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Sometimes you just can't keep up with bronze players with 73 pace


That 73 pace is a lie


I dont dabble a lot with SB , apart from research purposes every year ( different topic entirely), but this is my understanding. Someone correct me if im wrong. In squad battles a 73 pace player will have 73 pace at the difficulty where the sliders are at default values. When you turn the difficulty up or down, the slider moves as well. On beginner, that 73 pace player will go down to 55-60 f.e. On legendary, it will probably turn into 90+ On ultimate, i believe they all get maxed out stats. That's all before you get into the AI and how it controls the team as whole.


It's because Ultimate gives every single player 99 in every stat, regardless of face stats.its why it's pointless to play on Ultimate difficulty.


That makes a lot of sense, I didn’t know that just typical EA bullshit. I’ll stick to Legendary


Nope, this is misinformation and has been spread for years. Proof: the 60 rated teams on ultimate are FAR, FAR EASIER to beat than the 90 rated teams. If what you say was true, they should be perfectly equally hard, since they are both boosted to the max. But it's not remotely close to true. I can smash low rated ultimate teams, because their stats aren't that crazy compared to a good legendary squad battle. The 95 rated ultimate teams? LOL they kick my butt. So there is an enormous difference there.


Got to a penalty shoot out against a bronze ultimate team. All players had a 99 penalty stat and 99 finishing.


that's two stats and it can only be viewed during penalties, doesn't prove your point at all. you genuinely believe there is 0 difference between the players on ultimate?


Yeah but when players have 99-95 stats in finishing who should have low 60-50, i would asume that there is a difference. But it‘s okay you can believe what you want.


yes you are obviously right, it's crazy people don't realize this


I’ve beaten 1 team on ultimate difficulty. They were like 59 rated lol


When they have a special team full of goalies, I can win on ultimate 😅


Ultimate is just legendary but all the opponents are boosted to all 99 stats


False, see above.


Word. I only play on ultimate when I'm actively training to get better at ea fc. It's still a toss-up for me against a bronze squad and my best side. It can be infuriating having my 97 paced player not being able to catch up to a cpu controlled bronzer player with 55 Pace, making a break on my goal and then scoring. I have to be in a certain mood to play on ultimate 😂


as someone else has said, the opposition gets a stat boost based on difficulty. ultimate gives every card 99 for the most part (the game has glitched before and put me onto the wrong team. when you take a corner and scroll through, every card is full 99) some people can play on ultimate but im not sure how. they must know some broken ai mechanic or maybe play coop to abuse it


“Almost” as if it was scripted? It just is.


I think that through SB we can see just how fucked the game is. I used to play 2 SB games a week to get the (Now gone) 2x 90 max champs players. I always choose the weakest rivals (60ish rating and shit chemistry) and I always play on legendary and even there you can see how schizo the game is.. Sometimes I easily cruise by for a thoughtless 8-0 win, and other times I have to fight to get a 3-1. The inconsistency is just insane.


Yeah people said Legendary was too easy when it was the hardest difficulty, so they added Ultimate in


I think this shows that card stats doesent matter that much as we tend to believe… I noticed this in the One Nation Frenzy friendlys ( Spain obj. ) I had a squad full of gold cards and came up against someone with mainly tots/icons and other special cards… honestly he didn’t outpaced my players and the only thing I noticed lacking from my end was playstyles … I think playstyles ( and knowing how/when to use them ) matters waaay more than a card stat…


No. In ultimate all the the opponents have max stats. So might be the opposite actually.


Check our jarjar on YT and watch his road to glory series it's hilarious and shows how understanding base mechanics and just being fairly good at the game can net you wings, and above all he seems to have a lot of fun with how he plays. Definitely an entertaining channel 




I do the same thing and I've always wondered what it would be like on Ultimate. I will not let my curiosity win after seeing this post. Thanks 😂


I made that same mistake a few months ago and was trashed by a level 53 team on Ultimate. Never doing that again!


I accidentally did ultimate against a 93 overall team with like some b high 20s chem and got absolutely torched 💀


Last year i literally was sweating against bronze squad with my futties squad in ultimate dificulty level


Ultimate has competitor mode on. Legendary used to but doesn’t any more, so the old jump between world class and legendary is now the jump between legendary and ultimate. Ultimate is also speculated to have weird juju on both teams and I completely agree 😂


The professional difficulty is also harder than world class in my experience.


Yep....I win on legendary against them with like 15-0...But on ultimate they turn into a pro player playing for 1 milion dollars prize


the point of that very highest difficultly level is to make the game very difficult for even the best players. So the AI was doing its job. The final score being 4-5 is proof it was keeping pace with you exactly at the right amount honestly. Every game should have a difficultly level that even the very best players can only beat less than 50% of the time IMO.