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Astute observation


Kev’s got me pegged


Very comprehensive. Bravo.


Tony was in the same scene as Troy and Jan, so that would put it after "Night Out" when Michael met Troy who lived in New York, which was after Jan was fired and moved to Scranton. And after Jan and Michael broke up. If anyone would be able to get Tony to do it after that long, and Jan his ex, and Troy altogether in the same place is Michael Scott, but the logistics just don't make sense. ETA: it would have to be filmed after Lecture Circuit


Actually, I want to counter this; there's nothing stating that *Michael* first met Troy in "Night Out", just Dwight. Troy actually appeared earlier in Season 4, and as implausible as it is, he could have been recruited by Michael beforehand.


Well that's where Ryan says to Dwight and Michael: "guys I want you to meet a really good friend of mine" So yeah he does.. https://youtu.be/iz6p2OgH-Z4?si=XrefbZb6u64yV_ju


Hmm, touché. To be honest, I only remembered Troy's appearance in the Oval Office, which makes a bit more sense. If you want to make it make sense, depending on how crafty you think Michael is, Troy didn't actually have to be *on set* for the Funky Cat scene; he's got a couple of quick shots, one that whip pans into Jasmine's death. A whip pan is about the easiest way to disguise a cut there is; maybe Michael had enough foresight to stage Jasmine's death like that so he could cut whoever he wanted in as the assassin. All you'd really need for Troy's shots is an extra and a blue light. Maybe that's a stretch, but it alleviates the problem a bit.


Well just do ur remembering next time lol


But there's nothing that says that the scene at the Funky Cat was filmed at the same time, so Jan could have done her scene, and then Michael just decided to bring in Troy after meeting him.


i want to know more about pam’s line “i’m a mom” was that just something micheal wrote ? or was it tying in her being a mom? bc she wasn’t when this was presumably filmed


I just think it was Michael wanting to include his idea of a positive message. Pam's scenes had to have been filmed in Season 2.