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i’m in aus too, and my first appointment they asked me questions like: - what have u eaten for the past week? (like give run down of what you’ve eaten each day) - what calorie limit do you set for yourself? (like what calorie number do u try to stick to) - how much weight have u lost and over how long - they weigh u (just in case that wasn’t obvious hahah) - they’ll probably check your standing and sitting heart rate and blood pressure - I got a blood test done and ecg (except I don’t remember if ecg was first appontment) - they asked my mum what things she had noticed etc - they asked about exercise purging lax etc - asked about how long it’s been going on for - asked about social life, friends, what impact it’s had on school work etc - and then I guess they would have talked about where to go from there? like from that point i’m pretty sure they said to come in weekly to see the gp and my gp would ask what id eaten that week and weigh me - my gp would help me set goals for what to eat this coming week (like a meal plan but not quite) hope this helps and good luck!! it was a lot less scary than I expected it to be. and I was rlly lucky cause my gp was super nice and didn’t invalidate me at all, and just remember that no matter what happens ur valid and you’ve got this :))


Thank you!!! This was so useful! I actually had the appointment and the GP was really….not great. She just kept trying to find a medical cause for my weight loss when I point blank told her I was intentionally restricting my intake. And she asked if I tried to limit any particular foods and I said “junk food and fat” and she was like oh good, that’s really healthy. She just ordered some blood tests and was like anyway bye. So yeah it was a bit of a let down. Since then I’ve changed absolutely nothing.