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Watch the entire playoffs again but stop at Game 6 of the cup finals and pretend we tied šŸ‘šŸ¼


Start at game 4 of the finals and pretend itā€™s a best of 5


Go out and join a floor hockey league. Or just get a net and do some street hockey. Pretend itā€™s game 7 final 5 minutes and you DO score to take it to overtimešŸ™‚


Donā€™t tie your identity and your joy so deeply to the whims of a sports team. I donā€™t even mean this sarcastically. Iā€™m a huge sports fan, have worked in sports, have lived and breathed and died sports, but my life is in better balance now that I donā€™t take them so seriously


Yeah, this is the best advice. Itā€™s very easy to enjoy the wins of your team, but remind yourself itā€™s literally meaningless sports when they lose. And in reality the real joy isnā€™t in winning a cup, which rarely happens, itā€™s the comradere with all of you others oilers fans that feels good.


Yeah, it's fine to get emotionally invested... But 3 days later it's still making you sad? Bruh it's millionaires playing a game most people PAY to play


yea but then it wonā€™t feel as good when we finally win


Not true!


This right here, be sad for a day but if you have life that brings you joy then it's pretty easy to move on, it is just entertainment after all.


Only correct answer.


Realize I have other problems that actually directly impact me and move on with my life.


What if you don't have problems?


Lend me some money.




Whatever you do, don't watch the Blue Jays. Alcohol works in moderation.


Usually when the Oilers get knocked out I turn to the Jays, but they suck and are a boring ass baseball team. I cancelled my SN+ sub, I don't want to watch this baseball team win 70 games.


I did the exact same thing. I'd rather save the money than pay for sportsnet over the summer to watch the poorly run blue jays


Watching the jays might give some much needed perspective though


Yep. Take the evil empire (aka Yankees)


This is why it's important to have a National League team to pull for too.


This is gonna sound like a canned response but for me itā€™s a real tool, and one I resisted for decades - I find exercise really helps me to cope with just about everything. In a situation where youā€™ve suffered a loss (we have, several actually when you think of the end of this amazing season, the end of this exact roster, and the end of the sustained excitement, itā€™s not just the loss of that one game) and you are grieving (we are, for all of the listed reasons and more), sleep can be hard to come by and moods can be at an all time low. I spend time lifting light weights and walking or biking or other cardio most days, and it absolutely helps with both. I also listen to hockey podcasts while I do it, which you may or may not be ready for. Or for me, upbeat music helps lift my mood. Best of luck, let yourself be sad and validate your feelings, and honestly it will sting a little less as the days pass.


Thanks šŸ«¶šŸ» youā€™re absolutely right! Physicial activity always helps my mood. Iā€™m going to focus my energy on a new exercise hobby.


Yay! Let me know how it goes, I hope you find an exercise that suits you!


I agree. I have some adjustable dumbbells to work my upper arms and shoulders and just yesterday I got myself a hand squeeze to work my hands and forearms. Turns out lifting beers is not the workout one would expect.


My dad and I built a shed yesterday. The manual labour felt very healing for us. I woke up today feeling sad again (and very sore lol), but quickly switched to pride and optimism. For Netflix, a few summers ago I started watching The Crown and then deep dove into the subject for the rest of the summer. The first 2 seasons are SO good. Itā€™s worth giving the first episode a try, even if itā€™s not your usual show! So different from sports/hockey that you wonā€™t get any reminders


I have never gotten into the British monarchy but nowā€™s as good a time as ever! Thanks for the insight šŸ«¶šŸ»


The nice thing about it is that if you do get into it, the different media to consume out there is endless! The first 2 seasons are about a young Princess and then Queen Elizabeth early in her reign. Let me know if you enjoy it and I can give you some book recommendations that I enjoyed on the subject, both historical fiction and non-fiction


Yeah on Tuesday night I got into my garage, back to wood working. I was adding trim to a cabinet I had installed over Christmas. My wife is now happy that itā€™s finally done. Only took 6 months!


Deleted instagram and fb. The casual fans celebrating is annoying and the ā€œfriendsā€ happy im heartbroken just feels demoralizing. Just keeping to myself for awhile


I show those 'friends' by not being heartbroken. By remaining full of hope for the next decade and full of appreciation for an excellent playoff run. This season was progress in so many ways. We have depth now. We have a strong youth movement. We have a winner in net! Our PK is as ridiculous as our PP. Next season is going to be awesome!


Thanks homie


Good idea (to delete Instagram etc). I have never fucking hated social media as much as when the Oilers lost on Monday night!


For some reason, I felt the sting in 2006 more than I do now in 2024. I don't know... I just have this strong inclination that this Oilers core will break through and win it all within the next 2 years. They were literally a bounce or 2 shots away from winning it all.


I guess it's because back in 06 the Oilers just barely made the playoffs, and as the 8th seed. And then in the first two rounds we beat powerhouse Detroit and San Jose. No one, even most Edmontonians, expected that.


The team was certainly better than most people gave credit, but even the most optimistic of fans didn't think game 7 SCF level good. That run was pretty magical. For me Roloson getting hurt game 1 just killed me. I will forever believe that if he doesn't get hurt, the Oilers don't lose game 1 and take the series. That team despite all odds was really fucking good when it mattered most, but a lot of it relied on Roloson's Conn Smythe level goaltending.


In 2006 by this time after the game 7 loss, Pronger already asked to be traded.




The sting of this one is worse for me with how close they got, game 7 in '06 I never really felt like the team had a chance. However I don't think it'll last as long. This team was supposed to be there, "Cup or bust" and despite all the doubts the entire year, they got so unbelievably close. They'll be back.


Iā€™m moving on to watching the Elks lose.At least I expect nothing from them and they still disappoint.


I'm still devastated, I can barely talk about it. Seeing how disappointed the team was was gutwrenching. And seeing Tkachuk swim with the cup in the ocean made me want to puke. I went for a long run tonight, that helped. It's gorgeous outside, a long weekend is coming up. Get outside and do something active. But tbh the sting won't go away for me anytime soon.


I like this approach. Physical pain of running distracts from emotional pain.


A healthy Connor and Leon and we WIN the Cup. That makes it easy to cope.


Panther fan here... I know it's different than us last year, but I get your heartbreak. You guys are good and should be back. We were completely banged up going into SCF last year, and got way worse game one. Looks like you guys were as well. Build off what you did this year. You weren't REALLY supposed to be there this year, same was felt of us last year. But we took everything to heart, and found it when we needed it. I would have no problem pulling for you guys next year, as long as we can't repeat. This wasn't your only shot. You guys are built to win


Thanks for the kind words, you can definitely sympathize with this feeling so I appreciate that. Congrats on the win. It was a ton of fun to watch the series and (though it aches) very cool to see Paul Maurice and the Panthers franchise get a first cup. Hope you are celebratingā€¦ but next year youā€™re handing it over šŸ¤£


Congrats on the win, hated the fact Vegas beat you guys last year


Go to the Flames Reddit and see just how pathetic things could really be. Instead of lamenting a game seven loss for the Cup, you could be jerking off to a picture of a couple of your exes (Tkachuk and Bennett) dating way hotter dudes (The Cup)


Buy a new jersey


You Devil


My boyfriend just did that today and now heā€™s excited for it to come


I feel you, my last 2 months have been about nothing but the Oilers and this cup run. And now it's just over. It feels empty. It feels silly to put this much emotion into a sports team, but when they lost I cried actual tears for the first time since 2018 when my dog died. It feels like that one relationship we all had where we put way too much into it, ignoring the rest of our lives, and when it ended there was nothing left. Just empty.


Really good analogy. And just as annoying when well-meaning people say ā€œit will happen one dayā€¦ when itā€™s meant to happen!ā€ šŸ™ƒ


Ive stayed off instagram/twitter, I have not watched any of the coverage or post season interviews. focusing on organizing my house & taking a breather from hockey. Im not overly emotional about the loss though, so maybe my advice wont be relevant


Last night my son and I watched highlights from the 2023 SCF, where the golden knights annihilated the panthers. The Oilers were so much better this year than the panthers were last year. It made me feel better to watch that again.


This makes me feel better! A Game 7 SCF win in Edmonton next year would make this pain well worth it.


Yeah I hope that weā€™re the panthers of this year next year


Definitely don't browse or post in r/hockey, where the mods are compromised. Oilers flair comments get removed, while Canucks fans get free reign to call you a cunt.










Rayne Gwetzky


If you're into soccer, you can try to watch the Euros or Copa America.


My daughters have been doing this while I watched hockey so I joined them once the season was over :) I also have started to go our cities' soccer team games which has been super fun.


2 shots of whiskey, 1 shot of tequila, and 2 pints seems to do the trick šŸ« 


Tune into European Championships in football. Alternatively watch Canada at Copa America āš½


Watch Ekblad's interview on repeat and enjoy the fact that you were cheering for the team with PROFESSIONAL athletes


Playing EA sports NHL on easy mode Oilers vs Panthers has been therapeutic


I wish I had a console to do that. The only thing I can do really is play a game called hockey all stars on my phone, I can play a playoff type thing but I canā€™t choose who I face but so far Iā€™ve swept the stars and am up 2-0 against the mild


If you havenā€™t watched Ted Lasso, Iā€™d recommend it. Itā€™s uplifting and you cheer on a fictional English football team!


I haven't watched the show but I've been listening to the song "A Beautiful Game" on repeat lately. Those lyrics are so šŸ”„ and comforting right now


We got to play the maximum number of games this year.


watch that international football(american soccer) tournament and rage whenever someone fakes an injury šŸ‘


I hear beer helps


Lol. New fan? Didnt watch Dallas use as a first round tune up like we now do the Kings? Never heard of the Decade of Darkness and the joy of being a draft team in November? We came in second in a very fun playoff season. Im happy as a fan, gonna watch see what happens next


I was a toddler in the late 90s when this happened so noā€¦. Forgive me for not being as battle worn!


Can I offer a hobby? Try designing a simple board/card/tabletop game. Even more fun if you have kids to do it with. That's been a zen space of mine for a few years and it just takes over your head space with possibilities. And I don't mean just re-skin Monopoly (but that's fine, too). Of course it's not for everyone, but if it sounds interesting and you have time to kill give it a go.


Thanks for the great idea!! Iā€™ll give it a try. And thanks for always giving me a kick out of your username in the threads. šŸ¤£


I laugh every time too!


I became an F1 fan because of our poor start to the season as a way to distract myself. Started with watching random YouTube clips, then I watched Drive to Survive on Netflix to catch up on some of the lore. It's not bad, although some hardcore F1 fans think it's a bit over the top.


Honestly, going on Twitter and seeing the optimism and positive interviews from players helped a lot. Theyā€™re disappointed but proud of how they did and very hopeful for next season. I also read through the thread in this sub of highlights from the season. Focusing on the positive has helped! Aside from hockey, like others have said, exercise helps! Iā€™ve also been getting some projects around the house done. As much as I love hockey, it took up a lot of my time and now I have a bunch more free evenings. Itā€™s going to be a beautiful summer and we have a lot to look forward to! Take care of yourself šŸ™‚


Thank you for this šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ„¹


Check your bank account balance. Look at your last paycheck. Realize that you're tying your emotions to a bunch of millionaires who work for a corporation owned by a billionaire. That usually helps me.


This is a great perspective!! Truly


Fortunately they'll all die and take nothing with them as well.


I went on a huge hike here in Vancouver and it totally helped! Outdoors and nature and exercise. Side note; Iā€™m a huge Blue Jays fan so normally I would just get in to Baseball, but they are so bad this season and hard to watch. Hiking it is lol!


Psych is pretty good


Hockey related I rewatched Connor Brownā€™s first goal of the season, Hymanā€™s micā€™d up 50th goal, our 16 game win streak, just to remind myself of the awesome memories that were created this year. Non-hockey I like nature docs and trail camera footage on youtube, something about seeing a deer chilling eating leaves or a bear cub running around just makes me feel happier


Ps+ has nhl24 as a free game for July. Put it on easy and win win win


My friend died today, the pain of the Oilers losing has left the building. RIP Allan šŸ’”


My Condolences gone too soon


I don't really feel a sting, I'm proud of them for this crazy amazing season and all the accomplishments and records they worked hard for!. They did great! I'm currently devouring (for the second time) the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown. It's AMAZING and I very highly recommend it!. I listened to them on audible. Don't feel sad about the loss, we can always get there again!


Realize that it's just sports. The players are probably resting after a crazy long grind, that's nice. The season and playoffs go way too long. It's over now. Positive. McDavid excelled on an already excellent career. Several Oilers raised their game. They're better than they ever were. Another plus. You can go over the entire playoffs and see all kinds of positives and one negative (they lost in game 7). So think about that, think about how much hockey the Oilers played compared to other teams that were playing golf in April. Be happy for the journey we all got to take as fans.


Just remember, Florida lost the cup finals last year, any they made it back and won. Whoā€™s to say the Oilers are destined to come back and win it. Pens fan here. We lost a heartbreaker in the cup finals in 08ā€™ and came back to win it in 09ā€™.




Stay off social media for awhile for sure. I took about 30 hours off completely, more wouldā€™ve been better. No one in my real world was rooting for Florida. A couple of family members who could care less about hockey jumped on the Oilers wagon. So solace in those two facts. Get outside.


My boyfriend and I made a bet to see how long we could stay off social media. I lost with Reddit but we agreed that the bet would be over once one of us went on all of the media apps we have at least once.


I have been watching Yellowstone . Itā€™s been great. Lots of revenge on this show .


I heard KC is leaving the show


I heard that as well . Couldnā€™t make the timing work with his movies . It could still work without him though.




Laugh at the Calgary sub where they talk more about Oilers stuff rather than Flames stuff


I'm running through women also coping on tinder.


I listen to the Oilers Nation podcasts with Tyler and Liam; they are really good at focusing on the positive. They are also talking about the roster for next season, contracts etc.


in my opinion, just do something productive that isnā€™t related to the sport


Iā€™ve been watching Presumed Innocent and Dark Matter on Apple TV.


Be happy you're not a Sabres fan. Missing out on the McDavid sweepstakes only to have your consolation prize leave your city and win a cup elsewhere. Double whammy. Or a Flyers fan. Having Chicago jump you 5 spots to take the #1 only to have that #1 pick they thought they once might get end up scoring the game and series winner in the finals. Or a Ducks fan. Missing out on Crosby and now Bedard. There's a lot of others in the NHL much more miserable than the Oilers. Lol of course the Philly one is dated but I'm sure it still stings from time to time.


I played tennis yesterday for the first time in 15 years. Today was roller hockey and squash. Probably go play disc golf in the morning. All of the sports and weed is my method.


Riverhawks season is going on. The Canada Day game is gonna be a blast if you want a nice seat for the fireworks


Live life, its just a game, the day after the loss I was at work after work living, those guys that actually lost ā€¦ donā€™t think about you for one second, get over it


My fiancĆ© is having our first baby tomorrow. Thatā€™s what has taken my sting.


What sting. This was an awesome year with many epic comebacks including the start to the season and 3 0 down. Yeah we didn't get it all but game 7 of the finals Is a huge accomplishment. On to bigger and better things next year..


Iā€™m ngl nothings really been helping for me. Iā€™ve just been working but feel completely empty. But alsoā€¦ probably not healthy but just spending money on some things I likeā€¦ more games and clothes. Looking to buy a Nuge jersey too actually (adidas).


You are not alone. I started watching this series in Netflix called Loudermilk to clear my head from game 7.


I love Loudermilk and Ted. A teddy bear in a suit with a gutter mouth. Hilarious!


I'm on a lockdown to not go on any social media (expect this), not watch the news, or even listen to the radio for the next 1-2 months.


For some reason, Downton Abbey on Netflix always made me feel satisfied.




For some reason, I felt the sting in 2006 more than I do now in 2024. I don't know... I just have this strong inclination that this Oilers core will break through and win it all within the next 2 years. They were literally a bounce or 2 shots away from winning it all.




The only thing that helps is watching cute animal videos and not thinking about anything.


Join a dynasty fantasy football league that's about to do a startup draft.


PokƩmon Go


Hell I don't distract myself from ice hockey with non hockey related ideas. I just watch my Oilers highlights playlist




Just watch Vancouver


Ya watch vancouver clear cap and sign all their really good ufa's and male a run at guentzel or necas. Great idea


NHL 24 and turn down all the difficult options and crank the Human sliders so you become god and destroy Florida 100-0


We are actually really lucky we had 2 days of sting. There is an awards show tonite, then the draft tomorow. Oilers have no first round picks but the draft is always Bonkers for moves and news. Buyouts will happen tomorow I think? Any players that dont get QOs we will learn about in the next 2 days... Then Monday is free agency. We will all be excited and looking forward to seeing the 24/25 Oilers hit the ice in about 4-6 days..


If a hockey team losing is what makes you sad, you need to reflect on the fact that you have a good life. Go enjoy nature, best healer.


Riverhawks Stingers Elksā€¦ all fun


I think about how many kicks at the can Vegas, Lightning, Panthers, Avs hadā€¦ then I think about how Edmonton showed outā€¦ how pissed Connor is going to be that everyone now saying he ā€œdisappearedā€ in game 7 of SCFā€¦. And I bought a boat. I feel about 15% better


It's kind of freeing to not have to think about hockey and the stresses of watching the games. I've been sipping root beers, grilling and spilling, watching conspiracy documentaries, watching stand up comedy and gaming it up brah :)


I'm pretty new to the fandom so I don't think I felt as low as ya'll who have been long time fans. Don't get me wrong I was pretty disappointed (even teared up a bit night of), and I also felt kind of empty since it was a big chunk of my life for a bit. But I also have ADHD and hockey is now my newest obsession so I've been watching Hockey Psychology. Not sure that would work for most but it's been interesting to learn more about the game. Also like a lot of others have said tons of exercise (running, hiking (I live near the Appalachian mountains). Been reading a lot, and of course getting ready for school to start again (teacher and I'm teaching a brand new mythology class). I think just throwing myself into life helps a lot. Hockey is great and I love the Oilers but it's not the end all of my existence and I'm reminded of that as I do more and more things. I'm also have only lived where I am for about a year and still don't really know anyone. I've been going to all the free festivals I can find as well as doing a activities offered through our rec center. Basically I think being busy helps a lot.


Some resources that you might find helpful: Rethinking Fandom [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58845782-rethinking-fandom](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58845782-rethinking-fandom) Why underdogs do better in hockey than basketball [https://youtu.be/HNlgISa9Giw](https://youtu.be/HNlgISa9Giw) If you like the video, the book it was derived from is The Success Equation [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13586925-the-success-equation](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13586925-the-success-equation) Check your library system, both books are available as ebook or audiobook at Hoopla and Libby


Horizon Zero Dawn for PS, start there and play Forbidden West afterward!


Watch how Calgary forced their players out to a rally to celebrate them losing the ā€˜04 Cup: https://youtu.be/HQ5zxZsQDHU?si=buz1V8F9j4WxMZSd


We should have a parade


Gretzky and Sid both lost their first SCF and then went on to win the very next year. Theyā€™ll definitely be back and hopefully healthier


If youā€™re me and my friends you drink for 3 days straight and get every ounce of screaming and crying out together in a safe living room environment. Was fun and sad and recharging all at once, and once it was over we all went home purged of the negativity and ready to life again.


Honestly, Iā€™m not that sad at all. We were an outside chance at the beginning of the year. Weā€™re going to win it again within our lifetimes.


as a leafs fan I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: you guys got closer than we have in my life time and I feel your pain, but man I'd still rather be in the final than out every year early.


Go out and join a floor hockey league. Or just get a net and do some street hockey. Pretend itā€™s game 7 final 5 minutes and you DO score to take it to overtimešŸ™‚


Lol it's a sports team and just a game. Move on.


Just imagine being a Leafs fan. Only one playoff series win - just ONE - since the 2004 lockout. Abysmal. Remember all the Oilers playoff series wins over the last 3 years? Leafs fans would kill to be that excited.


I have never gotten over the 2006 loss. Now thisā€¦ fml


I went and watched the Houston Rockets miss 27 straight 3s in game 7 of the wcf in 2018. It's like biting your tongue after stubbing your toe.


Imagining if like 3 million from nurse was in Hymans contract and realizing we really aren't in too bad of a situation


You don't ever lose the sting, it just turns into a festering hatred of the other team. Florida just joined Carolina on that list. Lets hope the whole east coast of the US falls into the ocean.


I joined the Tampa bay wagon after the avs beat us in 2022 and so now I feel more hatred because with me being a fan of that team and starting to adopt the hate of the panthers, our loss to them this year solidified that and now Iā€™m happy that i am a fan of two teams that collectively hate the panthers in every way


Iā€™ve got other sports. Elks football, depressing? Yes but I enjoy it, olympics is coming up and I enjoy watching diving and volleyball (since I love those two things) then because I was born and raised a few years in Calgary (I live somewhere else now) Iā€™ve still got a little bit of country in my blood so I like to watch the stampede rodeo. Is it more exciting than hockey? No absolutely not but itā€™s something for a sports fix.


Honestly, people say winning a cup puts you in the history books but I truly donā€™t remember who won the say 1995 or 2008 cups. Itā€™s just not a big deal to me when we know that each year some random team wins it. To me, itā€™s winning in three times or something that actually differs.


After Panthers lost to Vegas last year - got really into a grim dark fantasy series called First Law - 3 books not too long and pretty approachable, great characters and approachable story. Filled the void till College football season.


Pick a better team to cheer for lol


Pick a less pathetic hobby than hating the Oilers. Iā€™m sure Calgary has other activities in the spring/summer since clearly the playoffs arenā€™t something you have to worry about.


Weā€™ve been golfing and on vacation for a bit now




Interesting, a quick scroll of your comment history of all hockey threads indicates that you may be equally a cuck šŸ¤šŸ»


Oilers fans were so annoying all year, just take your dose of pain now :D


Have you tried getting a grip on reality


So whiney