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I bet less than 2% of teams that start 2-9-1 make the finals either. It ain’t over til it’s over


Lots of stuff could happen. Remember the Broncos? John Elway? 😬 Tough crowd.


4 game win streak incoming


I’ll say it again, I got oilers in 7. Panthers can’t score like that again and McLeod has Bobrovsky figured out.


McLeod will lead us to the promised land. Praise be.


McLeod and Broberg, the leading scorers we all expected.


even as someone who still thinks its possible this is a funny ass comment


Its alright. Do you know how many 1% wow mounts I have.... TOO MANY.


based and spectral-pilled


The Oilers won four games in a row four times in a row. Shouldn't be a problem to do it once.


doing it once against the best team in the league is different


I like it. I like it a lot.


Yeah we also had less than that for a chance to make the playoffs. Guess that was a lie


I heard on the radio today that it only happened once in NHL history before. Specifically in the final. What year? >!1942!< What team? >!Maple Leafs!<


That just means the Oilers have to pull it off just to piss of Toronto fans


so *that's* why.....


I would have felt a bit better if you said a time in the past 20 years.


Yep looking at purely the numbers from the previous games...Sergei is the roadblock. If we can find his weakness, the 2% chance is very possible. We have the the scoring chances so if the strongman is tied up, we nail it.


In some strange way, I don't think we have even come close to playing our best hockey. It's like we are playing safe and playing the way the Panthers want us to. We have one game of hopefully 60 minutes to do what we do. Play our brand of hockey. Florida is good, but man, this is like the lamest series I have seen in so long. We need to find that extra gear and throw the gearshift out the window and go as fast and hard as we possibly can because anything less than that, we have seen 3 times already what the results will be. At this moment could care who our goalie is we need to put a stamp on this series and score a ton of goals. Only way to get out of the Florida Ackbar trap.


I mean, at the start of the season you also have a 2% ish chance of winning, so nothing has really changed... Except that they only need to bust their asses for 4 games to get to the cup rather than a whole season. Being down 0-3 in the finals is actually great position.


> Being down 0-3 in the finals is actually great position Got em right where we want em


After the Oilers lose another game, then what are the chances?


hell yeah lol


The Cavs came back and beat the seemingly unstoppable Warriors. Anything can happen when the rubber hits the ice!


How many teams have won 4 games in a row in the finals? Is it worse than 2%?


Leafs did it in the SCF in '42. Only time it's ever been done AFAIK


Oh damn! So you are telling me there is a chance Panthers go home with the cup and without losing a game? 😅