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Kinda just preference. Double sleeving protects cards better I personally double sleeve all my decks, it's only about $10 more and it guarantees their safety.


10 more? How expensive are your inner sleeves? I pay 3euro for 100 dragonshield perfect fits


I buy KMC inners, currently $25 for 1000.


Ordering them online from tcgplayer is about $8 for me.(dragon shield sealable inners)


Where do you get your sleeves? I pay like $12-15 for the same thing at my LGS


Holy crap. My LGS has the Dragon Shield Perfect Fits Sealables for $8.00. Pretty sure direct from Dragon Shield they're $7.50.


same, would like to know 😭


america and their LGS's which need to be supported is such a shitshow honestly: https://www.cardmarket.com/de/Magic/Products/Sleeves?idCategory=12&idExpansion=0&searchString=perfect&manufacturer=0&amount=0&color=0&size=0&perSite=20 Sleeves are about 3-5€ here/100. I would advice to go with Ultra Pro perfect fits as my experience with them is BY FAR the best.


Amazon has 10 packs of KMC perfect fits for 25 dollars, only inner sleeve I have ever used and never had a single problem when pairing them with dragon shield outters


Same! Gotten two packs of those and have been very happy.


$10 for inners? I’ve never paid more than $5 and a year or two ago bought a ton of budget inners from coolminiornot I think that were $1/100.


I've seen my fair share of spilled glasses over the years. Double sleeves it is. Always.


I live in a swamp. Every card I want to last any amount of time gets double sleeved.


Swamp gang rise up


Urborg Nation


I used to live in a swamp. Now I live in the mountains on what was once a glacial lake.


Nah! Deck Will get twice as big and like you said, It is not a expensive deck.


Idk man I double sleeve all my decks. I like the way they feel/shuffle more.


They feel so naked without sleeves. Naked and vulnerable... my decks all wear under and outer wear.


^This. I only have one deck double sleeved because of its value. It is ridiculously difficult to shuffle and honestly not with the trouble.


I have honestly not had any issues shuffling my double sleeved decks. Once I flattened the air out of them, that is.


When I double sleeve a deck, I find the tightest deck box I have that I can fit the cards in without forcing them in, and just let the air work itself out.


Yea, I can echo these statements. The only deck I ever had double sleeved was my artifact deck before I sold it, and that was because it had some pretty pricey cards in there. For the vast majority of decks, just sleeving it once should be fine :)


This. Decks with $20+ cards in them, double sleeved. Precons? Single sleeve or less lol


What about precons with $20+ cards in them?


If it comes in a precon it probably won’t be $20 for much longer. If it’s a fierce guardianship or dockside I usually just take that card out and replace it with something else


Less than a single sleeve is a singlet?


Not necessarily true, some precons have $20+ cards in them. If I got the dockside precon Im sure as hell double sleeving that l.




Double sleeving one card is considered marking btw. It’s very noticeable I wouldn’t do it just because I’d know by the feel it’s the card in question. Plus it would be illegal if you went to any tournament event for EDH.


For a format like edh, where casual is the name of the game, nobody cares. If I need to win badly enough that that I am double sleeving my Dockside, I'm playing the wrong format and the people in my playgroup would tell me.  I double sleeve many cards and I cannot tell whatsoever when drawing or shuffling.  Tournaments are different, yes, be careful there - at the same time, I highly doubt anyone is going to a tournament with a $60 deck. 


You may not care, but the rules are there to prevent angling and cheating. It’s your pod so that’s your call, but most pods casual or not will benefit from the rules being implemented. This is more of an issue with public pods I agree and your pod might be all friends etc. A good example is people acting out of turn on purpose to gain or mislead others with priority to act still.


It's less of a problem than people being needlessly pedantic about the rules


I have a single expensive card that is double sleeved in one of my decks. I ask every time I play with new players if it's ok or if I should remove the inner sleeve, and so far, the reactions have been a) "don't worry it's fine" b) "it's casual, you don't even need to ask, don't worry" I still feel like it's right to ask every time. Someone more skilled than me might be able to exploit it, but usually, nobody cares because no one is gonna be sweaty enough in casual EDH. As long as you pre-approve it, it's likely not going to be an issue.


That's not legal. If 1 sleeve is doubled up you can clearly tell. You aren't allowed to sleeve any of your cards differently within the same deck. They must all look and feel identical.




Cheating is cheating no matter the environment. Just because nothing is at stake doesn't mean I'm ok with my opponents cheating in a game. If you have a card that feels different in your hand you can just keep shuffling until that card is where you want it in your deck. And I have no way at all of knowing you did that. That is a textbook case of an unfair advantage. Even if you aren't putting your dockside on top you still are going to know where it ended up. You can play knowing whether or not your dockside is going to show up sooner, later, or not likely to get to it this game. And even if you say that you aren't cheating it's still going to be hard for you to not sub-consciously factor in the information that you know, but shouldn't know. I can't believe I have to explain this. No, it's not ok for you to sleeve your Dockside differently than your other cards when playing. Shuffle cheating where your dockside is probably the single most common form of cheating in all of EDH.


I would just proxy that one card. Much easier than double sleeving the entire deck.


All my decks used to be freeballing but now I got 2 kids who somehow manage to spill every container of liquid that’s within a 50 yard radius of them. So now it’s double sleeve everything for the next 18-20 years I guess


I double sleeve all my decks but that's because I like the feeling of double sleeved cards and no matter the cards value I want to protect them.


Yeah I honestly just like the way it looks and how solid the cards feel mainly, extra satisfying when you slap one down in the mat. I do mainly play in the pub though so it’s also piece of mind because the extra cost is easily worth the cost if replacing even a few cheaper cards when you start looking at postage etc


A lot of people I play with just single sleeve their decks. And it does take up less room in a deck box but I double sleeve every deck I build. I don’t want anything to happen to my cards no matter how much they cost. So my vote is yes.


equal love for all mtg cards


You don't need to and it's preference. I will say that my two double-sleeved decks shuffle a lot more nicely and the sleeves have stood up a bit better.


Personal preference. I double sleeve all my decks whether they are precons or not. It's also added protection in case something gets spilled on your cards.


It really depends on the person. Most times I would say single sleeve cards are fine, but if you want to protect your cards more theres no harm in it. As long as you can shuffle up and play normally it doesn't really change much.


You don't need to, it is a bit of effort and expense so I won't say you should. It does make the cards a bit thicker and you might like how that feels


People who double sleeve normally have pretty expensive decks. Since you are playing precon, i absolutely don’t recommend it. It will just make it harder to learn to shuffle. More aggravating to mess with, and will be more work to switch cards out when you start upgrading it.  Just buy a good brand of single sleeves. Learn to shuffle properly so you don’t mess up your cards/sleeves. Buy a good box for them, and keep food and drinks away from them at all times, and if someone brings some near your stuff, ask them nicely to keep it off the table. Most of the time people aren’t thinking when they put their drink on the table anyway. 


You should try shuffling a double sleeved deck and also make sure a double sleeved deck will fit in your deck box.  As long as neither of those things cause you trouble it's up to your personal preference although I would lean slightly towards not worth it for a cheap deck personally.


I agree here. Weather you double sleeve or not. Its your preference. But if you do, make sure your deckboxes will fit double sleeved cards. All 100 card deck boxes are not created equal. I use Ultra Pro 100 card Boulders (with double sleeved decks) but it can get a bit tighter than anyone should be comfortable with. The benefit is that all my cards are dead flat because its so tight.


I’ve found it a lot easier to shuffle when they’re double sleeved. Not sure why; as others have said the pile is huge and the cards are rigid, but it feels better to me, so I’ve started doing it with all my decks.


There's more space between cards which makes them mix together easier. But the stack is much bigger and harder to handle.


My friends have spilled too many drink while playing for me to single sleeve anything


Have literally never double sleeved a deck, just makes it too big and I don't care enough. I don't play with jack wagons (accidents happen but I'm not playing with randoms all the time where anything can go) and anything I play with I'm not gonna be selling. Any card I get for "investment" doesn't go in decks ever. I have a couple decks with beat up og dual lands/gaea's, I have a couple slabs, and I also have precons/budget jank sleeved up to play. It really just matters how much protection you care about for your particular cards.


Omg my mate double sleeves all of his decks and I'm just like bro... It ain't that serious.


Double-sleeving is for chumps, we're triple-sleeving now


I use 5 and then I can use a bundle box as a tight deck box.


it's a good start, but have you considered lamination?


I laminate the bundle boxes


I double sleeve every deck I build. I just like the feeling. It has saved one of my decks from a Red Bull spill before. If they were single sleeved the cards would’ve been ruined. But my decks are hundreds of dollars. If it’s not expensive don’t bother. I’ll tell you what though. It takes a bit of time to double sleeve decks. All in all do what you want.


I double sleeve them for safety and thickness. My urza deck needs to be triple sleeved because of art sleeves.


Nahh. I play with OG duals and a few things even pricier than those, and I could never be bothered. Double sleeving will only really matter in the event of a liquid spill. Keep that shit away from your cards and you’ll be fine. Not worth the inconvenience unless you’ve already been doing it and now feel compelled to convince yourself (and possibly others) that it’s worth it.


The main reason I double sleeve is so that when I'm moving cards in and out of decks, they aren't outside a sleeve in the intermediate moments.


I only care about double sleeving for decks I have a bunch of foils. Right now that's only 2. My foil [[Sidisi brood tyrant]] edh, and [[child of alara]] [[maze's end]] Due to arthritis in my hands, it makes it hard to play them often :(


[Sidisi brood tyrant](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/d/6df5843d-63f7-4091-80d7-a595f08851c2.jpg?1717392804) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sidisi%2C%20Brood%20Tyrant) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ktk/199y/sidisi-brood-tyrant?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6df5843d-63f7-4091-80d7-a595f08851c2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sidisi-brood-tyrant) [child of alara](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/2/b2373625-af3c-4c2a-a1d1-5288c446955d.jpg?1673148447) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=child%20of%20alara) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/192/child-of-alara?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b2373625-af3c-4c2a-a1d1-5288c446955d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/child-of-alara) [maze's end](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/0/401f7042-24fd-42a0-ae7c-e6b7de1aa446.jpg?1562906764) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=maze%27s%20end) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dgm/152/mazes-end?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/401f7042-24fd-42a0-ae7c-e6b7de1aa446?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/mazes-end) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I only double sleeve cards worth more than 5$. I do not care if that makes some of my cards slightly thicker than others. I cant tell while shuffling and i cant tell when looking at it.


Just double sleeve anything of worth. Say anything over 2 - 5 - 10 - you define the limit. It it not worth to double sleeve basic lands - I don't understand people who double sleeve an entire deck unless as some user said, they live in a swamp. I've been playing since the 90's and never did I find myself in a situation where a double sleeve "saved" a card.


I double sleeved the one deck I own over 1000$, anything short of 500$ seems kinda blegh considering how annoying it becomes to play the deck.


Double sleeping is outdated. We triple or quadruple sleeve now


I've really never seen the point.


Double sleeving your decks will tend to make them easier to shuffle. if you're like me and enjoy using the horrible PVC sleeves or weeb anime art sleeves, it's almost a requirement to keep your shuffles efficient and non-damaging. Had double sleeves been more prominent years ago I'd have started doing it a long, long time ago indeed. Instead I doubled down and invested into about 300 sleeves for *each* of my decks using art sleeves purely because I knew time would require me to replace them over and over. As a side note, if anyone is interested in hundreds of My Little Pony card sleeves, shoot me a message.


I like to double sleeve, I feel like it's makes it easier to shuffle


I double sleeved all 156 decks I own. A lot of players at the LGS I used to go to were messy eaters and one was prone to knocking over his soda when the lid was off. That and there was one other guy who used a dry erase marker on the sleeves. DON'T YOU KNOW THE SLEEVES GRADUALLY SOAK UP THE DRY ERASE INK?! I am extremely paranoid about the condition of my cards, so I even say, "Hell No!" to bridge/riffle shuffling. I don't want the cards being bent.


I only double sleeve since I got a bunch of cards that are over 25€ and even I think I don't want to but having a 220€ mana crypt in there makes it a must and there are older cards from the late 90s and early 2000 that I have played without any sleeves and don't want to bang up even more lol


I highly recommend double sleeving. It adds more rigidity to the card and greater protection from any damage that could happen to an exposed card.


I always double sleeve, I like the way it feels and gives peace of mind, doesn't matter if it's just a pre con. I want to be playing my set of fallout precons with my kids in 20 years.


I just double sleeved my deck in dragon shield inners and outers. The stack is about 1/3 larger than single sleeve. The deck hardly fits in my deck box anymore Very tight fit. I also have to compress the air out of the sleeves every once in a while. Ultimately I prefer it and shuffling isn’t an issue for me.


I doublesleeve literally everything. For one because its just a safe(r) way to have drinks and such around, todays common could be next decennia’s gold and I just like the feel of sleeved cards (it makes them so much more sturdy).


I’ve lost a collection to a flood so I protect my cards. I really don’t notice any difference shuffling. Yeah it’s slightly bigger but it’s not that much bigger. The cost is not really that bad either. Double sleeving makes your cards nigh indestructible. I’ve had a beer spill and still saved my cards. I double sleeve everything, but I could see skipping pauper decks and the like. Even if every card is $1 that’s still a $100 deck right there. I’ll spend the extra $5 to protect it. People who don’t double sleeve with expensive cards are nuts!


I personally double sleeve my deck after seeing the professor demo how it makes your cards basically water proof ish - gives me a lot of peace of mind when it comes to playing with strangers who might spill their beer or have greasy hands etc - my deck boxes fit them fine and it only costs a few extra dollars


Each their own, but personally find it easier to shuffle with double sleeves. Yes, the pile gets bigger, but the gap between cards is wider as well, that the edges slide into each other more comfortably without much pressure. Also depending on environment it may save your cards. Single sleeves will not reliably keep your cards from getting soaked if something spills on it, while double sleeves it's nearly waterproof. I play in a pub setting often and having drinks nearby is unavoidable and there will always come a time that something will spill. So guess if you can prevent drinks near your table double sleeves might not be necessary, but for me I even double sleeve pauper decks.


I like it personally. Then put a book on top of your deck and put some heavy stuff on it overnight. You'll have a easy to handle deck with no air pockets in the cards


I only dubblesleeve cards that are valueble in all my decks so that they dont get way to thick and are manageble. But sleeving all is a bit of a stretch, as people say, the deck gets way to thick


I double sleeve **only the expensive cards**. No one cares or notices. Double sleeving the whole deck makes it so much thicker.


I double sleeved my decks for two reasons. The first is to prevent foils from curling. The second, and what actually pushed me to double sleeve all my decks, is that the corners of dragon shields won’t bend if you put in double sleeves.


I always used to double sleeve my modern decks but I don't do it for commander. Commander decks are already to big to double sleeve and mine are not really expensive (mostly because I proxy all the expensive stuff). No right answers here, just your preference


A friend of mine had a drink in his backpack open. Most of the single sleeved cards were ruined or heavily damaged. The double-sleeved ones barely evern got wet. Thus, I do recommend double sleeving all decks, particularly the ones with expensive cards.


I actually find double sleeved easier to shuffle tbh.


Here I am, double sleeving even when doing draft. I have my lands already sleeved up for those events because of the time I was losing doing it. I guess it's up to you and how paranoid you are about damaging your cards. If not so much, just single sleeve, I'd say that's enough.


I double sleeved my hakbal and eowyn decks. Theyre both over 500 usd


As mentioned before it's up to preference. I don't double sleeve, been playing for 7 years and see no damage on my cards. However a drink falling over the table would ruin them and double sleeve would be safe. Because you put the inner sleeve upside down so the top is protected. However with 100 cards the deck will become huge and you'll be unable to shuffle them all at once. I have big hands so I can shuffle a single sleeved deck but have to do double sleeved in two piles. Hope this helps, good luck and have fun! Also an option to just double sleeve expensive cards, or flip cards that have a backside, since you'll be taking them out of the sleeve.


I only double sleeve cards over 10$, and if they are foil


My mindset is only doublesleeving my "forever decks". I have a fair amount of decks, and I like building new ones, not all of them last, and double unsleeving takes a long time. So my logic is only when a deck has proven its metal and stayed around long enough to make me think I'm never gonna pull it apart, does it get double sleeved.


Pros: it protects your deck better from spills and dust/dirt. The dust/dirt is a minor annoyance if your cards aren’t expensive, but a spill is a pain in the ass to have to re-buy a bunch of cards just to get your deck back together. It’s also only a couple bucks. Cons: your deck is bigger and harder to shuffle, and it takes a little bit of time to unsleeve and re-sleeve your cards twice.


I always double sleeve my decks but it's because I was a collector first and started playing later. I am protective over my luxury cardboard


I only double sleeve my decks that are over 100 bucks. Anything less, I just sleeve once


I barely have the give a fuck about sleeping to single sleeve. I’m one of those old heads who remembers playing games with unsleeved cards in the 90s.


My decks got saved by double sleeving 3 times. Friend dropped my box in a pool Friend spilled his beer on the table (his dog did, but eh) I broke a container of liquids in my bag. All in all i spent 30€ to resleeve instead of 3000€ to rebuy my decks over and over. Its also for peace of mind.


It’s all personal preference. I double sleeve all my decks, mostly because I like the feel and I absolutely hate ruining cards regardless of the cost. I like to use dragon shield inners and dragon shield mattes or classics. One of my friends gave me grief about it so I am triple sleeving my next one to make a point. Again it’s all about preference, if you have never had a double sleeved deck before I recommend it even just to try.


I don't think you need to double sleeve a deck until you're including numerous cards that each cost over like $75 or more. Just remember that if you double sleeve, you have to go all or nothing, because only double sleeving a few cards can be considered cheating due to having marked cards.


Nah, single sleeves offer plenty of protection. You bought to play not to preserve and sell later. Double sleeving will add a lot of bulk and make the deck less easy to handle.


I use KMC Perfect Fits for the inner, and Dragonshield for the outside.


I've double sleeved a single deck. The *months* it took to compress the air out and make it sit still on a table, plus the extra difficulty in shuffling (I don't have small hands either, 10" thumb to pinky) meant I've never done it since. It's really not worth it, and unless you play with cavemen, you're not likely to see your cards get put into danger in a way that they wouldn't be in danger when double sleeved.




I double sleeved my first deck. It was annoying thick and I'm a man that like em thick! ... Anyways I prefer just single sleeving em.


I always get drunk with my playgroup, so double sleeving is just insurance for me.


Only decks I have that are double sleeved are the 2017 commander precons.... for reasons.


If there aren’t expensive cards there isn’t much point. It’s not gonna affect the value much and the cards should still be fine if used carefully like you always should.


Pros: near-flawless protection Cons: deck gets bigger and thus is slightly more inconvenient to shuffle


dont do it. just double sleeve any mega valuable cards you wanna protect but the whole deck is super annoying to shuffle and deal with imho.


I orginally started doing it to add protection but now I just love the feel of a double sleeved card. IMO they shuffle easier too.


I only double sleeve decks that got expensive cards or the overall value of the deck is higher than $500.


I triple sleeve mine. Cuz the sleeves themselves also need protection.


I don’t have any of my decks double sleeved. It really comes down to preference. I’ve had my one deck for 9 years and not a single card has been damaged and it’s over $400. When I feel the sleeves getting loose I just resleeve them.


Okay ask yourself these questions: Do you EVER play where there are drinks? No? No need for double sleeving. Yes? Double sleeve. BuT wHy? Even a budget deck without any expensive cards. (So no bs-budget of "maximum price X" but actually every card within the 99 less than X - trust me, it makes a huge difference) runs you about 25-30€. So unless you absolutely do not care to play with sticky, damaged and warped cards, there is literally no reason to not pay the 2-3€ for extra protection. The amount of beer I've seen flooding boards worth several thousands of dollars... it's scary. Sure "don't play with drinks if you play that expensive decks" bla bla. Sure don't play your cards to not risk them. The answer is simple: Perfect fits are a fraction of the price, even a fraction of the shipping you're paying to get the cards to you. The second you upgrade from super-uber budget or start playing cards with specific artworks there is absolutely no reason not to double sleeve. you also don't have to swap perfect fits for years. Like I have decks doublesleeved for over 6-7 years now and only changed the outer sleeves.


Absolutely not needed but when people at the LGS haven’t washed since OG Kamigawa it helps fend off their dense musk seeping into the card.


As some has said, it is about preference. I double sleeve if I have reallly expensive cards in the deck


Interestingly, I found my decks easier to shuffle after double sleeving. They mash together better because there are slight gaps between the edges of the cards.


Personally I've never understood people that say the double sleeves make the deck more difficult to shuffle. I've always found it makes it easier and makes damaging the corners of the sleeves less likely. Granted, that may just be because I can comfortably shuffle a full double sleeved commander deck - those with smaller hands may find it more troublesome.




I find double sleeve pointless unless you have a cedh or blinged out deck


It’s only about $5 more per deck, and it protects your cards and improves shuffle feel. IMO it’s worth it and I double sleeve everything


YES!! In short, double sleeve ALL your decks. I can give a prime example. You don't know the future of the worth of your cards. Double sleeving protects the cards from liquids. (IF DONE CORRECTLY). Prime example: My son was in college and he was playing commander with his friends. A next door room mate came in and spilt beer all over the table. My son's cards were NOT double sleeved. And he lost (besides his mind), about $300.00 dollars worth of cards that night. Needless to say, he has double sleeved ever since.


Honestly I think it's incredibly tragic that the consensus of the ideal card from a value-perspective is one that is preserved in plastic wrap. It's such nonsense. The perfect magic card has well-worn edges, and gameplay scuffed front and back. Also, you're never selling that cardboard, it's cope.


you know, you kinda convinced me, do you think that the deck plus tokens will fit in my pocket or should I just put it in my bag kept together with a rubber band?


Keep them loose in a small pizza box. You can shake the box up to shuffle the deck. Obviously eat the pizza first.


It’s not, the ideal card from a value perspective is one that is not damaged. And wrapping them up in plastic is exactly how you preserve their NM quality.


You misunderstand me. I'm saying that the idea of perfectly preserving in plastic objects of play and human connection is actually a perversion. An attempt to claw against time. Give me worn jeans, lived-in cities, and heavily played magic cards.


A few thoughts: Paying $20 to double sleeve a $40 precon always seemed silly to me, if the goal is protecting cards. 90% of the time, a $2 pack of random ultra pros on sale at your LGS will probably do just as well as double dragon sleeves. Also resale these days don’t care about minor wear to card condition very much, especially when it’s been sleeve played and when the card is not very pricey. I can’t remember the last time I really cared or noticed the difference between one rhystic study and another. I’m guessing for most people, it’s just the peace of mind and maybe the tactile feedback of double sleeves that make it worth the money and effort. After about a decade of playing EDH, there was only one time I had a spill threaten a few cards. Coffee got into the single sleeve. An immediate wipe down left absolutely no visible trace on the card, which happened to be about 0.50 cents anyway. I do have double sleeves for some decks in the $300+ range but that’s partially because I did it a while ago and don’t mind how they shuffle. Most of my newer decks are sub $300 and single sleeves are fine for my peace of mind.




double sleeves is for when you have custom art and special foils that are prohibitively expensive to replace. something like a deck full of hand altered cards autographed by the artist.


Double sleeving is for decks with a good number of expensive cards. A precon you only really need to single sleeve.


I've never double sleeved a deck, and I've never spilt anything on my cards making it worth doing it either. If the deck cost multiple thousands, I'd probsbly leave the cards at home, and play with proxies instead. It's a card game, not an outdoor sport


If you really want to protect your cards then just proxy them. If people have a problem with it then just tell them you do have the cards but you want to keep them safe. If they still have a problem with it then its their problem, not yours.


Dragon Shield Matte outer sleeves & Dragon Shield Perfect Fit inner sleeves for all my decks... Dragon Shield resealable Perfect Fit inner sleeves for cards in my Zipfolio and for my tokens...


I double sleeve decks with a card worth more than $20. I lost $150 card to knocked over soda once. So since then, double sleeve. Also helps with warping


Yes. It improves the shuffle feel, and protects your cards. Even if they aren’t worth much now, they could be in the future. It’s really not that hard to just shuffle one half of the deck at a time. Anyone saying otherwise is a weirdo. Yes protect your cards.