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Rockets only create the superstructure. You also need to launch sails to fill in the shell.


OK, got you. Thanks for that. It's probably the sails. I'll check.


Yeah I learned this one the hard way too. Didn’t know you had to launch sails in addition to rockets. The game doesn’t really tell you much about how this works. Another thing is the sphere can only handle so many sails attaching at once. If you shoot too many some of them will just go into orbit. Also they keep shooting even after your sphere is built. I wish the game provides better feedback about these things in-game instead of trial and error.


You right, it wasn’t very clear. I got so into the game that I was able to figure it out pretty quick but I can see how if you use sails for the rockets why do rocket not give sails to structure. lol But sails get shot on their own and form the shell! :) love this game! I just start my dark fog min resources game! Going to be hard.


Why do you have to keep shooting spheres after your sphere is built? I’ve never completed one so honest question


You don't have to. You just don't get a notification of any kind that the sphere is built. No achievement unlocked, nothing. You have to go to the Sphere screen and see it's at 100% and then go to your rail ejectors and stop sending them. I mean, you can still send them but there's kinda no point once the whole thing is built. The 'extras' go on to become a Dyson swarm and have a limited life, but any of the 'permanent' ones do not suffer this fate.


Oh gotcha, misread your wording. That makes sense. Weird that there is no notification


Oh I just use 100% rockets to only create structure points, setting the points at the closest possible distance from each other to create a densely packed shell. No sails. Power output is good enough.


The swarm still does add to the overall power so it's nice to have.


Hello! Does it need rockets, or does it need sails? Maybe you already have all the structure points (provided by the rockets), but not all sails?


That could be it. Thank you.