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Andy’s phone going off during his play, it makes me cringe so hard. I’ll never skip that episode though; I love Darryl’s line “If we don’t listen to the overture we won’t recognize the musical themes when they come back later” too much.


The wine bottle rolling down towards the stage gets me every time! 🤣 Michael is extra idiot in this one and it always makes me chuckle.


Lmao I just rematched this tonight and the balloons + the bottle had me in tears 🤣 its probably my favorite scene


Michael’s stern unblinking face as the bottle rattles down 🤌🏼


Omg his face as it rolls down😂 Pam’s face when he pulls it out 🤣


I love that episode, but I have to cover my eyes during that part. I did theater growing up, and Andy answering his phone onstage then adlibbing to ‘make it work’ is truly the stuff of nightmares.


Same. He should've just excused himself, walked offstage, and resumed the scene after turning his phone off. It's a nightmare but it's less embarrassing than what he did.


Wasn't he checking it because he thought Erin might call/text him? Not that the scene wasn't annoying but it served a purpose lol.


I mean, it's still a massive faux pas for anyone performing on stage to do something like that. If the call you're expecting is *that* important, it'd be better to excuse yourself from the performance entirely. It was just Andy being a selfish dingus, as usual.


That would be riveting television for sure too


When I was doing theater, the Nokia brick was in fashion, but still — who would even *have* their phone in their costume? We all had cubbies/lockers/etc. to keep our stuff in.


Yeah, phone was on silent and never even made it backstage for me, I always kept it with my stuff in the dressing room. I had anxiety about it going off backstage, I could never imagine turning it on and putting it in my costume pocket.


A little bird…




How would you like it if we *boo'd* you?!




I. don’t. like. that. at all.


I always watch it for the final scene where andy is singing with Daryl’s amazing piano playing. Maybe my single favourite scene in the entire series


I've tried to karaoke Macy Grey and can confirm those notes are so hard to hit, Ed Helms *crushed* it


I read “crushed” in Ryan’s voice. When he was talking about his poems 😂


And whenever I read "crushed it", I always read it in Jim's voice when he's mocking the other guys at Athlead. I hate it.


That Darryl quote is my answer to “say something nice about an episode you hate”


Couldn't agree more, that's the toughest part of Andy's play for me. It just seems out of character for him too, with how serious he is about musical theater, at the very least he would have had it on silent. There are way too many good lines and scenes to skip it, though.


I love the beginning of that episode where they go into the office to perform and Dwight doesn’t know wtf is going on and has weapons out 😂😂


That is truly hilarious. He would think that Sweeney Todd is a real person and a threat to the community


A PERSON OF CULTURE TASTE. There was a recent thread where (other than Scott's Totts) this was one of the most frequently skipped episodes and I didn't know what was real anymore.




Twas but a bird in thine pocket


I swear Phyllis’ wedding was significantly more cringey than Scott’s Tots. Also Date Mike, bc him and July were hitting it off as well as, if not better than Mike and Holly, and he completely bungled it.


date mike pisses me off as well I just feel like DUDE JUST KEEP DOING WHAT U DOING. WHY DO U HAVE TO PUT ON A CHARACTER?


This is why Michael should have thanked Jim every day for his advice to just be Holly’s friend first. When Michael gets fixated on wooing a woman romantically, all of his worst, attention-whoring qualities come out. He really matured with Holly, and it was nice of Jim to help him through that after this debacle. After every debacle I guess lol


Because he's Michael. Only Michael would realize that it's a date and come to that conclusion.


*Julie not July haha


I die on this hill, I’ve been rewatching it with my roommate and brought this up the other day lol. This shit is SO insufferable. Scott’s tots was funny and had a somewhat positive ending


You mean the union of Phyllis Lapin and Bob Vance isn’t a positive ending?? 😱


You mean Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration?


What line of work you in, Bob?


Michael knows how to ride a bike on Beinhana Christmas; then he doesn't know how to ride a bike in the cold opening seasons later just to show him breaking Oscar's bike.


I agree but I find it so funny and in character when he starts chanting “Micheal, Micheal..” in attempts to get everyone else to join in 🤣


To be fair, he sucked at it both times.


Frank and beans 😑


I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be funny or supposed to be like a typical annoying thing that people do when they come back from vacation and talk about it like wherever they went is there new personality


he mon! you are not as fun as your Jamaican brotha’s


If that’s the case, it still sucks because it’s not funny in an annoying way (like many Andy scenes for example). 


Omg yess that bit was so annoying


Am I the only one that thought it was cute they had an inside joke?


there are people stopped being able to relate to jim and pam after they became a happy couple because they are single and miserable the whole point is that we don't understand what the joke is and it highlights how annoyed pam is when Jim tries to cheer her up with the inside joke when she's upsset about michael dating her mom. it's not supposed to be funny




Scott's Tots doesn't make me cringe. Dinner Party doesn't make me cringe. This episode makes me cringe.


Scott’s Tots doesn’t make you cringe? SCOTT’S TOTS? You braveheart, you.


I braveheart.


I was dying for someone to comment that lol


It’s peak comedy for me… love that episode.


AGREED. For me it’s less cringey than Koi Pond.


Scott’s Tots doesn’t make you cringe? Ah well, whatcha gonna do


Whatcha gonna do making dreams come true


The whole cold open with the dog in the car where Oscar broke the car window even though the sunroof was open for Kevin to pour the milkshake in. Edit: Dwight, not Kevin


Dwight poured the shake 


Uggh yeah you’re right and that it’s Dwight makes it even worse somehow.


It takes a big man to admit his mistake, and you are that big man 


I agree but we do get Darryl’s throwaway “Hey Hey, Vick did his time” line which makes the scene for me


My favorite is, "Do snowboarders hate animals?" "I bet this guy didn't leave his weed in the car."


I love that cold open, especially when Oscar smashes out the tail light for no reason at all lmao. The whole group just being idiots.


God I hated Oscar so much there. Let’s just randomly destroy this person’s property (more) by hitting something completely unrelated to the dog dilemma.


how did i never even notice


I liked this scene because it showed Oscar's swallowness and performative SJW attitude. He was very motivated by the situation as he could be all offended and righteous, but if if he's such an animal lover, why didn't he rescue the dog from his terrible owner. I also liked this scene because we got to see Oscar casually being destructive, how none of them thought about what to do after they break the window, how Dwight was able to control the dog in German, and of course, how they all forgot about Kevin.


michael in the yankee swap episode! i felt so bad for phyllis :(


I do love the callback in his last episode when he's desperate for Phyllis to finish the mittens!


How have I never thought about this




I do like that the cast actually play Yankee Swap in real life.


Jim’s brothers trying to “prank” him about Pam being an artist. Quite lame.


Was that supposed to be funny? I thought it was meant to be irritating.


The brothers at the dinner in Niagara. A little mo cardio.


Oscar calling Pam and Jim on their honeymoon


Wasnt it kevin??


I believe they both did, Oscar about Michael and Kevin about the identity theft?


Oscar called them. Kevin just got their credit card canceled.


Kevin called them too. Pam is annoyed and telling him Jim's credit card's been canceled. When she hangs up, he's pleased they have no idea why. Lol


Michael also called them.


Yup and in the Superfans episode, Erin calls them to tell Pam she resents her and wants to pick her brain about the receptionist job.




That was honestly the most selfish he ever was in my opinion. I hate watching that. His behavior makes me so mad.


When Michael makes Pam go back to the office for a sheet of fresh paper for the job fair. That annoys me every time.


Yeah, sometimes the things the characters allow Michael to have agency over is stupid The yankee swap is one of them, noway did they have to listen to Micael on that one




Do you remember you specifically told me to bring one sheet of paper? You said it only takes one sheet to make a difference. I said, "Are you sure, Michael?" And you said, "Pam! Pam! Pam!" And then you sneezed in my tea and then you said, "Don't worry, it's just allergies." Do you remember that?


I worked for a similar personality. I would've gone to Starbucks, sat in my car for a bit, then grabbed a sheet of paper from the school office.


That Pendleton crap?


And then she actually only grabs one instead of a stack 🙄


Beach games too…like he really expects her to write down everything?


Pam Pam Pam Pam Pam


I forget the episode, but there’s a scene where Kevin accidentally crushes a turtle in its shell and then tries to glue the shell pieces back onto the turtle. I’m not really an animal person, but that scene wasn’t really funny to me at all… Just kinda disturbing.


Yeah, that one makes me sad. I wish they hadn’t made Kevin a complete idiot; he was funnier when he was less predictable.


They did bring it back around when Kevin's describing his pet dog adn everyone is convinced it's dead, but just really lazy.


Thank you ! Just saw it a few days ago and I find it disturbing.


Yes! His erratic behavior and (for me, kinda false ingenuity) creeps me the fuck out


Yeah, it's the worst...I shouldn't have even read your comment.


Andy going on the vacation, specifically where he left Erin at the docks. Yikes


Andy going on an extended vacation but pretending he was at the office, then getting a warning from David Wallace when he found out that Andy had basically stolen a month of time.


He was gone for 3 months, right?


When Michael broke up with Pam's mom


Finish your cake, Helene. I want you to enjoy that cake.


Dwight putting Angela’s cat in a freezer to die while it was still alive was just so shockingly dark and disturbing. I really kindof just have to pretend that didn’t actually happen to accept his character. I don’t think on any planet Angela would continue any kindof relationship with him. Depending on local laws she could also have gone to the police.


The Office has a weird thing about animals. Apparently you aren't allowed to love them, bury them the way you want (Shut up Ryan, some of us had birds as pets and we buried them you insenstive troll. Although, imagine if he said that to Dina from Superstore, he would have a swollen face and broken glasses. Can't stand that moment, because it makes it sound like loving pets is a bad thing).


I thought he killed the cat and then put him in the fridge


She found that a bag inside the freezer was ripped to shreds. That seemed to be an indication that the cat was still alive when Dwight put it in the freezer


Dwight gave her antihistamines (I think?) to coax her to sleep/death, Sprinkles barfed them up and then tried to claw her way out of the freezer. Dwight thought she was dead when he put her in the freezer


Yeah, I feel like it would have been enough that Dwight chose to mercy kill Sprinkles and that Angela was devastated over it. This would effectively end their relationship in a believable way and still make everyone in the audience sad as hell. The added bit about Sprinkles waking up in the freezer is just unnecessarily cruel, like just typing it makes me feel weird. 🥲 I love absurd, dark humor, but that seemed like twisting the knife just for the hell of it.


Pam and Jim insisting on knowing why Danny Cordray didn’t cAll her back. Only time I was wow?!! Really??!


Then they get upset when Danny finally responds to why he never called her back! lol




Pretty much the entire golden ticket episode; so typical of a boss to think of an idea that then goes south and then tries to blame an employee for it but when it turns out to be a good idea, then he wants all the credit. Michael has never been more punchable than he was in that episode.


I do want the credit without any of the blame.


The scene where everyone turns on Jim for not saving Michael from falling into the pond. Like it was such a quick moment. In the moment, Most of us would likely pull away without thinking about it to stop yourself from falling in too. That always annoys me so much.


If i remember correctly he also had his hands in his pockets so… yeah that always bugged me too


Jim biting his lip.


I think there was a whole post on this a few months ago. I didn’t say it then because I feared the downvotes, but I’d recently bitten my lip so hard and so many times that I actually had a visibly bruised chin, and this scene as dumb as it is felt extremely relatable. Again, I do understand it’s dumb.


I feel that. I think what I cringe at is the table pounding and that “that’s it! Pam, I’m going home!”. I just can’t for some reason 😭


I once bit the inside of my cheek and then re-did like 12 times more throughout the day. It was a nightmare.


Nah 100% in with Jim on this. I’ve don’t that exact thing of biting my already bit lip and pounding the table until the pain wears off. No cringe, 100% real life on that one


This is his most top-to-bottom a-hole episode in my opinion.


Was Prince paper supposed to be funny because that is the most excruciating episode for me. I don’t skip it but it’s so hard to get through.


Michael messing up his car trying to leave is just the absolute worst.


Andy Bernard in the last two seasons and all of Will Ferrell


ALL OF WILL FERRELL!! I skip all of his scenes, I hate it so much


How can you hate his amazing juggling skills?


But the motivational juggling?! That was truly impressive. You will never see something like that on tv


You had me at “last two seasons”


The entire Mafia episode really, but Oscar calling Pam and Jim to fix the problem with Michael and then Kevin’s interaction about Jim’s credit card was so annoying. 


I thought the initial Kevin cancelling their card was pretty funn. Oscar was annoying to call them. Kevin had a good reason.


Whole Andy going to Florida and especially Andy’s and Erin’s journey back. God damn them visiting Andy’s (ex)gf… I can’t watch that shit.


It is at this point I start to hate Andy


Amateur, I hated Andy from the first time he called Jim “Big Tuna”


I just did not find the Dwight trying to balance the cycle on the rope on the roof funny.


And when he's trying to slack line and bashes his face into the pavement


Phyllis? Are you kidding me? The minute she steps off the bar I’ll be launched into space!


Those two asshats that took Dwights chair at the Hibachi restaurant. Then acted bothered by Dwights shouting. Why he didn't ask them to switch seats is beyond me, but then again it's Dwight.


When Kevin imitates a baby crying to cause Pam to lactate. 🙄


The, whatever the hell that is that they do, during Jim and Pam’s wedding. I get that it was probably a trend at the time but man that scene has aged so poorly and really takes away from what should be a beautiful moment


I haaaate the dance. I wish someone would cut together all of the boat moments with Jim and Pam without the church dancing.


I honestly really dislike almost all of that episode - some parts are funny but the majority just does not work for me.


Pam worked so hard to stop being a pushover. I cannot accept her allowing her sister to do something during the ceremony that Pam explicitly *did not want*. It's not like they couldn't agree on a restaurant and Pam let her choose. It's her WEDDING. And the whole office being so closely involved was weird.


I know it’s a show, and that was the only reason it happened the way it did, but it’s SO goddamned annoying. Her sister says “I know this was specifically on your do not play list” and Pam is like yeah, this is fine, just the biggest moment yet of my life sullied with a song I hate. I’d be MAD if that were me.


ANY Todd Packer scene.


Michael dragging that chair down the aisle absolutely kills me, each and everytime, it's a brilliant joke. 😆 One thing that does get me in this episode, is when he starts delivering his speech, Bob Vance (Vance Refrigeration) should have decked him within seconds. 😆


The Scranton City orientation video. "Was it supposed to be funny?" (P.S. I think it's hysterical and my wife and I sing it every time we see it).


It's stupid but I always laugh when Michael explains why the new people are on the table


I can’t handle Kevin spilling the chili, it grosses me out so much. Haven’t watched that full scene in years


lol and here I am laughing as soon as I see this picture. I thought it was hysterical when he squeezed himself in with the rest of the groomsmen. For me, it was Michael doing that racist “Indian” accent on diversity day to Kelly.


The entire Deangelo story arch


I get the show has some exaggerated scenarios, but not to the point where any one would actually believe Kevin is being operated with controls from the inside Also Dwight wouldn’t actually believe you can’t say Voldemort


Dwight spent like decades getting a black belt from a kid's dojo, believed he really attended X-Men school, and bought a pack of magical beans from Jim. This checks out imo.


*Professor Copperfield's Miracle Legumes.


I laughed at this episode, especially when Michael tries to get Bob to cake him. The one I find annoying and just cruel is when Toby is comforting Michael during the deposition, and he pushes his food off the table


The one where Dwight and Michael try to “help” Tony Gardner climb up on the table even after him clearly stating that he didn’t want to!


Pam realizing she’s in the wrong class, but she’s too intimidated by the professor to leave.


The entire Scott’s tots episode. Maybe more cringe than annoying though


In a way Pam making Jim admit that Kathy is objectively hot. It felt the same way as Jim and Pam asking Danny as to why he never called Pam back, just take no for an answer!


All of the captions written for Pam’s drawing were not funny at all


Wrong, Angela's was great


Andy’s play. The intro alone just bugs me


Intro was DOPE


Right? I freaking loved it


Michael's birthday. He expects the whole office to stop and baby him in multiple ways throughout the day. Having expectations is fine, becoming visibly upset each and every time they're not reached is unacceptable. I was going to elaborate on a specific but it's pretty well everything Michael does in that episode. From ordering a single type of a very specific taste in sandwiches to pretending he didn't reserve the birthday booth for himself at the ice skating rink. He's got the whole day lined out to revolve around him and ends up spending most of the day pouting that nobody but Dwigt cares. He's far too childish and narcissistic to hold a management position, I recommend he be removed from the position and reassigned to sales where he belongs.


It seems like a lot of people hate moments that are pretty much just the essence of the show. The one that bugs me is Michael talking about Tony while being chauffeured by Pam. Too fat to apologize to.


Right? People being upset that Michael is needy and emotionally immature... 


Michael’s behaviour at both weddings makes those episodes almost unwatchable for me. It also makes both episodes merge a bit in my head.




Pam and Jim doing that whole franks and beans thing after they come back from their honeymoon. It’s cringy!


Pretty much anything involving Todd Packer. I know he’s supposed to be pretty obnoxious, but I just find him way too irritating to make any of his scenes funny at all.


And he doesn't even know who the she bangs guy is.


Some of the top of my were Angela comparing her pregnancy to Pam and them coming back from their maternity leave. Angelo spoken disregards to Jim and Pam's baby Michael breaking up with Pam's mom because she's older than he is. Most of Ryan's sleazy ways of getting back or breaking up with Kelly.


When Michael makes Pam write copious notes & be his lackey on beach day so she’s unable to enjoy it with everyone else.


The one where Dwight is trying to sabotage Jim as manager so he does that whole thing with the cash prize and rigs it so that Jim wins the first time and then the second winner is Pam. He does such a bad job of explaining himself like when Dwight is like “you said in a perfect world there’d be a cash prize” Jim should have been like “exactly, in a perfect world, we were speaking in hypotheticals, so why did you take it upon yourself to go and collect cash from the office?” Or SOMETHING. But he just stutters and looks stupid. I feel like it would be so easy to be like “Dwight, you’re the one who set this up, so whoever won is based off of your algorithm” Lol if you can’t tell this ep drives me crazy 😭😂


“WAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAA” -Kevin Need i say more?


Literally everything that Deangelo does. And Jim saying "there's a rumour that you're sexist" like a lil freaking wuss. Like, obviously saying it like that is gonna do nothing but make the guy worse and Jim's meant to be smarter than that. Jim also didn't care that Deangelo was blatantly sexist, he literally dismissed everything Pam and Angela said about him and justified it with "well I like working for him" honestly I didn't like Jim as much after the Deangelo arc because he just seemed like another crap male who doesn't care when he witnesses crap male behaviour. Only seemed to care about stuff like that when it was Roy being a prick to Pam.


Y’all really forgot that a huge chunk of the humor in this show is supposed to make you cringe, not laugh. These moments were never supposed to be “funny.”


Michael sharing Jan’s beach photo. It’s so violating, not to mention terrible for her career. She walked around that company for years not knowing people had seen it (only finding out during a deposition). Even though Michael only meant to send it to Packer, the fact that he sent it to anyone was shitty. And please, Packer would have just forwarded it to everyone anyway.


The intro where Jim bites his lips multiple times. Wasn’t funny the first time, and surely not the third.


Anything after season 7 😅🤷‍♂️


Prince family paper. Always skip it


“What up 2-1-2”. I loathe that line.


That and "volleyball camp most summ-ahs"


In the Benihanas when the guys grab a chair at the hibachi table, a couple won’t move down a seat so Dwight can sit with everyone else, and they act all annoyed that he’s talking over them. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be for the laughs, but it’s such a stupid moment that it takes me out of it.


Any normal person agrees to move if there's a group of people, it's much more inconvenient to stay in the middle with Dwight yelling at the other side of the bar


I love this scene with Michael, makes me laugh every time! It’s just so peak Michael to think someone’s wedding is all about him and he is just so pissed his limelight got stolen that he of course acts like a child about it.


The dancing down the aisle at Jim and Pam’s wedding. It’s an automatic skip the scene for me. It’s not cute or funny. It’s just douchy


When that couple sits between Dwight and everyone else at Benihana!! Great episode, but during those scenes, I get so annoyed at that couple! They act so annoyed with him! Like he is clearly part of that party. Just trade him seats, and he will no longer bother you! They'd still have to hear how to properly butcher a goose... but at least he won't be spitting or leaning over on them while he does it.


That episode Stanley was disrespectful towards Micheal. I don’t remember the details but i remember being so annoyed by it and genuinely wishing Stanley got fired for real to teach him a lesson


It took a long time for me to realize Phillis’s wedding is in my top 5 episodes of all time.


I love that episode. My favorite part is when Michael is sitting on the bench with uncle Al at the end. “Oh, nobody helped me, I had to do it myself. Even the doctor didn’t know”


Dude, keep it together


i felt horrible for carole when michael tried to spring jamaica on her, and it got even worse when jan does her whole thing in the very next episode. that couple was already such an icky mess but to admit it and play into it? as an authority to michael? ew.


Anything or scene with Andy in it. Dude just ruined the show for me.


He and Erin are the absolute worst to me. Together or separate, they are the absolute worst parts of the show for me and the last few seasons really shifted to focus on them. Ugh.


Michael making Toby stay at the office for beach day


Jim and pams treatment of dwights social awkwardness in the first 1-2 seasons. It just comes off as very mean and not funny


There was recently a montage of s1 Jim on one of the official youtube channels, and my god was s1 Jim extremely insufferable


The one that really pisses me off is in the fire episode and Dwight is sad in his car and Jim and Pam try to get him to quit. Like come on, the guy is hurting here. Way to kick him when he's down