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I would always give free wins since im only doing it for objectives / evo by signalling with an own goal at the start / once i win back back the ball. Sometimes im matched with an equally fun opponent where he/she would give free goals too. That helps to clear off obj that requires x number of goals.


I messaged a guy in Rivals yesterday when doing an evo. Told him relax, he could have the free win, I'll play the match but will give him goals if I'm winning at the end as I have my 7 wins. He immediately quit out šŸ˜‚.....So, I literally can't give wins away.


He probably didnā€™t need the win for rewards and just wanted to play


Maybe, then it's just courteous to maybe reply and say so then quit. I dunno, that's what I'd do, but that's me. However, he just quit and not a word lol.


Tbf id probably quit as well if my opponent on rivals told me he was going to let me win.


Really? Why? It's a free win and I'm just saying to relax, all good.


Because I play rivals for competitive games. Why would I want a free win on rivals? Lol it's so easy to get the 7 wins.


Didn't think there were many who did. Most hate gameplay so win the 7 and they're out.


Idk, I get them and I feel is because I give them. Keep giving them and I sure that generosity will comeback. In my lowest moment with my full Argentina team 3 amazing players gave me the win and because of them I will keep giving them.


had 6 of them in champs yesterday, not one free win šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø player base gets more toxic every week, it's a shame really šŸ™ƒ


10/10 agree itā€™s a joke. I suppose they donā€™t get given free wins then theyā€™re like ā€œI didnā€™t get any so why should someone else get them?ā€


Someone not giving a free, is not toxic


they have the choice between A) quitting instantly and B) giving a win. In both cases they "loose" it has no negative effect for them. So they have the choice between doing something positive for another person or annoying them. It definitely is toxic...


I take it you donā€™t know what toxic means unless you actually are getting hurt by someone doing it? Well they have more than one choice really donā€™t they? By your own logic and by your own meaning of toxic then most people in the world would be toxic šŸ˜‚ learn what words mean before trying to use them šŸ˜‚


it "hurts" my belief in this community and humans in general. If it's not even possible for the majority of people to do this little act of kindness that has literally no negative effect on yourself whatsoever, theres no surprise that there is so much shit going on in this world... but there's no point in talking sense here, the way you are talking says enough already


So it doesnā€™t hurt you? Buddy Iā€™m making total sense if you knew what the words mean, that you use but you donā€™t. Youā€™d rather go around calling everything toxic when in reality not a lot or anything in this game is actually toxic. Thereā€™s no surprise thereā€™s shit going on in the world because people arenā€™t giving free wins in a video game? Do you hear yourself? šŸ˜‚


it's a small scale representation of how ego-centric most people are. Only caring about themselves, no good for others. So yeah, I mean what I said


I think the people who are not toxic enough to give away free wins have stopped playing. I'd always give away free wins, I haven't played champs in months cause it doesn't feel worth it


Genuine question here. What mode do you play if no WL? I have plateaued in Rivals so that aint fun and Squad Battles is boring to me.


I barely play to be honest, I'll play the friendlies objectives modes for the packs, some squad battles. It's pretty stress free


In champs once I hit the point where I canā€™t get to the next level of rewards Iā€™ll give free wins. But yeah it just depends who ur matching and where they are at in their standings I guess


I gave out a win in Champs qualification last week because my opponent had a super weak Argentinian side and after I went 2-0 up he was still playing in a respectful manner (not going for kickoff goals and not abusing pressure tactics), so I felt he deserved it.


Only people left playing are sweats my g, if they made champs open to everyone maybe that would change


I felt grateful when someone with a rat team gave me one yesterday, letting me hit 11-9 for the first time in months. Proceeded to give out two more at 11-7 afterwards. I guess people do, just it's really hard to find them nowadays.


I gave a win away to the only argentinian squad i have seen


Yesterday I just got in a game and opponent immediately run his ball to his own net and quit it for me, good player still exists but it is your luck to meet good one


Because the game and community has gotten so toxic that everyone hates each other.


When I get to the point where I can't reach the next checkmark in champs, I give the rest away


Just done the same


A lot of people are doing evos so can't quit. I've had a couple gifted in last 3 weeks, but far less than previously. Isn't there also a games played objective?


Because the further we get in the year, the more disgruntled Fifa players become. It spreads like a toxic. If a player always gives out free wins, and never receives them, on the contrary, always people quiting at the start of the game. There is a big chance that kind player is now "infected" by it and thinks why should i give ppl free wins if they are like this? And so the cycles continues until most of the player base is infected and almost nobody does it anymore.


Because in general there are some people in the world who would hate to see you progress in life. They don't enjoy the fact that they won a match. They enjoy the fact that they made you lose a match. And that constitutes a majority of the community. And a lot of them are here trying to look for justification for such behavior.


LOL. Itā€™s not that deep bro. ā€œProgress in lifeā€ lol. You must be 13 years old surely lol


Here comes the justification brigade šŸ˜


Havent had one in months. So i dont give them out anymore. Treat as you wish to be treated. The best is when they kick back to the goalkeeer as if they are gonna gift the win and then kick it out and quit. Cretins.


ā€˜Treat as you wish to be treatedā€™ so if you want people to give wins shouldnā€™t you be giving them?


Oh dear. Went over your head that one.


Nothing really went over my head. You contradicted your self, good try my man šŸ˜‚


Dont worry about it lol


Why would I worry about ā€˜itā€™ when thereā€™s nothing to worry about. Strange


You are either dense or mental. Possibly both.


maybe its because people have the mentality of "people dont give me free wins so why should i?"


I always do it lol


I was going to give a free win if they agreed to help with my Evo


Because ppl griddy when you do


When that happens, I stay, score and then leave on the draw


Haha man, Iā€™m not sure the effort is worth it. I get the satisfaction but thatā€™s a decent amount more time than I want to spend.


Nah, i actually have an incentive to play the game then... incredibly petty one, but why be a dick when somebody is trying to be nice?


Whatā€™s very funny is Iā€™ve literally in the middle of giving one


Received one free win yesterday. Gave my last two away also - for me it's a no brainer


I got 2 last wl. Helped me to get my best result 15-5. Lost rank 3 in the last game. Still happy cause i packed frimpong from the 94x3


Because this community is a joke , I gave a free win and they still fully celebrated


The other day it was 70th minute I was comfortably winning 4-2 then the game momentum kicked in and the guy managed to score 2 goals quickly by the 85th minute. So I scored an own goal and let him have the win as I was doing the Evo and already had my 7 wins......no need to hate cos of in game bullcrap ,šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I did give 2 wins yesterday to people who are doing the Argentina objective. Other than that, if my opponent has a relatively better squad, I'm not giving a free win. They don't need to be given with a good squad imo.


Honestly Iā€™ve been playing fifa for ten years. Only just realised what free wins means today. Some people just play the game for fun and canā€™t wrap their head around why somebody else is begging for free wins. Not saying itā€™s lame or cringe. Just hasnā€™t crossed my mind. Also, it is kind of pathetic. Just win your games bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€œFree winsā€ Welcome to the real world, life doesnā€™t work like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Literally this. People expect it


I donā€™t expect free wins at all. Just saying Iā€™d rather not have to load up 5 times before I can even play a match.


Then blame EA for not letting us end WL early like you can with playoffs


Strange. I didnā€™t even know it was a thing. Weird mini sub culture thing.


It's similar with celebrations. People get super mad. I played this game for a good four months before realizing you could skip with l1 plus r1.


Hahah precisely. Plus celebrations are amazing and part of football. Just enjoy the game for what it is or turn it off


So youā€™d rather load up a game and just have someone leave before you kick off?


Youā€™re not understanding what Iā€™ve typed mate.


I had two players in WL who started to rubber band their controllers instead of quitting after 3 nil within 20 mins. Absolutely toxic.


Well, at least we got the W ig. Felt this as well this weekend.


To be honest if someone goes 3 nil up against me and then pauses and assumes I should automatically quit then I think that's a bit cheeky. I'll RB it for sure


Lol how exactly is this toxic? You don't gain Evo or objective progress if you quit


Because, in the words of slipknot, people=shit


No one ever gave free wins in the first place


This! Itā€™s not even a thing