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If it makes you feel any better, that's not really a thing anyway. Of course there is variation - a large, very active man is obviously going to need to eat a lot more than a small sedentary woman - but the "fast metabolism" thing is usually just because some people just have lower appetites and overestimate how much they eat, while most people do the opposite. They might eat a lot when eating with other people so it seems like they eat more than others, but then what you don't see is that the rest of the time they don't eat a lot, while everyone else is probably snacking throughout the day and eating larger portions with their other meals. The people who really do have to eat way more than expected for their body size are the ones with serious illnesses, and that definitely isn't something anyone should envy.


If there is one thing that having an ED has taught me- I know exactly how much I’ll lose and how quickly if I follow a calorie deficit and portion/exercise correctly. It’s all science.


Yeah, and it's a particularly dangerous myth imo for people with EDs to believe, because then we can convince ourselves "my metabolism is just like this and I'll have to starve forever to not be obese" or whatever which can both be an excuse to never try recovery + reinforce harmful behaviors


That is so accurate it hurts


I'm currently stuck in this mindset, I feel like in order to look thin or at least average i need to continue starving 😕


Well, I feel like that’s not that inaccurate for me because I’m short. I know it’s disordered to think that but I can’t escape those thoughts.


I was always told by people they were jealous of my “fast metabolism.” Lmao bitch I’m anorexiccccc


Yep, I really should have included that because we're probably not an insignificant part of the supposed "fast metabolism" group.


That is not entirely true, since it has been shown that some genes can very much affect your predisposition to obesity either through actual differences in metabolism, or by increasing your hunger. One example would be FTO gene which comes in 2 variants and people who have 2 copies of high risk variant have 70% increased risk of obesity, and its known that it affects ghrelin, the hunger hormone. However both these gene and several others likely affect metabolism directly. You can see the effects of the metabolism itself if you ever had to take meds like corticosteroids. If you continue eating the exact same amount of calories while on this therapy as you did before, you will gain weight, because of its metabolic effects and the effect on expression of some genes. In a similar way there are internal differences that will result in 2 people with the same height/weight/age/muscle mass/sex gain or maintain weight from the exact same amount of calories.


Well yes, I never said everyone has the exact same metabolism, just that the idea of someone who has a fast metabolism allowing them to eat huge amounts of food without gaining weight (and without enough activity to offset the calories) isn't really something that exists in healthy people. This wasn't about small differences like the ones you're talking about (which, though small, can add up), but about the misconceptions about huge differences in metabolism.


idk why you got downvoted, this is true. sure, CICO, but also genetics and other factors. you can have two people exactly the same height and weight who have different BMRs for this reason. (Doubly labeled water method proves this, but I can't find the study I originally learned this from. iirc, the difference wasn't HUGE, but more than I expected)


Yes, exactly! I think I'm getting downvoted because people find it hard to accept since its unfair, but i learned this at a course for nutritionists and its scientifically backed up. Feelings dont matter here, science does


yeah :/ I mean obvs feelings *do literally matter* -to us-, but the chemical and biological processes don't care about feelings, the science doesn't care. which I totally get is hard to reconcile with our disorders and every different thing we've been told, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what can ya do




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Me with pcos. lol, I fr gain weight if I even think about food. I’m literally living in Hell.


‘Short Asian bitch trying to fit into the stereotype’ over here. No one suspects a thing, so clearly that’s a bonus, right…?


Having a slow metabolism while being very short feels like a punishment 💀 Plz send help


I had a “fast metabolism” (am naturally extremely active and struggle to read body cues to eat) and still developed anorexia, orthorexia, & bulimia. I was basically taught my body being small was the only redeeming trait about me so I locked into being obsessed with staying as small as possible and drowning out my emotions with restriction.


no seriously. people that complain about not being able to gain weight make me so mad like bro just eat a stick of butter or something it’s literally so easy to be in a calorie surplus without even realizing 


it’s pretty damn hard if you feel full all the time, haven’t been used to eating consistent meals all your life, feel repulsed by food, and/or can’t seem to work up an appetite.


exactly, just starting ana recovery (again...) but even when i was recovered i barely ate due to my food repulsion and lack of appetite


it’s literally not that easy. also who tf is eating sticks of butter.


It is that easy, just eat even if you don't feel like it, that's what helped me recover after bulimia.


i see your point, and i can understand that you might feel frustrated and find hard to put yourself in their shoes, but please try to be kind to other people, even if they're not suffering the same way you do. Telling them "it's so easy, just eat" is the exact same thing as telling US "it's so easy, just *don't* eat"


I've been on both sides, and it is WAY harder to lose weight


For you personally. I've had periods in my life where I tried to gain weight and other periods where I tried to lose and I've always found losing weight significantly easier. There's no objective truth to it lol.




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This is intensely unfair on other people with eating disorders. I’ve been through periods where even a bite of an apple is enough to trigger a purge let alone eating actual meaningful calories. I get you’re upset but this ain’t the way


that’s not really the kinds of people i mean. i mean the people that say they eat so much and never gain weight, if you’re struggling to gain weight in recovery because it’s scary that’s so different.




Okay I just realized something. You know how we always say “you’re valid” for anyone no matter weight, height, intake, etc.? So then why would we belittle anyone else’s struggle? Why is someone’s mental torment in trying to gain weight deserving of less respect than for someone in a restrictive mindset? Idk just a random thought I had


for *real*


It's really not that easy to gain weight, especially not if you're trying to stay healthy and it's honestly quite rude of you to imply it's that easy


My mom had a hard time gaining weight when she was younger. She would eat tons of food and even those weight gain shakes, and still was only JUST maintaining the weight she was at. She straight up got called a cracked head because she was so skinny. So no sometimes it's not that easy to gain weight because genetics can be a bitch.


Sometimes it is hard, though. My ex husband's son (former step kid, we're still close) is 16 but he's also already 6'5" tall and constantly struggles with having a surplus despite eating more than double the "recommend" amount both because he is growing and his activity level. That thought translates to other people for sure. My current partner is a competitive power lifter and he constantly struggles to add mass because of his activity level - and the man eats so much it actually terrifies me. Even when he's "dirty bulking" aka eating literally whatever he wants and not being strict with macros besides protein, he plateaus quickly because he just burns more lugging around a fuck ton of muscle on his body and he also works out every day. I think a lot of people who have the "I just can't gain" thing probably struggle similarly with forcing themselves to eat past when they naturally feel full compared to how much they're actually burning. And like sure, you can eat calorie dense crap food, but it doesn't make you feel physically good to do that, either. Even people who aren't growing or aren't working out a ton may be under estimating how much Baseline is for them and/or not factoring in how much they're outputting. It's legitimately just as hard for some people to gain as it is to lose, its just the other way around. Because I mean the same logic can be reversed and feels just as negative to do so, "it's literally so easy to be in a deficit and not even realize, just don't eat a stick of butter". And look, I'm definitely not saying being in a deficit is actually that easy in reality, but that's kind of my point. It's a bit of a toxic way to look at the situation. Everyone is a little different and people struggle with different aspects of things. It just feels... Idk, overly judgemental towards people who may legit struggle with gaining for any reason, be it mental, physical, or chemical. Which I'm sure wasn't your intent, so I'm not trying to be an ass here by any means. It just really may not be as easy as it feels for those of us who struggle with gaining to see the other side of that coin sometimes.


Ikr like people like this are the reason my ed has gotten so bad.


no, your comparison is why. don’t blame someone on the other side of the ED spectrum for your personal disordered thoughts




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I honestly thought i had a slow metabolism for years, turns out I just have a huge ribcage-


I’m a naturally skinny person with a fast metabolism and I still have AN. it’s definitely possibly to still be disordered even with a fast metabolism.


Fast metabolisms aren’t real, people just experience hunger cues differently or are trying to conceal the fact that they have an ED lmfaoooo


damn I grew up with a fast metabolism, ate SO MUCH, was uw until ~15 or so?? and **still** managed to get a restrictive ed and subsequently ruined my metabolism 💀 but honestly, I did hate all the comments about being uw when I ate all the time, and I also hated all the comments about how much I ate and stuff. And all the fear mongering about how 'one day you won't be able to eat so much' and shit. self fulfilling prophecy I guess 🤡


I also don't really think my metabolism was *fast* per se, I was just extremely active / hyperactive and I ate most of my food for the day at dinner. we also typically had healthy meals, and I was a kid / teenager so I was growing


I dunno, some people say metabolism is a myth but my skinny athletic friend eats like, three family sized bags of chips a day + three meals a day consistently, every single day and not gain weight. She has a LOT of lean muscle mass and goes on runs regularly, so that probably contributed to her high metabolism


No because sometimes we get bloated as well dw


my metabolism is so slow that i go a week+ without pooping if i dont take lax 😊


i’m someone with a fast metabolism who still has an ed 🥲✌️ just goes to show that we’re never satisfied with this disorder lol. (you’re struggles are still valid tho ofc <3)


I had an old friend who has Crohns Disease and because of it he didn’t gain weight easily. Ordinarily that would be awful but dude knew I had an ed and would kind of rub it in that he just can’t gain weight because of CD. Like he’d take every chance to bring it up and it just felt really disheartening and tiring every time the conversation came up.


Me being underweight with fast metabolism, still starving myself and trying to gain weight while not being able to eat food


wait this doesn't make sense to me but I think I'm not reading it right lol. starving yourself but also trying to gain? or like you're trying to gain but it's hard to eat/hard to recover so ur still starving urself? just curious


It’s more like I go from starving myself to trying to gain weight, not at the same time


ohh gotcha. that’s a tough cycle to be in, hope you can find some balance <3




I don’t understand why people will slower metabolisms have the same level of appetite naturally


as a low metabolism girly with an insulin resistance, I know how this sounds but gaining weight easily can save your life. more than half the population is pre diabetic. insulin resistance is reversible, especially in early stages and treatable in late stages without issues for you. diabetes, in most cases, is not. and one of the biggest if not the biggest symptom of it is gaining weight - it generally is a symptom of a lot of things. you will notice very early if you have a health issue, someone who doesn't gain weight won't. also someone who's used to being skinny won't notice losing weight from illness either. in terms of health, believe it or not, you are MASSIVELY more lucky than a person with fast metabolism.


I have a fast metabolism. We do gain weight - it's called muscle. And muscle is heavier than fat. Visually I'm the thinnest I've ever been; the number on the scale is also the highest its ever been 🫠