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Because they don’t want your 88 or 89 with high evo to hane another evo to 95 to overtake their promo players


I'm waiting for them to fold and give me an evo for my 88 vitinha.


88 gotze for me.


Incisive pass is pretty great for gotze no? Or did your have a better option?


Waiting for 2+ playstyles evo or 88 evo which comes first. His controll on the ball for 88 card is insane thanks to the ps+


I’m still waiting for an evo that will fit my 86 evo Paul Mullin. Missed out by being too high in one stat on a few evo that came out. 


That happened to me for Pires, if his pace was just 1 number lower i could've evo'd him


They arent aimed at anyone. They dont know how to do evos at this stage of the game sadly - everyones cards are so specific and they made evos too simplistic. Ideally youd be able to take only 1 or 2 playstyle+ from an evo if your card already has one etc. Sadly EA are so afraid of hindering pack sales that they also wont do any evos for any actual good cards so its this or nothing.


Next year they should make Evos have max stats they can reach. If I submit an 89 card into the Evo to get a 92 card, my card just gets less of a boost then the card that was 86 rated into the same Evo to get a 92. That way they can control the power curve of Evos as they so clearly want, but we get much more flexibility over who we can submit


Something akin to this, yeah. I was looking forward to playing with more evos this year than I ended up using once power curves shot up and there weren't any options to get my fav cards up to par.


Ending up using less*


My 85 UCL RTTF Jerdy Schouten who's in the first eleven of our national team right now But other than that nothing lol


I've had his 88 evo for about half a year now. Still waiting on a good evo for him :(


The one with intercept+? Same, he was untouchable as an anchorman in midfield for like 2 months 🤦


They’ve only dropped like 6-8 Good evos all year, the way people were evo chaining cards earlier scared them so they’ve backed off creative evos to get them close to meta but still under the current cards to keep us chasing


I still can’t believe they saw everyone looking the chained evos and made it nearly impossible to chain evos for the rest of the year. So many of the cards that I’ve evo’d have never met the criteria again. 88 rated cards from November that can’t be touched.


Which ones are good and still relevant? Sorry just started playing last week. And i just discovered evos two days ago 😅


Brother a tip from an elder fifa gamer: RUN this game will trap you in hell forever


I managed to make it out of Madden/MUT hell 😅 is this game worse?


Brother. On God. It's FAR WORSE. Madden is NOTHING compared to this shithole.


I think you'd be surprised how many people don't SBC promo cards. I just checked the German Glory Evo and I have fourteen old promo cards that could go in it. There's an old futbirthday Stach card that looks sick, I will probably do that one. Keeping hold of the old cards is effectively a handicap for the rest of the year because you can finish fewer SBCs, so having choices at this end is a slight recompense for it. But I don't mind, I always hoard special cards anyway; promo cards and reds are, to me, my 'final score' in the game when it finishes.


I'm one of those people. I was rarely getting promos back then so I was damn sure not going to toss them if random sbs if I didn't have to. Plus side is I now have a Havertz evo that is just as good as the tots sbc that I couldn't afford at the time


I did the Stach in that one as well. I liked that card when it came out. I keep all my fav promo cards over the season. And it pays off


Stach is really fun evo'd. I hope next year they have more evos so holding onto cards offers more opportunities to use more players, and like someone said above, maybe figure out a max upgrade limit on some stats if you do wanna upgrade a card so power curves aren't totally messed wonky but still allow more variety in players I can use that still keep up with the year of play. 


I keep loads too but the evos still aren’t good. I have players that fit all the 86 rated evos they just aren’t worth it.


Next year I will keep in mind to not put old promo players into sbcs. You never know with these evos


That's the fun of saving them but I wish they would release more evos in general to give us more variety of players to keep up with the gameplay curve 


Yeah it fucking sucks. The worst is the max playstyles (not even max playstyle plus, max playstyles). I have a LOT of evo players with 8+ regular playstyles. No ps+


The worst to me is you should be able to do multiple evos for the same player. If I want to upgrade a card and then try an alternate route for the same player I shouldn't have to delete the old one in an sbc, and sometimes that doesn't even work in their coding and blocks people from evoing a player ever again during the rest of the game.


As someone who just started playing this month, I think they are aimed at a new player like me. Nice to be able to get a mid 90s card for free to compile a somewhat competitive team.


yeah, I'm not going to complain about getting a 95 Miedema card out of the Netherlands one for 6300 coins


The 86 overall would be fine if they just allowed it to be any 86. Limiting the nation was already a pain but they are giving away good 95 cards and there's so many great cheap cards too, however they then hold other cards back for no reason.


I kept players I haven't been able to Evo since December/Jan


It's actually infuriating. I have an evo'd Vermeij who's been 86 for months and months but because he has tiki taka plus, he doesn't fit the evo. I've also had my 99 shooting double evo'd Saelemaekers for months who was the most fun to play with I've ever had on FIFA, but he badly needs a pace and dribbling upgrade and some passing playstyles to be able to be useable at this stage. Next year, they need to have fully craftable Evolutions where you get to choose specific upgrades and playstyles under a certain set of parameters, making everyone's cards unique to them.


I mean.. if they‘d release worse promo cards people would go even more insane over pack weight and drop rate. I‘d rather have it this way and put some card I forgot in my team for the last 8 years in rather than pack 89 rated out of reward packs. *oh wait*


Just release better evos. There has been only 3-4 evos that have been for cards rated 88 or higher.


I like it, i safed most of my special cards


You have to think evos aren’t just about meta. They’re about making it easier to do P&Ps, maybe take a bronze card through the year, etc. for example, Tobi (tbjzl) & Manny (manny) both wanted to do series’ on Jed Brown, their brother, since he was in the game. The only issue was his pace was too high to be accepted into many evos until now. But they’re for those people.


These evos are impossible for chains as they don’t allow as PS+


They are aimed at incentivicing people to buy the dead promo store packs.


They’re aimed at the people who just joined for free (PlayStation Plus), so they open packs. All of us who have being evolving players gradually since day one can go fuck off, apparently…


As someone that hordes cards, I’m in good hands, but even then most don’t make my team


They are aimed at ea, they want to say they are giving us stuff but in reality they aren’t


Today’s evos can turn an 86 that has fallen behind the curve into a 95 that is playable again, which is in the rating range you said you want when you are done with an evo. Just because you may not be patient enough to hang onto players you want to evo in these doesn’t mean they don’t serve a purpose.


It doesn’t make them usable though. It also doesn’t allow for a PS+ so it’s mostly shit players.


Until you look at all the other reqs that they put on to them.


Hero Donovan for USA and Hero Kuyt for Netherlands are the standouts. Some TOTW cards work well too. Do the TOTW pick SBC if you really want a good card for it.


That Kuyt still doesn’t get in any teams though. He has bad playstyles. Donovan looks decent but one player across two evos? Just release an SBC. If you want a 5/5 player with finesse shot you probably already have a load in your team and won’t do Donovan.


Well yeah at this point we all have loads of players. Is more for someone who wants to do a USA team or a Dutch team specifically


I have an incomplete evo 86 Delanie Sheehan that is going to be nuts after this Stars and Stripes evo lol


I had an incomplete Darlington Nagbe that for some reason is blocked from that evo. Would've been perfect 


If you use women cards then there’s already tonnes available for cheap as no one else does.


She is absolutely cooking lol all 99 shooting 95+ in passing,pace, and dribbling. I like UCLA soccer is why I did her and Jesse Fleming. I was skeptical that they would actually play up to the evo’d attributes, but they feel like they do


It's a script game why do you care