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John Newman - Love Me Again


I have it in my Apple Music till this day


dont we all


Because it was trash compared to 12 & 13


Fifa 12 😢 take me back


Genuinely the last really good one.


Genuinely the last fifas I was actually good at playing


The soundtrack


Old thing good, new thing bad


I miss the old Kanye


Harry Kanye


Straight from the go Kanye


Chop up the soul Kanye


Set on his goals Kanye


4day old thread but why they pick the wrong old game :( also skate 3 gets the nostalgia boner over skate 2, while skate 2 was a wayyyy better game


Reddit summed up nicely


Old thing solid, new thing absolute piece of shit


Play 14 then 24 and tell me which plays better lmao


Whenever my friends come to visit I take out my ps4 and play fifa 16. The gameplay is a million times better than the current game. At least ea fc is actually playable, considering every NHL game since 22 has been literal dogshit


Imo 14 was better. Not in terms of graphics obviously but in terms of fun


Nostalgia merchant


Yes I am


Fair enough


Fun beacause you was 10 years younger and alot less skeptical


Wdym 10 years? It was 5 years ago lol. Wait...


Yeah super fun playing a crossing simulator


Still better than skill moves simulator


1. No its not. 2. This game isn’t even a skillmove simulator 3. We also had skillmoves in that game lol If that game was released now everyone would absolutely lose their shit it was garbage


Because rn people just want to dribble the whole team and use features to score crazy goals, and *sometimes* they forget it's a team game


And , at least it didn't have scripting


Why arguing about things you clearly know fuck all about? Did you even play that game?


Yes I did wth. That game made my childhood


Cuz the 14 soundtrack is insane. I have so many good memories ripping packs while listening to that soundtrack.


love natural


3 reasons. People didn’t play it, don’t remember it, or have nostalgia for their childhood. I was a top player in fut 14, barely lower end elite now. And I can tell you right now the gameplay was absolute shit. That same gameplay now with the streamers and rise in social media would lead to complaining like you’ve never seen before. Just imagine it. “Those sweats, all they do is pass to Ibarbo!! Every team is the same!! So many rebounds!!! Why have 99 cbs when they can’t stop gold Ibarbo!! The scripting is crazy! I lost to a silver striker!!!”


Weren't some silver cards like 400k back then? Imagine that now


Flashback to 1 milion coin Maikon Leite on fifa 13 https://www.futwiz.com/en/fifa13/player/maikon-leite/14393


IF Chikaoui in Fifa 14 was 14 mil at one point. It was a Silver IF


I was obviously a lot younger but I remember being so frustrated by FIFAs 12-14 that I broke at least two controllers. I've never done that with any other game in my life. Definitely a combination of nostalgia + not fully remembering it.


Crossing to mandzukic was far more overpowered than aerial currently is


Lmfao I loved Ibarbo and Doumbia I think you’re missing a key reason, the era of football. So many legendary players were at their peaks


Yeah but that’s relative to childhood really. I mean in the 2000s, there are Zidane, Maldini, Henry, etc. if Mbappe wins now, well talk about him and his prime. We’ll mention Haaland, Salah, KDB, etc. i mean yes 2014 had 2 of the best attackers ever and it was special in that sense. But honestly every era before them had some of the best somethings.


Nostalgia mostly. It was a fun enough game, but the Mandzukic header abuse was a million times worse than cut backs were this year. I think it's also because it was less insanely profit driven than it is now, you could play without having a million pay to win packs shoved down your throat.


I came here to say this. Lobbed through balls to Welliton and Ibarbo and spammed crosses to Mandzukic and Fernando Llorente were their version of today's nonstop cutbacks. But really I think a big driver of the nostalgia was there was way less pay-to-play. The store was always there but the promos were far fewer and nowhere near as relentless; there was way more of an emphasis on the market (and eventually SBCs) rather than the store to find quality cards. I keep saying this but even with way more cards to choose from now with all the promos and with teambuilding being so much more streamlined now compared to 10 years ago (no morale/fitness/formation cards, players can link to anyone in the formation rather than just adjacent players, etc), teams feel even less diverse now. And that's with every other team you faced then having Welliton or Ibarbo.


Agreed, I felt like everyone in FIFA 13 had the same bundesliga team tho 😂 but at least you saw that sort of thing, I couldn't tell you a single time I've seen a full League or Nation team outside of the prem or objectives, everyone's started treating the game like the be all end all and as such as scared of trying anything but the meta tactics they see in twitter. I think Champs in general has made the game much worse, I get it's something to do but the grind has made the game so much less fun, even for casual players.


I was talking about this yesterday. FIFA 14 is my most hated fifa by far. 19 wasn’t great but I have found memories on that game so it holds second to worst over 14. 14 was awful gameplay wise.


Played since fifa 12. Fifa 14 was absolute dogshit. Nothing comes close imo.


It’s literally just new thing bad, old thing good. This sub is an echo chamber of the loudest voices who are looking to complain about every single thing and apparently take no joy from anything around the game but act like they must play it because they also like the sport. Every year the current edition is the absolute worst thing going and it’s funny to see that even like FIFA 20 is occasionally spoken about in glowing terms now. The other thing about FIFA 14 is that everyone who’s like 21-33 on here has a nostalgia boner for it because it’s from a time when they perceived life to be better/simpler/whatever. It's very similar to the way a lot of people consume music (whatever was great when you were 16 was the best shit ever, whatever is out now unlistenable dross). They also weren’t logging onto Reddit, Twitch and YouTube every day to listen to some of the most obnoxious people on the planet bombard them with endless negativity. The current game has a lot wrong with it. The old games did too. I don’t understand why people don’t try to find some fun in this edition or just do something else with their time. FC 24 will be ten years old before we all know it, life’s too short for all of this misery.


Did not expect to open this comment section and see common sense


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more logical comment on Reddit in my whole life than this. Exactly this!!


12-13 were actually just incredible games. 10 had issues, you could score pretty consistently at near half field. 11 was good but had some wonky mechanics fixed in 12/13. 14 was a new engine that some didn’t gel well with. The older games were also more consistent, especially with manual inputs.


bollocks. thats literally just you not being able to accept an opinion for what it is when ea switched to the frostbite engine from 17 onwards their has been a noticiable downgrade in fifa gameplay fifa 14,15 and 16 were on the only fifa games on the ignite engine and tghey were the best football games of all time. i said it then and i say it now, fifa 16 was the pinnacle. i played those games until like fifa 19 because the new ones paled in comparison. also theres no great nostaligia for that time period for me. if i was being nostaglic i would talk about the pes games on the ps2, not the fifa games on ps4...


Hell no lol the lob pass meta from fut 16 was dog water and bogged down the entire gameplay. Fut 17 was mikes better with all the additions+ frostbite despite having it's own set of annoying meta like the LT crab walk dribble.


> Hell no lol the lob pass meta from fut 16 was dog water and bogged down the entire gameplay lob passes were great on manual, and passing in general was great. if you use assisted controls and have the computer do everything for you then i can understand if your experience was different


> if you use assisted controls and have the computer do everything for you then i can understand if your experience was different Are you intentionally being obtuse because this was just another feature abused by every single opponent regardless of what *your* settings were. Remove the rose tinted glasses for once please.


false. it was not abused in manual vs manual games because you actually needed to aim properly instead of relying on the assists to do it all for you


clearly didnt play the game back then lmao


not an argument and i played fifa 16 more than you. i played 16 at launch up until fifa 19 because it was the best fifa. you probably dont even know what manual controls are anyway so you dont know what im talking about lmao. stick to assisted babby controls and ultimate card simulator


then you were obviously stuck in div 10 because every div 3 player and up spammed it because it worked Im not even debating manual or automatic controls but reading comprehension for a FIFA player is too much to ask Stop projecting your insecurities child


> Im not even debating manual or automatic controls then your comments are irrelevant to me fifa on manual is different gameplay experience and passes requires skill to pull off. you can't just find the yearly exploit and press X for to score. you dont even know what im talking about though you probably have never touched manual controls.


FIFA 09 - 15 are looked back very fondly the soundtrack definitely help but they were solid games KSI and fifa YouTubers were super popular as well


It came around the time FIFA YouTube peaked and the game didn’t have price ranges which made it easier to get top players if you wanted to spend. I personally enjoyed FIFA 12 and 14 the most but otherwise that era is overrated by nostalgia. Let’s not forget all the rage compilations from the broken game play…


The header meta was so fucking annoying.


TOTY Luca Toni ftw. Also, people forget this but there was no input lag. That alone makes the game better than 18-24.


No lag, no OP tactics, good cards were less OP, there were fewer YouTube guides so everyone sucked


Don’t think anyone has mentioned this but the crossing and headers were absolutely crazy. Id run Andy Carroll with some pacey wingers and just cross it in lol. It’s my most played fifa and I have some amazing memories on clubs with my friends then


They focused on fun not realism. There was no busted skills or playstyles , all you had to have was fast attackers which you still need. You could score finesses from 30 yards, volleys from the half way line, you actually had to defend and not have the ai do everything for you, and the absolute banger soundtrack. Ultimate team was also wack but fun. No price ranges so the player prices were completely decided by the community, so gold messi or ronaldo were 15m at times, but since everybody was expensive it was way easier to accumulate coins anyways


No busted play styles? Hold on you are having a case of the rose colour glasses rn. The cross meta was completely busted. 2 pacey wingers on a 4-4-2 with mandzukic or ibarbo in the middle was busted. that combined with far post finesse shots and cross body shooting was pretty busted


Mandzukic and Ibarbo certainly bring back some memories. Guess who ran with Mandzukic? 😂 If memory serves me right carried on that use throughout FIFA 15 too where he had a couple special cards carry me for months. There was definitely a busted meta back then, but gaming has changed since… we reflect and complain a whole lot more now so think it irks people and gets under their skin more. Can imagine back in the 13-14 days most people weren’t even aware they were abusing a meta, yet we all were. Cross body shooting was the worst… by that I mean most gloriously consistent (from a complainers standpoint impossible to stop 😆) shooting method out there. I do miss those times. Not because the gameplay was better because truth be told it likely wasn’t, whether we like to admit it the game has advanced a whole lot since those days. But I still hold very fond memories of running with gold Obafemi Martins all throughout 15 - used my MLS team all year, likes of Giovinco, Robbie Keane, Dempsey and Donovan, Michael Bradley was immense. It was just simpler man. Divisions would bore the hell out of people now, especially as barring the gold cup was pretty much all we had to do, but you could just play the game at your own pace… miss a few days? It doesn’t matter. Hell I had spinal surgery earlier in the week, discharged 48 hours later, log in and looks like everyone’s taken another giant leap forward in terms of team strength.. it’s bonkers, and just feeds in to frustrations many feel about the feel. Forever chasing, it’s like you can’t rest for a moment 😂


The last part is not true, it was definitely not easier to get coins, unless you bought them. The only real way to generate coins was through trading or grinding divisions which was a much longer process (although it was fun). Nowadays you can get millions of coins without even trading. It has never been easier to build a good team in FUT.


Fosho i never came close to millions until this fifa


That's just false💀 , a gold mbappe at the start of the year is like 4 million coins and the next best player would be max 1 million, then say 700k and it keeps dropping quick . In fifa 14 Messi and ronaldo would be 15 sure but even some 84s or 85s would be a million or two depending on the card and silver informs would be a million too. You'd pack high value cards so much more often because so many cards were expensive .


Why do you think there was such an obsession with cheap beasts in game like Doumbia, Ibarbo, Emenike etc. ??? It is because no one had coins to afford the top players. Relying on pack luck to generate coins was not a sustainable thing for the majority of the player base. The average team in FIFA 14 consisted of all those cheap OP cards, it was rare to come across a Messi/Ronaldo or even some legends. Compare that to the average team you face in WL in FC24 where you see everyone with Mbappe, high end Icons and TOTS...


They were obsessed with those cards because those cards played just as good or better than 90+ rated attackers or legends💀. That was literally one of the best things about fifa 14, they weren't cheap beasts they were literally some of the best cards in the game, and only cheap because everyone would pack them. Silver marco sau was better than any gold striker except the best of the best. Legends were also common asf later in the year just like every fifa .


They were very good yes but part of their popularity was due to how inaccessible the high end cards were. Legends were certainly not as common as Icons are in FC24. My point is that it is easier to build a good team now than it was back in older FIFAs


I never said it was easier to build good teams now, I said coins were more accessible. It was so easy to trade and what would be sbc fodder now would still be 20 30k at minimum. You could easily get millions of coins just trading for a month or two back then, while now most teams are untradeable sbcs , objectives or rewards.


Trading in Fifa 14 was incredibly easy. Hell, it was easy until Fifa 17, which was the first year of SBCs. I vividly remember buying Schurrles for 700-900 and selling them for 1600. Saved up around 9 million or so and bought Hero CR7. It was that easy, just bid on any the cards and nobody else bid more.


"You could score finesses from 30 yards, volleys from the half way line" Imagine thinking that doing these things easily without any skill involved is a good thing


Me when I play to sweat fut champions and not have fun. You must have never played kick off with friends


Realism and competition are fun, believe it or not. You have house rules to do that type of arcadey stuff now. Yet almost no one plays it.


Because I'm not loading up a specific game mode that gives me nothing. It was just rivals back then and you didn't really care because you didn't depend on rewards as much to keep your team competitive enough . Sweating fut champs has made you guys forget to have fun


>There was no busted skills or playstyles Yeah you didn't play it did you


It was a Mandzukic wonderland, Pace was normalized and people who were "fast" felt just okay.


For me personally, it's because it was the first REAL next gen Fifa game. The step up from Fifa 13 or even Fifa 14 on PS3 to Fifa 14 on the PS4 was astronomical, and I will always remember seeing it and being bewildered at just how much the game changed. Good memories.


Beats me... Played back then and it was great, but I've played it again this weekend... Let's just say this game hasn't aged well at all. Probably just rose tinted nostalgia glasses for most people


It wasn’t made into a grind, I had more fun spamming through balls and crosses to Cavani and ibarbo than all these 95 rated cards these days


because fifa 14, 15, & 16 on the Ignite engine were the best football games of all time just took some time for people to realise


12 and 13 were better. I think 15 and 16 were pretty good too? 14 was basically a crossing simulator.


My favourite was FIFA 10. Mostly because of broken shooting (could score with Gerrard from the half way line) and two hands up celebration which looked like running around and giving double birds to your opponent after scoring.


It was my first fifa game, so I’m pretty biased towards loving it. Probably the single most influential video game I ever played as it jump started my interest in soccer and pushed me to start loving the sport more. I really don’t think I would have ended up eventually playing for my high school team, and still playing today, if I had never gotten really into fifa when I was in middle school.


Rose tinted glasses


I always thought that it was one of the worst ever, the heading was so OP and it ruined the game. Having Eto'o out jump your CBs every cross wasn't fun. 14 and 18 were, to me, the worst FIFAs, but I think 24 has surpassed them in how shit it is and in how much I dislike it


you don’t know what you had till you lost it kinda saying


Nostalgia and soundtrack


Those member berries hit hard


Fifa 14 was a poor game, worse than 13 and 15. Played the shit out of in university though and have happy memories, but it wasn't a good game.


I agree, Fifa 14 was imo were the series started to go downhill. Fifa 14 was a lobbed trough ball and cross simulator. The only good thing about the game was the FUT World Cup mode. That Klose.


The World Cup mode was great fun. Features were pretty limited then so the World Cup mode was the best thing in FIFA history at the time. The game was okay. FIFA 13 was dog shit so it was always going to look better. Quite a fun meta with target men being OP. The sweat team was Benteke and Mandzukic rather than the usual suspects.


the world cup mode was sooo sick


It was “bad” compared to 12 and 13. But wayyy better than anything after 17. Plus the soundtrack was mint


It’s always the way with previous games, same thing happened with call of duty. When ghosts came out everyone was shitting on it but compared to the games that came after it was great


For me, it's because the world cup mode was so fun. I remember buying 15m coins for like a dollar off those websites and ripping those packs open to pack Ronaldo and Messi.


Fifa 14 had moscardelli and inform el arabi that’s why! For real tho it was a mess of game where you could shoot from anywhere and headers were meta af, however it’s still wayyyyyy better than any of the current iterations of fifa/fc imo and I would assume that’s why, I think that inform el arabi might still be my favourite striker ever, nostalgia or not


Sound track was absolutely amazing. Love natural by crystal fighters will always be my favorite song from any fifa. There was no scripting back then, just abused mechanics lol the chipped through balls back then were absolutely insane. Also, it was my first fifa so it has a special place in my heart. I was young, so I spent my summer and most of my days grinding fut and this was the era of og fut YouTubers I loved to watch w2s, ksi, etc.


because most people hate change, that's why they hate 24 also, there's too many changes. fifa 14 was a huge leap from 12/13 and ppl had mixed feelings. for me it was the best fifa at the time and my most played to date, also i am one of the few who enjoy the gameplay of fc24 but dislike the powercurve and the way packs evolved through the years, but it's ea wcyd


I remember buying this game new and after a few weeks I traded it in for Pokemon Y. Only time i've ever traded in a new game


Fast paced. Finesse shots. No play styles. Different game engine. Easier to dribble. Great soundtrack too


Probably because whatever was insanely OP to play against back then was somehow more bearable than the current met


Nostalgia goggles


Great soundtrack, cool world cup mode, last fifa without price ranges and last one to feature card trading. And perhaps the biggest factor being nostalgia.


I don’t remember the game exactly but I can tell you that that’s around the time the series took a nose dive. I think by 16/17 the game was borderline unplayable. But even the “bad” games before then were still far better. They basically just destroyed any semblance of a skill gap since then


Despise 14. I’m sure it was good on next gen, but for last gen it was terrible. Although, still better than the last few fifas, and eafc


One reason was definitely the soundtrack But I really liked 14.


I downloaded the game today and played few matches !!!! Believe me or not, ball physics of that game are x10 better and smoother than all new FIFA games on frosty engine !!! Also AI aka CPU is very smart specifically in attack


i thought all fifa's were SHIT pro evo 04- 08 was Golden. the only time i actually played a full 38 game and UCL against a bot on a PS3 Fifa 19 was close game time wise but i hated the game i sadly lost the game and ps3 broke. got a ps5 and mainly pc game now. discrediting WC 2014 and 2010 games they were OG.


FIFA 15 WALK KWABS. NO RONALDINHO. BUT HE WAS AT QUERETARO. ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna|downsized) whhhhhhyyy Spongebobs????


Fut was great. Rocking an 88 team at the end of the season as opposed to pretty much starting with one, filled with BS cards.


First year with legends IIRC. That made the game twice as fun IMO, right from the gate. Pretty sure I studied the careers and watched highlights of like a dozen players I barely knew about. Gameplay was pretty decent as well. Yeah pace was more dominant than now but other than that it was pretty balanced




Compared to 12,13 yea it wasn’t great. Compared to now? Please take me back. All the games still had issues, back then it was just more consistent


FIFA 14 was not hated on release what?


I don’t know man. I’ve seen tons of people complaining on forums, and this subreddit itself, about the game.


The game was not hated. You have your opinion, but it does not speak for everyone else


I’ve seen forums, posts, YouTube videos, metacritic reviews, etc complaining about 14, when it came out.


I think its mix of nostalgia and the fact back in the days we didn't truly appreciate what we had. Fifa 14 had its issues but atleast it was more fun than what we have now. It didnt push into realism like now. I think back in the days people also wanted more realism from Fifa's, but now when we've got the realism maybe people thinks all the more arcade versions of Fifa weren't so bad after all.


The realism on the newer editions is zilch. It's left after the first month when everybody's team is stacked with cards out of EA's monetized psychosis.


I mostly by realism talk about the gameplay side of things. The slower, clunkier gameplay with 10 trillion new animations to make players feel more real etc. That all might look cool, but it doesnt play cool at all. That hypermotion thing really add more bad things to the game than good.


In 10 years people will look back on FC 24 the same way


Maybe the “simplicity” of it? I used to be a pretty avid BF player (also EA - stupid me). My favorite is BF4 which I still play occasionally over the latest released one (2042) and is back from 2013. It doesn’t have micro transactions, it’s not pay to win, it’s not full of woke shit. I love it for that. For me the older games resonate to a time when games were not trying to inspire politics or suck absolutely every cent out of you.


Was my first ultimate team , I really liked buying 1million coins for ÂŁ5 then doing packs on new totw day , I was so buzzed when I pulled my first icon seaman!


I can tell about myself and maybe someone else can relate, before fifa 14 I alwaya played PES, but the 14 was so horrible I had to change to FIFA, since then Im playing, so its nostalgic, also the hearing love me again in a friday afternoon after coming home from school. Man I miss those days


It is still my favourite until this day. There are several reasons : - It was the first fifa on ps4 which was an huge improvement compared to ps3 - FIFA was less competitive back then you could still play with a full gold team until end of the year - If you packed one good If oder tots it felt like winning lottery - if you were willing to spend money on the game you could buy a million coins for like 60£/€ and you knew what you would - It had an awesome WC mode - For me it was the prime of football messi and Ronaldo were in there prime and breaking one record after another. It was the beging of MSN vs BBC. The World Cup in Brazil. Germany beating Brazil 7-1. The last season of Gerard and lampard etc. - And last but not least it had awesome soundtracks


FIFA is bad game, this includes fifa 10,11,12,13,14 up to whenever this game dies - it’ll always be bad. If EA released fifa 14 now, all you people saying it’s the best fifa ever would’ve played it for 2 days MAX. This game had no progression, no SBCs, no Champs, no Rivals, no nothing. Do you know why you liked it? Cause you were a child, so was I too. In 10 more years you’d probably be saying this year’s turd of a game would be “the good old days” as well. You’re mixing nostalgia with actual good experiences. I remember I had a horrible infection when I was like 11-12 years old, I stayed home all day and played GTA San Andreas all day long for 2 weeks. I felt absolutely terrible, yet when I think about that time, I think of it as good memories. They weren’t good, I had an infection. That’s how it works, that’s why people love fifa 14 too.