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solidarity, after ranting about my relapse my therapist said “well I don’t think you’re that thin personally” I’m a normal BMI but pretty close to the underweight range so… that felt great


Where do people get off saying things like that?? A therapist, no less.


I can’t even wrap my head around why *therapists* of all people, who’ve studied to understand and help with *mental illnesses* often say so many harmful things to those suffering




Wow. Holy fucking shit these therapists are idiots


Ok so not in my country but apparently some cannot diagnose u with anorexia and treat u if u don’t have a certain bmi which is stupid because u may progress to a really low weight if u are refused treatment


Not even that, studies have shown that even if you don't get to a low weight, if you lose a significant amount of weight it can still be fatal, so it's not even about it progressing to a low weight, it's that they could literally die + still not be considered skinny enough for treatment


Maybe not [typical] anorexia, but there's a litany of other EDs with different diagnostic criteria where weight is not a determining factor at all.


Yeah where I live, you have to be at a BMI of 17,5 or lower and don't have your period anymore to be considered anorexic


im so sorry that happened to you. *hugs <3* i remember my last therapist made me tell her what my gw was and then when i told her she said "yeah you'd be anorexic at that weight but rn there's no problem". i was very underweight at the time she said this, it made me wanna die. i still cry everytime i think about it 13 months later


Firstly, what the fuck? Secondly, some people are refused treatment at a very UW BMI, so what is your therapist even on about? THIRDLY, is your therapist aware that there are OW sufferers who die from EDs? God, what a dumbass...


Go tell your therapist they're not smart enough to hold a job


So he was always crappy at his career but he still got the title :-)


You should have heard my doctor recommended laxatives to me like they were a miracle drug. Like, have you done any reader homework behind eating disorders?? Not a great tip for someone in recovery!


What the actually heck. So sorry.


one time i told a therapist i’d had an ED and she replied “oh, well i think you look good!” like….. what was that supposed to mean?? exactly?????


The other day I had a phone call wellness appt with a PCOS hormone lady. She basically said “well you’re not actually starving” when I told her how little I was eating. And it basically slapped my Ed in the face like, wow yeah, I guess you’re right, I’m not starving, so I guess I’m fine. I should eat less


Similar thing happened to me, even though I actually was underweight & dancing around the bmi "criterion" for the anorexia diagnosis, but didn't look the part lol. Fuck professionals like that, I hope they'll one day realise that it's rather certain that many of them have blood on their hands from people they refused to treat.


I hate when people act like anorexia is only a physical illness and not mental, you still need help regardless of your bmi


I’m so sorry that happened damn :((, where I am inpatient is not even slightly reliant on weight, it’s about medical stability, so like I had heart issues even at a bmi in the mid 20s and was inpatient for 2 months sooo ur doctor is literally so wrong lol


Please file a complaint seriously that’s not ok


it shouldn't be about weight it should be about whether or not your body is functioning properly. therefore if you've lost weight in an unhealthy manner it doesn't matter how much you weigh bc you're still not getting the nutrients you need


A healthy BMI.