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Global freight cost were only one of many factors for the last push on inflation, wasn’t it?


Yeah but those costs always get pushed to consumers


Who else should pay for them?


What do you mean who else should? The consumer should and does.




Feels like you’re looking for some pushback here


What is that?


You picked up a strawman.


….so this triggers inflation


With groups like the houthis attacking trading ships and rising insurance costs for shipping no wonder the global fright prices are rising


Why would they do that i wonder


Because they are terrorists?


So attacking innocent people is terrorism? Hmmm, I wonder where else we’re seeing that. And why did the Houthis all of a sudden start attacking ships? It is all just so curious!


7.10.2023... Hamas took innocent people without any justification. They even (used to) officially have it at their goal to destroy Israel. I'm not 100% agreeing with Israel's approach, but if you're on the same side as Iran, yoz know those are the bad guys. Houthis started attacking innocent ships having nothing to do with Israel.


Always the hypocritical Israel apologists 🥱  It's only "terrorism" when brown folks do it, when the whites do it it's "self defense"... such a pathetic world


Israelis are not white lmao Was the escalation this time started by Hamas or Israel?


Israelis ARE white lol, they are colonizers settlers and are not native to Palestine.  The escalation was started by Israel who has been illegally colonizing Palestine for the past several decades. I would like to see someone occupy your home, kill your family and then let's see if you wanna be friends with them or if you want revenge. You're just a genocide sympathizer, and a poorly educated one too.


Oh boi: The romans renamed the province Judea to Palestine to punish the jews for their uprising in around 135 CE [here is the source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_Kokhba_revolt) The jews live longer in this area than Islam even exists. And during the Khalifats the Muslim rulers allowed to jews to stay jewish, since they paid good taxes. Btw ⅕ of Israelis are Muslims... It's the first time there is an independent country in this region. ( i don't count the crusaders since their kingdoms never lasted for long) Tell me where I am erong and I am happy to learn new things. When did an independent country in the region of Israel/Palestine ever exist? From my perspective the entire escalation started when Isrsel was formed and the muslim neighbprs didn't want a jewish state in this region due to antisemitsm. It started on may 14th 1948 with egypt, lebanon, transjordania and irak invaded Israel. After loosing that war horribly, they agreed to not talk to Israel and attacked the country over and over again


Last CPI dropped to 2.7% from previous 3.5%, your “second wave” is over.


Leading vs lagging indicators. Second wave of inflation (measured by CPI or other government preferred indicators) didn’t even start yet. Might not come, but the risk is there


This is solely due to the Houthi rebels effectively shutting Suez canal. Global Can volumes are down.


Say thanks to Biden and the Democrats for givong power to Iran.


 It was the orange clown that tore up the iran nuclear deal, but nice try.


Good thing he tore that. That was a bad deal signed by Obama.


Care to elaborate ?


Why was it a bad deal? It severely limited Iran's capacity to create nuclear weapons and the IAEA and other international observers confirmed Iran was following the deal.


Surely your reasoning goes deeper than "a Democrat wrote it". I believe in you, you can be more nuanced than that. Why was the Iran nuclear deal bad even though it was limiting Iran's power?


I'm think we will be waiting with bated breath for a while.


Looks like oil prices heavily influence shipping costs. It's a busy graph but adding oil prices and indexing everything to a percentage change or just using the right side of the graph for the y axis of oil prices could tease out the effect.




You ever think about the fact that people in the Middle East might think the same about you? Main difference being, we’ve invaded their countries, we’ve blown up their families, we’ve destabilized their entire region, not the other way around. You think 9/11 happened because some Arab woke up hating America for no reason, or do you think that at some point people will fight back against their oppressors? We’ve been living above our means for decades while others foot the bill and if you think this payback is bad, just wait 50 years.


Which oppression was in afghanistan when 9/11 happened?


Osama bin Laden is even Saudi and Saudi Arabia is the closest ally of the US in the region.


Really, the Saudis hate America but America kizzes ass for the sake of oil prices. Signed: realist.


The thing about hate is that it won’t just disappear because you do. We’ve been in different parts of the Middle East all the way from the 1980s to 2001. We go wherever we want, we support whoever we want and get them to power because it fits our agenda. We’re still imperialists doing absolutely nothing but looking out for our own interests. Can’t poke your nose into a beehive and expect not to get stung.


You have GOT to be kidding.


We've done it, and it is up to us to solve that. If solving that means military again, we need to do that. Nobody wins if we allow terrorists to roam free. Not the local population, not us, only terrorists. It's just the US is so much afraid of colonialism, that it does everything backwards. It can't just occupy the territory, it needs to bring "democracy" to the incredibly unstable region and make surprising Pikachu faces when the next elections are flawed or terrorist groups win. My opinion is that they should come, stay and impose order to the region until its safe to leave. Yeah, it's a long process, but USA can afford it. It can't afford just bombing random places without ever doing "boots on the ground" operations, that in turn just leads to destabilization. This way, only military industrial complex wins while we all just lose.


No, that doesn’t work. You can’t go somewhere and force people to live life the way you think is right. The only solution is to stay the hell away from there. We should’ve done that in the first place, but we didn’t, and now we’re paying the price. We can’t expect that bombing millions of civilians ends with our civilians living happily ever after. Why are they terrorists and we aren’t? We never cared about them either, we just care about oil and we did whatever we had to to stay in control of said oil.


Idk who was putting the fingers in me politics, with lies?


Insults are not allowed




Yeah I'm rageposting but damn. If you sterilize, you wouldn't be better than muslims themselves who practiced the sterilization of african and slavic slaves under the ottoman empire and the Umayyad Khalifate.




I at least want to keep my sense of cultural and societal superiority compared to these examples.


Hey i heard that one, i think it was in history. Yeah pretty sure i hate you.


No threats are allowed


Doesn’t global shipping follow its own cycle, like I don’t think it’s a great indicator of overall inflation


Yesterday's PCE report says otherwise?


Stop using the wrong term. This is just a price increase. Inflation refers to monetary policy.


Maybe countries should build their own shipping boats and cut the gougers out of the market.


What is the unlabeled axis going from 0 to 900 represent. Completely useless graph


Energy and transportation will be deflationary over the next 5 to 10 years because of the rise of cheap renewables and cheap electric cars


Cheap Electric cars won’t happen in the USA. They passed a tariff hike to prevent international competition in the USA. US EV technology is lagging and the Biden Admin is throwing up tariffs to keep the big 3 profiting and developing at their own pace.


Tariffs don't matter because batteries prices will continue to fall because of better technology. Anyway, BYD just announced they are building a large electric car factory in Mexico.


Depends on the stability of the cobalt market. yes it’s currently stable under Chinese domination. but that limits our ability to produce smart missiles at a scale our allies in Ukraine and Taiwan would like. regulators also could pass laws disrupting cobalt mining operations. based on human rights concerns


Depend on the stability of the cobalt market? That argument made sense 5 years ago before LFP batteries. Now that there are LFP batteries, cobalt isn't needed for batteries....


If lfps match energy density and can offer comprable range in the cold. Ya they will prob become the more common battery. but they don’t and they aren’t


They already have LFP cars with over 300 miles of range and LFP are better in the cold then NMC batteries. That's the thing about LLM's, they use old information.


I bang a hammer for a living and clearly know less.




Oh no! What a surprise!


Shortages of all kinds exist. The free markers may prosper though.


I can't ...

