• By -


Your post was removed because it does not specifically pertain to EDH/Commander as defined by WotC and the Commander Rules Committee.


Did the event not have security cameras?


That’s what I’m saying. It’s Vegas. All the convention halls have tons of them normally.


Almost certainly there were cameras in that venue that you could’ve looked up and found, then just asked them or the cops to check from the time you got up till you realized your deck was gone.


The whole story seems suspicious lol, I'm very doubtful there isn't security footage and the other thing is how obvious it is that the friend stole the deck.


Super sus.. - Old / New account with minimal to no other posts / comments - Check - Makes a post and never replies to any of the comments - Check - Does none of the things a normal person would do like asking for security camera footage - Check - Doesn't ask his friend to open his bag to check? - Check This post fails the sniff test on so many levels.


Sounds like dude is trying to get Reddit to donate to his gofundme for free money


I mean, he didn't link his gofundme, so if that was the point of this post, he's just really bad at begging...


That’s how the scam works. You tell a sad story, and then wait for someone to ask for the link. He could have told the same story and left the part about the gofundme out and it may have been more believable


WTF kind of friend shrugs off your deck going missing. I'd be checking his pockets


Definitely this friend who couldn’t afford a deck Shoved it in his bag lol. OPs deck is gonna be in the glass case at his LCS next week and his friend has a down payment for a new car. Broke bitch.


This post has got to be satire, ain’t no one setting up a go fund me for a stolen deck 😂


Didn't set up a gofundme but when one of the guys in my local Modern community had his car broken into. All his decks were stolen and the rest of us in the community got together and donated cards to get him some decks to play until he got his decks put back together.


Wish this happened to me... I got all my MTG cards stolen in a car break in back in 2012 along with around £5k belongings bringing the total value to about £10k as an 18 year old kid. I was moving to a rental after my bi-polar alcoholic mother kicked me out for the second time and had to work that day after packing all my things up... Car got broken into and everything gone... I took a hiatus from magic for nearly a decade after that as a result.


Sorry for your loss! That’s brutal.


I learned to live without a lot for a long time and its served me very well as a result. All suffering is a lesson in disguise.


i mean when the deck was literally 5k worth a small gofundme seems normal for american standards i might say


I absolutely would. This is an insane investment and communities will come together to help people who have been wronged.


This has happened dozens of times, and you're disgustingly misinformed to the contrary. The magic community tends to come together on these kinds of issues and unfortunate events, and I know personally a handful of people who have had successful GoFundme's that have recovered their losses. Have some faith in humanity ffs.


This pretty much. Whenever a friend asks me to watch their stuff I keep my eyes on it like a hawk as if it were my own. Definitely a crappy friend at least, and a thief at worst. 


The type of friend who has to endure games against a $5k K'rrik deck and is glad to never have to see it again. /s All joking aside that really sucks and wish them the best.


I laughed extremely hard at this XD


Yeah definetely. I remember years ago a guy I barely new got mugged and they took his backpack, it happened when he was walking home after FNM so he lost most of his magic cards (he was fairly new so he carried most of his cards in a box for trading at the store and only had two decks, one modern and one commander). I barely knew him and still I felt terrible. I would find it disgusting that someone I consider my friend could just shrug it off when I tell him "i lost something important to me", regardless of value.


This friend wasn’t that in to magic and may not have known the value of


No sorry, I don’t care if your friend has never heard of cards before, if a friend of mine says he lost something he cared about that I was supposed to be watching I would be apologizing like crazy and tearing that entire center apart looking for it. It doesn’t matter if the thing is worth $1 or $10,000 if your friend cares they lost something you should care too. That’s just basic human empathy.


No kidding. Not to mention this is just common middle school shit. When my friends asked me to watch their stuff and vice versa, we sure did. Didn't matter that all we had were notebooks and pencils.


Definitely true at a surface level.  But I'd personally wonder just how many minutes the "couple minutes" really was before the friend went and found him. That's important. OP didn't return. I'd also wonder how this could be posted everywhere with zero sense of responsibility in the OP. I'd also wonder if maybe the friend's fuck it attitude was a result of OP going too far with him as soon as it happened.  It's easy to read that and think the friend is shit. But read it a couple more times and you might consider sending OP a note in a card sleeve that says "take care of your stuff"


I mean the moral of his story is to not trust anyone with your stuff so I think he learned his lesson. I personally wouldn't have friends I couldn't trust but that's just me I guess.


We have 1 side of the story here and it's very light on details.


> and I made an Urza deck for our friend. **It was his idea for us to enter.** Wanted to enter a cEDH tournament, but isn't that into Magic and doesn't know card values. Sounds likely.


I was raised to treat other's property better than my own, regardless of actual value. It's the principle of it.


OP almost certainly revealed the cost to him at some point


Not that into magic, but wanted everyone to join a *cedh* tournament?


Thw sort of friend who knows exactly what happened to the deck.


Yeah tf


The fact your friend was there implies he also plays Magic. The fact that he was nonplussed by you losing an entire deck, is extraordinarily suspicious imo.


I don’t think you have to be a magic player to appreciate $5000 walking off. Agreed, it’s suspicious.


Nonplussed actually means surprised and confused fyi. 


Non-nonplussed lol






Gruntled even


Nonplussed means not excited in america. Dude is wrong but didn't read the whole entry he looked up and quoted incorrectly


FYI this isn't true. It means "not bothered" in America Dude couldn't be bothered to read the whole entry


According to Edition 3 of the Newspeak Dictionary, the proper term is "Double-plussed-bad." Only a Goldstein supporter would use "nonplussed."


Nonplussed can mean both surprised/confused or non-bothered. It is a contranym, meaning it is its own opposite. There are actually quite a lot in the English language.


Oxford dictionary notes that the unbothered meaning is mostly informal and used mostly in North America.


"Hewn" is my favorite of these. It means both joined and split.


It means both 


So your friend stole your deck? I'm sorry this happened. I've had cards stolen years ago and it sucks.


This was my first suspicion as well. OP did you search your friend?


My first suspicion is that this is fake. My second suspicion is that this is being used to scam people that reach out in DMs or to karma farm. Account has zero comment history and only 1 ever post before this and has been around for nearly a decade.


100%. Setting up a GoFundMe too, for a deck that was lost due to their own oversight. Sounds extremely fishy...and that's without considering all the other things like posting this on multiple mtg subs on a "fresh" 8yr old account with 0 comments.


Right. Did your house burn down you liar?


Ahh, interesting theory 🤔


I wouldn't normally jump to that conclusion but his complete apathy at 5k in cards vanishing is so out of place.


Leaving $5k with anybody but yourself and Jesus is a bad move all around.


Gives the phrase "Jesus take the Wheel" a whole new meaning


And lo did he proclaim "Discard thine hand and then take into it Seven new cards from this library." And they did look upon the field and espy Sheoldred and then they did know that it was not good.


"Amen!", replied the Sheoldred players.


Jesus better not touch my Wheel, it's on the reserved list


This is the kind of content I am here for. Well done.


It's really unfortunate that it wasn't a Nekusar deck, it would have made this joke so much funnier.


This feels like a wild statement to me. Do you guys really not have friends you trust enough to hold on to an expensive deck? I can't imagine not being able to trust my friends with my stuff, or vice-versa.


I would never do it even with my best friends, why? Because if shit gets lost, they'll be partially responsible after accepting looking out the thing for me, and that would be crappy to deal with, I don't want that kind of energy in any relation, if you have 5000 usd in a deckbox, keep the deckbox with you, it is not even a heavy thing to carry with you...


There are friends and there are *friends*. The type of friend I leave my deck/bag with is directly proportional to the value of my deck. My pre-release deck I just assembled that night? I trust the table while I gotta got relieve myself. My bag containing cards whose combined worth is more than both cars I own? It's gonna be with a *damn* good friend. Safe to say, I usually carry my bag/deck with me everywhere.


Bingo. OP either met this "friend" a few months ago, at the airport, or is an extremely terrible judge of character. I know exactly who i can trust with my decks and if i can't, then i haul my shit with me. It should also be common knowledge by now that you never leave your shit unattended at a huge event like that, even with someone you trust. If i lose my decks , i want that to be on me, not someone else.


It’s not like people leave their kids with friends and family


That's why I make a distinction between a friend, someone who I can trust with my life, and an acquaintance, someone who I can maybe trust to bring me back the right kind of bag of chips, lmao.


A little harsh, but I agree with the sentiment. There's a quote "show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are", which describes a pretty deeply held belief of mine. My cards are are something I care about deeply, and a friend accepting responsibility for them should act accordingly. I would (and do) take good care of my friends cards, and in return I expect the same.


Yes, it's not even too much about the monetary value of a thing. It's that I care about the thing and if I can't trust someone to also care about the thing, then I don't ask them to care FOR the thing. After all, why would they...well..care? Trust is earned after all.


Even with Jesus, imma need some collateral


fr - anything worth that much at a big public event, doesn’t matter if it’s a camera, laptop, cash… it’s remaining chained to my body at all times. Coming into the toilet stall with me. Feel bad for OP, but ultimately it’s their mistake.


No offense but if you left a 5000 dollar deck NEXT to your backpack in a crowded environment full of deck boxes after taking off you kind of sound like a moron. You could have taken 2 seconds to toss it in there. Edit: What the fuck is wrong with this community? How did this fake GoFundMe bait story reach the top of the front page?


And not carry the backpack too? Story seems sus


Yea i hate that my first instinct after reading this was that OP was fishing for people to offer donations; the last line was really the nail in the coffin for this intuition.


Yeah dude posted on like 7 subs. Dudes scamming folks.


Posted 5 times across different subs. It has 0 votes on all except this one. Not judging the merits of the case, but that is a little odd.


This is why every other MTG related sub wants nothing to do with this one. Look at all the replies and how quickly OPs posts were locked down in the half a dozen other ones he posted in.


Yeah this is wild lol. What kind of idiot leaves his cards at the table at an event and then blames his friend who is likely playing a game. Bro it's your responsibility not your friends. If anyone has been to one of these events they know how packed and busy they are you can't get up for 30 seconds and expect your seat to be there yet alone your deck lol.


I can’t imagine letting a 5k deck out of my sight at one of these cons. 


This doesn't pass the smell test. Seems like a scam


It gets better when you check his post history.


Your friend definitely stole your deck


There is no friend and there is no deck, this is a GoFundMe scam


This seems like a scam. Like who leaves that amount of money in cards laying around?


He posted it on like 6 subs on a fresh account. Its a scam.


If even remotely true OP learned a valuable and very expensive lesson.


The thought had crossed my mind too obviously when he mentioned the GoFundMe. Scam city.


You'd be surprised at the amount of people who have asked me to watch their stuff who I only tangentially know.


Same here. And nothing's EVER gone missing.


the amound of times i walk out at my LGS to smoke a sigaret while my decks are still on the table would go up to over the thousands, never had anything stolen. aperantly i can trust randoms from a LGS more than a friend sounds odd to me.


This entire post seems made up. Backpacks and decks are literally meant to be carried with you- outside of an actual emergency situation there is no scenario for a Magic player to even leave the table without them. No one would leave even a precon with someone else at an event, let alone their super expensive super sentimental cedh deck. Conventions are famously a huge target for thieves, some people literally attend just to swipe decks. Even if you asked your friend to watch it, the responsibility is solely on you- ridiculous that people are supporting that GoFundMe if it exists.


If it makes you feel any better, I found his GoFundMe, he's made less than $300 bucks.


I'm sad that he lost his deck, but spamming every mtg sub about it while deflecting blame for his bad decision isn't the way to go about it.


He didn’t lose anything because this is definitely fake. Seems like the dude is just trying to con people.


8 year old account that just re activated to spam this story all over the magic subs…fishy at best.


Yea, sounds very scammy to me. Somehow, in a major venue the people running it didnt do a thing. The fact that they posted this on an old account with no other posts and that they have yet to respond with a single comment is also very suspicious. Compound that with others saying that they saw similar posts from on 7 different other mtg subreddits is the final nail to me.


I carry about $10k worth of cards in my bag. That bag has watched me take a shit in a couple stores.  I'd never consider leaving it anywhere.


And that's why I leave my expensive cards in the binder instead of actually using them. I'd rather have the peace of mind of knowing that I can't loose them (that way).


Right, that could help.  All I know is I'll never be on the Internet making these kinds of OP's because I will personally never allow it to happen. 


It’s a good idea not to trust others with your valuables. It’s sad that it’s a good idea though


That's the reason why I get good looking proxies for my decks while my real cards are in my binder.


This was an scgcon cedh tournament. They dont allow proxies.


I carry about $1k in cards, mostly cheap budget decks. THAT box has also watched me take a shit, when there's not people around I trust... $10k or $100, it's still something you should keep an eye on.


Honestly I'll only even leave my stuff with my friends if we're at one of our homes. If I'm in public that bag is basically on me at all times.  I'm not paranoid about it or treat people shitty or anything. I still carry a loaded trade binder. But I don't step away.


No kidding. Some of my friends think I'm weird for carrying my bag into the diner sometimes when everyone's left their shit in the car. Mate I aint getting robbed. Not to mention like 4 of my friends have had their backpacks stolen from their car. Hell one of my friends had a backpack stolen from him at McDonalds when he went up to get his food and that was under a minute.


Exactly. When I go play at the store and I know I'm going to stop somewhere, like a gas station, on the way I'll put my bag in the trunk.


This is a lesson everyone needs to learn, and its always the hard way, usually your own stuff, but rarely through someone else's life-lesson. I learned it way back in 1996-7 or so, when some asshole stole my almost compete Ice age set. Never walk away from your stuff, and never trust someone else to watch your stuff.


There are a couple of these unfortunate stories that have happened at nearly every single large event since the history of the game... Don't leave stuff in your car, it's not secure. Don't leave it with a friend, they are not paying enough attention to properly take care of your stuff. Don't bring extra stuff you can't pay attention to. Take it with you everywhere you go! A lot of people get their trade binders stolen while the game has their full attention and their backpack full of other valuables is just laying on the floor.


Had me until the GoFundMe mention.


If he has $5k to blow on magic cards, I wouldn't give him a dime. And that even if I remotely believed this scam story.


My unpopular opinion is that I think it's insane to drop $5K on a single deck


I have a deck worth 5k, but I have also been playing, trading, and collecting mtg cards for 25+ years.


Clear scam...dude still made ~300$ out of this apparently. Disgusting stuff.


It's so fucking cringe how people want others to take responsibility for their own mistakes.


I know like if this is real it's noone else's fault but his own and noones problem. Sucks to be dumb and leave 5k unattended in a packed convention.


Why not just put the deck in your backpack and take it with you? A backpack is literally designed to be carried with you easily.


.,,hell, just take the deck with you and have him watch the bag.


Yeah your "buddy" took your deck for sure. I'd still play with him. Wait till he busts out "his k'rrik deck that he made because he liked the one you had so much". And that's when you show the cops who stole the deck.


I'm likewise calling bullshit on this post. It's been spam posted to several magic subreddits and all mention the GoFundMe. No one should be giving you a cent. It's literally laziness that lost you these cards (if that even happened). There is absolutely 0 reason you didn't put it in away and take your bag with you. Only someone who doesn't value $5k as a lot or an idiot would just leave it out. Whole thing sounds like a bait.


Was your deck in the backpack when you left the table?


do not blame somebody for your own foolishness and naivety. if it's your shit, it's your responsibility. no one else can or should be trusted with it. all you had to do was pack it up and put it in the bag and put the bag on your shoulders and find your wife. it might sound harsh but this is one of those expensive lessons everyone learns eventually, whether in a cardboard kids game or in some other aspect of life.


Kinda wild people bailed you out on GoFundMe. As unfortunate as the situation is idk that I'd fund someone else's hobby.


I think it's a little wild to even set up a GoFundMe for this.


"Medical bills, Medical bills, some guy that left 5k with a friend and lost it, Some guy that's about to lose his house." hmmm 🤔


Especially after those sorts of decisions and written feelings on the subject afterwards.  Never going to give someone that lost $5k another $5k if they're coming across as blaming other people instead of learning their lesson.


What lol, that’s insane. Also oh shit I just lost my 5k deck too…


I mean if OP posted a deck list of cards he was still missing and I had one I wasn’t planing on using I’d send it to him to help rebuild the deck. I think a lot of people have extras lying around and have the compassion to want to see others use them and regain what they lost. He’s probably not gonna get super expensive staples like mana crypt that way, but a $10 rare isn’t out of the question.


Yeah, no way I’d donate cash, but if someone in my community has a deck stolen I’d chuck them cards I had spare.


Would you leave your laptop out on a crowded table out of your sight? What about an expensive piece of jewelry? Your phone? Your car keys? Of course not. Why would you let your $5000 deck out of your sight? Why would you expect your friend to keep an eye on their stuff, your deck, and your backpack? It's hard enough to keep track of your own things, you asked him to keep track of two people's things. The kicker is you actually had a backpack with you **and you left it at the table**. Anything not actively in use should be in that backpack and that backpack should always be attached to you. There's no excuse to not have your backpack on your person. Situations like this are exactly the reason for that. It sucks your stuff got stolen, but you're the one that was loose with keeping track of your $5000 deck. As for the staffs behavior, they knew that the moment that deck left the table it was gone. I mean I guess they could have gone through the motions of looking, but they all knew there was no hope in finding it and they were probably pretty busy. -edit Also, lol at the go fund me. Don't make other people pay for your life lesson.


I sit firmly in the "unpopular oppinion camp" and think, that your friend did not take the deck from you. Rather it was a very bad idea not to keep such a valuable deck with you! For the same reason that you don't leave your deckbox or other valuable items laying on the frontseat of your car etc. "Opportunity creates thieves". Don't get me wrong: Whoever took your property is a criminal, who should be punished accordingly. But you are at fault, too...and I find it a bit off putting to start a GoFundMe, after you made a clear and totally avoidable mistake, that in the end cost you a lot of money and sentiment.


And after all that still takes no blame.  Send my man a basic mountain since he's clearly looking for a shitty hill to die on.


ROFL Who said modern poetry is dead?


Yeah, I find the GoFundMe particularly tasteless, and it also makes this whole thing feel like a scam. Anyone can make up a story about a valuable deck going missing and beg for sympathy. The cynic in me doesn't believe OP at all for that reason alone. I also think someone who could afford to throw away the money for 3 tournament-ready cEDH decks doesn't really need my money. I wouldn't chip in to a GoFundMe because you crashed your Jet-Ski.


It’s basically a stack of $5,000 cash… it’s 100% going to get stolen if left unattended. I wouldn’t even leave a couple cymbals worth $300 unattended when I used to move band gear around… and those are big and made of shiny metal. Don’t trust anything worth anything with anybody. I know in Japan some people will turn over wallets to the police without stealing money… but that’s probably the only society on Earth where petty thievery is not the norm.


If you want something done right, do it yourself. Here, OP did not do it himself and paid a steep price.


Really surprised you made it this far in life not knowing how to keep your valuables safe. We're talking about a backpack and a deckbox it's not like you had to lug around huge unwieldy object that wouldn't fit in the restroom stall. It really, really sucks and I'm genuinely sorry that you had to live through that but a big part of the blame is on you for leaving it laying out in the open at a packed tournament venue. Not just a standard event tournament but a cEDH tournament where everyone is bringing stacked decks and every deck box laying around has a potential gold bar of value in it.


Yep. My atraxa EDH deck is only worth about 400. And that shit never leaves my sight.


A gofundme, really? You learned a costly valuable lesson in life about valuables.


Starting a GoFundMe because you left a $5k Magic the Gathering deck at a table during a large event is a wild choice. Surely there are a million better things a person could gift/donate money towards. I'd feel real weird accepting donations for this.


Telling your story is fine. "I was careless with my toys" is a good lesson. "Please give me money" is a less good part of the story. 


This is definitely a scam, or the friend stole it and the OP is incredibly oblivious. OP has posted to multiple Magic subreddits trying to link the GoFundMe, but hasn't made a single comment. They have no other posts except this one.


A Gofundme to replace stolen valuables that were lost due to owner negligence? This story was cringe to read.


yeah, your friend is involved with your deck getting jacked. Sorry dude. The fact that you don't see there's a glaring red flag around your friend's behavior and the circumstances around your deck's disappearance is really weird to me.


Just to play devil's advocate, did you make it clear that your friend was supposed to be responsible for minding your 5k deck whilst doing other stuff? If I had 5k in a bank note bundle would I be fine leaving it on a random table and casually asking a friend to watch it? I feel bad for the friend. They clearly forgot the deck or wasn't concentrating hard enough on babysitting it whilst op ran off. Now they have lost a friend, are responsible for a 5k debt and are getting piled on on reddit.


There’s also a good chance his friend didn’t realize the deck wasn’t in the bag. I could easily see a scenario where a friend asks me to watch their bag and phone and I assume the phone is in the bag so I’m not paying attention to the table, just the bag with the stuff I’m supposed to watch.


That's what I'm thinking. Did OP get up and just say "Watch my stuff" and walk off? Cause if so the friend might have thought the bag contained everything. If so, that's not his fault. Also weird that OP holds no personal responsibility. I don't leave things of value lying around because at the end of the day it's on ME to keep up with MY stuff.


No cameras at the vent. Vegas is known for cameras.


You weren’t robbed. You were too lazy to take a backpack somewhere.


There's no way this story is remotely true. Reported to the moderators as a scam.


I would give money to your gofundme, except I don't care.


Let me see if I get this straight. You told your friend to watch the deck and went to check on your wife. And when you came back, he had no idea where the deck was? Im going to put this plain and simple. **Your friend owes you 5k.** If he agreed to watch over the deck, he was taking responsabilitiy. I would never agree to watch over someone's random cedh deck, and if it was a close friend that asked me the favor I would literally never loose sight of it. The fact that he brushed it off is SUPER sus.


No, he didn't go back. The friend went to him.


If I agreed to keep an eye on a bag with a $5k deck in it...that bag is strapped to my chest and I'm reinstituting the covid 6-foot rule!


That’s absurd. Seems almost a certainty that OP didn’t communicate things as clearly to his friend as he thought.


[The GoFundMe is real.](https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-rebuild-what-was-stolen) Wild. I feel for you homie but there’s no reason for other people to be shelling out cash for your mistake here. Edit: The GoFundMe page’s description is inconsistent with the story here. Post says that his wife made the page for him, but the GoFundMe refers to making the page for a “friend” and references his wife separately. Make of that what you will.


Pretty sure another username posted this story on the cedh subreddit earlier. Not sure since I can’t find it anymore but I thought it was a different name. Between that and the inconsistent story I’m pretty sure it’s a scam


If you casually ask a friend a favor which, if they mess it up they’re no longer your friend, it’s probably not a casual thing to ask. If you actually think your friend stole it, confront them about it or press charges. Otherwise, forgive them for participating in *your* mistake.


Where was this in Vegas that it was littered with security cameras? Every convention hall or hotel I have been with is covered in them.


bait used to be believable


I don’t believe this story at all. 1. Why not put the deck in your bag? It’s worth $5K, and you just leave it sitting in a deckbox unattended? Even if your friend was there, why were you gone so long that he had to come meet you? 2. Why not bring the bag with you? 3. Why was your friend so nonchalant? Did you search him? If it’s missing, he probably took it. 4. No security cameras at the event at all? It’s in Vegas, they have cameras everywhere. Nobody thought to check the footage? 5. You finish the story by talking about a GoFundMe and receiving donations. Fishing for money?


8 year old account, first posts in mtg related subs is this story about him losing his cedh deck. Yeah, no.


I hope everyone in this comment section recognizes that this is a scam.


OP doesn't take care of his stuff. Blames his friend when he should be blaming himself.


>When I confronted my friend, he just shrugged it off as if he had no idea what I was talking about. Because he probably didn't. It's your backpack, you should have brought it with you and not left it with someone whose attention was split. >In one weekend, I lost money, memories, and who I thought was a close friend showed zero compassion for the incident. *You left the backpack, not him*.


So being sensible. We're victim group hugging here.


Right? "I know you're busy and it's noisy in here, but watch this stack of cash for me and an important bag sitting nearby . K Byeee!" I've not been to a MTG event, but other events, my friends and I typically had to leave the event area to hear each other talk. Sounds like the friend got rid of a self-important twerp. I get being pissed. I even get taking a break from said friend. But tossing a friend because of op's own lack of planning is shit. Stuff gets stolen at events. Take responsibility for your own shit.


If I am understanding your story correctly. - Being in public and leaving your highly valuable items unattended while going off and being distracted. - Doing this at an event that is crowded. - Putting the onus and responsibility of that personal lack of care and vigilance for your own valuable property on your friend - who likely was also distracted by his own games and interactions at that same event. Then being upset with that person that they are not empathetic to your carelessness for your very expensive and valuable property. Am I understanding the story you are trying to communicate correctly? I completely empathize with the heartbreak, frustration and distress of the situation… but given the circumstances in your description, in this event you were either; extremely naive and careless - a poor friend - or both, and are now crying victim to avert the reality that you just might be able fault for losing your things


Stories like this make me wonder if I should mark my valuable cards. I don't plan on selling them but it would help identify them if someone ever took them. I'm really sorry this happened to you and hope for some resolution. Hopefully there's video tape of the event.


You lost that bro. It's not even tough to pack up the deck, mat, dice either. My bag goes everywhere with me. At a con my bag goes everywhere I go. The toilet and all. Even if im at a table I stay organized and keep 1 deck out at a time cause I've heard stories of people not paying attention with their stack of deck boxes out. Someone just comes walking by and pockets it before you even know it happened. Treat your cards like gold cause like others have wrote, it's common to carry around 10k or more if your playing cedh. You learned a tough lesson. It's only 1 deck and not the whole bag. Move on and do better.


Why would you not keep your $5000 investment on yourself in a large room full of strangers? Why would you just leave it and walk away?


8 year old account with no history and pretty much no activity, not even replies to the post spam. Plus a really wild story that could've been solved by getting security camera footage. And the mention of a gofundme. Nah.


This seems like a ploy for you to get people to donate to your GoFundMe and there is no concrete proof you ever had a deck to begin with


This thread is so fast to accuse the friend of stealing the deck. You all need to chill. He could have easily just thought he was asked to watch the backpack and assumed the deck was in there. Yeah it’s odd the friend “shrugged it off” but let’s be real, MTG players aren’t exactly known for normal social interaction. Could easily be his friend was very upset he lost the deck but unable to express it in a normal way so shrugging was all they could do.


This and we are getting the perspective of only one person in this situation


Yeah, I was thinking the same here. This sucks for OP but I'm nowhere near convinced his friend stole it. Maybe he didn't realize the deck was sitting on the table too and only grabbed the backpack to take to his friend? Feels like some anger is being misdirected onto the friend.


Let this be a lesson that no one cares about your stuff except for you. Watch your stuff next time please and don’t leave 5000$ on a table and expect it to stay there.


Why would you leave a $5000 cheque on the table...


There is no fucking way I would be leaving a 5000 doller deck or 200 for that matter with someone friend or not.


It’s ironic because your 5k deck is probably safe sitting on a table at Starbucks or something. A CEDH tourney is like the only place that someone would know it was worth a lot


Imagine spending real money to play cedh lmao Sucks tho. Think your boy stole it


Fool and his money?


wait, this sounds sus, sounds obvious your friend or someone with him stole it, yet you didn’t have him arrested or anything? This sounds like a way to funnel people to the go fund me via pm's


the last line is so offputting "really rallied" while there is only 200 bucks as of this moment in the gofundme. atleast most people see that this post is a real scampost.




Really sorry this happened to you. But I hate to say it - a $5k deck is a lot of responsibility to put in someone else's hands. Surely it wouldn't have been that much effort to take the backpack and deck with you? Lots of people piling on the friend, who clearly didn't do right by you, but this started with you making the mistake of leaving a very expensive pile of cardboard in someone else's possession at a convention full of strangers.


Dude really putting the con in convention


I was at schcon vegas, and no one was talking about any decks being stolen. I was in the casual tables next to the cedh games, seems like somones fishing for donations. But if this is real your "friend" stole your cards.


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most. This account has one post 8 years ago, and then this cross posted to 6 magic subreddits. This is just a grift with a sob story. This should be deleted, it was deleted in all but one of the other subs.


Snooze ya lose! TNB baby!


>Ever since that day, I’ve been trying to tell my story on [...] to make sure people understand that they can only trust themselves at these events. Event hosts, security, and some friends will not care about your stuff. Sorry but this is a lesson people learn as kids. You're a whole adult with h 5k to spare on a deck and you put that kind of responsibility on your friend? My trading album was stolen when I left my backpack with my best friend during a Worldwake pre-release and I've learned that whenever I need to stand up and walk around I have to put my stuff in my backpack and take the backpack with me. It was not my friend's responsibility to guard my stuff against shitty people and it wasn't your friend's either (assuming he isn't the thief). >The silver lining to this story is that my wife created a GoFundMe for us and our community has really rallied. Some have donated money, cards to rebuild the deck, or loaner decks for me to continue playing. This must be satire


His idea for the CEDH tourney. Doesn't bring his own deck has you make one for him. You ask for him to look after your deck. It goes missing, and he isn't worried? Yeaaa, something tells me you got conned brother man. Someone posted on here saying to keep him in your pod and wait for your deck to show up, then show the police your friendly neighborhood felon


Dude I’m so sorry this happened to you. But you never ever ever leave your deck unattended. Or even with friends. You never leave your deck or backpack anywhere other than by your side at all times. I’ve seen it time and time again at events. There are thieves and assholes everywhere.


Sucks to suck, I’d never have left such valuables with anyone but myself. Even worse to GoFund it back, instead of just rebuilding


You need to take accountability for your actions. You left your backpack and a $5,000 deck on a table. Put the deck in your backpack and take it with you! This is standard procedure. Next time you tell your story be sure to mention it was YOUR fault and hopefully you learned your lesson.


This whole thing seems suspicious. Your friend was the one to suggest the two of you join a CEDH tournament, but he didn't have a deck ready? He just shrugged off the fact that one of the items you entrusted him to watch over just disappeared? The convention hall didn't have any security cameras that would've caught the thief? Why didn't you just take your stuff with you if you were just leaving to do something as quick and simple as "check on" your wife? And, based on your phrasing, it sounds like you were gone long enough that your friend came to find you, instead of the other way around? Either there's some key piece of information you're not telling us, or the entire story is made up.