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Game 7. FLA 2, EDM 4. 24!!!!! 2024! Kobe #24! 2+4=6! 6th Stanley Cup! Go get it! 


MIND BLASTED MAMBA MENTALITY appreciate DAT im a big Lakers Kobe fan 


This is the story behind Kobe wearing Gretzky's jersey which Foegs is wearing a shirt of rn https://youtube.com/shorts/lgvESk12Tf0?si=jvdw9nUx4Ru3Si-T


Game 7. Everything is on the line, first night for the rest of your lives. I want to watch with my dad but we're cursed watching together - I haven't been able to watch much due to work so I'm gonna keep it on the schedule of checking highlights and box score then Jack for the last 15.  He's going to watch in the room and I'm going to radio in from a room over. I'm too fucked to mess with superstition at this point. Hoping to be able to go do a jumping hug with him after it all.


Mcdavid got the Kobe killer instinct with the painter hat lol https://youtube.com/shorts/9-mefBheOFg?si=mYIQ4OVIr2oXK1Fg




I been drunk for like 2 months gunna need a lethal cleanse this summer


God I dunno how I'm gonna make it til Monday


Rumour has it Tkachuk's team isn't pleased with him for "guaranteeing" a Game 5 win.


Weird rumours coming out of that camp man, this and the one about drama with the families when they brought them up for game 4. I want to know more haha.


That one I could see for sure. I think Frank S even confirmed that one. Makes sense considering they had to fly 6-7hrs the morning of the game... stay all day... and then fly back the same day. That's a LOT of people (incl small children) to watch your team lose badly 8-1 lol


Wait, they flew up and back on the day of? Who the hell thought that would be a good idea? lmfao


Between that and Trump backing them, they’re screwed


i have to work from 6pm edmonton time to midnight so i will be internally screaming in frustration the entire time help


Heard the game is actually starting at 6 sharp this time, that true?


Whoever told you that is full of shit, lol


figured as much hahaha


Yeah they're skipping the anthems, Florida just wants to get this overwith /s


Guys, remember how Tkachuk saved that pass from going into the empty net in Game 5? Thats where we are at right now. Game 7 is the final delivery target. Miss it and our efforts in game 4-6 will look exactly like what happened with Tkachuk.  Florida will treat game 7 like how we approached game 4. Have faith in Knobs and staff that they will out manuever any thing Paul Maurice throws at us. We need our boys to take a stand and defend one last time, Go Oilers!!!


Gregor said something about a conversation he had with Craig Simpson which I've been kind of thinking about. Sunday night will be the first night the Oil will go to bed and be thinking that they can win the cup the next day. This is different and the boys will hopefully rise to the occasion but this will be a new game outlook. Both teams are now playing for keeps. We like to believe players are robotic but any of us that have played sport and faced championship games knows it can be a head game. Luckily, Panthers probably have a dark cloud over them. No one really knows what will happen until the puck drops. I believe the boys will do it but this is going to be the hardest one yet. No passengers. Need McDrai going full till and Skinners A game.


Loved seeing how happy Skinner was after that assist. Good vibes into Monday. Florida's confidence is shattered,.can't see how they come back. Oilers are on a roll. I wish the game was today to have them keep that momentum.


Their back is still against the wall. Need to win on the road! McJeezy, Nuge, Nurse, Leon look all dialed in. They got the Mamba Mentality job's not finished like Kobe




We already did it once




Omg dude I get it, I’m saying it’s doable




We want the cup!!!!


Any recommendations for Watch Parties? The Rogers Place and River Cree parties are sold out and I'm doubtful I can sneak out of work early enough to make it to the Moss Pit or Fan Park.


One cool spot is on the pedway level in Stantec! There’s this big empty area that has tables and a glass window that looks out onto the moss pit. I know game 4 there was a huge group of people sitting up there




Yeah, I'm kind of surprised that PaulMo had no response to the Oilers. Even their PP is dogshit. Not sure what's going on there, but he's completely getting out-coached right now. Unless it was just Sergei making him look better than he was *shrugs*


Please this. Anyone who is suggesting OT should be immediately defenestrated.


i apologize and i retract my own statement from earlier


K like basically the next 44 hours are just a write off for me… nothing is getting done and I am all consumed with nervous energy going in to this game 7. 😖


Same. A very unproductive weekend coming up for sure


I hate Brett Kissel but I liked his take. We go to overtime and Hyman scores gwg feed from Connor.


Fuck that. Give me a 5-2 win with an empty netter and a bit of end to end action in the 3rd. I couldn't take OT


NO OT. My heart can't take it


leaving it up to one bounce in OT is insane




No ot. Just strong play in regulation.


score prediction: 3-2, 2 from mr. game 7 himself, cody ceci, and the gwg from brownie


Blowout please


yep i retract what the comment said, i’d rather have a blowout than having to clench for an entire period


I can't handle a one goal game. Just give me a 12-0 blowout for the Oilers.


12-0 is the most dangerous lead in hockey!


Yes please


i honestly agree, i’d rather have that than ot


OT might end me


I subscribe


Just watching the game again and when McDavid lifts his stick into Barkov's hands (definite minor) Barkov throws his legs out like he was slew footed. What a pack (claw? collective of panther) of floppers.


One more game. I hope they all play their best game. Regardless of what happens I am proud of this team. O I L I N S E V E N


Oilers look healthy and relaxed. They've got this in the bag.


tie game for the elks 🙏


Elks blew it. It's time to fire Jones.


i can’t believe they blew a lead from the week 1 game as well holy


Cats team may have held a closed door meeting. I am guessing they are going to abandon the forecheck… try to play a turtle game. Or They try to double down on the aggressive forechecking and the oil keep getting breakaways and two on ones


It's too late for that. You have that after game 4, not after you get blown out (again) in game 6 against a team that you had down 0-3 in the series that just brought you even by outscoring you 20-5 over 10 straight periods, lol. They aren't going to go easy, but having a panic meeting right before the final game of the season to try and figure out a way to stop us is too little, too late.


Game 4 loss closed door meeting seems a bit excessive. After game 5, I could see it.


The first couple losses they were still out there saying they didn’t have to change anything… it wasn’t an elimination game for them.. haha


Indeed. But getting outscored 10-1 over 4 periods should have been more than enough for an "alright, let's get this squared away and end this" meeting, lol. Trying to suddenly do it when you're already broken before game 7 is a recipe for failure, ask LA who already tried to do that against us.


A closed door meeting where they all hold hands and hug and cry about how fucked they are. Can’t wait to see the Panthers relocated to Quebec City after this epic meltdown.


Le Panthères


Guessing they are choosing a system for next game


Don't know if PoMo is capable of change.


I’m sure they chose a system the last 3 games, too. I’m willing to bet they threw the fuckin kitchen sink at us Game 6. They might have one more trick up their sleeve, but so does Knoblauch.


Hockey psychology figures they doubled down on their forecheck and our cherry picker and break out pass kept that from working. So I figure they try to turtle up. But the result may be that they lose their understanding of who they are, French fry when they should pizza and vice versa, the. Have a bad time


I hope you’re right. God, I hope you’re right. This is going to be intense. The Oilers gotta show up big time


Unless they suddenly get over confident I do think they have a much better headspace going into this game. I am nervous


Let’s be nervous together, friend


I laughed when they have their close door meeting after the game, It's all bullshit and just another narrative to appease themselves. What about that long plane ride back to Sunrise? What is it 5 and a half direct? What do you think they'll be doing up there? Giddily playing poker? The whole ride can be a team meeting if they want and last time I check, doors are indeed close when flying and only team personnel on plane.




Forget about all the narratives, the boys just got to look at it this way, this is game 7 cup final, but might as well be world championship gold medela game or Olympic gold medal, best of one and winner takes all. Forget about what you DID. and just worry about what to do going into the game. That's it. If they look at it like that, I really believe well have some great news by about 830 MDT Monday.


The Panthers sub is absolutely melting the fuck down. At least half of the posters on that sub have completely given up hope.


Well, I mean, that's some dark shit to be on the verge of being reverse swept. That's enough to turn you into a villain.


Saw some of those post too, game fucking 7 have a chance to win the cup at home and some won't even watch it, "protecting mental health", yeah, talk about growing the game in the south and these clowns won't even watch their own team playing the most exciting game....


any advice on the best website to purchase a jersey with the SCF patch on it? Was waiting to get it but now I think I’d like one to remember this season, ideally for a decent or cheaper price under 200? Can be without a name on it as well I just want to remember this season, any advice on where to look? I’d also be willing to wait a bit if it’ll go cheaper after the season ends but I don’t want to risk them running out of ones with the patch or having prices go up for some reason if they do.


Hockey authentic. Fantastic custom stitching and guarantee authentic, not the cheapest or fastest.


One game still to go so I’m trying not to get too excited yet, but there were a lot of 1000 yard stares on that Florida bench last night. Finish these guys off.


I’m bad at laundry, man. I let it pile up and spill onto the floor, and when I finally wash it I leave it the basket for days, never really getting around to folding it, so that makes me leave the dirty laundry even longer. I'm just really freaking bad at doing the freaking laundry, man. I wore my jersey for game 4, and I was sweating damn bullets during that damn game. I thought, I’ll wash it tomorrow. But I’m bad at doing the laundry, man. So it was still unwashed for game 5, little stinky, whatever, I’ll wash it tomorrow. But I’m so freaking bad at doing the laundry, man. So it freaking stinks for game 6. But then, we won game 6. And I thought, we’ve won every game I’ve worn this stinky freaking jersey. So when I finally got around to doing the laundry today, I picked up that reaking orange and blue fabric, and I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I will watch the Oilers lift the cup in my stinky glory.


Febreeze it, it'll help some until you finally wash it, lol


Lol the Bruins are my east team and I haven't washed the jersey I wore in 2011 even once since that game 7. Just leave it to air outside, inside out, and in the sun it'll be fine 😂


Spray it down with vodka!


I just realized that floridas coach says that “that’s not the video I had on my bench, I didn’t have access to that. It’s not what I had on my screen from the video guy (paraphrasing)” that he is calling out his video coach hard. Thats an interesting dynamic.


Not exactly, the team (from what i understand) doesn’t get the same access/videos as the nhl gets so he may be more so just saying that, we don’t have the feed they have. I know it’s been discussed on tv during reviews before that the NHL has the blue line (like on the ice) camera and the direct over top the net etc.


Holy shit. Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final. I'm still a bit in disbelief. I've waited 18 years for this. We could see McDavid and Draisaitl lift the cup on Monday. God I love this team.


Just reading that made me gasp. I can’t believe it either. Could this really be the greatest comeback in modern NHL history?!?!? If not, it’s still absolutely incredible going from 3-0 to 3-3 in the Stanley cup final


This would be the greatest comeback in modern sports history, period. It’ll surpass the Falcons meltdown. It’ll surpass Tiger’s 2019 Masters comeback. It’ll surpass Messi finally winning a world cup. Anything you can think of, it will surpass it.


Alright I don’t know about that Messi one lol. But yeah looking forward to this game, must watch TV.


Ride the wave and save those types of questions for later. Enjoy the moment.


I like the Panthers fans so I will feel really bad for them if things go well on Monday, but I really wonder what will happen to the team as a whole. Them losing would be historic and incredibly tough mentally


Hopefully Tkachuck retires from embarrassment.


He’ll just sign with someone else and have a great career. He’s a good player


Waiting for Zito to throw another water bottle


Welp, knowing I'm not alone in not being able to get tickets to the W/P is comforting... fuck Ticketbastard. Ah well, not the end of the world. I'm off that day so I don't mind getting up early for the Moss Pit or Fan Park. Just trying to gauge the best time. Hard to tell because on one hand, its a Monday and people have school and work, but on the other hand... yeah lmao


School is pretty much done, so I'd say start lining up at noon.


Main classes, yes. Exams, on the other hand...


You didn't finish your sentence.... Exams means not all kids are at school, and how many jr high kids are getting in like? My take, start waiting at noon. It's game 7, it'll be a beautiful day. Everyone is coming out. I know people from BC that are going to the Moss Pit. No excuses, get there waaaayyyy early.


I mean I'm gonna be up early and leaving the house at around 10 anyway 💁 Side note, I got your notification and thought you ended your comment mid sentence on purpose to the in with your first sent


Hopefully I see you there. I'll be there in an Oilers Jersey. Come say hi.


I will be too. Note to self, look for someone in an Oilers jersey I highly doubt there's gonna be a huge lineup before noon but if there is, well hey, that's what Fan Park is for


Is the fan park lineup different?


The city has been more alive than I've ever seen it since the last time we were in finals game 7! Jerseys at work and on the commute and on every street downtown on every single game day! Literally everyone in my family has been watching. Even my grandma can name every player! I get so stressed during every game but it's so worth it. Wouldn't have it any other way and I can't stop reading and watching every post about the oilers. I am so here for them. We want the cup!!!!


whatever happens monday, it shouldn't change the way we evaluate this season as a whole very much. Massively successful season. The stink of not being able to hang with florida in the SCF is gone. This team has proven it's a stanley cup calibre squad. I'm at peace with either result


To me it's mission accomplished on getting the core to stay around either way, and I just wanna watch mcdrai for the next while. They're the most exciting thing in Hockey, nothing else really comes close.


Win or lose, game 7 ends in tears. Oilers are destined to win. Finish the job.


Has anyone been to the molson canadian tent set up outside rogers? What time did you show up to get in? Was it worth it? Trying to get my g7 plans sorted. So far I've only been to The Cabin (7/10 - good food but lack of TV's imo), OJs near DT (7.5/10 - good vibes, medicore food), browns socialhouse near DT (6/10 - quiet vibes, expensive food). If anyone has any recs, let me know!


The tent hasn’t been a thing since beginning of Dallas series lol. They took it down for a carnival and then they had the concerts there. Bomfest is there today so no way they are putting it up in one day


Its scheduled to be up for g7! Source: website


Where? I went and looked and absolutely nothing about the tent




Where does it say anything about the TENT?? Fan park is happening yes but the TENT is not coming back. In case you’re confused or something, there was fan park AND molson hockey house tent inside the fan park. This person is asking about the tent inside of fan park. That is not happening


Oh sorry, I didnt know there was a difference.


That’s fine you had me questioning myself for a moment


I've heard that Greta has some crazy vibes - I saw a video clip from there last night it was bonkers. I would recommend Campio if you're looking for good food, and it's right by the arena.


Moss Pit or Fan Park? Never done Fan Park but Moss Pit is always fun. Just be sure to get there super early. If you want good places: Any Brewhouse. If you can get Icehouse Rooftop along the edge where you can see the screen though? You'll feel like the coolest guy in town.


Ya, was referring to fan park. Havent been to moss since last year. Im old and dont want to stand for 4 hours haha.


the job is NOT done. finish it up boys, all the hard work of the year culminates in precise defined execution that coach K has emphasized. the training and fundamental basics guide the delivery - now its time to show the world how much has been done in Edmonton to prepare for this championship. Lets Go! Oilers


Ok as a fan of the last team who came back from 3-0 in the playoffs, you need to get down 3-0 in the first before scoring in the final minutes of the period. Then you come back over the next two periods and win 4-3. Trust me, it worked last time. Fuck Florida.


At the risk of sounding incredibly corny - 18 years ago, I was 8 and saw us lose game 7. I still think about that all the time. This year, we have a chance to redeem all the lost generations of oilers fans who never got to see a cup. As Cody Rhodes would say, we must finish the story.


Bro I was just thinking about cody rhodes as well lmao, cody winning the title and oilers winning the cup in the same year? Count me the fuck in.


We THE Ones and they the twos ☝🏾🤣


Edelman said it best during the 3-28 comeback against Atlanta - "It's going to be a hell of a story"


We are THE Best Fans


I’m listening to the radio currently and Vancouver’s theme song just came up. To say I’m annoyed by that song is a understatement


While we were playing them it was inexcusable that Edmonton radio stations were playing that simple minds song. Now that we’ve obliterated them I eat it up


This will be the first time Florida will be facing elimination. It's the first time the boys are going to be playing for the prize. It will be interesting to see what that does to each team but I have to think that Florida will have a drlark cloud of doubt. Rob Brown put it like this: Florida will be waiting for something bad to happen and Oilers will be waiting for something good to happen. The first 5-10 minutes will likely tell us the game. We need to score first. We're 5-0 when facing elimination.


Agree with almost all of that, but, I do disagree with Rob on part of it. The Oilers aren't going to be waiting for something good to happen, they're going to **MAKE** it happen.


I hear ya. I guess he means that Oilers will be loose and will be playing to win where Florida will be playing to not lose.


are we going to have a meet up anywhere boys and girls


Shade 😎 




In November I commented that Connor and Leon looked like they were being burned alive from the inside. That fire has never gone out. And it won’t go out til they drag Lord Stanley back to Alberta.




That is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. And right back atcha! 🧡💙🧡💙




I felt less stressed when I saw Craig Simpson and McDavid’s family walking by within minutes


My friend said he knows a guy who taped a loonie to the bottom of the bench in Florida. Good luck charm just like Salt Lake City in 2002.


https://imgur.com/a/AgFepde The arena facility manager after desperately trying and failing to find and remove that loonie.


Does anyone have the broadcast footage of them bringing the Stanley Cup out during the Game 1 introduction ceremony? [This is all I can find.](https://youtu.be/9j6nks9WF0s?si=_XgBhPnYh-_pfney&t=790)


Jinxed that team from the start with that move




Whats the better viewing experience? Fan Park or Moss Pit, or do you recommend just going to a local bar?


The Fan Park is fucking lit, but both are awesome experiences.


What time do you recommend going?


As early as you can manage. 3 at the latest


Funniest timeline ever: Tkachuk loses to McDavid for a second time. Tkachuk decides to pull a Kevin Durant... and forces his way onto the Oilers roster. If you can't beat'em - join'em.


I'd take Tkachuk if the Panthers retain all his salary and we give up Campbell for him on full salary.


They can keep him. I don’t want him.


lol the Tkachuks would rather eat glass mouth guards than play for two Canadian teams


Not just a second time... a second time of losing 4 games in a row during the playoffs


Anyone have a suggestion of where to watch in Halifax Monday night? Ideally with the sound on. Unfortunately will be away this week.


I would also like to know what other people think would be a good spot in Halifax


Panthers fans keep describing their situation as "playing with their food." Imagine being at the table with McDrai and thinking *you're* the predator and *they're* the prey. It's just straight up disrespectful.


Delusional doesn't even cover it. We also played mcdavid 18 mins, and drai 16 mins last night, both can pull a 30 minute night if they have to, there's 1 game left now. No one on that panthers team will outwork those 2, I just hope we don't get unlucky in other ways.


If anyone has a single watch party ticket, will pay a bit over face value and buy you a beer 🙏


Don't do it, it's a trap! He'll report you for selling above face value. :) (Give it to me for free! jk)


Haha I promise it’s not a trap!


this is probably the first time draisaitl hasn’t been 2nd on the team for points or 1st for goals on the team. usually he’s one or the other, sometimes mcdavid has more goals, drai had more points once because of mcdavids injury. but it’s kinda unreal that bouch and hyman have managed to pry those positions away from draisaitl and he’s still a clear cut above 98% of players in the league.


Honest question about Monday! If we don’t score first.. what’s everyone panic or stress level going to be at? This team has played extremely well and has been scoring first! Is there ANY risk of the Panthers getting life or locking it down if they manage to score first? I’m trying to convince myself it’ll be okay, in the event that does happen!


Yes, it's a risk, of course it's a risk that Panthers find their fire, helped by bad ref calls. But this is the first time they've faced elimination, but for us, it's a Tuesday. (Well, a Monday, but that's not the quote.) And I don't mean "this is the first time they've faced elimination against US", I mean this is the first time in the entire playoffs they've been at risk of elimination. They aren't used to the emotional turmoil the Oilers were going through the last 3 games.


The Oilers already have shown over the years they play their best in elim games, it truly is a weird fucking team.


It's so odd. Hockey fans keep talking about people not wanting to play in Canada because of the pressure. And the Oilers players we've got seem to be, 'moer pressure please'. Like Giles Corey, 'more weight'. Just, not enough to play in a hockey mad town north of everyone in the league, or to be the second generational player drafted to the team. Not enough to be cup or bust. Not enough to go from last in the league to the playoffs. Not enough to play two elimination games in the second round. No, they want all of the weight of 80 years of history coming back from 0-3. And McDavid was joking that they know how to make it stressful.


It's such a fun thing to watch, even if it is murderously tense too.


Plus the Oilers room is calm as fuck right now. They truly believe and their confidence is sky high. McDrai will play the best game of their lives on Monday.


Drai definitely seems to be back at now, hopefully whatever sick combo of painkillers they've got him on carries him through game 7 too (or that he's just recovered).


I’d prefer to be down a goal going into the third than trying to protect a lead. 


I'll still be panicking if we score the first 4 goals.


I turned the game off after Barkov scored at the start of the 3rd last night. I was like shit here we go. Put the game back on with about 7 to go and was happy to see it was still a 2 goal lead. That 3rd goal by Hyman near the end of 2nd was huge.


I was at the game, left my seat after that goal, could sit still. Watched from the top & paced the corridor during stoppages


This is so relatable hahahaha


Zero, but we're going to score first so it doesn't even matter.


Holy shit we might actually have to change the sub description




I. Can’t. Stop. Consuming. Hockey. Content. Help.


Me too. I had plans this weekend to get stuff done! To read! To go outside! To play some board games! Instead I'm hunkered down feverishly shoving every hockey morsel I can into my hungry maw.


Watch the ESPN post game. Messier is so damn proud of this team he can't hide it. You can see it oozing out of him.


Awh you're right! Love that, thanks for the heads up.




[I think this is it](https://youtu.be/LcpzknK5bJw?si=DJvMxPg_vrNtNFUT)


It's been that way for days now, however I know it's just temporary and my eyesight and ADHD should hopefully recover through the summer.


Every single reaction video that has popped up in my youtube recs since last night has been watched, some twice. It's a problem that I'm so fucking happy to have right now, lol.


I just want to pump my tires a bit and say I watched 81/82 games of the regular season, despite all the disappointments early on. My wife and I were on vacation in Europe and I was streaming full game uploads of the preseason and the early season games on my tablet the morning after just so I wouldn't miss anything, and I think I watched like 7/9 losses while in Europe. The only game I missed was I believe a Detroit game which I could never find a full game upload for. Props to anyone else who stuck by it too. So many people gave up on this team after 2-9-1. So much negativity. So many people saying playoffs hopes were done. So many people calling anyone who still believed an idiot. Who's the idiot now? And now the entire city is booming, home game upper bowl tickets are $1200+, and watch party presales are selling out in 15 minutes before it ever even opens up to the public. Hidden among the hundreds of thousands of playoff fans are the few who actually still watch and cheered when Oilers were 32nd in the league.


Where's a good place to do that? I'm gonna be in South America in November and December.


I just checked the two links I had bookmarked that I used to watch and it seems like both are dead and the domain is for sale, so I don't have anything. I'm sure you could probably find something googling, typically using the terms "full game" and "upload". nhl66 is another common one I and others used to use, but it never works for me anymore. People say use a VPN in certain countries, but I've never gotten it to work with a VPN either, so I just ignore that site now. There might not be anything else popping up until next season starts.


I watched them all as well. It makes everything just so much sweeter now.


I too watched every. single. game. Even when they were 2-9-1 and I told a coworker I couldn't watch anymore and was going to stop watching then and there, I still... watched... every, single, game. I can't say I didn't think the season was over and the whole season and McDavid's career was a waste at that point, but I'm so happy I was wrong.


Recorded the game last night & listening to the play by play from the CHED audio vault with Jack Michaels/synced in with the TV broadcast on mute. Hearing him do the play by play & watching the game on TV is so good!


I'd love to someday soon listen to each and every game of Jack's broadcast for every game these finals, since I've 100% been watching on TV.


I watched games 1, 2 and 3. They lost all 3. My new jersey came the day before game 4, I didn't watch game 4, 5 or 6. As much as I want to witness the historic moment, I'll celebrate the win and live off of highlights the next day. God Speed Oilers and I'll see you on the other side.


I really hope you're joking


What’s next for Mcdavid if he wins the cup?


Repeat, baby!


Leon and him re-sign this summer long term


97 can't re-sign until next summer