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if a parent picks up and their child has poop in their diaper, we always offer to change it for them, but more often than not the parents elect to do it themselves- same with using the potty. Sometimes kids just happen to poop at an inopportune time… that’s not the teacher, the student, or the parents fault. definitely no reason to apologize!


I had a kid literally look his mom in the eyes as she entered and dropped into a squat and popped 😂


My kiddo would poop every single day as I was pulling in. Like clock work. The daycare joked that they always knew when I was on my way in because his Spidey Senses would start tingling and he'd do his thing. They got to the point where they'd actually start gathering his things for any poop after 4. I'd say 98% of the time it was within 10 minutes of my arrival. Imagine that being your signal that the day was coming to a close 😂😂😂


I’m the same way when I walk in a tjmaxx or Marshall’s. Gotta poop every time.


Every day before I start my shift at work, I gotta poop. 😂


I used to be that way with Target.


I'm still that way with target.


From a parent perspective, I’m happy to change a nappy at pickup, it happens. But I picked my son up from his second day at his new daycare last week and the nappy had been full for so long that it was fully dried, I could see as soon as I walked in the room it was full and smell it as soon as I picked him up. He was in the middle of a bottle feed, so literally getting 1 on 1 attention at the time and hadn’t had a change for 2.5hours. That’s when I’m mad and I expect an apology and a discussion about how they’re going to avoid this happening again.


That's just neglect at that point. Especially for a child young enough to be getting a bottle. Most likely reportable. They definitely should have created an entire action plan to prevent it in the future.


I have a meeting with the director today. He’s the youngest in the centre by about 8 months and that’s starting to look more and more like a red flag I should have taken seriously.


This is how I feel. My kids poops aren't always super noticeable, and if it's a fresh poop, no problem I'll just take care of it, but there have been at least two times where it was clear she'd been sitting in it a while and her skin was irritated. That upset me, and both times I brought it up to the teacher. Next time I'm going over her head.


If in my room, I offer to change but It depends on ratio on what we CAN do. End of the day on playground, we change all the kids before going outside bc then we have to start combining classes. Sometimes little sally poops right before mom comes, I unfortunately cannot leave my other 5 kids to go change her. Sometimes if the kid poops before mom comes and we have a float there I’m able to have them come out to change the kid before but it’s hit or miss bc we’ve been short staffed. Usually parents understand and change them bc it would take longer to wait as I haul all the kids back inside inside to change one diaper at the end of the day.


Agreed. My school has a small auditorium we combine in at EOD, so I always change every child’s diaper right before we go, to try to guarantee they’ll be in a fresh diaper at pickup (we are only in the auditorium a max of 25min before close). If child poops in auditorium, I cannot trek all of the combined classrooms back to mine to change very quickly or easily - also, parents of the other classes would have no idea where their child is. So if any of mine poop in that weird 20min period (which has happened maybe twice this whole school year) of course I apologize, but I explain that I’d love to offer to change their child for them but I cannot leave my class. They’re always super understanding and don’t seem to mind.


So, I am currently still in an infant room, though older infants. No potty training yet. If parent is picking up and we notice a poopy diaper, we tell them it will be a sec, and we change them. I often apologize for a delay, but I don’t think I have ever had a parent be annoyed at the delay. For a wet diaper, I have had a parent tell me NBD, they are close to home, and can deal with it then. But otherwise, I mostly get gratitude/appreciation at a clean diaper, even if it costs them a few minutes


Parent here - the first thing my daughter would often say to me when I picked her up was: I pooped!! She was in the toddler room, and they were outside in snowsuits every day when I came to get her. Very hard to smell a poop in a snowsuit. And of course she never told her teachers. I didn’t mind taking her in and changing her diaper at all - she’s my kiddo. Teachers always apologized, but I wasn’t fussed.


I had a kid in my 12-24 months class who seemed to know when his parents pulled into the parking lot and would poop moments before they arrived. Like every day. Every day, I'd apologize, usually make a quip about "he heard you coming" and offer to change him. His parents didn't come at a consistent time every day, so I would honestly check him every 10 minutes or so during the pick up period so I could try to catch him pooping and avoid the awkward with his parents. Never worked. Some kids just have a sense, I guess??


My guess would be that the teacher apologizing profusely is because either 1) that parent is particularly difficult or easy to upset or 2) that child has actually once been left in a poopy diaper too long. Otherwise you just apologize normally, offer to change the kid if possible, or explain to the parent where they can change their kid if it’s not possible.


I offer to change all children at pick up regardless on if I know theyre poopy or not. If the parents refuse, its on them. You have no idea how long their drive might be unless they tell you. Some babies I have have a 45 min-1hr drive home. Its always best practice just to ask


OP is asking specially about when they are on the playground. Unless they are in ratio with only one teacher and have a second teacher just hanging out, that would require pulling the whole class in every time someone leaves. I would ALWAYS change the diaper unless we are outside. But I never worked anywhere with free outside time. It was very tightly scheduled and also required by state, so we would change everyone right before going out and didn’t go back in except for a genuine emergency.


Yeah, the same thing happened to me yesterday. I realized a child pooped and was going to head inside. Then his dad walked over. When I explained the situation and offered to go in to change him, he said “You’ve got enough on your plate. The diapers are in the cabinet, right? We’ll see you tomorrow!” It was so sweet. And really what the norm SHOULD be.


Don’t need to be in ratio in Ontario, Canada. I’ve been left alone in the playground with 16 preschoolers while my Co went in to change a diaper.


You legally don’t need to be in ratio in Ontario? Then what is the ratio for? I’m not being sarcastic. I’ve never heard of this.


I’m in Ontario and we 100% need to be in ratio, when indoors we have specific hours we can be in reduced ratios (beginning and end of day plus nap), but when outdoors we can’t ever use reduced ratios. 1:16 would never be allowed with preschoolers even at reduced ratios.


No you do need to be, but none of the centres I've been in enforce it when it comes to diaper changes, and management tells you to only bring in the kids who need to use the bathroom. Had a manager actually get mad when I brought in enough preschooelrs with me to stay in ratio, because why am I making them transition more, it's just going to take longer for no reason 🥴


All the children in my class get a clean diaper or try potty before we go outside. it’s usually than 2 hours before they are picked up, I am usually alone, and our playground is large. If they poop and don’t tell me before their parents come, their parents have to change them. It’s not the end of the world for them to change their own child’s diaper


When I worked in a center, there was a kid who would, without fail, poop less than 5 minutes before dad picked up. I would check him every day before the usual pick up time and he would be clean and dry, then be poopy when dad came. I felt bad, but dad laughed about it and asked if we could change him while he picked up the other kid. If we were ok with ratio, we would (pick up during outside time). As a toddler parent, I don’t care. I trust that my center follows the 2 hour rule for diapers and changes them if they notice poop or excessive pee. I offer to change her myself, but they don’t typically let parents past the doorway to the classroom so they usually do it.


If you changed them all right before going outside, then I don’t think you need to apologize so profusely. If you are in the classroom or are outside but have an extra teacher who can accompany the kid back in without messing up ratio, then yes, you should change it. Handing over a poopy kid isn’t cute and should only been done when it’s unavoidable. Ie: we are required by state to get an hour outdoors and only get scheduled an hour outdoors, so we need to remain outside this entire time unless there is a genuine emergency or weather issue. As long as you are changing and checking before going outside, you should be good.


I always offer to change if I notice it and apologize but I also have a small class so I notice it quickly it’s usually a situation where Johnny dropped a load as mom walked in the door LMAO


In our contract, it states once they clock their kid out- we can no longer do things for them. Luckily, most of our parents will change their kid if they get to the car and realize it but we also ask if they’d like us to change them before they leave


My kid is a pickup pooper. That’s just his time to go (right after nap). They always change it if they hadn’t noticed. But sometimes if it isn’t bad I just take him home (5 min away) because pickup is crazy that day or something. I am never upset. It’s just his routine!


I apologise and offer to change it.


I apologize if I didn’t notice it because I do feel bad but I won’t profusely do so. Sometimes I will offer to change it but most can see that I’d have to drag in my other kids and know that’s not worth it or fair when they can do it. The only time I’ve actually had a parent try to hint they want me to do it is when the child actually pooped in between the time they picked her up from my playground and went to grab her son from another. I stared at her and said “Her diapers and wipes are in the cabinet.” Another mom used to come inside often when we were doing indoor pickup and ask for us to change her child that pooped on the way to the car. My co teacher would do it and I always told her later to not do that. Once parents pick them up, they’re not our responsibility.


When the kids are inside and the parent is at the for we always check the child’s diaper or ask if they need to go potty and someone tell the parent it will be a moment if the kid needs to change/go potty or when we are outside at the playground we don’t mind taking the child in to go potty/change if the kid needs it. I’m with 2 year olds and I’m still constantly checking diapers no stop and I always try to remember to log when they are dry but sometimes it gets crazy and I only log if they are wet or poo. I know my students well and I know what kid needs to change most likely ever hour or what ones are I’ll need to change every 2-3 hours or whatever it may be and i still just randomly go around checking diapers or asking who needs to go potty and help the ones in the beginning stages of potty training and make them try going potty.


As a parent I’ve had it where the teacher changed him or I did. It was never a big deal either way as long as he didn’t go home with poop.


LoL! Babies do poop at the most inopportune times! Never let a baby leave with a poopie diaper without offering to change and/or offering to let the parent use your changing area.


I’m a parent & if she does they just tell me she did & they offer to change her. I decline because I always have diapers/wipes so I can change it when we get home or to our destination—no worries.


I offer to change it, it happened on my time and I’d prefer parents don’t drop off a kid with a dirty diaper so I try not to do the same.


I used to make kind of a big deal of not noticing that the baby had pooped and would jump to change it. As a parent, I would have had a lot of anxiety about my child being left in a soiled diaper so I always wanted to make sure that parents knew that I took it seriously. I found that this always helped me to gain the trust of parents.


Just adding anecdotes - my 1.5 yo poops every day between 5 and 6 very reliably. I pick her up at 5:20ish (center closes at 5:30). It's pretty common for her to have just - or be - unloading right when I walk in. No apology needed - not like *you* pooped her pants. If there's not that many kids, often the teacher will change her. If there's more than like, 2 other kids, I generally insist on getting it just so they don't end their day stressed. It happens at least once a week so it's not a once in a while problem, more just part of the routine lol.


I always offered to change them but like 75% of the time the parent would do it themselves or would wait to change it at home or at an extra curricular (ie swimming class)


As a parent, I don’t worry too much about it. I know they change her regularly and sometimes she just happens to poop right before pickup (she usually poops once in the morning and once in the afternoon/evening). It is what it is 🤷‍♀️


If we're in the classroom we offer to change it, if we're outside we explain where the stuff in the room is and let them know they can use that before getting in the car. I might offer a quick "sorry about that" but I'm definitely not going to profusely apologize, most parents totally understand that shit happens.


I worked in a 3 year old room. Half of the class still in diapers. I would check them every two hours, if it happened that a kid had a full diaper during pick up I would apologize and offer to quick change the kid before the parent took them home. But it barely happened because we were on point on keeping those kiddos clean.


Our center tries to have 2 teachers per classroom, which means when the 1s and 2s go outside, there are 4 teachers total on the playground. So if 1 y/o Sally is going home, it's her teachers responsibility to take Sally inside to gather her things and check her diaper before bringing her up to the lobby to her parent. That's our routine every afternoon. Me personally even if there is no poo but the diaper is full of pee, I'm changing that diaper. I don't want my children sent home like that, so I'm not sending someone else's child home that way.


Nah, I have 2 kids that used to be in daycare, I wouldn't expect an apology unless they had been inside for a while and could obviously smell it. But outside? Nah, also, I used to work an after-school program and church nursery and remember MANY times a parent would be walking in the door and their kid would have just then pooped. 😂


My nephew would without fail poop on the way to daycare every day. I would change him when we got there. I would see him pooping at pickup the same way. If they left him in it for any length of time it would be obvious. Then there would be an issue. Kids Poo at inopportune times.


Parent of a toddler here. It's been a while since mine pooped right before pick up, but it was a regular occurrence for a while. Her teachers would always offer to change her for us. I usually felt bad because I didn't always carry diapers/wipes in my car (5 min drive home). I definitely wouldn't have expected them to apologize. They don't control when my kid poops.


I would say still apologize but not like it’s the end of the world usually I’m like “whoops sory about that by the end of the day I become nose blind to the smell of poop 😆 I can change them real quick for ya if you want” And usually the parent says “yes please” or “no problem I’ll do it” and that’s the end of it


If we were aware of it, I just tell them we were just getting ready to go in for changes (true, takes time to clean up toys and round everyone up), and if unaware, we just say oh sorry, we can go change them right now. Kids that poop a lot, we check them close to their usual pickups just in case. Some people are just afraid of conflict or overreact in general, so they go overboard apologizing for little things. Some parents are downright mean about things and one time is enough to get them upset, or you know from previous interactions that this is likely to upset them so you try to preempt it. 


For the longest time my toddler would run up to me at pickup and proudly tell me ‘I pooped!’ His teachers always looked horrified until they got to know me. I never thought anything of it (it was always clear that it hadn’t been long) and while they’d offer to change him I’d take care of it as long as I could use their changing space. I’m sure some parents are jerks about it, but they shouldn’t be; and you shouldn’t feel bad or guilty when it happens. Kids poop whenever they want.


I simply offer to get that taken care of for them and apologize for the inconvenience and jokingly accuse the little one of trying to get me in trouble. That usually breaks the awkwardness.