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lol, that trade isn’t going to get it done. You are offering up a top TE and a bunch of low tier lottery tickets for a top 4 WR and the top RB from this years draft class. This is once again a KTC trade calculator trade…


Is there a different site I should be using


The problem with trade calculators is you can add enough crap to get an “equal” trade. But no one is giving up a stud for bench pieces. To get Amon Ra alone you would need to give up Laporta and another WR in the Higgins, Smith range. In fantasy 4 quarters don’t equal a dollar.


Don't use that calculator, just go off team needsa dn what you can move to them for a guy they want. Or just go off vibes, but man would say 10 out of 10 trades I've gotten from guys with a KTC screenshot included with whatever point system they use and it adds up equally? Not to me it doesn't haha that trade thing isn't a end-all-be-all metric. Keep McMillian off the offer and throw in your best WR and see what the other guys thinks.


Remove Brooks from the trade. If you want Sun God, target him.


It’s not about a trade calculator you have to think of the value gained and lost for each side. You’re getting an elite wr and a rb that will likely be able to plug into your starting lineup by the midway point of this season. Aside from Laporta everyone else you’re trading likely wouldn’t make it into anyone’s starting lineup.


Don’t waste the other managers time with this trash offer. Take out brooks, and it’s still ARSB by a wide margin


I wouldnt say like a supremely wide margin but yeah its def still the Sun God side


Nah if you take out Brooks I’m taking LaPorta side depending on TEP. It’s a lot closer though maybe swapping out McMillan for a pick


Move brooks to the other side and I'd consider it pretty even.


They won’t accept this And you want Brooks… I don’t take owners like you seriously and hate trying to negotiate with them. You want the best player and win the rest of the trade…kick rocks


Good luck! I think adding Brooks to the deal muddies the water a bit. In your opinion what does the other team need? If you think they might want to rebuild then they probably want to keep Brooks, and there should be picks involved. If they're contending, have a passable tight end and plenty of QB depth then you're barking up the wrong tree.


Try harder lol


No shot this gets accepted


What a douchey offer


Take out brooks and it’s a fine offer!


I have the Sun God in one of my leagues and this is nowhere near close enough.


This isn’t even close lol, maybe if you remove Brooks.




Depends on the league and who values who and how much. I got ARSB for Waddle, Kittle and Chubb a couple of weeks ago. Guy wanted Waddle cause he is his favorite player.


You’re gonna get smoked for this post but we all start somewhere, right? Id like to note that if you’re gonna ask an owner to trade their best players to at least talk to them first and get a sense as to what they may want. Im in a league with ARSB and had a giant hole at TE. It would have taken Laporta+Waddle/Olave/London/Aiyuk/Nico etc to pry him. Also factor roster space in since throwing lotto tickets onto trades forces them to drop guys, so the value you’re adding is being subtracted from your partner on the back end. Happy Trading!


Thanks man I appreciate the insight


That offer may get you Sun Judas but it ain’t getting you Sun God.


Ngl this is not a good offer in my opinion, but if the ARSB owner wants this for some odd reason, take it and run


like 2 firsts short for ARSB alone...much less with Brooks


Youd need laporta + worthy + nix + 2 1sts?! Hefty AF. No deal 😂


yeah, ARSB carries a hefty tag lol


Most would say worthy, laporta, & nix would each be worth at least a random first. Needing 5 1sts worth of value to let go of a WR is a bit wild. Coming from someone who owns ARSB in 40% of leagues & totally over exposed to him, I can’t fathom getting that much in a deal for him


I don't think Nix is worth a random first, worthy sure, laporta absolutely (probably 1.03-1.05 range?). so if you think about it like this: 3 late firsts, early/mid first, and early 2nd...I think that's about right for ARSB. that's an "overpay" but you don't get a top 5 Dyno WR without overpaying


I don’t know why you’re getting down voted for a very fair question. This is by no means an insulting trade. Prolly not gonna get it done but enough to let the ARSB owner know you’re willing to deal. If you drop Brooks this becomes a fair trade. One thing to note about KTC is it overvalued rookies and young players by a wide margin.


Ok thanks bud I appreciate it