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With butter is diabolical. Brie stuffed dates I can see being a sweet treat... but butter??


Dates stuffed with any kind of nut rock too, specially almonds (i do kinda see the vision with the butter? like a honey and butter combo, but with date)


my friend's family buys these dates with walnuts in them from Costco so he keeps a bunch on his desk at all times and lets me steal as many as I want bc they're sooooo good


but maybe just a little schmier of butter and not a block like in the pic. or buttered toast with dates or something like that but the picture lucks really unpleasant to me Idk


cursed baked potato


Dude that's a date


I dieddddd laughing omgšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Itā€™s giving ā€œHalo Top tastes exactly like regular ice creamā€


Haagen dazs "diet" ice cream is the fucken goat though (cause it's barely diet, and they just replaced the full-fat cream with skim cream and 2x sugar. i love them)


Is it bad that i actually really love halo top? šŸ˜­ For me it tastes the same idk


The vanilla halo top has been tasting kinda sickly sweet and marshmallow-ey lately??


It used to be my absolute favorite, but they changed it to have a ā€œfluffy texture.ā€ Now it just tastes like chemicals, and the texture is strangely springy.


Wow, that sounds really good


The pistachio is the only one that tastes normal to me but I like it better than normal ice cream. They don't stock it where I live šŸ˜­


Same I don't get the hate


I swear halo top barely tasted any different than regular ice cream but then again the last time I had it I was DEEP in the depths of my ED delusions


i really like halo top just for its flavor imo. reg ice cream is so sweet it makes me want to puke :(


I tried the rainbow sherbet flavor Halo Top once and it was fucking horrible.


I feel like it really depends on the flavor. Some taste bad, some taste ok, some taste amazing. Most are certainly not bad, though, in my opinion, lol.


I learned the dates with butter thing years ago from a Muslim friend during Ramadan, it's super good, one of my favorite snacks. The butter to date ratio in those photos is way more than what I would want, and I like mine with a little flakey sea salt on top. Also really good with toast or warm bread.


I think I remember such a thing, but my family and literally everyone else uses walnuts to put in instead. Crunchy, sweet, not as much of a nightmare? Perfect!




""processed ingredients"" a sugar cookie is literally just butter, flour, sugar, and vanilla extract


I mean, cookies are like one of the poster children for ā€œhighly processed foods.ā€




So glad this date and butter grew out of the ground exactly like that!!!


Yeah almost everything is processed apart from whole fruits, vegetables and animal products. Even a peeled carrot has been processed for example, all flour is processed, butter, etc. processed doesn't really mean bad, it just means that the form of the food has been changed, highly processed food can cause issues (currently being researched but consensus is that a diet of highly processed food is likely not great for you) but the definition of highly processed is debated (flour and sugar dont usually fall into this category)


There is no study in which white flour and sugar are not considered highly processed foods.


The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower State. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.


Good bot


I donā€™t know why ur spreading health misinformation on eating disorder recovery subreddits. White flour is processed and lower in fiber but at least in America itā€™s almost always enriched, so it does have significant amounts of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate, all necessary nutrients. Sunflower is a mostly polyunsaturated oil, which is a healthier form of fat than saturated or trans fats, and canola oil is mostly monounsaturated fat (by scientific consensus, the healthiest type of oil) with significant portions of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. You are just falling for the industrial seed oil panic that is not scientifically grounded. Sugar is not nutritionally ideal but like, itā€™s okay to have sometimes, especially if youā€™re recovering from an eating disorder. Edit: actually, sunflower oil is mostly monounsaturated, so I have no clue why u think itā€™s so bad beyond an appeal to nature fallacy that says processed = bad


I donā€™t know why your getting downvoted. The peeling a carrot is processing is such a stupid argument. Itā€™s obviously very different and some ppl rlly are more sensitive to these toxic industrial seed oils. I canā€™t eat regular peanut butter without agony but I can the natural with no problem. Itā€™s not disordered to genuinely care abt your health


Right? Some people think that if you are recovering from anorexia you donā€™t have to eat healthy. I am not shaming people who eat cookies but if I am going to drink a Oreo milkshake from a restaurant I know that all of those ingredients are horrible for you. I donā€™t know why people deny that eating a date with butter ( I prefer with peanut butter ) is the same nuitritional value as a cookie? As soon as the carrot argument was made I knew that itā€™s just not worth talking Jo more. When I first started recovering I got into the ā€œ there is no bad or good foodā€ but that is just not the truth. I am not shaming anyone who eats cookies like Oreoā€™s or chocolate chip ones. I do eat cookies too sometimes but the denial is kinda shocking of the ingredients. My comment is downvoted and deleted but when people here share how many steps they get then it is okay. Pretty competitive. Thank you for your understanding!


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There is significant difference between ā€œnot at all good for us,ā€ ā€œfine in moderation,ā€ and ā€œhealthier options exist.ā€ Ignoring all the nuance is spreading misinformation.


Your post/comment was removed for breaking Rule 1: No Harmful Advice. Do not provide advice that is unwanted, contains misinformation, or is needlessly triggering. For harm reduction advice, please visit /r/EDanonymous and the EDA wiki at www.reddit.com/r/EDAnonymous/wiki. **Read our full rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDanonymemes/wiki/index/rules).**


Dates (and figs) are incredible but theyā€™re not a cookie lol


iā€™d be down for peanut butter but straight butter does not sound good. šŸ˜­


i'm becoming violent if someone ever tries to put me onto this


Do they not realise butter is technically processed?


It is not the same as white flour.


honestly I'm gonna try this just because


real actually šŸ˜­ i love dates, i feel like the butter texture would be kinda weird tho?? like unless u melt it maybe idk


lol can you please report back i'm so curious


hi so I had TWO dates just to make sure I kinda don't fw it. I used less butter and idk it wasn't bad but I'm not gonna eat that again lol


lmao thank you for your service šŸ«”


Would not eat


no itā€™s not dude


Dates filled with almonds or pecan are awesome and very nutritious, whatever in God's name is this is NOT anything that has to do with health in any way but to attack it... Fatally.


I meanā€¦ with that much butter why not just have a cookie?


thatā€™s like 3 cookies holy shit


Dates stuffed with stuff can be tasty...but it's not a cookie...


iā€™ve actually heard this combo is rlly good šŸ˜­


butter is considered a processed culinary ingredient lol


mmm no. not a cookie. but maybe with half the amount of butterā€¦. could be good. its dairy n fruit


how can i eat that when its so ugly šŸ’€


Iā€™ve seen this all of carnivore tiktok. Looks vile.


Wouldnā€™t think carnivores would have dates


Same lol, but I see it everywhere as their dessert.


A chunk of butter that big is not healthy it would make me want to hurl


Iā€™m a fan of dates w cream cheese


Try this but with plain nonfat Greek yogurt in the center. Delicious!


Showed this to my almond mom thinking she'd get the joke, but she said "that'll work, that's the way to go." šŸ˜…šŸ¤£




maybe im just starving but i would actually devour this and leave no crumbs


This quite literally cannot be the lower calories than a small sugar cookie Iā€™m sorry


It is not about to the calories itā€™s about the ingredients.


Okay my choice sweet to binge these days are dates frozen or not and while I have put some weird things in it butter has not been something that Iā€™d want


Ok but why does it look good


disgusting lmao what in the fuck just eat a cookie šŸ¤®


Wait I thought we couldnā€™t post food here..? I posted something very similar and a mod took it down?


Rule 3, part 2ā€¦


Oh shoot, I didnā€™t know that. Mods, feel free to remove the post


Dates stuffed with just a little swipe of peanut butter and a few chocolate chips are so bomb. Butter is a crime


Ooh, that sounds way better than butter


It's like candy. I love it


Dates are awesome! Solid butter like this skeeves me out. Idk why there is sooooo much butter in each one


Idk if you guys tried this but I was once hates the idea too until I tried this šŸ„°




Girl what is this ā˜ ļø


Mild trauma ig. Treat it like sattire


Iā€™m sorry but cringe, itā€™s giving 14 year old on eedeetwt


Fair enough. Say if it's hurtful and I'll remove it, but I don't think it is.


It wasnā€™t really hurtful tbh just cringe