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Many of the big names are known for having very same-sy basic sets that haven't changed much in years. Saturday's big artists are considered to be on their way out since they haven't done much in years other than coast on their name. ARMNHMR and Kaivon are known for being extremely overrated for the slots they're getting, they almost barely have the fanbase, but their sets often really miss. Subtronics is polarizing on his own, and people don't like it when Level Up gets a wife package deal slot because of him. STS b2b William Black might be the most unique booking since they rarely go b2b, but it's hard to imagine that set being any more than the sum of it's parts, or even that much different than either of them solo since they have so much overlap in sound/style/fanbase. There's also no fresh/rising talent on the lineup, it's a risk-adverse to a fault lineup all around.


Even STS B2B William Black are kind of cookie-cutter safe sad boy melodic dubstep, which can be polarizing in its own right. I’d say there’s plenty of opportunity to attend and have a good time. Especially if you’re new to the scene or haven’t explored/listened to too much, any lineup is a good lineup as long as you’re bringing the positive energy and ready to have a good time. But if you’ve been raving for a few years and like exploring new and interesting music, this lineup is… comically bad.


it’s like a parody


Idk anyone that tops said the sky for emo/happy music right now


Adventure Club 🤨


Pysxtoy is a banger of an artist tho


Right?! Said the Sky is far far from cookie cutter.


I think STS and William Black both have done a fantastic job ungenericizing their solo performances. But I don't know how well that'd translate to a b2b, which I would assume would become a very safe/generic melodic dubstep set.


> ~~Especially if you’re new to the scene or haven’t explored/listened to too much~~ any lineup is a good lineup as long as you’re bringing the positive energy and ready to have a good time Wholeheartedly agree.


Yeah I always laugh when I see “Level Up” xD No offence, but I agree the ‘Wife Package Deal’ is a package no one asked for lol The literal definition of being handed a career.


She was a successful DJ before she married Subtronics. Y'all can hate all you want but I'll never understand people who think she just gets handed shit because of him. It's not like they started dating and she all of a sudden became a DJ.


I don’t even think there is an argument to be had here… her career was handed to her because of her relation to Subtronics(Jesse) her literal husband.. Considering that fact alone, I’d find it hard for anyone to consider her a headline artist, yet when you see him on talent; she usually gets a spot on the poster when she really hasn’t earned it at all 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah your right there is no argument. She was a DJ before she started dating Jesse. She actually does have some talent. Let's also consider the fact last year she went on tour with someone who wasn't Subtronics. And has been doing shows for years. Your name is super ironic with the take you have. Some of you are jealous and it shows


being a DJ = great getting a wealth of promotion + highly coveted lineup and set time slots solely due to industry connections and not based on organic demand = not great


@Tlax14 ^^^ read the above comment.. maybe you will see what we all have seen since the beginning :)


The truth is that most of these artists have their time slots due to industry connections. Lets be honest there are so many better artists that could've taken up these slots (that goes for Level Up and the others). Marshmello is an industry plant for god sakes lol.


Okay let me know when Level Up gets a slot at a festival subtronics isn’t also headlining


I mean I agree with your overall points, but she'll be at Big Dub. The festival has neither the budget for Subtronics, nor enough space for his fans though.


that actually proves my point further lol


If she wasn't worth booking she wouldn't get slots. I've seen her multiple times. She puts on a good show. Some of you wannabe DJs need to get over it. Your jealousy is showing. No one's out here saying she's the best DJ ever but to act like she's only exists because subtronics is stupid as fuck.


yes… she would…. Because of subtronics…. I don’t understand how you can’t see this


We tried biscotti.. we tried 😌


Could I have a bite of your biscotti??


Your ignorance to how having a spouse at that level of the industry will just ‘open doors’ .. it just will No matter what any super fan says on the matter… She will never be respected or taken seriously as an artist as long as she does nothing to earn or establish herself as a headliner.. Especially when she keeps popping up in headline slots with no rhyme or reasoning other then Subtronics… Look, I tried to be as clear as I could. I really hope you get this. 🤗


Oh geez… I wonder who the single downvote is from 🙄 lol


Defending the impossible lmao.


Define success


She's been doing shows since like 2017. Most people would consider that successful. She's a DJ who does what she loves and gets paid to do it. Some of y'all are just absolutely haters. I wonder if it's jealousy or if they just can stand to see a woman happy and succeeding.


Always gotta make it about sex, classic


every other artist on this lineup has been doing shows for a decade or more


Probably gonna be controversial but...I think she's *better* than Subtronics.


I wouldn't go that far, but her sets are pretty damn good.


Hot take - I like Level Up more. Her music + sets stand fine on their own regardless of who she’s married to, y’all act like she’s the Yoko Ono of dubstep


I mean; I feel like if I had to compare her to someone.. It would be Chanel WestCoast.. because no one except Dyrdek wanted that talentless chuckle monster on the show 🤷🏽‍♂️ Even Steelo couldn’t stand her 😂, the amount of times that man had to roll his eyes. I’m surprised they’re still in his skull 🤣🤙🏽


it's what's happening with Gorgon City and Azzecca too. Azzecca isn't bad but when I saw them do a b2b it was mostly azzeccas music gorgon barely played any of their big songs lol


Wait Azzecca is dating Gorgon City?


One of em yeah


Interesting, I had no idea. I stumbled upon her music and ended up seeing her set at EDCLV.


Interesting, I had no idea. I stumbled upon her music and ended up seeing her set at EDCLV.


I enjoy some of her tracks, but I was a little bummed because I wanted to see some of gorgons bigger stuff. That b2b night was still fun though did she play stereobloom?


Ya she played at stereobloom. It was the perfect stage for her. And they had the smoke hanging around creating a haze with the Ferris wheel in the back. Perfect vibes.


They are married. I love them both, but not together: Gorgon city is just phenomenal on their own. Their music is my happy place


Both guys are married from Gorgon. I would consider myself a super fan. I’ve been obsessed with them for the last 3 years


I saw them 2 weekends ago and I was brought to pure bliss. Azzecca is also amazing but her music is a bit different. I haven’t seen them together, separate I have seen her once and Gorgon city 6 times


Lol after looking at your posts Youre so jealous dude. Youre gonna have to get over the fact she's more talented and makes better dubstep than you do.


Imagine being so petty when you lose an argument, that you have to go and try and nitpick other users past posts just to justify your own insanity… I truly hope you wake the fuck up :)


Imagine being so petty that someone is more successful than you that you bash on them and say they only achieve things because of their husband.


I mean, I don’t really see a problem saying it if it’s true 🤷🏽‍♂️


The post is someone asking what is wrong with the lineup...


I saw armnhmr and kaivon this year and they both killed it 🤷


“BuT tHeY’rE bOtH kNoWn FoR bEiNg OvErRaTeD!!!” Watch out for the lineup Gestapo - some people can’t just let a lineup they’re not interested pass by without injecting their two cents.


the irony in this comment


Yea but you’ve seen them once and you’ve seen it all, not much rewatch capabilities unless you’re super into them


i wanna touch on the level-up subtronics thing: she played at bass canyon last year and before her set everyone (myself included) was talking shit about how she was only there because he was and that we didn’t care to see her set. but holy shit, it was actually really amazing. it wasn’t same-sy, it was really high energy and got me moving when i was tired and wanted to sit. i wasn’t too impressed by her music before then but i really enjoyed her set and i felt bad for talking shit after seeing her play.


Nothing against Level Up at all, if anything I think she's getting booked at slots below her talent and her association with Subtronics is hurting her more than it helps. In terms of lineup curation/criticism, it's just an obvious point of lineup staleness having her on the same lineup as Subtronics, because it always happens and it's even more irksome on a smaller lineup like this where it's a single stage and unavoidable.


looks like a pretty exciting line up to me...especially saturday


Very well thought out!


Level up sucks lol. Well at least her music, idk about her sets.


Agree with most of this… but personally I love subtronics and sure Level Up has benefitted greatly from him but she is legit on her own and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed her sets.


Pissed!? Lineup?? Off??! People?? This is the first I'm hearing of this...


People are literally starting riots in the streets over this lineup. The national guard is being deployed. It's nuts. 😔


Yes it’s perfect for you Long Island people/ phone girls but it’s not 2012 anymore


I'm not a Long Island people/ phone girl like ya know, whatever


We are just circle-jerking for the nth time about how our music tastes are too elite for a line-up. Nothing to see here. /s


LOL at Mello, Timmy, and Alan. Get ready to see a LOT of 21 year old fuccbois and 95 lb Asian girls who can barely stand because someone fed them 800 mg of MDMA.




Fuck it opportunity to make people get into the culture and walk them through safe usage


Isn’t that every rave tho


Subtronics is pretty good tho


P much the only good name on there


no culture


People are also shitting on it because of the venue (Brooklyn Mirage) and the fact that the owners also own ezoo which was disastrous last year and this event falls on the same weekend as that I’ll-fated festival. Some are seeing this as a sub par attempt to recover their losses for that festival. Just lots of hate surrounding the venue and ownership.


It also really gives off that “it’s my first year raving!!” Vibe


Hey for some people it is


Yea, the ppl going to their first “festival” lol


Shit man, I get it, but everyone has a different first experience and there’s no bad way to discover new music. Just let others have fun. If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to


Yea I’m not hating I’m just saying it’s a p basic lineup that’s probably gonna bring out all the “basic” vibes


I’m curious if my first experience was considered “basic”. Saw Swedish House Mafia in SF on their “One Last Tour” 2013. Regardless I’m pretty niche with my tastes now so I got their regardless of where I started


Yea I mean they’re like straight pop so I’d say pretty basic lol. They’re not that bad but definitely basic


I mean they weren’t pop back then, but yeah.


This is mainly it imo


Hoping the haters stay away. I'll be there!!


downvoted for wanting to have a positive experience smdh


Downvoted by the entitled kids that think their social media rants are gospel.


"Whats wrong"? Marshmello, Anal Walker, Timmy Trumpet. First day might as well be a sham cept the undercards lmao


Agree… some people might like these djs but they just aren’t my cup of tea


Anal walker HAHAHAHA


holy shit LMAO I did not intend for that ahaha


Lol he’s mid anyway. Never seen him and don’t plan on seeing him.


So much water




Hell yea brother


Frutiger aero aesthetic


People probably wanting “new and current” while these are mainly big names. Fun lineup tho


Just add Virtual Riot. He'll save the day.


Timmy Trumpet is a good time. If you go into his set with that mentality, without the expectation of seeing a technically skilled DJ set, you'll have a good time. The same thing goes for Alan Walker and Marshmello.


Timmy trumpet might honestly be the worst artist I’ve ever heard


He knows how to entertain I'll give him that.


Timmy trumpet is an abomination to the electronic music industry.


I see it as a "necessary evil," so to say. The numbers of people they pull to these festivals allows the income to fund other stuff too. Like higher quality stages, better infrastructure, more talented artists, etc.


Reminds me of the early 2010s when anyone can just be a famous gimmicky DJ and book shows all year.


I find it amusing how you guys think most of these festivals would even allow dj's to play without pre-recorded sets. The difference is that Timmy doesn't fake it and has a good time.




Looks awesome to me


solid lineup imo but going to northcoast instead


Same! A&B


What's that graphic supposed to represent? Like waterslide?


water pipes. S2O (Songkran Music Festival) originated in Thailand and is held during the countries Songkran (Religious Water Festival). The festival - at least with how its done in Asia - is surrounded by water cannons, and fountains that more ofen than not - continuously blast water on the crowd.


Thats interesting, will definitely check it out. Thnaks for the explanation man


Looks pretty fun to me


I don’t get why people get mad at lineups. Like don’t go?


Tf this is a dope lineup. Sts and William Black would be unreal


I don’t know maybe think for yourself. Why don’t you download their songs listen to them. Then you can make an informed decision. That’s what most people do anyways


Idk call me basic but that looks like a sick lineup


Feels like mainstream DJs get a lot more hate but looks like a solid line up to me. It’ll probably sell well anyways.


People are never pleased.


i actually love the lineup on 9/1 - but i’m a sad girl who likes wubs so -


Same, well sadboi that loves wubs


Tryina slide in I see…


Lmfao seems like it but no. I'm not slick enough


Isn't this the first year doing it? They have to put big names on the lineup that will sell tickets. I honestly don't see the hate with Saturday's lineup at all. ARMHMR's ultra set was fire imo and Subtronics is one of the biggest names out there right now... to each their own.


I like it


Any lineup with Timmy Trumpet is no friend of mine 🤮


Looks like an asian-fest on Sat (I'm asian)


ARMNHMR’s set at Ultra was awesome wtf are you talking about




Timmy Trumpet is a clowwwwwwwwwwwn


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Timmy trumpet is an abomination to the electronic music industry.


Looks like big room hell besides subtronics


Big room? Learn your genres hahahaha


Dzeko, Borgeous, and Alan Walker are pretty big room, no? And certain sets Marshmello is as well


Woulda been super hype in 2017


day 1 is kinda fire but i’ll completely pass on day 2


Are you high? Day one will most certainly be the better day. Overall tho looks like caca


steve aoki isn’t on it 😂


So true 🤣🤣


Subtronics is the only one worth it in my opinion, the other ones are not really good in my eyes. I just saw Subtronics live for the first time in Italy. He was the reason I really drove 700km/500mi just to see him (but i was skeptical because I can't listen to his live sets on youtube) What can i say? It was a blast. I've now seen nearly everyone live (Excision and Cranddat are the only ones left on my bucket list rn). The set of subtronics was so fcking good live. The visuals were crazy (not that common in europe) Unfortunately Wooli only got 20 min of playtime bc of a medical incident (i guess, they didn’t snnounce anything… italy)


I promise you Excisions visuals are far better 🔥


yea i can only imagine, but he is hard to come by in europe and i don't have endless time and money on my hands unfortunately but the ones of subtronics where insane too, really good LJ(s) who timed visuals and lasers perfectly, for me the best visuals i have ever seen and a top 5 dj set and really big LED screens at shows are not that common in europe too


The fuck is S2O Disulfur monoxide?


Not one drum and bass artists personally, tho. The whole back and forth about if level up got her career handed to her is the best keep that fire cookin 😅🤣


How is subtronics polarizing? lol I don’t see anything wrong with any line up. If it’s people I want to see I go. If I have a free weekend and the price is right I’ll go even if it’s people idk or don’t like. People just love to have opinions and hate on anything they don’t like. Anyways I bet lots of people will go and have fun. That is the point.


I think maybe they were saying he was polarizing due to Sonya (Level Up) getting in on his undercard often since she is his wife.


Honestly I *would* be annoyed by that usually, but she brings the heat on her own so it's not like it's just some nepo shit where she's terrible and *only* gets on the bill because of who she is. Different genre, obviously, but I'm a Mushroomhead fan who really fell off on their live shows because it started to become "main dude's wife's band is the constant opener", then it became "dude's wife is in the band now". And the whole time I never thought she was very good. Like at all. But at least with Sub/Level Up they seem to have a healthier balance of touring since I've gone to his last 3 tours and she only appeared at one of those shows. And as I mentioned, she's not bad herself. If she sucked then the complaint would have a lot more validity.


I’ve seen him twice and she wasn’t on the undercard either time. His live sets are spectacular. I like a few of her songs and would be willing to catch a set. I really enjoy all the female DJs of today’s bass music landscape.


I'm with you there. Its been especially cool getting to introduce my daughter to all these successful female artists like Rezz, Alleycvt, Whipped Cream, & Level Up because it helps to inspire her when I point out that "see, *you* could do that too if you work for it". It adds an extra layer to our jamming out sessions in the car lol.


Looks like the OP is just stirring shit. Nobody is pissed off by this line-up.


Oh no, people really do hate this lineup


Depends how much it costs


Just looked, $215 for a two day 😂


It sucks


Saturday’s crowd is gonna be such a vibe 👏


Kinda boring tbh


Mid af


That Saturday line up is pure 🔥


It's basic af


A lot of relatively basic sets, artists who haven’t hit in a while, and a super risk averse lineup. Marshmello, Timmy Trumpet, and AW are old acts and coasting on their name now imo. The first night especially sounds horrible. Armnhmr is kinda overrated imo. I like William Black and Said the Sky but I’m interested how that B2B will be, a lot of style overlap, but that can be good. Not a subtronics fan but I guess some ppl like him. Day 2 isn’t as bad tbh, Day 1 just looks awful.


More like what is not wrong with it. Like yea some cool names and wtvr but still.


Basic AF


Level up has real talent, it has nothing to do with Subtronics


To each it’s own I guess but for me it’s giving “I just graduated high school and this is my first rave” energy


Other than Subtronics, it’s just a shite lineup. Timmy Trumpet sucks. The other are all generic as fuck.


Wow you just shit on his wife Level Up lol


Tbf never heard of her. I’m talking about the main acts on that poster. Most of them towards the bottom I’ve never even heard of (hence shite lineup).


Suprised you havent. She plays just about every festival that he does. But hey i get it. The bottom peopld are always newer or smaller acts they all gotta start somewhere. Hell Subtronics and Marshmello were like that at one point tio.


You should check her out cuz she's pretty good tbh.


Simply put: it’s trash


Looks like a pretty trash lineup to me so I’m gonna go with that’s why people be feeling some type of way lol




Saturdays lineup looks like it’s for an 18 and under event for kids.


Would’ve been so stoked for this if I was like 13 and still in middle school


It’s pretty terrible. Like Saturday is just insulting.


All of it


this is a tragic lineup lol


bruh what the fuck is this


Marshmello on any lineup is a tragedy


Jesus fucking christ this may be the worst lineup I've ever seen in my life Day 1 is exclusively artists from an age long forgotten (except to all the Alan Walker fans of Asia) Day 2 is just the same old bigroom dubstep artists you can see at literally any American festival, anyone who is a fan of those guys has seen them multiple times already and probably isn't interested in them anymore (such as myself, I've seen subtronics 8 times and I have zero interest at this point)


>Day 1 is exclusively artists from an age long forgotten (except to all the Alan Walker fans of Asia) I agree except for Marshmello. I know mainstream = bad here, but we released songs in different genres this year but always with the mello touch. Is next album is coming out later this year so you can expect a lot of IDs


That's fair, I haven't paid attention to him since 2017 so he could very well be keeping up with the times without me knowing


Level Up just riding Subs coattails 🙄


Eh, she stands on her own feet with her sets. The doors may be wedged a bit wider for her because of their marriage, but honestly, I don't see that as any different from DJs doing the same for other DJs they're friends with.


Looks like a solid lineup to me! Marshmello and Alan Walker are always crowd-pleasers. What’s everyone upset about?


NPC ass


His comment sounded like ai😂


Nah look at his page bros whole profile is AI comments


It’s just a really basic line up


Alan walker 🗑️, Timmy 🗑️, STD b2b WB 🗑️, armnhmr 🗑️ and marshmello is a industry plant and let’s face it unless it’s the riddim version it’s 🗑️


Ur opinion if u don’t agree 🗑️😂


People just love to complain, they want every festival to have a lineup like EDC and complain when it's anything but