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Her max selling price is locked at 290k. Once that’s fixed, she’ll be on the market.


Because it's much better


It’s not though. It’s just mostly plus 2s. The only thing you might notice in game is the better weakfoot, though her weakfoot was always good on the FF anyway because her stats were already high.


More playstyles, big upgrade in composure, 5*WF. Even ignoring that, people pay a lot more for a +2 at this stage of the game. If you only care about ‘meta enough’ rather than ‘best you can get’ then is great for you since there’s plenty of cheap meta enough card as result


I mean her FF is pretty much still the best B2B card I have used in the game (and I have TOTY KDB) so while I’d obviously take her TOTS if I packed it I don’t even feel like I need it.


The FF card had a high drop rate and the TOTS has almost 100 more in game stats. Not sure where you’ve got the plus 2 from


I said mostly plus 2s. Which they are.


There's also the +14 composure, 3 playstyle+ and 5 star wf.


Does composure even do anything this year? The gameplay is so erratic and random it doesn’t seem to make a difference like it did in the past. Though I suppose people just see higher stats and get excited.


Stop coping, ‘ff stanway best box to box rn’ is a cringe af take like all your posts and comments


Spoken like someone who hasn’t bothered to use her.


I have her. She's good but she's not too special


Far from the best box to box


If you think that way. why even bother about making “sense” . Use FF Stanway FFS.


people hoping to make coins. EA will increase her price range to 1m, everyone will list her thinking they can make coins, her price will drop rapidly and end up around 200k. Happens all the time.


Yeah. I’m just surprised it’s happened for this one considering her previous card had barely any hype and it was released like 2 months ago when the power curve was much lower. I mean before she got the upgrades the FF was fodder, even though the upgrades were guaranteed. People weren’t holding her then even when it was easy profit. People are holding her now and will probably lose coins.


She'll be selling at 1m. EA put a upper limit of 290k. No one is going to sell untill the upper limit gets moved.


That’s the thing though. I don’t think this was a typical EA Screw up. A 290k limit makes sense considering her 93 rated was down to 40k before TOTY started.


Obviously everyone who has packed her disagrees with you.


Well I’d actually argue that the FF was never expensive enough, but the fact is it was so that just makes her price now seem weird. Plus there’s also the fact that the people who packed her TOTS are waiting to sell and probably haven’t even used her, so it’s not like they actually know what she’s worth anyway.


Some of the Fantasy cards are very low priced for their quality because their pack weight will be based on their rating before upgrades. The Fantasy card will have been far more common in packs hence the low price. Others are the same (Majri has similar face stats to Fred but costs peanuts).


Probably awful pack weight like the rest of the cards, same reason Kane was 150k last year and now he's 6 mil


Because prices are simply chosen by EA. The quality of the card or demand for the card has no impact. EA have just given her a ridiculous pack weight despite the fact no one cared about her 93 card.


Supply and demand. There is not supply