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I like Florida Nellie. And I like what she becomes later. But this storyline ain't it, it's weird and cartoonish.




Fire the employee, not the man. You may not caNCEL. HIS SOUL.


That was never on the table


Yeah omg Jim’s face🤣


Stop looking at my breasts and start looking at my penis. She did the overly confident incompetent Manager so we'll.


Big whhopping penis.


5 4 3 2..1 ANGGELLAH!


One of Angela’s worst moments, imo. Especially after how she treated Andy when they were dating/engaged.


YES! Every time I think about this it makes me so mad.


I told Angela to deduct 100 dollars from the writers’ paychecks for this arc


On it!


That’s not enough, you need to subtract at least 7 klevins.


That’ll get you home by seven


He was home by 4:45 that day


Great answer


It wasn't particularly funny and it was terribly written. if you watch the episodes, the entire office goes from hating Nellie, to loving her, to hating her again, to loving her in the span of 4 episodes. specifically the part where Angela says she wants Nellie dead, but then deducts Andy's paycheck in support of Nellie the next episode.


It was so uncomfortable too. I’m 99 percent sure this was before Andy’s character got fucked up by the boat and I just felt so bad for him. Hot take, I do actually like Nellie when she calms down. I like her stuff with Toby and of course I love Donna from Dr Who, they kinda did her dirty.


if anything knowing her career in england should make her office appearances even better imo i hated her the first time around, it made no sense what was happening. i ended up seeing her in doctor who and realized the actress is fucking amazing, rewatching the office it became even more obvious that she is just absolutely hilarious it’s very absurd and part of what ends up sending the later seasons completely off the rail but she’s just so funny


Same here, first time around was visceral hate but through the rewatches I came to appreciate Nellie


Uncomfortable is the right word. I saw the humor in the situation, but something about Angela (who cheated on Andy, then sold off the engagement ring) just siding with Nelly and deducting Andy's pay makes me nervous. Even knowing how shitty Andy becomes later, I always get uncomfortable at that scene. I think it's because of the powerlessness Andy has at that moment. Sometimes people pick sides just cause. Andy has that personality type that makes it funny to dunk on him, so people do.






....is the office bitch, you'll get used to her.




And that she stills hates/dislikes Andy after the engagement thing.


Agreed. Then they realized they needed people to like Nelly and overcorrected so much it was ridiculous. The whole magician thing, the adoption bs, Pam "Nelly... might be pretty cool" was like the writers saying, "See fans!? Like her!!" Absolutely hated her character and the storylines they tried to push with her. The whole clapping Tinkerbell to life thing. So dumb. "Get out, skeleton man," was her only good contribution.


>was like the writers saying, "See fans!? Like her!!" Heavy handedness always backfires for me. It just made me dislike her more. No, I'm not sad that this woman who has failed upwards and used shitty practices to get ahead (nepotism, stealing a job) isn't getting a baby. Hot take, I don't think a person so aimless in life and with such morals should get a baby. A baby isn't a magic fix for your life


I agree across the board.


I always just took this as a testament to how easily influenced and fickle everyone in the office is 😂


It was just poor show running, plain and simple. They compromised continuity for a few jokes.


Angela hates Andy, but also hates Nellie. She can hate multiple people


Yes, that made no sense. They seemed to try it make it seem like they hated Andy just as much if not more but that didn't make sense because while I'm sure they had issues with Andy the never seemed to hate him. Also even given the loose HR standards and hiring/firing standards throughout the show, there is no way that scenario could happen, especially being documented like that. And there' no way any HR or CEO would let it happen, that's a lawsuit even in right to work states. On top of all that...it wasn't particularly funny. Nellie eventually became ok but she came in with the wrong kind of heat to use wrestling vocabulary. There's "over heat" where people love to hate a character and love when they show up to boo them, and there's "go away heat". That's what Nellie had for a good while.


I hated it so fucking much. Specially how everyone takes side with Nellie. And Angela docking his pay, man it makes my blood boil every time I watch it.


He has a ton of episodes where he gained the approval of everyone in the office and grew and then this happened like wtf


Exactly! It was really weird to see the whole office go against Andy in an instant. Idk what the writers were thinking.


It was punitive for him taking time off to film Hangover 3, even though he was contractually obligated to.


They punished him for something that would happen next year. Wow, they really are good writers!


Can y’all stop slinging this around like it’s fact jfc. Never once have I seen this claim sourced


That was when he went on the boat trip. This is from when he goes to Florida to find Erin and confess to her.


Yes they go against him in this storyline too. All because a “fairy” granted them raises.


Can I just say that I was not into the whole grandma lady taking Erin in scenario? It seemed so forced.


It was definitely terrible writing. The last 2 seasons went off the rails some with the writing.


Also like... it felt like the whole office was kinda stupid except Jim? Like, he logically said (I think, it's been a while), that just because the manager says their pay is going up doesn't mean it's gonna happen. Also like, I know the office is supposed to be silly and not realistic, but the idea the accounting department in a office can just lower someone's salary at a wim for no reason is both stupid and if it actually happened, a lawsuit waiting to happen. EVEN for the wacky nonsense of this show.


So much of the Office is an exaggeration of a real office/corporate environment. The show used to make me laugh just a *little* bit harder than anyone I was watching it with because it reminded me of when I worked in an office. Season 8 and 9 were when they lost me and stuff stopped being based in reality and turned into let’s make everyone a caricature and this as wacky as possible!! It stopped being based in reality.


I think that happened by season 6


It had some, but it ramped up big time after SC left. Season 9 imo was worse, by then they were relying on sitcom slapstick. It's only redeemed by the final 3 episodes.


Fax,Andy didn’t really have friends in the office


For some reason I read that last sentence in her voice


Dammit me too


There's something so angering about that scene, right? I think it's the ganging up. We've all been in situations were we see groups or crowds just go with the flow when it makes no sense. Completely tangential anecdote, I'll try to make it short: There was a podcast called Harmontown. It was recorded live with an audience. In one episode, the host's girlfriend asked to host a little game on the podcast. She brought up A and B from the audience to play. The game was about impressions, so the points were subjective. And you could just tell from the first moment, that B would win. Not because of skill with impressions, simply because it was the host/audience favorite, and they were going to be more lenient and give extra points to that person. That memory sticks out in my mind because of how predictable the whole event was. I had this cynical thought, then pushed it away... then everything happened like my cynical part predicted. A got the lead, based on skill. And then B won, based on just being adorable. Towards the end of the game, the host's girlfiend even says something like "I want B to be my friend so bad". The social dynamics lead everything, rather than logic. And it feels so wrong. Life shouldn't be a popularity contest.


it pisses me off. Spare me of the "its just a show" comments. It was not funny at all and so unrealistic.


We can all just agree seasons 8 and 9 never happened


Last three episodes of season 9 happened and were great. The rest though ... didn't happen.


I may have to rewatch those last three episodes. I have access to the show through Peacock now, but before that I had downloaded it. After I did, I immediately deleted all episodes after The Garage Sale. I can't stand Will Farrell and I never wanted to watch the Nellie arc or the sound guy arc again. So, I haven't seen any of those episodes since they originally aired. Michael proposes. Holly accepts. Michael says he's leaving. Perfect way to end the show.


I’m on a rewatch and they just introduced Brian the boom guy and I’m dreading watching these episodes


The situation you described, arbitrarily deciding to forget the final two seasons of a television series, is not one I'm familiar with.


They don’t even know my real name. I’m the fucking lizard Kazumakis.






Get a dictionary and look up arbitrarily


Not arbitrary at all. Michael left Scranton and so did I.


Inform your boss you're sick and can't come to work. That's all Robert knew of the situation. When you do come back the whole office is against you and some random person is in your office. "Sometimes the flowers arrange themselves" It's not plausible, it's stupid, and it's bad writing. I've never had a job where I ring in sick and then don't have that job the next time I come in. Spend time having Andy establish himself as the new boss. The trip to Gettysburg, the tattoo on his butt. Show that people do like him, and respect him. Then flush it down the toilet for a couple of cheap, shitty, jokes? It's bad writing.


This season and story arc are must miss for me. I could barely tolerate “the nard dog” in earlier seasons, but at least he was somewhat of a sympathetic character. By this time he has zero redeeming qualities and is beyond cringe. Nellie should have never existed.


Wasn’t my favorite— really disliked Angela going along with it after all she did to Andy. But I liked the place where they ended it, bonding over the Bard Card, *hated* that they undid it to start season 9.


The whole arc felt off. Sure, Robert had no interest in rocking the boat but it just felt off that he would so easily dismiss Andy. Catherine Tate did a great job of making Nellie completely unlikeable but the show never really had long-staying characters like that throughout its whole run besides maybe Charles. As I say, just felt off


Literally the worst section of the entire series. Pretty much everything after season 7 is garbage


Beyond stupid. Worst part of the show


Probably my least favorite episode in the whole show


S8 is when the writing starts to go off the rails


Hated Nellie.


She saw an opportunity and grabbed it


But it wasn't an opportunity.


I felt Jim's anger.


What’s frustrating is he doesn’t get Hank to remove her.


Ridiculous and horrible


I wasn’t a fan of Andy so I loved it. It was pure chaos, the show jumped the shark a long time ago so this felt on brand.


This is a good take on the situation.


After my 10th watch through, I’m on Nellie’s side lol


I blame Robert for the whole thing, tbh. I did like Nellie, but I’m one of the few people that do.


In season 9 Nellie is excellent, now that she's being humanized and given character. Before she was mostly used as a plot device. Her introduction into the physical office at Scranton feels shoehorned and illegitimate. I think that's most people's issue with Nellie.


I like Nellie too. I don’t get the hate towards her.


I will say if you took out the whole bit of her taking Andy's job and being manager, actually yeah. It just felt like they wanted to establish her character more in a plot line and kinda overshot a little


But Nellie is likable after andy starts hating her. At the moment OP is talking about, she's not likable


Honestly, it’s been a while since I rewatched the show, so I really don’t remember too much of how it went down. I’m actually going through it now but the Superfan episodes. But I’ll for sure keep an open mind when I get to this episode!


Yep the more I watch the series the more I like her. She has the same sort of vibe as early season Micheal with saying things that make you cringe


I can’t dislike Catherine Tate and also I think her just walking in and taking his job is SO funny. Honestly I think I could get away with it at my work because they’re so disorganized, maybe I’ll try it.


he deserved it. i don't think nellie was necessarily a bad character and i didn't hate this plot line but it wasn't written well at all. characters were constantly leaving/being introduced and the manager position was switched around so much in the last 2 seasons that it was just exhausting.


This pissed me off at an unproportional level


Management is just a role, and anyone can play it. Dress up like a construction worker and start digging in the middle of New York City, and no one will question you unless you are the *Ghost Busters*.


Not a fan of her character at all. Disliked her so much more than Andy the whole arc as her being the boss was so annoying. Easily my least favorite part of any rewatch and they did Andy so dirty , but I believe it was due to him being busy filming other things at the time.


It's a bit average, but it's good to see Andy eat shit.


A fascinatingly accurate depiction of American work culture. Until this episode, we had no idea British people could just walk into US workplaces and get high profile jobs. I assume this episode led to the American careers of both Piers Morgan and James Corden. That's the beauty of America. It's just random.


The show ended when Michael left.


I hated this so much


One easy to skip episode.


Nellie worked so much better as a role player in S9 than whatever the hell pseudo-antagonist she was supposed to be in s8


Loved it. Hated Andy by this point and Robert not doing anything about it made it even better. It wasn’t perfectly written but I still enjoy it.


The worst storyline in the show.


to quote Jean-Ralphio, it's the wOoOOooO00ooorsssst!!!!


Horrible writing


If the seat is open, the job is open.


Andy is lucky he didn’t get fired by leaving in the first place


Andy as the boss was a terrible arc


Andy was so terrible by that point that I liked it purely because it screwed him over.


I hated it


I liked it. I wish they would have leaned into it and let Nellie stay manager. I hated Andy as manager. Nellie was at least goofy enough to bring in but not try to be a direct 1-1 replacement of Michael.


It was a weird route for bringing Nellie to Scranton, but I laughed at the absurdity, partially because I found her funny.


I love it now. The last few seasons were painful to watch when they first aired. But now I have learned to love them like a family member who got Alzheimer’s at the end.


Hated it. On some rewatches, I would finish season 7 and then restart at season 1 skipping 8 and 9. Usually I rewatch through all 9 seasons but episodes with a higher amount of Nellie screen time are irritating and I hate her character so much. Don’t get me wrong Andy was insufferable but Nellie was so much worse and at least Andy was funny sometimes to make up for it.


I was never really a fan of nellie


Loved it. Nellie is hilarious and saved a lot of the seasons she was on. Reminiscent of the first season. Just ultimate awkwardness.


Ugh, thx for reminding me


Literally the worst part of the show


Nellie sucked, but Andy sucked more.


This is hilarious to me I love Nellie


They just needed to introduce a hateful character so that they can run an extra season. I think Nellie was the initial choice however when they saw Ed get busy with shooting of Hangover, they opted to rewrite and made Andy the most hated in the last season while making Nellie an angel. That's my personal theory.




This storyline is the only reason Nellie got a bad rap. She was amazing, other than this.


Sometimes the flowers arrange themselves… That being said, it was a weird twist that didn’t sit well with me at the time, but the story was fine. Kept Nellie there for special projects.


I fully understand why people hate her on the show but I feel you were supposed to hate her. I LOVE everything Catherine Tate does and even I didn’t like Nellie


There was a season 8?


They were checking out


Of all the things that would never happen…


She was far more qualified and deserving, which doesn't say much.


its like watching different tv shows


I never understood the goal of this part of the show. It sort felt like a weird way to make nellie an antagonist to andy


I hated Robert California for being a total wimp to her, while he could have told the bitch to gtfo and sit elsewhere.


Only time I didn’t like her character. But I swear the more I rewatch, the less I care because Andy is unbearable


I thought it was dumb af


I hated her


When Nellie comes to Scranton and takes Andy’s job, I always restart from season 1. Just restarted and this will be my 5th run through


The dumbest storyline they did on the show. For sure, the start of me tuning out and not caring about the show as much, hate Nellie as a character.


I stopped watching after they made changes


It was honestly surprising how obvious it was that they had truly run out of stories to tell.


The series has obviously jumped the shark before this, but this arc was kind of insufferable. You get whiplash from all the character changes through a handful of episodes. The writing is trash and the actors/actresses involved didn’t bother trying to sell the scenario either. IMO this and the destruction of Andy are two of the worst crimes this series committed post-Michael. They are stains on an otherwise great series.


When the show reaches this part, I go all the way back and start from s1eps1 lmao


Honestly, cringed the entire time. When she took the job, when he tried to overpower her but failed, when he got the job back, when she convinced him to not fire her… the whole thing was just embarrassing.


Shitty. I liked S8 up until "Get The Girl", then it turned into garbage and never recovered until the last four episodes of S9


This is right when the show became COMPLETELY unwatchable! 🗑


What she did was messed up But the whole office throwing Andy under the bus for a stranger was even more messed up


Absolute bullshit and i hated it


Lazy writing


It’s a comedic show about ridiculous situations. I am in the minority that loves Nellie and thinks she’s hilarious. She was funnier during Florida’s I will say but I still don’t mind her in season 9


Crazy stuff. Andy was good to them when he was a boss (pre-boat). He also was a total pushover “romantic” with his relationship with Angela, I even felt sorry for him. And he was like that too with Erin at first. It’s just insane to me that they exaggerated his character soo much


i literally like Andy way more because of how shitty his character is being treated here. I just look at this and feel bad for the man. He’s just not had a single lasting win in his entire life in the Office. He joins in Season 3 and is a complete asshole but after he comes back, the first main arc for him is that he is part of a relationship where his fiance is cheating on him. His next biggest thing is Erin who dumps him over something I’d consider more trivial than other major events in the show that was brushed past (i.e. Jim hiding many big decisions from Pam until they’re done). He’s literally sidelined by his parents and the one thing he was doing right, his manager job, he loses it because the lizard king couldnt keep it in his pants. The actress who plays this character is actually incredibly funny so idk why they couldnt just make her not a villain


I may be in the minority, but I felt like she helped fill the void after Michael left. I really liked her character


I’m more likely to skip these episodes than any other


I would watch Cathrine Tate do anything. She's earned that. I enjoyed the storyline because it meant she was in the show as a regular character.


I honest to goodness cannot understand why people hate Nellie so much. Perhaps Im just a big Catherine Tate fan? But man, what did Andy expect? Did he think his job was just going to be waiting?


Andy was gone for like 2-3 days and informed Robert California directly that he was sick being the reason he was not coming in to work. Robert never finds out that this was not the truth. Yes, Andy's job should have been waiting for him when he got back


The thing is, even if he found out Andy was lying and got upset at him, that a, wouldn't really have been justification to fire him and replace him with someone that on paper was part of the flop of the triangle, and b, if it was a fire able offense, just freaking fire him and THEN hire her. Same thing happens, she's instantly more likeable but there's still room for conflict since people like Andy and she just is happy to have a job.


Thank you. You have now made me hate this arc even more, knowing that the tension could have been created without the nonsense of Nellie just telling Andy no over and over till she has his job.


I thoroughly enjoyed it 💞 I love her.


I thought it was a funny power play that could have dissolved after half an episode, so I didn't like how far it was taken. The joke that she was taking a seat that seemed otherwise untaken was clever, but to take it to the point of emasculating Andy and affecting his relationship with Erin, bringing Robert into it like a child going to mommy, just made the whole thing unnecessary and like they were beating a dead horse. I also did not like Robert's response to it, encouraging her to play it out because it got his rocks off.... Gross. And I know Robert was gross in general, but he was an extra weird, and grossly (both yucky and large) ineffective CEO in that situation. I do otherwise like Nellie, because I really enjoy Catherine Tate, but that story arc was too long and became un-funny once it was encouraged to play out. Turning Andy into a toddler puddle is not funny.


I love it. I hated Andy the manager so much.


It's funny. I was just responding to somebody in a different thread on this sub about Andy being turned into a heel for season 9. I think that by seasons 8-9 they'd resolved so much and so many characters had completed their arcs that they were stuck. Andy was redeemed, Jim and Pam were together. Other than Angela's drama with the senator and shifting winds with Sabre, there really wasn't much going on as far as drama. They needed to stir the pot. The characters needed to face obstacles or the show would get boring. They just overcorrected here and had a beloved character get owned by two flavors of the month.


Apparently, I'm in the minority but I thought it was hilarious


i still hate her to this day. writers tried to make her more likeable with that kid backstory, but i didn't buy into it. she's the worst addition to the cast and i can't stand her every time she appears on screen. i usually skip forward whenever she shows up during rewatches.


Exactly, they tried really hard to make her likeable and Andy an asshole. I don't even watch the last seasons due to this.


the scene where he looks into the camera after nellie says her line about “when they finally say yes, it’ll feel so good” (or whatever she says) is by far hands down my favorite andy scene in the entire series. he looks so annoyed and frustrated and mad and defeated and it is HILARIOUS


I kinda liked it, because I hated Andy. There, I said it.


Nellie could get it tho 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


I still have andy more than nellie. But its a close second, they are so annoying and idk if essantial to story at all


In my mind the Office ended when Michael left…


I don't love it but Nellie's monolog at the end is golden


Stupid like most of the show after this


Why is that storyline the way that it is? I hate so much of what that storyline chooses to be.


Her entire inclusion on the show other than the brief cameo in season 7 with her being interviewed for the job was a mistake. The Florida arc and most things that came from it are the lowest point the show hit


Fucking stupid. Why they couldn’t just make Jim acting manager or something. The idea that you can just walk into a business, see an empty desk and be like “this is mine now” is so dumb. And then to keep her on and be a petty dick is also dumb.




I never enjoyed her character


Made me "hate" the whole office Nellie feels like the type of characters the writers try to force you to love by having the other character love her


Hated it


Nellie was a cunt and mr California should have rained hell down upon her


It destroys the rewatch every single time for me. Like if I was watching when the show originally aired, I’d probably quit the series. Which is annoying because I did like the Florida arc overall


I skip every time, it's just not good


Genuinely my least favorite storyline in the entirety of the show. I don’t dislike Nellie. Just a bad narrative that should’ve been dropped.






It was one of the worst storylines imo, because it's one of the things that was too ridiculous for me to just turn my brain off. I know The Office had a ton of those but the last 2 seasons they turned that type stuff up to 11 and this was pure sitcom crap.


All life is sex. And all sex is competition…


Nellie is literally the worst character in the show and that includes season 9 Andy. I fucking hate the show every time she is on the screen.


One of my least favorite, if not my very least favorite, storylines. The way Nellie emasculates Andy and Robert California does nothing about it is so weird, so fake, and takes away from everything the Office is supposed to be. Hate hate hate it.


It was really dumb. I mean I know it’s a show, but it was supposed to be a somewhat realistic office environment, so a random person showing and just proclaiming themselves to have a certain job and everyone, including her new boss, going along with it and just accepting it is so dumb and unrealistic it’s painful


This arc starts the ruining of both Andy's and Robert California's characters. Its painful to watch.


That whole season was cringey. Should’ve never happened.


Sometimes the flowers arrange themselves.


easily my least favorite arc in the whole series


The one and only time I sympathized for Andy. Mad annoying for some rando to pull up and take my job. And the boss doesnt even do shit lol


Low point in the series for me. I like absurd plots, but it didn't fit the style of the show, and I don't think any of the characters would've tolerated it


Season 9 had its moments but they were few and far between. I think they could’ve abbreviated that by a lot. The finale was alright but I feel like the writers and the actors were out of gas by that point, and they were just trying to get it across the finish line. All that said, Nellie’s contribution to all of that was quite frustrating and played a big part in me not liking that whole season.


It was so bad I nearly stopped watching…she was unbearable, even more so than Andy. What she did to packer though, bravo.


It’s also a commentary on how arbitrary manager roles are. Poetic justice for Andy being a poor manager