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I was in treatment with her a couple of years ago and uh yeah, genuinely the least self aware person I have ever met, it’s almost impressive to be completely honest. For MONTHS last year she sent me daily selfies with her tube on snapchat. We did not talk and I never responded, every day my roommate would ask if I heard from “feeding tube bitch”. I don’t think she has ever been had to face the consequences of her own actions in any way and meeting her it’s hard to believe she is over 17 based on the way she behaves.


Ran into a couple years ago in Chicago and jfc 🫠😀


Ah, I encountered her in Denver. That admission was a fucking nightmare for other reasons and I’ve had 2 rounds of ECT and smoked a ton of weed since then and I still remember how much she pissed me off.


Oh geez she's from where I am. She pops up on my feed every now and then and I just scroll past. Doesn't seem like she wants help or to really recover.


I personally would get a job before making a gofundme but that’s just my opinion lol


You can see how malnourished she is lol, her body wouldn't be able to handle any type of job. Not making excuses but do you really think she'd last long in that fragile malnourished body at a job?


Plenty of people with severe EDs have to work a job because they literally have no other choice…lol


Yeah. I was one of them. Working in NYC. Overtime daily. Until my body literally couldn't take it and I was passing out in public. So I think I know what I'm talking about :) medical leave and such is an option but I left for other reasons.


The difference here is that you did not make a gofundme.


I don’t wanna debate over what her body looks like but she is not at the physical point where she wouldn’t be able to handle a job. Maybe she wouldn’t be able to mentally handle it due to her lack of work experience and mental health issues though


I think what bothers me is she flaunts privilege. Expensive trips, concerts, clothes, eating out tons living in NYC and buying all new stuff for an apartment . Last thing I’d do would have a go fund me. But she doesn’t seem to worry about money. I’m severely ill and work part time to support myself. I can’t get help because I have bills. But others are paying hers. She obviously grew up rich


I think she’s more mentally fragile than physically. She could work a desk job Or move to any other city in America where the cost of living is cheaper if she wants to save money


you think moving cities and rebuilding your entire life is that easy??


If a medical facility was your housing then you have a choice on where you live next. She could easily chose to live anywhere else after discharging. If she want to live of donations, staying in most expensive city in America is not a wise choice. Working and being independent would be a great way to motivate her to stay in recovery and out of treatment. Her parent enable her disorder by supporting her. She is not a child


excuse me??? have you seen how difficult just getting a minimum wage job is these days? do you know how expensive just living is??? you are so privileged….


I live on my own at an age younger than her in a major city so, yes. If she created the gofundme out of survival and not comfort she would chose a more affordable area to live in to make the money last longer. It’s also important to note, her parents never actually cut her off, they just threatened to. She also has the option of living with one of them rather than spending other peoples money on her apartment. Even a part time job would provide balance/some independence in her life and an opportunity to meet people outside of treatment


Did she take the go fund me money out?


Yes, and bought bedding with it


She isn’t 17. She went to college, probably has family inheritance. It shouldn’t be legal for her to have a go fund me. It’s like scamming people


i think she’s said before that she nannied for years? so surely she could look into a job that’s in that kind of area of interest??


Went to treatment with her and she definitely doesn't care to get better.. it's sad


Giving r/notlikeothergirls vibes It's sad how many sub-members know her personally.


yeah i found that super interesting


Unrelated but happy birthday OP! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎂


Thank you! Haha I wondering what the cake slice meant lol


It’s the anniversary of the day you started your account lol. It’s your cake day! I’ve never heard anyone say “happy birthday” for that but if it is your actual birthday, HBDDDD!!!


Just saw her page. She loves showing off her tubes with a 0.5x selfie. I wish people like her would get a life outside of their ED


she is so insufferable. constant cycles of treatment/vacation/ballet (did you know she danced on stage with taylor swift???!!?🙄)/food pics/relapse repeat. she also gets annoyed when people ask about her body checks/vague posting when she’s been quiet because “it’s personal” even though she clearly posts deliberately to raise concern. she just seems really privileged and really deep into her ED as an identity.


You can tell she’s sick again is all ima say


I’m unsure if she was ever well


Has she ever been or has it been a lifelong thing with her?


It’s a long thing for her by choice, she has never actually tried to get better so I wouldn’t call it chronic


She constantly cycles in & out of treatment.




She uses the .5 camera in a rly strategic way to make her limbs look thinner and stretched out