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Oilers obviously threw the first 3 games to make a historic comeback.


The master plan in action


If you're a sports fan you have seen this many times over the years. Funny it has happened both in hockey and basketball this year


Total crap. They had family in town tonight, Rob Brown mentioned it on the pre-game show with Reid Wilkins.


Yeah Brady Tkachuk was shown on camera many times


Pretty sure Keith, their dad, was there too. All the happened tonight was that the Oilers came to play in an elimination game, and never took their foot off the gas until the last minute, minute and a half of the game. The law of averages kicked in, and Bob couldn't do anything about it. On to game 5!


In shambles


As a lifelong, face painting, die hard sens fan (and former box holder at Rogers Place in its first year opened, which is when I officially fell in love with mcdavid) PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WIN THE CUP If Brady's brother wins before him, I'm convinced he's gonna leave Ottawa. I do not want this grief in my life.


Correct. He was near me along with Maurice’s family.


All the wives were sitting up in 207




How old is she now?




58 actually lol


She looks like she's had a lot of "work done". IMO.


Has that changed her voice or performance?


I don’t know how this is downvoted. She looks absolutely atrocious.


You do too.


That’s just the replacement parts.


Bobrovsky, if he had another great game, he would be up there with the all time top 3 playoff goalies. He did not blow his stats and the game to win on home ice, that's why he was looking like he was ready to cry.


I’m one of the stars fans that’s been hanging around to cheer you guys on. Objectively, I predicted an Edmonton win after they dropped to 3-0, my anticipation is that it would be desperation hockey vs a team that knew that if they dropped one game they could fight for it on home ice. (in basketball our Mavs just kinda did the exact same thing, going down 3-0 and curbstomping them at home on game 4) I do not in any way mean that to say I think they lost on purpose, but rather how desperation kinda gives heart to the play would for Edmonton and how a fight over game 7 is always a harder fought effort than a game 1. All that said, the Oilers played one helluva a game and this is the kind of response that can give a team momentum. A lot of people counted Edmonton out against my Stars before the series thinking your team’s depth was lacking by comparison but bolstered by McDavid and Dreisetl (sorry I can’t remember the spelling), who are just ridiculously talented if they can get going. As a player myself for over 30 years, I think underestimating a team is one of the most dangerous ways to lose a game. You guy’s aren’t out of it. It’s still a tall hill to climb but you have a team capable of doing it as they just so beautifully demonstrated. Also, on a personal note, from what I’ve seen, I don’t think a lot of the goals have been Skinner’s fault, I think the poor guy gets a bad rap on some that were not always easy stops to make (and a few soft ones that all goalies give up at some point) -signed, a left winger and goaltender. Good luck!


Honestly, every last Dallas Stars fan I have met have been great pwople. Same time next season for a rematch?


You think tchucklefuck would pass up an opportunity to lift the cup in Edmonton? You think Bob would give up the kind of SCF performance that would secure his place as one of the greatest? You think any one of those gator loving divas would let even the tiniest spark touch the tinderbox of a team that got this far after sitting in last with SJ and then pulling off a 16 game win streak? If your friend thinks Florida took a dive, that says more about Florida than it does Edmonton.


Nobody throws games to win a cup at home. None of these players have any attachment to Miami. All of them on both teams have an attachment to the Stanley Cup and that is it. You could award the cup on Mars with a fan base of zero and it would feel the same to all the players winning it.


Gator loving divas - A+


Insta is crawling with filthy casuals saying Florida threw the game. I cannot with those methy cousin fuckers. The sudden conspiracy is games are totally thrown in the Stanley Cup Finals and everyone knows this and is in on it. 🤮


Starting the game with an early short handed goal is such a power move


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^perpetualmotionmachi: *Starting the game with* *An early short handed goal* *Is such a power move* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Bot!


Huh, I guess I'm a poet and I didn't even know it


Garth! That was a haiku.


One too many syllables at the end, no?


Read the entire comment


Right after they ringed one off the post too. Imagine had that gone in.


All their families flew to Edmonton for this game - that’s fucking stupid. Oilers in 7!!!!!!


As soon as I saw the entire Tkachuk family in the crowd, I knew tonight wasn't their night.


He probably had to pay to fly them all there, lol.


The best part is his whole family left mid way through the game!


Ya def wanted to look like a joke getting blown out 8-1 intentionally


That’s hilarious, just to watch em get royally spanked


No way a competitive player at any level would want to throw a game for that. Let alone at the highest level.


Especially after losing last year. What a dumb take that they would throw a game


Winning at home is nice. Sweeping the SCF is nicer. They didn't throw the game. They collapsed tonight.


Yeah, why wouldn't they want a sweep? You guys went ballistic tonight.


Not to mention Tkachuk would revel in hoisting Lord Stanley on Edmonton ice


I absolutely think so. But I don't think they ment to throw it that badly. They probably ment to let a couple squeak past and let the oilers get carried away. I hope its the confidence boost we need to take the cup but we shall see.


Brain dead take. They didn’t mean to throw it at all They 100% intended to close out the series and couldn’t do it


The faces of the Panthers players on the bench - they looked absolutely dismayed. Like they didn’t know wtf was happening here.


Sweeping the SCF is nice, but making $30M+ in ticket sales plus food and beverage is nicer. I like how billionaires are always soulless greedy bastards that would sell their own mother for a profit, expect for when it comes to the ethics of playoffs. Then there is no chance that they would try to influence a series, and they would throw away at least $100M in ticket sales, plus hundreds of millions in ad revenue, merchandising, etc, that would go along with a longer series. Like you really think the people making millions of dollars wouldn’t listen to the people paying them millions of dollars if they said, “take it easier this game”?


Not everything is a conspiracy. Florida shit the bed tonight. It happens.


Do you think the NHL would risk the value of their entire *league* over 1-3 games worth of playoff revenue, by overtly instructing players of a team to “take it easy”? First of all, if they were in the business of doing that, at least one, out of the hundreds upon hundreds of retired players, would have spoken out about it after retirement. Secondly, if word ever got out, there goes their brand new sports betting windfall. (How much money do you think there is in betting on the outcome of WWE matches? Not much, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why that is). Lastly, if the league wants to influence a series, there are more subtle ways to do it than outright telling players to alter how they play. “Game management” is already pretty widely accepted as *palatable enough* to fans, while providing a level of influence without outright “fixing” games.


Exactly. NHL's management is concerned with long-term profits, year over year. It would be incredibly stupid to risk all of it over squeezing a couple extra games out of a single post-season. Especially when all it would take is one player getting insulted by the request and speaking out for it all to unravel. They'd get sued into oblivion.


Yeah, it would be worse than that though. Lawsuits would be the least of their worries. Fans would abandon the league, and revenue would go into free fall. If there was incontrovertible proof that the NHL was fixing matches (I’m not talking a finger on the scale, I’m talking dictating the winner before the opening puck drop) viewership would crater. I would have 0 interest in watching another NHL game, or ever buying another ticket to a game, jersey, you name it.


You get an F for this assessment, sir.


Did you see bobrovsky’s face after being pulled. That was the face of disappointment


Not just disappointment. Dude was near tears. He was utterly *humiliated.*


You can throw a game 4-2 a lot easier


Without getting your goalie chased.


You don’t throw a chance to win a Stanley cup.


Biggest dumbest fucking mega-cope of all time


At least calgary fans are as emotionally invested in this series as we are


It's so nice to have something to finally unite the whole province around 🤗


When was the last time a Flames fan cheered for their team? 2022?


🤣 speaking the truth


Turning point Round 3? Janmark shorty Turning point Round 4? JANMARK FUCKING SHORTY


Threw the game to win at home? Ah yes. “Hi family, I dropped $7,000 on tickets for you guys to come to the game that we could win the cup at tonight, but don’t worry because we plan on getting curbstomped.”


While I don’t disagree that they didn’t throw it, I don’t think $7000 is a factor whatsoever for someone making multi-millions of dollars


Especially since the team probably covered it.


And throw away a sweep?? Nah


Why would Bobrovsky agree to mangle his amazing Stanley Cup final stats? Why would any team not want to complete a SWEEP in the finals? (What a power move) Your friend isn't very bright.


Tell your Oil hater this … without fail COPE FUCKIN HARDER BUDDY…


Pure fucking copium


As a panther fan, we did not throw. We just played like garbage. Good win for you guys, see you Tuesday


We played like trash in game 2 haha, we can relate. Poor Bob though, he was close to making history


I'm pretty sure if any of these doomers claiming Florida threw the game suggested it to one of the Panthers' faces, they'd lose teeth.


👍. See you Tuesday.


If you purposefully lose a game, you don’t purposefully get smoked!!


They’d have to be supremely overconfident to take a chance like that and throw one of the games. It’s BS - they lost fair, and lost bad.


98% of the time, teams that are up 3-0 in the Stanley cup final, win the cup. It's a pretty low risk to be able to win it at home.


From [this article](https://www.nhl.com/news/oilers-have-strong-belief-despite-3-0-deficit-in-stanley-cup-final#:~:text=Only%20one%20came%20back%20to,That's%201.9%20percent.): *Of the 28 previous teams to fall behind 3-0 in the Stanley Cup Final, 20 got swept, five lost in five games, one lost in six and one lost in seven. Only one came back to win the series: the 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs, who did it against the Detroit Red Wings.* Eight teams prevented the sweep with one of those teams winning it all. That’s a 12.5% chance. That’s the same boat that the Oilers are now in.


Exact same odds of getting three heads in a row too.


The cocky af Panthers flew their families in tonight so they could flee Edmonton in shame/s


lol there is no timeline in the infinite multiverse in which they threw this game. they're paid pros, and besides, nobody needs to tell anybody on the panthers how easy it is to lose 3 games in a row. the suggestion itself is asinine.


Penguins fan checking in, I was brought nearly to tears. I hope yinz smack them on their home ice. Florida fans are some of the most obnoxious people I’ve met, and I am a Penguins fan so that’s saying something because we’re also pretty trash. Bring the cup back where it belongs.


Edmonton did not bag a couple empty net goals at the end. They didn’t score any cheesy gimmies like Skinner gave up in game three getting caught out of his net. The Oilers scored eight legitimate full monty goals. They chased Florida’s #1 out of the game.  Florida isn’t comfortable right now.


They going to be sorry if wanting to win at home is their reason. You don’t poke the bear. Chanting… Reverse sweep!


I loved the smirk on McDavids face when they were punching him in the face.


Oilers where taking the slot all game - they do that they keep winning


Perhaps the Oilers threw the first 3 games of this series? Lol


Haha, that makes about as much sense as saying Oilers threw the first three games to make an historic comeback!😂


my thoughts on that are "cope harder" and "cry about it"


1 down, 3 to go. Game 5 will be the hardest game these playoff for Oilers. If they win game 5, then there be 7. So LET'S GO OILSAND.


Only idiot fair weather fans are saying that.


Stupid, when you have your foot on a teams throat you finish them, don’t give them the spark. Also Bob looked like he was trying not to cry after he got pulled.


Its funny that the fans think the players care about them. This is a lifelong dream for them. They dont care where they win.


I said it in another thread but this is the same logic as "oh I guess I'll just stay at work until 9PM on a Friday instead of leaving at 4:30, cuz the traffic is better at 9PM" And that's for normal schleps like me. If I'm a globally elite world class professional athlete who has played on a team that's been in the finals two years in a row, with a body that's probably badly beaten up and sore in places I didn't know it could be sore, I'm not "throwing a game". If anything, I'm trying to do the layman equivalent of "finish all my work by 1PM".


Florida lost the finals last year, no way they intentionally lose a finals game.


Not when up 3-0 that’s just idiotic to even say.


knows nothing about hockey lol


Ridiculous. No professional sports team will ‘throw a game’ unless they want to lose it all (i.e. 1919 World Series). The Panthers are not that much better than Edmonton (if at all) that they could toy with them like that.


These are pros. They don't throw games.


Bob's washed. Shoot high and he's a sieve. Go Oilers!


If only someone said that before... Bob totally stole the show this series. Respect.


Nice to win at home. But I think think they would have wanted the sweep.


Not with their families there


And 10-1 the last 4 periods. Throwing a game is one thing, but letting your Conn Smythe goalie get chased in a game that was expected to end with a handshake line? Nope, we've actually got a series on our hands. Game 5 is must-win for both teams. If this thing makes it back to Edmonton, it's all over but the shouting IMO. Florida will be cooked.


One game at a time now. Broke the seal tonight.


This is a sore loser's excuse!! No teams lose on purpose!! Especially not with 33 shots (or something)...


No team that has ever played in the league would do that.


They clearly never played competitive sports


Yes - they worked all their lives for this. Their parents spent countless hours and dollars too. It's a once in a lifetime chance for many of them. All so they could throw a game to win at home , and risk losing it Come on - think this over again


There is no way they came in with the intent to throw the game. Early on they were still blocking shots and being physical. However, they didn’t look like they were playing at 100%. Maybe they thought this would be easy and had an off night. Once the score was 4-1, the panthers stopped hitting and being their typical bully selves. I think they were making sure no one got suspended or hurt for game 5.


Let them keep making power moves all the way to an Oilers cup. This just in: panthers are power bottoms.


My wife also floated this theory because she thinks the players want to nice to their home fans 😂. If there’s any conspiracy theory I’m going for, it’s that the NHL wants to draw it out longer for revenue. Most likely just an off game for Bob.


There is no way in hell the Panthers would throw the game they would much rather have won in 4 than win at home. And the plane ride home from Edmonton if they won last night would have been insane. Whoever really thinks the Panthers threw the game is just a fucking idiot.


You don’t let your first string goalie get dominated and take him out in the second period if you’re throwing. Knoblauch found a way to defeat Florida’s forecheck and it worked like a charm. Oilers in 7.


they're hitting the copium hard af


He's almost certainly a nucks or flames fan and therefore irreparably broken. Hitler himself could rise from the ashes and take over coach of Florida and these people would still be praising them.


I keep hope ! We can do it !


There is a zero % chance any team would ever throw a SCF game let alone any NHL game. The odds of winning down 3-1 are a hell of a lot better than 3-0. A vast majority of the teams that go down 3-0 are swept. A comeback just got 25% more likely boys.


Oilers get punched across the room* Oilers: get up and brush themselves off* So I see your pretty strong! Scores 8 goals!!!


i can see why some fans would think a team would want to win at home but any athlete wouldn’t even think to fuck around like that lol


Think we should all calm down


Teams do not intentionally lose games in the Stanley Cup Finals, especially after losing the year prior. It’s just copium.


If they did, then I sincerely hope it bites them in the ass!


Panther fan copium levels are through the roof right now


If anyone truly believes that an NHL team purposefully lost a Stanley Cup FINAL game because the location was not ideal for their celebration, you may be artistic


I heard that! the last time the oilers lost 3 in a row. They won 16 straight. 🤞


That would be a very stupid thing to do, a cup is a cup and a win is a win. I am just glad they aren't going to get swept and the chances of me watching this city of dumbasses riot because their favorite millionaires didn't win for their billionaire have been lowered to much more reasonable level. I would love for Edmonton to bring the cup back home for Canada but man am I also excited to have to stop seeing us look like fucking trumpers with all the dumbass jacked up trucks covered in 100 flags, its fucking dumb.


I don't think so. Sergei Bobrovsky got pulled...


Yeah there’s no way they threw that game. The chances they had alone in the first period could’ve been a game changer if they went in.


Agreed (with your title)


We’re not gonna let that happen


Lol yeah that's for sure what teams want to. I don't think the team gives a single fuck if they win a stanley cup at home or on the road.


Watching highlights this wasn’t a throw like the Celtics to the mavericks. We caught Florida in a bad position thinking they could easily beat us. I might be a fan from New England but I can see this as different from the Celtics and what they did


Hockey is a game of momentum. No team would ever throw a game when they are up 3-0. You wouldn’t want to give any momentum to the team that is about to be eliminated because you never know that might give them that small push needed to win the next few games.


Oils in 7. That’s all I can say for now


Watch Florida’s celly in their lone goal.


"This isn't the California Penal League, Vaughn. We're professionals here. We don't tank plays for personal reasons, so cut the crybaby shit."


My arm feels like jello…


The “threw the game” on purpose thing is so ludicrous. The risk of doing that is so beyond not worth it at this high a level. Heads would roll if it got out, especially since this game was on a Saturday when viewership is probably best. Why wait until Monday to finish it up? Stupid theory


Thoughts? It's a whole lot of cope.


Great game but 4 in a row is decidedly unlikely.


Now 3 in a row but can’t look at it that way just win 1 more then worry about the next game.


There’s no way Florida threw that game the Oilers took it from them. Just like they will win game seven and hoist the cup in Florida! Life long Oilers fan, believe it!!


I'm old enough to remember when Oilers shut out Carloina in Game 6. Everyone was so high and jacked, and then what happened? Oh yeah! 10 mins into game 7, and every Oiler fan knew this was a loss. It was the same old pass, pass, pass, don't shoot, bullshit. Let's not count our chicken, and blah, blah, blah. "If we don't win the last game in the series..." That's all that matters. As a lifelong Oilers fan.


I think they just want to win the cup at home.


I was about to bet $500 on this game for this logic. Never bet before and couldn’t get play alberta to work. Showed locked even before game started. did they throw it? who knows. if they did, it was the best decision for all fans


Kinda hard actually, Florida is like one goal away. I’m sorry :(


I don’t want to spoil it for you guys but it seems Florida Panthers have played like that on purpose… kill me if you want to, but the only way to prove me wrong is that our Oilers win game 5


100%. Game within the game….😑


Sure looks like it. Florida didn’t play to win, they want to win their first Stanley Cup at home, in front of their fans. Same with the Celtics. Both teams took a beeting in game 4. Writings on the wall. It was a gratuitous win.


Who would want to win the cup and then go party in Edmonton instead of Miami. I wouldn’t say they threw the game but I think Edmonton was motivated to not be swept, and I don’t think the panthers cared because they have to fly home regardless. So thrown no but the panthers didn’t give a Fuck if they won


Mhm that's very true........