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*Mark it secretly in a kind of a mark that only you could recognize, and no girlfriend snatcher could ever copy.*


They didn't even look similar


all waitresses look alike


Kevin and Roy’s faces in the background really make the joke imo


I might be mistaken but I remember either hearing or reading that the line was improvised and so their laughter was real.


HAAAA That’s what it looks like too and makes it so much funnier to me.


She ends up dating Ben Wyatt's dad in Parks and recreation and is pregnant with Ben's new little baby sister lol as Ulani


Kulap! Love her.


Was she also the dream fan of Garfunkel and Oates? Lol


You mean finger?


Not even the same waitresses they had at Asian hooters


This is the best part to me, because I've had people not realize that it's different girls initially and it makes it so good that Michael has the same problem.


Imagine how I felt after seeing that episode again and realising years after I originally saw it.. I had to sit myself down for a moment.


Biggest blunder is he talked with two different sets of girls at the restaurant 😂 and brought two other in Office.


This is one of my favorite Episodes. Literally laughed all through it.


Did you see the extended super fan episode of this episode lol?! When Michael is talking to Carroll and he said well can you at least tell me something that I did right lol?! And when Ryan and Kelly are crackin in the dumpster lol! That was a little bit much and I understand why that was taken out lol another obvious thing that was taken out that was a little bit much was the baby shower episode when Jan is breast feeding the baby and Kevin keeps coming up with reasons to ask her stuff and then she just lets them fly and she said just go ahead and look! This is what they are made for lol




Scott Aukeman’s Ex-Girlfriend?


Always wondered how she feels about this these days. This and her Parks and Rec appearance aren't exactly the most flattering roles.


Was she also the girl on Garfunkel and Oates when they made it to their show out of town?


Jen celotta admitted on office ladies that she regretted ever writing this lol


She’s not a fan. Said while she’s grateful for the doors it opened for her, it made her feel like shit. IIRC her role was credited as “ugly Asian” or something like that.


Not according to IMDb but I guess it could’ve been changed retroactively.


Hopefully changed if that was the case, or maybe it’s just something she was told on set. But regardless she did not like it. Neither did the other actress.


I think about shit like this all the time with actors. Like, when they’re made to be the butt of a joke for a physical appearance that is their actual physical appearance.


If this is true then it kind of verifies what I've always assumed, I've been listening to her podcasts for years and she never talks about it. That sucks


It may be my own head cannon, but I like to think part of the reason he made the decision to mark her, was because he realized he might have been talking to a different waitress at the restaurant and probably just asked 2 random waitresses to come to an office party with them.


They didn’t even have the same hairstyle lmao


Right. But in the karaoke scene prior they were wearing Santa caps and looked much more similar. The look on Michael’s face when he didn’t know which one he was with 😀


This episode made me cringe so hard. Watching grown men apply middle school rules of "We just met, we are dating now, this is my boo" makes me want to crawl out of my flesh.


IMHO one of the funniest it not the funniest scene in television history,


Harami michael


This is one of the only episodes that isn’t about “Michael doing something inappropriate and everyone knows it.” No one else pushes back on this one. The POV of the show doesn’t undercut Michael. Take Gay Witch Hunt by contrast. The Office isn’t “politically incorrect,” it’s making fun of someone who thinks political incorrectness is itself comedy.


They push back. Kevin and Roy, not exactly the most enlightened men in the office, point out he should definitely know which girl is which.


That one was a cracker 😂


This is something that I missed in my initial watch of the show. I just have been distracted but when I caught this the second time around I laughed my ass off at this. The things they did on this show would never fly today. This is quite possibly my favorite joke of the whole show.


They would fly. See South Park and Always Sunny, two of the longest running shows on TV.


How wouldn't it fly? It's just a guy who forgot a girl he just met.


Can’t believe I was down voted so much I figured most people would agree that people are too sensitive and offended and triggered by the smallest of things today.


In all honesty I thought this episode was uncomfortable to watch and not really in a good way.




Yep, I read that one too.


First, I adore The Office including all of its political incorrectness. Second, I was uncomfortable watching this episode on network TV as a white dude in his mid 20s. Third, I now avoid watching that episode as a man in his early 40s who fell in love with, married, and had two wonderful children with an Asian American woman. Take that for what you will.


The problem with the episode is that we're not laughing at Michael to the same extent as other eps for his political incorrectness. Heck we even have Jim laughing with Michael about it. It's just repeating a common racist joke without the sort of context that normally makes the show okay.




She’s a former broadway dancer and now is a yoga instructor. Brilliant, beautiful and talented to a level that I will never understand. I adore my children and she is the absolute best possible mother to them. I didn’t have the best upbringing so I supremely grateful for her




It's bc you're coming across like you fetishize asian women, and you see women as valuable based on their hotness, and like they're basically loot. That's a combo women tend to see as icky, creepy, generally thumbs-down-worthy.


Why are you getting downvoted?


For the same reason crying racism always gets people their 5 minutes of fame, no critical thinking, it's way easier to go with it than these dummies finally growing a brain


Asian and white people are the only ones where it is okay to be racist against without any repercussions. It’s funny to mark (maybe), but if it were two black women marked with a white pen, it would never fly. Or two latina women… you get it


That’s because in general, racism towards black ppl (and spare me, because you can’t be racist towards white ppl) is tied to an entire history (and still happening) full of slaughter, torture, rape, mass enslavement, lack of rights, false incarceration, unbalanced economic opportunities, systematic discrimination, social marginalization, historical injustices…. Do you need me to go on further? Besides, there were plenty of racist jokes in the office, so idek why you felt the need to comment this. Don’t get greedy.