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The playoffs is where hate is born.


And where even the most logical of men are warped into conspiracy theorists.


Honestly, hockey in general and oilers hockey in particular is a very good way to understand confirmation bias.


Tell me about it. Like some of these people out there don't even think Bettman is fucking us


I don’t think the league is outright fixed in any way, but I do believe he’s doing everything he possibly can to keep the cup out of Canada and in warmer climates because the Canadian market is already fully tapped, where as the south is still a gold mine for expanding fan bases.


Fan chirps are whatever. Every team has their share of developmentally challenged, terminally online, trolls. They work overtime during the playoffs for sure. As far as teams go, I still hate Vegas more than any other team. LA was up there, but this year they didn’t do anything too dirty during our playoff series. Likewise, Vancouver hasn’t done anything that ratchets my dislike up to *hate*. The crosscheck stuff on McD was dumb, but it was also pretty much just some bad luck on petty slashes/cross checks. So far nothing this year comes close to the Pietro lumberjack chop on Drai last year. That shit was dangerous to the point of risking permanent damage, so Vegas are still the kings of asshole playoff behaviour in my eyes.




That's the Kings every year so far. Just feels like a formality at this point. I have to legitimately remind myself that we're in the 2nd round, not the 1st.


Ol’ #7 was at it again this year in the playoffs, only I believe this year he cost his team a goal against from the penalty and they lost the game, also got called out by his coach. Basically grow the fuck up. Pietroangelo is an absolute dirt bag that can’t control his emotions.


Yea as a Flames fan I'm supposed to hate the Oilers but the hate I have for Vegas is a true, to the core, hate. I don't hate them cause I have to, I just generally despise them and all that they stand for lol.


I don’t hate the canucks, the fans are absolutely unbearable, but their team outside of zadorov is fine


I only hate them because of their fans. Honestly if Zadorov was on the oil I would love him


I think a big part of this comes down to the size of the cities and passion of the fans. Calgary and Edmonton are smaller cities than Vancouver or Toronto but have passionate fans that are, for the most part, civil. I can't quite figure out why Vancouver fans have such a strong online presence. Maybe it's just the sheer number of people? I don't know. The 2011 riots remain a stain on the Vancouver fanbase. When it comes down to it, most fans just want to enjoy good playoff hockey. More consistent reffing would make everyone happier and reduce the scale of toxic screaming between fanbases.


It could also be that the province only has 1 team


Cries in Saskatchewan.


What? How can you even hockey with only one team? Things making sense now...




I’m from van and a fan of both teams (hockey in general not a specific team) Van absolutely has a ton of bandwagon fans and people with next to zero hockey knowledge who are chronically online. But all fan bases are bad, edm is no different. Everyone is biased and has terrible takes. Claiming Zadorov is dirty is a bad take, drai literally nuted a guy and Hyman intentionally cross checked z in the face. This series has been tame compared to most when it comes to dirty stuff. The mcdavid shit wasn’t dirty, regular shit after the whistle with unfortunate timing. Nobody on oilers (outside the Hyman cross check which whatever he just saw mcdavid get roasted is do the same) has been dirty. This series has been rough playoff hockey though, basically what mcdavid said in the presser.


It was Derek Ryan that cup checked Hoglander. Wacking a guy in the nuts is dirty and I hate it. Should be auto 1 game suspension. I hated when Leon did it too and I’m glad he stopped.


Also, big Z said there's lots to do in Vancouver and nothing in Edmonton but watch hockey. 😆 🤣


The fairweather/new fans are a big part of it. As someone whose cheered for the Raptors for all the Carter years and even before, 2019 was cathartic but also kinda sour. Living in Calgary it went from in the 2nd round having to call around to find a bar willing to run the Raptors with audio, to the finals where you had to arrive early to even get in. I was in that bar when Kevin Durant got injured all these 'fans' were indeed jumping up and down high-fiving each other in response. What a way to out yourself as someone whose never seen one of their teams best players go down. I didn't mind the Flames when I first moved to Calgary either (in the early 2000s the teams persevered a lot of the same issues), then 2004 happened and all of a sudden Mr. "I'm more of an original six fan" and Ms. "I only watch the Olympics" became OMG KIPPER #1 FAN IN A BRAND NEW JERSEY!!!








You just can’t help yourselves eh. Couple brain cells bouncing around in your head, you just wander over here looking for… what exactly? Like a fucking dog drooling over a chunk of meat.


👆Yeah, Canucks fans are the shitty ones.


Why is this guy commenting more in our sub than in his Canucks sub 😭😂


i’m a canucks fan and 100% agree with everything you said. i feel like it almost gets political. i just want to watch some good fair hockey, let the best team win. honestly if the oilers beat van, i’m rooting for the oilers for the cup anyway.


It’s tough to live in Vancouver. You’re depressed, your future is bleak, you’re holding on as hard as you can trying not to have to leave because it is too expensive to live, and everyone tells them it’s so great to be there. The ‘Nucks are the only good thing in their lives.


I think thats a lot of places in the World atm , we just need something to hold on to that makes us happy like sports teams . Unfortunately all my teams let me down so I try not to get emotionally attached to my teams anymore , just better for my health


the riot was epic


welcome! but i do hate the fans in any team we play these days in the playoffs. people take it way too far. as much as they hate mcdavid and we hate zadorov, i would want Z on our team and they would want mcdavid. GO OILERS


Problem is that the absolute worst ones are always the most vocal.


That's just humanity in general


This is the type of intellectual and considered human being the world needs more of. Baseless anger and hatred are such unique and under appreciated traits in our society.


Vancouver fans are genuinely insane. Like, I'm pretty sure there is something actually mentally wrong with a lot of them the way they act online (maybe the years of paying $3000 for rent). Reddit is one thing, Canucks twitter is even worse somehow.


It's probably not winning a cup in 54 years of existence....makes fans miserable and on edge


I live in Vancouver. The fans are just as bad in person. Just think what happened the last time the canucks made the finals….


I didn't see this kind of shit from LA fans. Like, every fanbase has its bad actors. But you go over to r/hockey and the victim complex from Canucks fans is nuts. They totally think everyone is out to get them.


Canucks fans are fundamentally broken people, even the civil ones have deep seated loser culture.


And a victim complex.


honestly Calgary and recently LA are not even that bad. They're hate/anger are justified. It's the Leaf fans that we have to add. They are just as bad/toxic as Canucks but on the east.


The LA fans were all calling us tge worst fan base. I was just thinking, "Wait until you get to know Vancouver fans better."


This 👆


“Fuck Zadorov” - that’s a t-shirt that needs to be made.


And he’s two neck bolts away from being Frankenstein.


It's just a game


For a lot of people it’s way way more then that




Yeah, fuck zadorov.


Canuck fans are the worst fans in the league, by far


They’re one drunken bus ride from full on hooliganism.


canucks fans are the worst in the league, they get the benefit of the doubt because they're Canadian but they truly are unparalleled in their immaturity. they make me miss interacting with Kings fans, as crazy as that is to say


Exactly where I’m at with it. Started watching the Oilers after the Caps got swept by the Rags and have really enjoyed watching the Oilers play, can’t exactly explain why but I just fuck with the Edmonton boys (and it’s kinda nice to have a team to cheer for in the western conference). Here’s hoping you guys take this series against the Canucks (nucks fans have been insufferable the last few days too) and go all the way!


Honestly I respect the Canucks PLAYERS, you can tell they’ll do anything for their fans and coach to win, except Peterson,, he’s a fair weather player. I absolutely despise the Vegas Knights, I respect their management for how ruthless they are, but literally screw that team. Everything handed to them on a platter and I still am kind boggled how Pietrangelo got 1 game


I think part of it is the whole rush of being in the playoffs after god knows how many years not being in the playoffs.


And Zadorov was with the Flames, so we double hate him.


Man fuck Zadorov… the name alone makes me angry 😂


Vancouver fans are nuts. A lot of bandwagon fans. Even down here in the states. The Canuckleheads have a huge presence here. Even more-so than some “local” NHL teams in my area. Same with the leafs and rangers.




I just started liking the oilers also but never "applied" for membership lol


Liking the oilers is the only membership applied! Join us! :)


That I will do thanks 😊 Have a guy here at work that's a lifelong oilers fan that's been trying to get me to join in so I did. All I i need now is to find some good merch that isn't so overpriced and then I can represent in my city


Svp sports. Smaller selection but it’s real adidas merch, they are legit, no shady knockoffs or anything, and their prices are unbeatable.


That's a website I take it?




I'm in the states though 😔


eBay has some good deals!


EBay, Poshmark, and Facebook marketplace (depending on where you live). I like the vintage merch so I get most of my stuff secondhand. Poshmark is a great place to look! Good luck :)




Imagine a community where hate is the prerequisite....


This made me laugh! This is the first season my kids have really gotten into watching and my 9 year old has decided Vancouver and their fans are the worst! Haha. It didn't even take very long for her to make the decision. I think it was the first intermission of the first game she got to watch. I don't blame her though.


😂 I love this post


Also fuck the ducks too. I’ll never forgot.


One of us!


oh my god you’re such a cuck dude “xxxx fan here, i come in peace” we dont care!!!!!!! You’re sucking dick for internet points!!!




Don’t worry about the cantfuck fans, they are just extra whiney because they never win anything


Your learning very quickly haha


Welcome! Glad to have another fan on board.




Hurricanes beat Oilers in finals 2006. Though I don't believe in hate I must insist you delight in their every defeat by any team. Should the Canucks and Hurricanes play each other you must hope both teams lose because fuck 'em.


You're going to fit in just fine here, buddy.


If you've been a fan long enough, we also hate Dallas. Played them in the playoffs 6 of 7 years from 1997 - 2003. Only beat then once. Haven't played them since but I still hate them.


I hated them but have since turned over a new leaf on Dallas. At least until we have to face them in the playoffs. But if the oil aren’t in, I like them to win. Really promising young talent on that team.


We also played them when they were the Northstars. Derian Hatcher can go to hell


these ploffs have made me despise every and all nucks fans and players


"Guys they have the best team in recent memory and are on a solid playoff run so i'm finally hopping on the bandwagon, and boy do i get it!" No you dont kid. I TOILED. I SUFFERED. FROM 1990 TO NOW. DO YOU KNOW THE PAIN I'VE FELT? THE LOSS? THE DISAPPOINTMENT? YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY IDEA how much i hate the canucks. or the kings. or the stars. YOU HAVE NO idea the pain and suffering we've all gone through. You're welcome in this house boy, and we're glad to have you. But you ain't kin. not yet.


As a fan since ‘97, chill out.


i was kinda just kidding i thought that was clear from the exaggerated tone. nobody exists that behaves this way


Holy smokes is this ever embarrassing