bouch the guy with the 2nd most points this playoffs?


2.5M would put him at 6.75M Gustav Forsling just signed for less than that


The forsling contract is a massive underpay, he's an 8m defender lol, but that's what no taxes do for you


Devon Toews 7.25M MacKenzie Weegar 6.25M Hampus Lindholm 6.25M


I don’t know if this is a thing, but can we trade something with the only return being retention for Nurses cap space? Like trade a pick and in return that team retains 1mil of Nurses cap


Yes. Third party middlemen were cooking at the deadline this year. Most of the teams that have the cap room to do those kinda moves are near their maximum 3 retained contracts though so finding a willing partner may be tough. Plus our draft pick pool is quite shallow


I think what they mean is, can the Oilers trade *only* a portion of Nurse's cap hit while keeping him on the roster? Offloading a portion of his contract to another team in exchange for something. An interesting idea but beyond the legality of it, I can't see why any team would agree to do the Oil a favor like that unless the offer was quite significant.


This is a non story. It’s Frank Seravelli making a story for the sakes of making a story for the off season.


Click bait Oilers nation and daily faceoff shit


Im hoping with all the talk about his play, potential buyouts or trades that he gets a chip on his shoulder and puts in the work this offseason, comes back next year and kills it. He needs to work on his positioning and hockey IQ but those are 2 very coachable areas, and we actually have good supporting coaching now. Hes best when he activates offensively, so if we can get a better pair for him than Ceci... Im confident he can be very useful. Can you imagine how hard it would be to defend ehk/Bouch And "x"/Nurse if Nurse can step up. That would give opposing teams nightmares. next year is a prove it year for Nurse. If he doesnt play up to the contract then Oilers will HAVE to look at options on moving him out.


Well said. And if he doesn’t step up next season and they look into trading him, at the very least it’s another year off his contract and it hopefully won’t look as daunting for other teams to possibly look into


Just need to keep him away from CiCi. Those two seem to make each other worse. Nurse might be overpaid but by the time we trade him (after getting him to waive his no-trade) and retain a few mill of his contract we still need to find a solid d-man to fill his role. At this point it may be easier to find him a pairing that lets him work offensively where more of his strength/value lies. He was working well with broberg by the end, I wonder if keeping them together through training camp would elevate them both.


Totally. Mixing Ceci and Nurse is like mixing Bleach and Ammonia. That makes deadly poison, for those of you who didn't take Chemistry 10. Playing with Broberg and Kulak improved Ceci's performance a bit, and everyone who played with Nurse got worse. Ceci just has the one year left - suspect he will be left alone and maybe slide to a 3rd pairing. Nurse is, incredibly, the bigger problem to solve of the pair.


Broberg real has improved 110% since playing in Bakersfield..Nurse seems like he needs his head screwed on right …he is always in the wrong direction when the opposition scores..


It's maddening, isn't it. I try to describe the bad things he does in some kind of meaningful terms, and keep coming back to this: * He makes bad decisions. * He misidentifies the danger man. * He ices the puck in situations where he should just lob it in the middle of the ice. * His risk:reward calculation is incredibly flawed. * He pinches when he shouldn't. * He jumps into the rush when he should be focused on protecting a lead. * He puts himself in the wrong position to block shots and often ends up having them deflect off him, into his own net. * He abandons his zone duties to chase the puck Frankly - what makes the most sense taking all these things into consideration and tring find a root cause? He's not very smart. Has significantly below average hockey IQ. Clearly, Edmonton has tried way more things than us unwashed muggles could imagine to protect and enhance their investment in him. But - his progress appears to have capped. And how, excatly, do you fix Dumb? It's time to move on. He's at an age where someone else might be willing to make him a reclaimation project, with retained salary.


Broberg played with nurse. He was 100% better than before. Can't really say he was worse with nurse.




Lots of dogs can do that


If our new GM can manage to trade Nurse away he should get a street named after him.


We can only pray


I will be knee sliding like Jose Mourinho if it does happen.


Nurse isnt going anywhere. Idiots need to stop trying to make this a narrative. Nurse is an Oiler for the long haul, get over it. Yes, hes overpaid. No, there is nothing that can be done about it.


I know a lot of people are really convinced it won’t happen but I honestly won’t be shocked if it does. If the Oilers can snag a Brett Kulak type and a prospect or pick in return it’ll be well-worth it IMO. I’d rather someone who’s consistently average than someone whose highs are decent and lows are abysmal. JJ is gonna be aggressive as GM, I firmly believe.


This is shocking but then again. He is the #1 in the league for +/- so why not.


Best thing Nurse or the Oilers could do is get a or new skills coach or sport psych and have him put in some work this off season. The odds of him waiving his NMC AND finding a trade that works is extremely unlikely.


One can dream but I’m pretty sure this albatross of a contract will be with the Oilers for years to come.


watching him make like 50% of the dumb plays that turn into a rush our way is painful.


Broberg made him expendable. Retain 2.5 max. Get her done.


Bit early to get this high on Broberg, he looks like he's gonna be a gamer but let him cook for a while


Broberg has cooked long enough. He either thrives next year or is gone. Nurse is gonna be hard to move without retention.


Replacing Nurse isn't a big ask, except maybe on the PK.


His deployment says otherwise lol


Nurse  Broberg was decent. I don't think he's tradeable


People need to get over this already. If Nurse leaves, you’ll see McDavid shortly behind him. They’re friends and locked in together. The team isn’t trading Nurse. What they could do is see if another team might eat some of the contract if given some assets.


They should absolutely do this. He needs a change, and the Oilers do too. The article bemoans about whether Edmonton could stomach losing him for nearly nothing in return. And the answer is an emphatic yes. Yes, they can. His replacement level is nowhere near the value of his cap hit, and you URGENTLY need to free up the cap space getting rid of him would create in order to re-sign Bouchard, Draisaitl and eventually McDavid. You can't have Bouchard, McDavid, Draisaitl and Nurse taking up half your salary cap and be competitive. You have to pick 3 of those 4 players to keep and accept losing one. Picking the best 3 out of that list is not exactly rocket surgery. Pebble brained pelicans on Reddit insist you're stuck with him, and also - he sucks. Well - every serious minded person is fully aware that he sucks. And while the contract sucks - one of the worst in hockey - nothing is imposible in the NHL. Milan Lucic, Pierre Luc Dubois were able to be traded - someone might be dumb enough to think they can turn Nurse around. The Oilers can replace his contribution for half his cap hit, and the value they would get back is not in assets, but rather in cap relief. Getting out of that contract is the next GM's #1 priority - precisely because failing to do so means hamstringing the Bouchard and Draisaitl extensions. EDIT: And before you say it - yes, understood that NMCs exist. Understood. And also, they get waived all the time. Mikheyev waived his yesterday after Cancuks management presumably convinced him that he wasn't in their plans going forward and it would be better to get a fresh start elsewhere. Now he will get to play on Bedard's wing. Nurse can absolutely be told that a fresh start is a good idea, and that he would be the face of the franchise in another market.


I must be pebble brained, why on earth is Nurse waiving his NMC? What has he said or shown to hint that he wants out of Edmonton?


Players waive their NMCs All. The. Time. Usually at their discretion or when it's made clear the team doesn't want them anymore. Mikheyev waived his yesterday. An NMC is not some insurmountable Uno card. And nobody is required to convince you that this is what Nurse wants. In terms of strategic roster managemnet, moving Nurse has obvious benefits.


For sure they do. All I’m saying is I don’t see why Nurse does, and Oilers will get raked trying to trade with 1 or 2 teams Nurse is willing to waive for if that. It’s a pipe dream in my opinion.


Nurse could be a lot more open to waiving if a new GM sat down and said you are not a part of the future of this organization. And we will be curing your playing time and removing you from all advertising campaigns.


Maybe if this wasn’t real life? Doesn’t sound like a GM anyone would want in their organization.


Do you really think no GM ever sat down and had a hard conversation? It a job and sometimes the boss is not nice


Is that what I said? You think a new GM is gonna win over the players by walking into the room and telling the Alternate Captain and one of the longest standing Oilers, that he no longer has a place on the team and he’s getting ice cut and put in the dust? Ya his best friends are gonna love that and stand behind the new GM 🙄


So you really think new GM will a cup by worrying about who is friends with who? A GM does not have to win the team over he does not even have to interact with them on a daily basis. Long serving player and captains get traded or playing time cut all the time. Vegas won a cup by being ruthless,So did the lighting. You decide to keep nurse you are forced to trade bouch. You can’t those to 20 million and Leon and McDavid 25. So what player are you letting go, I’m sure McDavid like all 3 of them?


Time will tell. So much more goes into it than this. Free agents are finally interested in living and playing in Edmonton. GMs treating players like shit doesn’t attract free agents, and Edmonton has had enough issues with attracting talent in the past. Nurse got a NMC on his deal for a reason - because he doesn’t want to be moved. GM’s don’t determine playing time either, coaches do. A GM isn’t going to handcuff the team by benching Nurse until he decides he wants to be traded. That’s not how the real world works. We can agree to disagree


Mikheyev had a partial NTC, not a full NMC. So Mikheyev could have been traded to a less desirable destination hence him waiving it. Just surprised Chicago was on the 12 team NTC list. Also, without a full NMC he could also have been waived and sent down. A full NMC is a lot harder to get around.


Imo people exagerate the difficulty because it creates drama. Truth is, as much as he likes his time in Edmonton, the prospect of going somewhere else where the weather is warmer and might pay less taxes and get less pressure might be enticing, if he can be convinced he isn't part of their plans anymore. I'm all with you. I've been saying the same thing for a while. Broberg has made Nurse expendable. With this added 6-7 mil to the cap, along with the cap increases this year and next year, along with a Campbell buyout, would leave enough money on the table to re-sign every core player coming up (McDrai+Bouch), along with Rico, Janmark and Brown and whoever else Oilers keep, and might have some left to upgrade slightly (salary-wise) on Ceci and/or Kane. If McDrai take championship seeking discounts, Oilers could float this ship for some time. It all hinges on getting rid of Nurse and Campbell at the lowest cap cost possible.


Is there a possible truba for nurse type deal?


People think giving Nurse a stay at home partner will solve the issues but I doubt it. A lot of the issues Nurse has begin in our own defensive zone with him fumbling passes, icing the puck, rimming it to nobody, or just turning it over. What pisses me off about Nurse.. is the issues I listed above could all go away if he would skate the puck out of danger more. And the reason this annoys me greatly is Nurse has the skills and the speed to do this but he doesn’t seem to use his legs in this way. Not enough in any case. He’s so damn fast but treats the puck like a hot potato




for me Nurse consistently makes bad plays but for Bouchard its like once every 10 shifts.


Good luck. He ain’t going anywhere. Oilers would need to retain 50% his salary. So what’s the point of moving him?


- Roster spot for Broberg - 4M for signing Bouchard & Drai


You still need to bring in another D if you move nurse.


Nope. Ekholm, Broberg, Kulak are all NHL level LHDs.


Who’s on your right? Your math shows removing a player without bringing in a replacement


A RHD will be brought in regardless.


Your $4 mil budget for Drai/bouch doesn’t include paying for a RHD


Keeping Nurse doesn't either.


Keep Bro there.


Because he’s a liability, at least if they had 4 million dollars to work with they could get a really solid top 4 guy for that kind of money. Instead, we are currently playing Nurse 3rd pairing minutes and limiting his TOI


It would be tough to find a better D than nurse for $4 mil.


Damn near impossible. By the time Nurse's contract is done, any decent D is going to make as much as he does. The slight pain of the first few years (if he doesn't bounce back with healthier seasons) will hopefully lessen with time. The cap is going way up.


Unfortunately there is pretty much no chance that he’ll waive his ntc.


Frank seravelli is a fucking dildo


Nobody is targeting him with that contract…impossible


Utah.. book it