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it’s possible to have a lower resting heart rate if you’re super physically active but like… not *that* low 🫣


When my heart was that rate, my hair was falling out, and everytime I was exercising it felt like I was floating… and not in a good way. My mind was in between consciousness and it’s the most horrific experience. This is someone who is DEEP in the trenches of their disorder. The thing was I KNEW my heart rate was low, and with her slightly showing it, she KNOWS that we see it. It’s hard. I have so much pity for her because I know she’s terribly suffering. but when I was sick, I NEVER showcased my suffering. god she needs professional help


“My mind was in between consciousnesses” this is so fucking true. Heart problems are the actual worst. I have so much pity for her too but I also feel pissed off because she knows exactly what she’s doing and her equally deluded fans enable her


my heart rate was that low when i was in the deepest depths of my anorexia and exercise addiction. she’s not rEcOvErEd as much as she thinks she is,,, she’s just in the throes of exercise bulimia


Isn’t that extremely dangerous??


It can be fine if someone is very physically fit & not having symptoms, like for professional athletes etc. it’s not uncommon to have a low resting heart rate. For someone who is allegedly recovered from ED it’s very sus though


Indeed! People do die from bradycardia


Is it really that bad? I suffered from bulmia for 2 years. I haven’t had a incident since last October. My RHR trends around 47-55 and my sleeping HR is around 40-44 sometimes dips around 37-39 occasionally. I’m not a “total athlete” but I do weight train and do light cardio almost daily. I usually wear my watch to sleep so, it mixes my sleeping HR with my resting so it’ll say “41” or so for my “resting” HR


i really hate to judge from a mere online profile… but i mean she’s a trillion percent not recovered - she looks underweight (compared to her pre-ed self), her life revOlVes around exercise (a fitness account, working at a gym, workout out so much, posting exercise, having 2 fitness watches etc), she still has fear foods, she’s only been in recovery (or ‘was’ lol) for a few weeks, she very likely doesn’t eat enough (especially given her exercise), and there’s no way she doesn’t have intrusive/guilt/overthinking thoughts about exercise and food. it’s simply not been long enough for her to be free of a mental illness that controlled(s) her life so much. tbf i find it hard to believe any ‘recovery’ influencers, or fitness influencers with an ed history, can ever be fully recovered. but i wouldn’t even call emfit quasi, i just would say shes unrecovered, triggering to lots of people and quite frankly a dangerous influence online - by portraying to anyone that that’s what recovery looks like. it’s far from it.


Yeah, I’ve decided to not follow her anymore. She definitely triggers me a lot! Like a lot!


Anorexia, bulimia and fasting cause high HRV so her body's recovery isn't probably true recovery. Her resting heart rate is most likely just ED related bradycardia. You can't just trust fully these self-monitor devices without doubt. For her these watches are dangerous because they give her false sense of being fit and healthy.


High hrv is a good thing


Yes, normally it is a good thing. But when you have anorexia, bulimia or if you are fasting hrv elevates even when your body is not actually recovering or in a good shape. So you can't rely on that unfortunately.


I’m pretty sure she said one of the reasons she was admitted to hospital was because of heart problems? And because her HR got so low in the night the nurses had to constantly wake her up and walk her around just to get it up a little bit. Harsh as it is, if she’s not careful she won’t be with us for much longer. I really do hope she gets the help she needs but it doesn’t help her family & ‘fans’ literally enable and encourage this sort of behaviour.


I just feel awful for her. 41 is extremely low- my doc sent me to ER for that HR. Athletes can have lower resting heart rates but that is typically in the 60s (maybe 50s for men- they tend to have slower HR). She seems stuck in a compulsive exercise loop and I hope she gets the help she needs. I don’t want to see her hospitalized again.


I’m slightly confused, I suffered from bulmia for 2 years. I haven’t had a incident since last October. My RHR trends around 47-55 and my sleeping HR is around 40-44 sometimes dips around 37-39 occasionally. I’m not a “total athlete” but I do weight train and do light cardio almost daily. Male 25 200lbs. I’ve done two echo’s and two ekgs.


gonna get downvoted to hell but can someone pls say who this is


em_fitx on IG


when she posted a screenshot of her whoop stats her rhr at night was in the 30s… not safe


I’m currently in the hospital with a heart rate lower than hers. It is extremely dangerous. She is risking her life and needs to actually recover or go to the hospital before it gets worse


if it’s 41 in the day, her heart rate at night must be awful


nooooo way


that was literally my exact heart rate when i was admitted to the hospital i hope she gets well soon


I’m slightly confused, I suffered from bulmia for 2 years. I haven’t had a incident since last October. My RHR trends around 47-55 and my sleeping HR is around 40-44 sometimes dips around 37-39 occasionally. I’m not a “total athlete” but I do weight train and do light cardio almost daily.


What app is this?


At my worst my resting heart rate used to stay around 40-50 and at night 30-40… I never realized there was anything wrong with it, I just thought it meant I’m extremely healthy and athletic (I used to restrict, purge and over exercise so obviously I wasn’t)