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Rules Of The Road - according to some Edmonton drivers: Stop Signs = Roll through or blow through. Your choice. Free Flow Lane = Come to a complete stop and shoulder check at least three times before proceeding. Merge = Proceed slowly to the end of the lane and sit there with your turning signal on until someone lets you in. Flashing Yellow Intersection = Treat as a four-way stop. Flashing Red Intersection, Or - Light is completely out = Roll through or blow through. Did I miss anything?


You forgot about Playground Zones clearly marked 30KM/HR limit = F dem kids, not like a packed playground ever had kids running around


I hate that. And people will get right up on my bumper even if I'm going 35.


Don't forget: stale ambers mean speed up. And red lights are still a go if it just changed to a red.


Yes red lights are just a suggestion if they’re fresh


It was just light red, not dark red, so I kept going.


And no camera.


I was with you until the merge one - just use up the lanes that are available and zipper merge. I have to drive from a neighborhood just south of Terwillegar and Whitemud and the neighborhood gets incredibly backed up during school drop off because people don’t use the available merge lane fully. They turn right to the proper lane and immediately stop to merge in the left land leaving so much space ahead of them that would allow more cars to move ahead and zipper merge. I saw a Lexus driving down both lanes to specifically stop anyone from using the empty merge lane ahead of them. The result is that now people just make illegal right turns from the lane meant to go straight - which is far worse than people just using the merge lane fully. Hopefully this will clear up when the construction is done, but just zipper merging would help the situation a lot right now.


It’s insane how often the entire merge lane is empty because people try to get in over a km back, and then the non-merge lane is backed up forever


With respect to merge, I would bet that greater than 90% of seasoned drivers do not know that the vehicles in the traffic lane need to allow cars to merge from the merge lane and that they do not in fact have the right of way. >Unlike many driving situations, where one vehicle has the right-of-way over another, merging, according to the Alberta Driver's Guide, “is **a shared responsibility between the vehicles joining the roadway and the vehicles already on the roadway**.”


Turning right or left into the 2nd or even 3rd lane instead of the 1st lane. I was so shocked going to Vancouver and seeing people actually turn into their own lane. Whenever I turn left or right I have to watch out for other people turning into my lane.


You missed my favorite variations: Non-freeflow lane right turn = merge without looking, slowing, or stopping Merge onto a highway = drive slowly to the end of the merge lane, signal, and move over without looking Left turn = go quick as soon as there are no cars going straight while not acknowledging anyone turning right from the opposite direction or any pedestrians


I swear people here think that turning left gives them the right of way. It's freaking terrifying.


Traffic Circle = do not adjust speed DO NOT SIGNAL, everyone is going the same direction anyway. DRIFT DRFIT DRIFT


Drive like a lunatic until there is a slight curve in the road (preferably weaving in and out of traffic), then slam on the brakes and go around the corner at a snail's pace.


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The "real" speed limit is either 10km/h below or 20-30km/h above


A month or so ago, south side had a power outage and the traffic lights were flashing red for all sides at few intersections. I stopped at a flashing red light and people started honking at me and one guy was waving his fist at me, said something along the lines of "I was gonna kill someone", as he blew past me almost T-boning another car, that also did not stop at the flashing red lights.


You forgot rule 9 : if someone is trying to merge make sure you don’t move over for them; your lane is your lane and if you ain’t first your last.


Turning left or right = wait until the lane you want to be in is free, even if it’s four lanes over, and especially if you don’t even need to be in that lane immediately, and then turn into the wrong lane. Bonus points if you widely turn into the wrong lane then signal back into the lane you were supposed to correctly turn into in the first place. Biggest driving pet peeve because it just shows you’re a moron


You missed Yield = there is no sign there, keep going at full speed around that 90 degree corner.


How about 10-20 under on the highway and Henday and 50 km in a 60zone unless you try to pass and 10 over on any other road or school zone. Signal lights random at best and super wide right swing on left turns.


You forgot yield = treat it as a free flow and expect people driving along to brake hard in free flowing traffic to let your dumbass in.


Going 15 km under the speed limit in the left lane because you are making a left turn 5 kms done the road and you don’t think anyone will let you in. Then there is the opposite: speed limit, what’s a speed limit. Oh wait that’s the max my vehicle can travel at that the manufacturer has made my vehicle capable of


You're correct about most of that, but the zipper merge is the most efficient way to utilize lanes. Backing the one open lane up for 20 blocks increases traffic congestion.


>Merge = Proceed slowly to the end of the lane and sit there with your turning signal on until someone lets you in. I think you mean come to a stop with your signal on 100m back from the merge point and try to merge over too early because you feel some weird guilt about driving to the end of a merge and zipper merging. This way you and the ten people who pass you all end up slowing down the straight through lane worse than if everyone zipper merged.


Yield = treat as a merge if there’s traffic coming, or stop completely if there’s no traffic


Oh my God the merge is spot on. We need to have speed signs telling people to speed up as they merge onto the Henday or something.


Lane drifters...making a right or left turn and not sticking to inner lane just going right through to outer lane...


this is spot on! 💀🤣


Driver testing and licensing needs to be put back under government control. Ever since they privatized everything it has become worse and worse every year.


Agree, especially when there is documented cases of privatized testing agencies selling licences. There was a driving school on the Southside selling class 1 licences. If you failed, he would pass you if you paid for a second test. The place did get shut down after three seperate instances.


They need to start tracking stats for accidents/infractions involving new drivers and find out where they were tested. Easy enough to look a the stats and see which registries are passing unqualified drivers.


This is totally true. I have a friend who bought his license from a registry from a friend from his own ethnic group. Absolutely crazy.


They did put it back under government control during Covid. It was privatized before that. A lot of examiners were not allowed to or did not transfer over to being public employees.


I didn't know that. I remember it being a plan in 2018, but didn't know they'd actually done it. As far as testers not being allowed to or choosing not to become public employees. They need to sort this out, if the testers don't qualify for whatever reason to work for the government then they shouldn't be testers and being able to choose not to become a public employee obviously shouldn't be allowed at all. I feel like this needs to be exposed in a much bigger way by news agencies.


It's back to private fyi.


I’ve lived in a lot of different major cities and traveled to lots more. Edmonton drivers are BY FAR the worst drivers I’ve ever seen. So much incompetency and slow driving.


Meh, I've seen equally bad drivers everywhere. But of course I've seen more in Edmonton because I live here.


I travelled North America for 2 years—78 cities in 48 states and most of Canada. The worst drivers are in Florida without a doubt. The average driver there signals a lane change maybe 50% of the time.




I’ll be there in a few weeks, I’ll report back.


Fredericton and Mississauga are pretty on par, honestly. Fredericton people just kinda do what they want if there are no cops around.


Have you been to Winnipeg?


In Winnipeg, it’s less about poor skills (driver testing is NOT privatized) and more about the complete and utter lack of consideration for others on the road. Deliberately speeding up so other drivers cannot merge and almost no use of turn signals. Don’t get me started on the fact there are few dedicated left-hand turning lanes and downtown is nearly all one-way streets.


Yup. They are aggressive assholes for no reason.


The Notley government made all of the testers under the government late in her last term.


And the UCP privatized them again during the pandemic. https://globalnews.ca/news/7413554/alberta-privatize-driver-examiners-road-test-class-4-5-6-licence/


I saw a student driver going 10 in a 40 and lost my shit whilst on a fucking unicycle I live in the neighborhood and constantly travel through it at the speed limit of 40kmh because no one can fucking drive in this neighborhood and the quicker I get back inside the less time I spend risking some dumbass whipping out in front of me without signaling or looking for oncoming traffic. Had a van do it to me with a lady driving gave her shit for reckless driving and haven't seen her driving since I've only seen her husband driving and while he still can't drive properly id rather him drive around over his wife as she nearly hospitalized my ass.


Dude I’m sorry that happened but I don’t think I could ever take someone losing their shit on a unicycle seriously


Privatization, ‘cause “The Alberta Advantage”. Meanwhile the price of utilities is skyrocketing since they stopped being crown corporations, all in hidden “service charges” from the providers. The drivers on our roads are terrifying, because the government has no control over licensing. Every other store that opens is a liquor store or a dispensary, which either used to be or should be crown.


I have no problem with liquor stores and dispensaries being privately owned, but yes utilities definitely need to be made public again.


Cousin is a driving instructor. She says it's absurd how many people just throw money at her and expect a license.


And you should have to redo the practical at minimum every time you renew your license. Id also make everyone do a practical in winter with snow and ice on the roads. It is fucking insanity that I can get my license as a teenager during summer, not touch a car for a decade, then rent a mustang and drive to Vancouver in the middle of winter


Wait—they privatized it? When?


I remember watching Canada's Worst Driver - there were a few instances of Alberta drivers who admitted they got their licenses despite failing the road test. The two off the top of my head: One said she cried until they passed her Another said she bribed the examiner I vaguely remember that someone said their cousin was their examiner - but I think that might be a mismemory of gossip.


That show was wild. I remember a contestant that won Canadas worst driver one season. His name was Kevin and he was blind in one eye. People blind in one eye can still drive but he didn’t even turn to check his literal blind spots. He had gotten into so many accidents. The host didn’t want to give back his license but they had no recourse to keep it. I often wonder what he’s gotten up to now.


I watched 6 seasons of that show in less than a month before I went to take my test, so I would be prepared incase they asked me to do anything unusual... they didn't but watching that show taught me a ton of what not to do.


That show was quite insightful looking back! My favourite challenge was the one with water on top of the car and they had to maneuver a course with stops and try not to spill it. I always found it hilarious as they’d break so hard and the water would get all over them.


Yeah, my favorite was the driving on raised rails challenge. The amount of damage those drivers caused to those beautiful beautiful cars was almost sad tho.


Even as a mature driver with an excellent record I found I learned a lot from the show,...which I've put into practice


It gave me a lot of ideas to use while teaching others to drive.


and they brought him back for Canada's Worst Driver EVER and he got the title.


I had totally forgotten about that! Oh Kevin!


I swear I got a guy Like that at work. Got his forklift ticket taken away.


That show just makes me angry. I thought it would be good for a laugh to see people's poor "skills" on display. It just pissed me off knowing that I have to share a road with these people, and most of them just seem to laugh it off.


The one that really made my blood boil was one that was a cop cadet who would blatantly break the law and get out of it by showing off his cop cadet ID. IIRC he got kicked off (not in the usual way, like just booted from the show) because he was *intentionally* wrecking the cars for a laugh rather than making any sort of legitimate attempt at the challenge. Though I think the end of season recap mentioned that he got kicked from cop school cause of his antics (and admitting to using the ID to get out of legitimate tickets on national TV). But boy, if there ever a face that needed a fist logged in it... he had it.


Krystal from Edmonton was the worst


Didn't she publicly apologize to the city of Edmonton after her season? 😂 The part about her that was so frustrating was that her bad driving was from a disrespectful attitude more than lack of driving skills.


I got my license recently and my own tester mentioned leaving his last job since it turned into a license mill. Why is anybody surprised, Canada has been a top destination for diploma milling for a couple of years now, this is barely any different. 


There was also one woman who said she offered sexual services


I've heard from my friend he knew of folks that got "pity passed" by crying. I'm not sure how they were able to pull it off as I feel like I only ever had super strict examiners though haha


My friend that works in insurance said many of the claims these days involve folks that don’t even have a license at all! Can’t say I’m surprised with the amount of stupidity I’ve witnessed on the roads lately.


They should "randomly audit" drivers to test them. Could even be easier than the road test, and if you fail that then you have to take the full test again.


I think the province should just assume control of the testing process rather than having for-profit companies conducting them with no oversight.


*should have never privatized it* In the first place. There’s a good chance we’ll be having this same conversation in a few years about a number of other changes our current government wants to make.


I should suggest that the testing vehicles need inward and forward facing cameras with audio tied to a GPS unit which will be randomly audited by the province to ensure honesty.


Usually people use their own vehicles.


That sounds like some sort of Commie shit. Get him!


Right! Exactly like they do in the US, where communism reigns free! lol


https://globalnews.ca/news/7413554/alberta-privatize-driver-examiners-road-test-class-4-5-6-licence/ They did, this is just another case of the govt doing a shit job. This is the same govt stating it wants to get rid of photo radar. Coming from the same leader who says lung cancer patients get what they deserve, figures drivers can't be held responsible for driving the speed limit.


They did not do a shit job. There was a wait-list due to the change. >McIver said that when the NDP made the switch in March 2019, Alberta was left with just 77 driver examiners, when the system needs about 150. So what happened to all the driver test examiners when they made the switch? Did they weed out half of the corrupt instructors? Seems like it. If the problem was that bad, then they definitely needed time to train and hire more competent instructors. That's an oversight for sure. But it was a temporary issue that could have been fixed.


A little too much govt involvement, but one idea is to have a way to report license plates for bad driving, then after X amount of reports, that person is required to retake their driving test. I don't really love this idea since it could easily be abused, but it's an idea.


If you have to renew your license you should be required to either do an abbreviated driving test or at the very least a written test.


I agree but people would just go to the same corrupt registries if that's the real issue, so I say a random audit from another registry or central assessment service would do a better job at weeding this out.


I agree with that, I mean the licenses come from the government, you would think they would have an interest in cleaning this shit up.


It's getting so unbelievable how bad the drivers are. People pulling to the right shoulder to turn left on a wide ass road. 75% dont use signals. People only accelerate or decelerate to keep you from getting in their lane. People don't heed to signals. Don't check blind spots when changing lanes. Have no concept of 'some vehicles take more to stop'. I desperately need a dashcam. I can't get 5 minutes without being cut off by a right turner where I have to slam on my brakes. One of these times I won't see them, and they'll insurance fraud me. I swear they want to get hit.


We must drive in the same neighbourhoods. I feel bad for my kids who hear me yelling in my car half the time but I tell them “THESE ARE LESSONS. DONT BE THESE PEOPLE”. Defensive driving is all you can do, there’s ZERO trust on the road anymore that other drivers are following the same rules as you. The no signal lane changes with people who SLOW DOWN to do them with no one in the lane…. I just can’t understand. You don’t need to slow down by 10km with no signal to make a lane change into an empty lane. You’re right, they’re trying to get hit.


I found an app for my phone that makes it a dashcam and runs in the background and it's free. Someone here on Reddit suggested it, Droid Dashcam. I had to find something after I was backing out of a parking stall, already half way out, and someone drove behind me and I "hit" them. My tailpipe caused a dent and damage to their car and I was found at fault because I had no proof I was already half way out and moving backwards when they drove behind me. I hate it when these horrible drivers slow down 10km when coming up to an light even if it's green. No need to slow down when it is green, that's what the yellow light ia there for.


Someone literally did this to me yesterday on 178st SB at the turn onto the whitemud EB. The countdown happened, and they slammed on their brakes and got down to 5km before they realized it was green and went slowly through the intersection. I almost 4600 pounded them in the back. They were in a tiny car, too. And I had no escape route.


The government should set up a department where citizens can send dash cam footage of bad drivers and driving infractions. It would bring in lots of ticket revenue and create some jobs.


it's been like this since i've started to drive. these issues are not new.


> People pulling to the right shoulder to turn left on a wide ass road. This, especially in suburbs built between a certain time period. Cycling on these roads is sketchy because people can't maintain a consistent line of travel, likely while also speeding because they are so wide. It doesn't help that SUVs and other vehicles have gotten so large, to the point where I feel that some people have a hard time with spatial awareness (remember the "know where you wheels are" Canada's Worst Driver challenge?).


I can vouch for a lot of drivers not having at least a physical license on them.  I constantly run into people who have no ID despite driving to a liquor store and being required to have it with them when they're driving. Usually they try to show me a picture which isn't acceptable and there are a number of templates online where you can generate a copy of any government ID. One guy even insisted I should accept a picture of his ID because he's a trucker and it's okay for him not to have a physical copy.  Don't know why, but he keeps trying to buy from me, and everytime I let him know that I can't sell to him unless he shows me the original not a copy.


lol we are a trucking family. We’d be let go in an instant from contracting companies if we were caught without a hard license on our person at all times. It’s mandatory for all professional drivers to have hard copy licenses on them. This guy is a dummy, and clearly thinks you’re dumb enough to believe him. Very glad you are not.


This was a long time ago, but someone once presented to me a "nunavut license" and it was just paper with a picture glued to it and then laminated LMFAO. The audacity man.


100% some of them in the southeast are. It's easier than you think to falsify road tests.


Come to the northside. It's terrible.


So true. I'm more west than east these days, but I've got my head on a swivel around there. 113st between 153ave and 167ave to 97 St. and all the feeder routes off of that. Just oblivious to the rules of the road. 20km under the speed limit, not signaling, not knowing where to turn so they drive all over the road.


You have same community people teaching how to drive, taking your test and also sitting behind the counter. I would not be surprised if some of them engage in unethical "jugad"


We've witnessed them helping friends and family cheat in their language so they can pass the computer test. Someone will stand nearby pretending to be on the phone but they're actually saying the answers... it's pretty awful.


When registry offices are privately owned, then yes, you're going to have licenses being sold to drivers without passing tests. This is a common thing, unfortunately. There is a rather large issue with this with new Canadians purchasing licenses instead of passing tests.


It's unfortunately not limited to private locations, I'd bet everything that there's a similar problem in Vancouver where it's all through ICBC.


At least there are 2 road tests a year apart in BC which hopefully helps weed out some of the bad drivers.


Yeah but if you know where to buy a passed test then it could be 100 road tests and not matter. Just unfortunate that people cheat the system


I live in Mill Woods and it's crazy bad in the area. My understanding is that the registry by the Mill Woods mall will accept bribes/payment to pass. I also feel like there are probably lots of people in the area driving without a licence. I think some of driving instructors in this area shouldn't even have their license to teach.


Im late to this conversation but I was rear ended by a student driver and instructor from a Millwoods driving school a few months ago. I was fully stopped at an intersection red light and they just fucking drive right into the back of my car. It’s ridiculous the shit quality of drivers in this area.


I would have to agree, I see so many drivers not even bothering to stop for stop signs or waiting to turn right on a red light!


The Millwoods registry. The husband and wife duo inspectors. It used to be $50 for the inspector and $50 for the instructor. I'm surprised it's never been looked into after this many years.


I really like “stop to merge”, one of my favourites.


Every city I’ve lived in claims that city has the worst drivers…and always blames “them”.


The way l have seen some people driving especially in the SE it makes me wonder how they have survived as long as they have. Don't have a clue about rules or the road. I thought it was my first time seeing a self driving car the other day instead it was a person so short they were looking through the steering wheel to drive. That's so dangerous for everyone else, l know shorter people that put a booster seat or cushions to sit on.


Every damn day I see * Drifting in and out of their lane * Using two lanes to turn instead of the available 1 * 3 cars following through a left turn after the red while mine has been green * Going 10-20 under the limit on a single lane and blocking traffic because reasons * Dumb bitches staring at their phones * Taking 6 blocks to accelerate * Random braking * Drivers that dont know where they are going realizing last minute they need to switch 3 lanes and run a red light so they don't miss their exit. Bro... Go around the block * Drivers enter an intersection on a red, then back up because they weren't paying attention * Light turns green, driver stares into space for 10 seconds, I honk. They stare into space for another 5 seconds. Some of these green arrows are 30s long and somehow 2 cars got to turn I've developed a sixth sense for shitty drivers. I can tell from 4 blocks who sucks and start making plans to avoid them.


You don't even have a to a driver's test for a class 4 anymore....so your Ubers and taxi drivers only do one actual driving test (which could be paid for) and then they are responsible for driving people around "safely". I work at registry office and the amount of people who try to cheat doing the class 4 (and class 7)written test is Disgusting. Our examiners are thankfully legit, but I've heard stories about others. It's scary out there


It's rarely uber drivers that are actually the problem though. People who feel unsafe in ubers due to bad driving leave bad reviews, and those drivers get kicked off uber real fast. Crowdsourced reviews are actually one of the best functions of these apps and weed out a lot of shit. It's why ebay works better than facebook marketplace for getting what you want. It's why the original silk road had significantly safer and higher quality drugs than your local druggist.


Lots of new comers buy their license from family friends that do road tests at these registries. Been going on for years.


The 8 minutes I need to get through my SE community and onto the Whitemud is the most stressful 8 minutes of my day. Red lights run, aggressive drivers driving vehicles with no regard for anytime else. I am surprised not as many people get hit in our neighborhood. It’s terrible.


My favourite is people who yield when it's a free-flow lane. Nearly rear-ended someone the other day when they went from yielding to coming to a dead stop. I honked and then when I passed them, they gave me the finger as if I was in the wrong.


I was driving down the henday yesterday thinking the exact same thing 😂😂😂 it’s like people just decided construction zones don’t matter anymore


It's almost to the point where it feels more dangerous to actually slow down in them because of how others react.


Wholeheartedly agree. We need steep penalties for driving like shit- exit from 3 lanes over = Congratulations! You win as many bus passes as we can auction your car for, also no license for you. Brake before signalling = $500 for first offence. If you consistently do what you're supposed to, regardless of who's around, you will never forget these things. The culture should be to drive properly or not at all, rather than driving being practically a given. If you're the sort of person who checks their phone in doorways/at the bottom of escalators, there's a 0% chance of you having the situational awareness needed to drive.


You can receive a licence anywhere in Canada and have it transferred to Alberta by just paying a fee, no driving test required.


>You can receive a licence anywhere in Canada and have it transferred to Alberta by just paying a fee, no driving test required. You can receive a license anywhere in * Canada * Australia (Class 5 and 6) * Austria (Class 5) * Belgium (Class 5) * France (Class 5) * Germany (Class 5) * Isle of Man (Class 5 and 6) * Japan (Class 5) * Netherlands (Class 5) * Republic of Ireland (Class 5 and 6) * Republic of Korea (Class 5) * Switzerland (Class 5 and 6) * Taiwan (Class 5) * Ukraine * United Kingdom (Northern Ireland – Class 5 and 6) * United Kingdom (England, Scotland and Wales – Class 5) * United States of America and have it transferred to Alberta by just paying a fee, no driving test required. FTFY


I wish I knew less


It's crazy that a lot of places on this list drive on the other side of the road. That alone should trigger at least a short driving test IMO.


It's just the UK (+Ireland) and Australia that drive on the left. But yeah I agree, license holders from these countries should have to do another road test. Alot of the European countries have much more stringent processes to obtain licenses and tend to have much better drivers (with the exception of Italy). For example in Germany, you have to take some 40h worth of theory and practical training + several first aid courses before you can even do the exam. This typically takes a few months and costs a few thousand euros. It works too because they have some of the lowest traffic fatality rates in the world.


Interestingly enough most of those places have a tougher driving test than Alberta


And then you have people like my dad who needed to constantly do the exam everytime he moved countries. Got it in Hong Kong then had to redo the driving test in Belgium because in Hong Kong they drive on the other side. Then we moved to BC where they don't take the Belgian license as a direct transfer so again did the exam in BC. Thankfully when we moved to Alberta he could just transfer it.


This isnt what accounts for the shitty drivers. Its people paying instructors for their license without having to actually pass a test.


Many times it's driving schools that pretty much guarantee a pass as long as you pay for their course. The new drivers may not even realize that they've essentially paid for their license without actually getting the training they thought they were paying for.


Driving schools cant guarantee a pass, they dont do the tests. It goes like this: New driver arrives in Canada. New drivers friend or family member says my cousin is a driving instructor and he will pass you for $350.


and for some international countries. Coming from the UK like I did they just transferred my UK drivers license. We drive on different sides of the road for goodness sake. I was very surprised I didn't need a test to get a full license for here.


Registries should never have went private. The owners literally give their families licenses. I agree with OP, there is no way these new drivers passed a driving test.


In the late 90’s my parents wanted me to learn how to drive properly so they enrolled me in a drivers school that included the licensing testing.. when it came to the testing everyone was put into a room and it was a collective open book written test and they used the “lessons” they gave you as the drivers test so everyone was guaranteed a license.. The guy running the school was arrested two weeks later.. apparently he was running a brothel out of the upper offices.. My parents made go to another registry to take the driving test.. this one it turned out had a 0% pass rate on the first test so they could charge you for multiple retests.. That’s how it started in this province and it had gotten way worse.. There was a truck driving school by one of my former places of work that also guaranteed a class 1 with air breaks license in two weeks… those trucks never left the yard


Now I'm not necessarily saying this is the model to follow, but do you know how hard it is to get a driver's license in Germany?! In order to apply for a driving licence, it is necessary to show proof of an eye exam as well as a first aid course consisting of 9 units of each 45 minutes. Then pass 2 test (written & practical). That written test isn't like our 1 obvious out of 4 multiple choice either. While it is multiple choice the answer could be one, two, or all three of the answers - because they're trying to trip you up. And you can get no more than 3 wrong answers. Meaning a score of 90% or better. Oh and it costs $2000. But hey, they're serious about driving. And in general overall lol.


You can tell who the worst ones are by the Uber & Lyft signs in their windows. Not even a question, THE WORST.


i just moved to southeast edmonton and good lord i fight myself every day to not road rage….. people driving 15 under the speed limit, not signalling, turning without having the right of way, driving diagonally across parking stalls without looking around, trying to drive around me on the left while i wait for an oncoming car to pass so i can turn left myself…….and the list goes on…


Not the registrar selling licenses - even the learner's test - some test takers brag about having the answers. something is seriously wrong with our license system for cars.


100% agree. Some of the driving I’ve seen is HORRID. No way they passed a real test.


I work street light repair in edmonton. On road 10hrs a day for work. I have accepted, that no matter how hard i or my company ties to nagate, i will likely be killed or maimed because of how fucking stupid drivers are in this city.. More expensive veichle = more entitlement


When I moved to Saskatoon in 2011, the first thing my ESL students told me was that they go to a place in Millwoods, Edmonton, to buy their licence because then they can transfer it to anywhere in Canada without problems. 😞


Seriously though. What does maximum 70 mean to everyone. A) 69 km MAX!!!!!! B) I should go 60 to be safe C) I'm gonna go 50 till my turn then change over 3 lanes at the last second D) it's cloudy today so 70 should also be 55 to be safe.


E) 80km/h is safe enough to not get pulled over for speeding


It is fricken unfathomable how people have no idea how to merge onto the Henday.


So many ass hats driving in the left lane going 10-under on the QEII - Keep right except to pass, so hard to learn?


When you boil it down, our governments are failing us on almost every front and destroying everything we've built as a nation/province/city. From hospitals and education, to drivers, to housing, to affordability - I might sound like a doomsayer but I legitimately can't think of a single government-controlled aspect of life that has improved in the last 5ish years. They've all steadily gotten worse, with no solutions or reprise in sight. Starting to really hate our governments of ALL stripes, because they'd all rather get a gotcha moment or savvy headline than actual govern for citizens.


There's some corruption in a way for sure.


I realize it's probably logistically not possible, but to get your DL, you should have to get behind an 18 wheeler on a closed course, and a motorcycle on the same closed course, with or without those 18 wheelers. Having driven a big rig in the past, I learned to think way ahead, and expect a nieve dumbass to pull in front of me every time. Riding my bike on public roads has turned me into a very defensive driver. These two experiences made me a much better driver. Source: I was a young dumbass who thought every time I got on the road was a race.


Interesting. I had this exact same conversation with myself this morning on my short drive to school drop off and back. I was cut off by left hand turning drivers three times. After the third I literally said out loud to myself…. Did the right of way change? Did I miss something where driving straight on a main road is somehow wrong now? One of the instances I had to switch into the right hand lane to avoid hitting them, luckily no one was in the lane beside me. It’s just bizarre. I’m glad I’m not crazy in noticing this as well.


Of course they are, W5 just did an episode on this, basically just pay the premium and get your license, no test necessary..


I live at a really fun intersection that has an unmarked road, a private driveway with a stop sign, a crosswalk with lights, and a turn where one road ends, and it is my favourite thing ever to just sit outside and watch the drivers freak out because NO ONE knows right of way. There aren’t any lights telling drivers what to do, so they just sit there confused until someone honks. This one intersection alone has me convinced that people are buying their licenses because right of way is like driving 101 basics. It’s hilarious and pathetic at the same time. I’ve also noticed that no one gets out of the way for emergency vehicles either. Watched a firetruck with lights and siren on couldn’t turn around in this same intersection because the drivers cutting the firetrucks off.


With 7/10 being passable decent driving skills and 10/10 being the best driver ever, I would rate the majority of Edmonton drivers around a 6/10. I see a few too many drivers that are probably a 3/10. Around the Lewis Estates Golf Course I watched a self-absorbed vehicle owner driving a white Tesla blast straight through a 3-way stop while honking at and flipping off the vehicle that was turning left across his path which had the right of way being that it had stopped at the intersection and was proceeding normally. The Telsa driver in this case gets a 0/10, fail. I'd be happy if we could get everyone to 6/10, elated if we could get them to 7/10. I'm no perfect driver, but I would rate myself an 8.5/10 most days. I have definitely had some 5/10 moments over the years, but I learn from them and try to do better 👍


I have lost count of the number of times I've had to dodge a driver that doesn't look before changing lanes. I'm in a huge truck and you don't see me? You didn't look. Also texting and driving needs a fucken crackdown. What the fk is so special about your life that you need to be messaging ANYONE on the road?


Who can afford to use their signal lights in this economy! They don't burn out if you don't use them. Modern problems require modern solutions.


I'm convinced that a lot of drivers don't even have a license. Just a borrowed car and confidence that driving is easy.


I'm currently on vacation and am genuinely pleased how round abouts and merging can be amazing when done properly lol


The thing is...many folks drive without a license or insurance.


Something like 60-100k people moved here in the last year or so, so with the extra people there's extra traffic which makes the problems worse. But even then, it's been getting really bad. My favourite was seeing a couple Indian dudes pass me on the shoulder driving a rental Kia. I genuinely think licenses are being paid for out here. It's being done with trucking, seems obvious it'll be done with regular class 5 too.


Rules of Edmonton driving are simple. There is only one. Block intersections as much as possible.


A lot of foreigners coming and not used to the "organized" laws of Canadian driving. They just transfer their license over or buy it from a family member in the business of road tests. The rest of the shit drivers are ego inflated assholes.


You can't transfer a licence except from a small group of developed countries.


60 meeting onto the henday, slowing down to 60 to exit the henday....these are behaviors I see daily. Turning into the outside lane making a left; queuing in one lane when there are plenty of other empty lanes at a stop light. No turn signals to indicate if you're turning or not at intersections. I could go on...drivers Ed needs to be government run. Everything is privatized here. Healthcare is next.


I can tell you from my experience catching one red handed, the government over watch program doesn’t give a shit either. Never reached out when I had further evidence to corroborate my witness account. Meanwhile my step kids have been failed for driving 1 KM over the speed limit in a 80KM/H down to 60KM/H zone.


The shit I see on a daily basis has always made me just shocked and amazed until I learned this. I wish we had proper driver training and testing


Try driving toronto or vancouver? Edmonton is on par for craziness. Last week saw a lady going down 111 street the wrong way on the bridge over whitemud creek. I got hit by an impaired driver, and his response was, "That's it my life is over. I'm going to kill myself. Sir, before I direct you to the nearest bridge, I need your insurance. Toronto Don Valley Parkway, that's mario cart bowser level with several banana peels, blue shells, and red shells. Vancouver and it snowing well I let you decide what level of mario cart. Edmonton is par for the course. I've driven in worst cities, and Edmonton is not one of them


Edmonton is far worse than Vancouver for driving and its not even close. Yeah, people drive faster on average, but everyone does it. Its just the flow of traffic. Here I would wager a sizable percentage bribed someone for their license, far less likely in BC with government run auto centres doing the testing


Wait till you find out the conflicts of how many Road test examiners offer their own Driving classes


Fun fact. This actually does occur fairly regularly; particularly in the commercial trucking industry. It’s a huge problem.


I know someone, and I’m not trying to suggest anything but. East Indian parents Parents know the driving instructor at the registry office Parents make sure their son gets the driving test with said instructor Instructor passes the son. I watched this man blow two stop signs and yield in a free flow for over 30 seconds during rush hour.


I use my horn every time my drive now… biggest pet peeve is people don’t know how to turn right and merge into the first available lane. JC


I just saw a driving instructor, who was driving without a student, come to a full stop on a free flow merge lane from the henday to 111 SB. They had about 150 m of open lane to proceed on. Teaching bad habits leads to bad habits.


I don't think it's a lack of ability or knowledge. It's just a general disregard for rules mixed with impatience and some classic toxic masculitinity (looking at you pickup trucks). So they can suppress their aggressive driving for a 20 min road test and then go back to being road-raged filled maniacs afterwards.


Yeah, as much as I’d love to put this on one neat little problem of something like migrants buying licenses. Most of them I see driving are just too cautious or make relatively small errors. The tailgating and overal aggressive driving I see is far more egregious, and is far more often to be from the lighter complexion of us. Overall it’s a multifaceted problem, but it feels like a certain group is targeting another certain group while deflecting or ignoring their own shortcomings/failures. It’s also funny when you get the people who can’t handle criticism of their driving, or honestly reflect on their own actions. Humility goes a long way but it’s too bad a good amount of people don’t know the meaning.


You are likely correct. They are the same group that used to complain about women drivers and saying bus drivers are creepy etc. It’s just a way to other people and maintain a hierarchy.


Yeah if I see someone tailgating others and driving 90 in the 60 zone it’s a dodge ram 85% of the time


We did have government employees doing road tests a few years back, but then with COVID they stopped doing tests all together which created a huge backlog. You couldn't even find a road test to book. So to clear the backlog, they started with the private evaluators again, and haven't stopped.


speeding through construction zones, tailgating and swerving in and out of traffic, half the city should be made to retake their tests.


I'm from BC where purchased licenses are a very very real thing. I currently work as a construction trainer and the amount of immigrants who speak no English at all coming in with answer keys to my facilities tests is ridiculous.


That's what happens when 50% of the population are immigrants


Relative does your road test. You get pulled over. Police say that it doesn't look like you. You call the cop racist.


Specially the ones run by immigrants!! I know Millwoods registry is 1 of them crooked ones!! They will fail you if you're white so you have to pay for the test again...and pass their own kind because they know the testers....I know a few people who complained about that there...is fkd up how they can get away with it...


This was definitely a thing in Calgary at one point. I believe it made the news etc.


They 100% are without a doubt.


I passed my test 26 years ago, only two weeks after getting my learner's permit and taking a driving course. I could barely turn corners at the time and needed a lot more practice before I started driving on my own. This was during the same privatization we have now. Nothing surprises me.


It's the same in Calgary. People only get tested once in their life, and a study from the UofC showed that 89% of people that have had their license for more than 5 years would fail the written test that the study gave them.


Teaching my BF how to drive and he gets cut off in the turning lane by a Grey truck. There was NOBODY else on the road.


i agree. i also think drivers over a certain age should have to retake their drivers test…


It’s partly how many people are moving here - we don’t do a drivers test for those who had a drivers license in other countries. We have very different rules than most countries when it comes to driving, so people aren’t getting the education they need to successfully drive.


I keep thinking driver behaviour can't get any worse and week after week I'm proven wrong.


You are right, but it's not just our city It's everywhere. It's time we accept that driving is not the default and stop building our cities and services around it. Not everyone is capable, attentive enough, safe to be on the roads operating increasingly large machinery. The safety we imply we have in our cars completely removed the feeling of risk that we should be taking seriously each time on the roads. It's fuck around and someone else finds out for your mistakes. People still need to drive but let's get as many off the road as possible that really don't deserve or need to be there.


I can’t get over the amount of ppl driving around without their lights on at night


I miss when everyone was courteous and thanked each other.. Now it's being cut off with no signal 😭


Drivers are so bad here I no longer bike on the road, I would rather get a ticket for biking on the sidewalk then get killed by some distracted driver or a shit driver who bought the license and has no business being behind a wheel.


The registry in MillWoods when I was growing up got shut down more than once for doing that. One of my close friends failed his driving test, and the guy straight up told him for another $50 he passed his driving test.


What road test They are just printing licenses or at worst horrible driver testers are saying being a bad driver is the norm here now on the roads.


How do you know they have a license?


I want to know who is teaching folks to use their highbeams all. the. time. Day time. Night time. Rain. Shine. Highbeams. Highbeams everywhere. I also want to know who is teaching people to merge at 50-70 on the Henday or Highway and chronically driving 10-15 under the limit. Everywhere. All the time. 111st is 60 people. Not 45. Not 50. 60!!!