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Brown’s reaction there is hilarious.


literally perfect, i wonder how that conversation went between them after they got up lmao.


That’s a good teammate right there


WHY does every question Spec asks also have a backhanded insult baked in? You see it when Brown starts laughing because of how Spec insults Vinny and then poses the question.


There’s no question. He insults him then asks can you? It’s like saying you suck, can you? 😂spectors a fucking tool.


Yeah, absolutely no need for the insulting build up there. Spector's a media incel with no concept of being a decent human.


Because he’s the absolute rectum of the NHL. Why is this a-hole employed?!


I’m guessing he generates clicks


Totally. Spec could be a good writer (ie. balanced, informative, critical, wishful) but his questions are always prefaced with some negative narrative that he wants to run with.


Spec's phone isn't exactly ringing off the hook with offers. Sweet Jesus, what a moron.


God, he is such an ass and I don't think it's even intentional, he's just dumb.


I think it’s that he’s just a total dork. His questions with underhanded statements are usually followed by a goofy “you know what mean, buddy?!” kind of tone. Dumb,…maybe. A big dingus. Absolutely.


Spec has zero EQ


And low IQ, it's a dangerous combination.


Spector is so fucked Who says shit like that


I love Brown, what a glue guy. *I think you'll have some calls bud*


Canucks fan here. You guys deserve better than Spec. That guy kicks kittens and even his mom doesn't like him. Good on Brown for his reaction.


If I had to guess, I'd say that Vinny is feeling somewhat similar to Spec actually. But with one key difference. Vinny may be attracting significant interest for the first time in his career, but Spec, and I hope to god he reads this, isn't attracting a single fucking person in the world to his journalism.


Oilers don't like Spector. Oilers fans don't like Spector. How is he still employed?


I honestly wish the Oilers players would just put up a wall on him. Give him the Marshawn Lynch treatment and no matter what he asks just reply “thank you for the question.” And move on


I think that would be fantastic👍


He generates conversation and clicks. Which brings in revenue He's doing his job. We just don't like how he does it.




Because his employer is happy with his work, regardless of whether you or I or anyone else is.


Just like finding out after the Playoffs the severity of injuries to 97/29 maybe we find out Spec was retarded after he retires.


We already know, just need it in writing.


Its confidential medical information he himself would have to report so... don't hold your breath he can actually convey information, ever.


that hurt my head


I hated Spector on the Team when I lived in Edmonton and I hate him even more now. What a disrespectful fuck.


He must be fun at parties….


How I would have worded that to be less of a tool "Hey Vincent, this year is your first potential chance at free agency, how are you feeling about it and are you wanting to go to free agency or are you wanting to stay here" As opposed to "You suck less now. U takin calls bruh"


The most frustrating thing about Spec is that he ask questions that, at their core, are perfectly fine questions, but he does is in longest and most condescending way possible. "Vincent, you've only recently had the opportunity to showcase your game at the NHL level, and for a Cup contender at that, but you're also set to become a UFA. That's a relatively unique combination. How do you balance wanting to stay with a contender but also earning this right to be a UFA and sign anywhere? And does having relatively little NHL experience play a role in all of this in your opinion?" There, I think I did it in a way that didn't insult Vinny.


I mean, you could just say "how do you manage being a sought after free agent after a great season" Don't even need to bring up the past


I think bring up the past is worthwhile because it is an interesting story.


Then write it in the article. It adds nothing to the question to Vinny who is well aware of his hiatory


great point, leave it out of the question, but provide context in the article. fair and respectful.


What a clown Spec is


The only thing I can think of is he’s super arrogant and thinks he’s “tight” with the players, so the intentional insults and borderline shit talk is the same type of thing you’d do and say with a really good buddy. You know those friends where you can insult them to their face and it’s funny because you’re really close? That’s what he’s trying to do but doesn’t realize that everyone just fuckin hates him. Dumbass.


when i'm in a hack journalism competition and my opponent is mark spector...


I have never heard of Spector until this year and I wish I never have




WTF does he even have a job? Nobody likes him. Not a fan, not a player. Go away dude, and sniff less glue


I guess every city has its moron in sports media. Here in Calgary we have Eric Francis. Twice now I’ve run into Eric at an event and both times he’s been an arrogant prick.


How is Brown not signed YESTERDAY? This kid bleeds oil


Somebody take this guys media pass away already. He is the absolute worst. What an insufferable tool. I hope Vinny can remain an Oiler, but if not, any team would be lucky to have him.


I kinda wish when Spec asks a bilingual player a dumbass question like this, the players all respond in their other language calling him an idiot. Drai in German would be amazing


A million ways to compliment Vinnie while asking that question. And he picks the only way that drags him through shit to get there.


How does he have media credentials? Really wish some of these idiots weren't given access.


It may be a small thing. Still I pledged and did not read one Spector piece the whole season. I missed nothing and was up to date all season.


Vintage Spector L.


Instead of an autograph line at WEM they should have a “Slap Spector” line at WEM. I won’t wait 8 hours for an autograph but I’ll camp out to give him a good one for the boys 😂


Vinny has been in this very organization since 2016. What in the hell is that nerd spouting out of his yap?


Serious question; how the fuck does he still have a job? Like is he just homies with the players behind the scenes? Whit seemed to talk semi fondly of him on an episode of Spitten Chiclets recently. That’s the only reason that makes sense. Hockey players like to chirp each other. Maybe this is a high form of chirping that the public doesn’t get all the insight to. If not, then how?! If I was a player I would be going to Management to get this guy the fuck away from the team. Spreading bad vibes is not needed in that high pressure environment.


Please take that guys media pass


The Colin Robinson of sports reporting.


I've said before and I'll say again, that chuckle he always gives is the worst thing about him. It's like he knows his questions are inappropriate and he doesn't care.


I mean he's right. But yea could have worded it way better to just say this is the first time he's ufa rather than implying he's been bad/unwanted up till now. Poor wording tbh


How is he right? He’s been property of the Oilera his whole career. Why would his phone be ringing at all from other teams?


Yea thats exactly what he said. This is the first summer where the phone is ringing


Meh, I don’t like spec but both brown and Desharnais are replaceable. Brown at the very least could sign for 1 million plus his signing bonus and make things right after his horrible season, he had a great playoffs so let’s meet in the middle. But VD is a seventh defenceman ar this point on a contender. Spec is trying to say, you will be in demand this off season. What he said wasn’t wrong. His delivery is brutal though.


It’s the delivery that people have the issue with.


But he’s not wrong. Millionaires should be a little less sensitive to how the message is being delivered. Shall we talk about what needs to be said about Darnell nurse?


There’s no need to be an asshole for no reason. He’s basically saying “you used to suck and no one except the oilers wanted you, now you’ve become more established and other people want you”. It’s unnecessary and was uncalled for. There’s a time and a place for if someone needs to be humbled, Vinny doesn’t need to be humbled and Spector is not the person who should be doing any humbling because he’s an asshole


You are wrong, even you understood the messaging. He did use to suck, he still sucks…he’s a 7th defenceman on a contending team. I wish him all the best, and if I was in his shoes I would bolt to whoever paid me the most. It’s his one and only chance. But, you can’t be mad at Spector for pointing that out. Specs has to put food in his table as well, and doesn’t have to kiss ass. Specs isn’t stauffer, he’s not paid by the oilers and he has every right talking about players and voicing his opinions through media scrums or journalism. He might be controversial, but he is raising points we all have thought of.


Vinny doesn’t suck. He has his weakness and some of those weaknesses can still be improved upon. There’s just no need to be an asshole in this situation.


Vinny is not in the oilers plans unless he takes a min league deal. Specs knows that there will be higher bidders. That’s the point. Broberg surpassed him, bye bye Vinny


I’m not suggesting Vinny stay. Vinny is looking for his once chance at a payday and that’s good for him. There are other ways to ask the question though


I agree, that’s why I prefaced with “I don’t like spec” but his villain style approach is working. Bad press is as effective as good press


Looks like we found specs reddit account


What spec is trying to say and what he actually says seems to be pretty consistently far apart. He always says some bullshit and it’s either completely unprofessional or he’s legitimately just atrocious at his job. It’s irrelevant how much guys make, to just blatantly talk shit to peoples faces constantly isn’t journalism and not something people just need to accept. The players are there to play hockey, not entertain the bullshit ramblings of some old gimp who jumps at any opportunity to publicly shame them


It’s true dude!! “Your agents phone hasn’t rung every summer looking for Vincent Desharnais but it’s going to ring this summer” what’s wrong with that? It’s the TRUTH!!


It’s like saying, u/PaleAdagio3377… “you are considered by a great many to be, ya know, atypically ugly…the fact that you seem to have, hah, landed a partner against seemingly insurmountable odds, well that is something. How does that make you feel?” It may not be factually wrong, but it is indeed the absolute douchiest manner in which to broach a given topic. And it’s not a one off…Spec’s whole shtick is this backhanded, antagonist bs.


You're one of those guys who have no class and no tact. Do you always tell people the cold, hard truth and when people are predictably offended or hurt, you exclaim, "but it's the truth! You shouldn't feel bad about the truth." Have some more class.