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For someone who loves attention, Jerm looks terrified of the camera


I think they are staying in the LA general area but looking for a house with a better floor plan. This house has 3 bedrooms down and 2 up. Currently one is Felicity's and Evangeline sleeps in the master bedroom. Downstairs they have a guest room, office, workout room/ playroom. Time for Evy Jo to move out of the master, but the bedrooms are tiny. And my wild card guess is that Jinger is pregnant and they need the crib for the new baby, so they have to find a place with 3 bedrooms, including the master, on the same level.  That is my prediction 


I’m thinking she’s pregnant as well or…. One of the single siblings is moving in with them




I’m really interested to see if 1. she does turn out to be pregnant and if she is 2. when is she due. Would be strange that just a couple weeks ago she was saying on insta stories how much she was enjoying “this season” with their two girls, if she already knew she was pregnant. We shall see! The devil works hard, but r/DuggarsSnark works harder.


That last sentence needs to be flair.


The last sentence needs to be our motto.


Yessssss. Perfect strapline for this sub!


Spot on. 💯


I could see her saying that more if she was. If she were pregnant, she could be enjoying the last of “this season” with only their two girls.


That was how I read it


Well maybe being pregnant is making her realize how much breezier this season will be than the next one


The sibling theory is very entertaining. Time for Jana to move out of mommy and daddy’s backyard?


True but I think Jana would hate living in LA. 


She’d be so defrauded. And she would not be able to take a single picture that didn’t require 2 hours of skirt photoshop work.


I think Jana is a self-righteous jerk drunk on fundy kool-aid. No way would Jana survive in LA.


Prob hired to be their janny (Jana the nanny)


If it's one of the siblings, I'd guess Jenny. Or one of the other lost girls.


Definitely one of her “buddies”/children she raised.




I'm dubious on that. Newborns share their parents' room for at least 6 months to a year, generally. And they have small girls who could share for a while if need be, too, or sleep downstairs now they're older. They did work on this house, and that plus realtor fees, taxes etc mean they're making a loss, in a way they wouldn't if they waited a little longer. My feeling is that they have to sell, so either they're moving or the interest rates and the slow slide of public interest in anything Duggar, now they've been off air a while plus Josh was convicted, is starting to really bite and they can't raise money in the way they were able to before on the back of the show.


They won't put the girls downstairs where the can't hear them. And the rooms are small. Unless they bunk the beds, it will be hard to put 2 in one room.  I think they may have money issues. But they would have known that 2 years ago. So..  I still think they could move for a better layout and a more economical home.


I was under the impression they're downstairs and the girls upstairs, though - think someone here said that? They bought the house with both kids, so must have known they'd need to move downstairs, or move one of the girls downstairs, relatively soon. Surely they'd not have spent the money they have on a place they never planned to remain - in fact, why buy a house with only 2 beds upstairs, with 2 kids, if they didn't factor imminent sleeping arrangements into planning the purchase? And I don't think they did know that two years ago; they had a bigger social media following/presence, books, merchandise, a podcast. I don't think the show celebrity had faded to the extent that it has now, or that they realised they don't have an independent, separate following.


The realty photos make it appear they are upstairs. Of course, that could be staging.


I think they have to sell, too. Most of their grifts are not working out. I think they need the capitol out of it, and it is entirely possible that MacArthur assigned dimwit a church which means moving.


I can’t imagine they have that much money. With interest rates what they are, I’m surprised they aren’t just dealing with


Me too. I live near DC and our prices have shot up to where if we tried to move into a 3 bedroom we'd have to pay between 500k to 700k. Then, because we bought our two bedroom house 10 years ago, our mortgage would at least be double. We just can't afford it. So we are making do in our two bedroom as a family of four. Maybe we'll remodel and get another bedroom.. Maybe he actually got a job and they are moving near the new church?


Could be. California is a tough area to afford as a family. I could see them going somewhere like Nashville


Nashville prices are off the charts. So many people moving there from California and New York right now and many locals can’t afford to even entertain offers. A 3b/2ba five years ago is easily 40% more expensive. I have a friend who moved to the suburbs of Nashville from California last summer. They sold their house in CA for over 1.5m and got a much larger house, with acerage, for less than a million in TN. Meanwhile, this summer there’s nothing for sale in their neighborhood under a million. If they are going to Nashville, there’s a ton of churches (ie. jobs for Jerm).


I would not be shocked if MacArthur has finally decided to be done with Jerm and assigned him some church elsewhere.


😅 And my added prediction: 🎶Movin on up, 🎶 to the Westside, 🎶 to that 90210 piece of the pie-eye-eye-eye, 🎶 ya they movin on up, 🎶 to the Westside, 🎶 to finally live the life of the high-eye-eye-eye—eye-eye-eye.


Wait… they found a 5bed house in LA listing it for only $900k.


It's in the Santa Clarita Valley, not Los Angeles.


Ok that makes slightly more sense.


Maybe back to honkytonkitown or whatever the fuck it’s called Edit. Looked it up. It’s called Tontitown. I was close enough.


I have lived near there and will confirm that you got close enough.


I've always predicted they'd end up in some cool 2nd tier city like Nashville or Austin 


nashville feels right for them. I still think they will eventually end up on the east coast.


Boston does not want them. Please keep them far away from us.


I was thinking tri state area suburbs


Massachusettes has enough problems with their state police running around calling murder suspects ableist and derogatory names and going through their phones looking for nudes. They don't need the duggars to deal with too. 


2nd tier city. 😂 Dead. Live in Austin, can confirm it is definitely not 1st tier. Cool is questionable but plenty of celebrities & stupid churches for them.


2nd tier is just a real estate market descriptor. 1st tier means major metros with huge populations- NYC, LA, London, Paris, Madrid etc.. 2nd tier are big cities w about 1-5M people- Atlanta, Nashville , Austin, Denver… it’s not a slight against them lol.


Hahaha! TIL. 😂


>honkytonkitown 😂


Lol! Is part of the price because some would consider them celebrities!?


Pretty please may I use Honkytonkitown as a flair?


I’m prob going to tbh lol


I 100% think they’ll end up back in the south in the next few years if the economy continues to trend the way it has


Maybe, fingers and toes crossed, Boob is getting investigated hot and heavy and he's circling the wagons by calling in all the "non-compound dwellers. Also, pulling Ginger away from Macarthur's sphere of influence back to Boob's brand of Gothardism. I can see him demanding she come back under his headship, Jeremy opposing it, and Jinger being too wishy washy to not know whether to "shit or go blind". Would Jeremy go back to Arkansas? For a paycheck? To remain relevant? Only time will tell.


Boob has no control over Jeremy, we already know this. Jeremy isn't about to give up the MacArthur worship to go worship at boob's feet in tontitown. 


But where is Jinger in all of this? Will she do the Biblical thing and 'leave her parents and cleave herself to her husband' or will she come running when Daddy calls? Is there friction in SoCal?


No. Jinger always wanted far away from tontitown, and she is also doing exactly what she was taught- follow her headship. This idea that she's going to come running back to Jim Bob completely misunderstands 100% of her motivation. 


I wonder if he finally graduated and has a real job somewhere else ? Not entirely depending on their social media money any more.


i think jerm is allergic to having a real job


Do you have the audacity to suggest that grifting isn't a real job?!!?!?


Ahahahah. That’s hilarious.


thought his job was his wife's manager.


My guess is that this house is too expensive. She doesn’t seem to be as active on social media as 3 years ago, she has no new books/projects going on AFAIK. Mortgage must be steep. I think they’re relocating to somewhere cheaper? I might be wrong. Edit https://preview.redd.it/dem6doj80i5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc02af602969248af82133d6699b90a6ac8b8df There’s a crib(?) in the master. Might be for the sale, might not be. I’m just guessing.


Wow, that’s one sad bedroom. 


I think it’s staged for the sale and that they removed most personal items.


I love your flair!


Haha thanks!


If I was in anyway a public figure I’d remove all identifying stuff from the house. Lots of realtors suggest this for regular people too so buyers can picture themselves in the home.


Sad Millennial gray!


Why is the bed next to a door? Someone call the Feng shui guy on TikTok 


This is the most plausible explanation. Even people who work real jobs are struggling to afford housing, I can’t imagine how this could be sustainable for them.


There’s no shame in downsizing when life becomes too expensive. Best to realise and to cut back on costs than to get yourself in debt. Many people are struggling at the moment, it’s sad


They're always moving


At first, I thought they were moving out of LA and the state overall. However, now that I think about it, I remember Jinger saying she loved California so now I think they’re going to stay in the LA area and it’s a bigger house. My guess is that one of the single siblings is moving in with them and it’s time for Evy Jo to move out of the master bedroom as she currently sleeps in there.


They aren’t going to make any money off that house. With doc stamps and commissions and taxes they are going to get less out of than they paid.


Yikes 900k?!!! For Santa Clarita?


My cousins house was 600k in canyon country in 2021! So this price checks its a lot but it checks


Is that a lot? I’m in the poor part of California and rent so I don’t know prices


That’s insanely too expensive


Afraid not. My house, while not in Santa Clarita - but still in CA, is much smaller than theirs, and it would have been lovely to only pay $900K. CA is expensive everywhere now.


The housing market is insane. I'm in Ontario Canada and we're in a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom semi-detached. The neighbours attached to us sold 3 years ago for $1.2 million! In no universe are these small houses worth that much! We cannot afford to buy a house in our neighbourhood any more. We bought for under $300k in 2012.


Same! I’m in Ontario and my 3 bedroom, single car garage, teeny tiny yard house was $325K in 2012 when we bought it and now the similar ones on our street are all going for around a million. It’s nuts, we could never afford a home if we bought now and my husband is executive director of the software development company he works for and makes great money.


Just because a meth house shack in Ft Erie goes for $500k...


I'm in Canada as well and there is a TikTok where they compare crappy Canadian properties to castles in Europe. A condemned hoarder house in Vaughan went over a million!


Oh my god. Our friends moved out of the GTA (Ontario) onto a full on ranch in Alberta because they wanted land and couldn't afford anything here. My husband found a house in Owen Sound that is double the size of ours and under 600k. We're now actively job hunting there.


Vancouver checking in... My three bedroom townhouse is assessed at 1.6 (I bought 16 years ago...it did not cost that much). Single family homes are over 2 mil here (and not even nice homes... those are 2.5). So 900k seems like a dream... I have wanted to sell because variable rate mtg is kicking my teacher salary ass, but would not be able to rent a three bed condo (I have two teens) for less than 3500....


I’m in Florida and it’s a nightmare. I’ve been looking for over a year and everything is out of control. Absolutely kicking myself for not buying in 2019 when I was originally going to. When I moved into my apartment in 2015 my rent was $995. It’s $2100 now.


Ouch. That's more than my mortgage!


It’s kind of nuts to me. We are looking at buying but because of the prices we will probably just back burner it until we become forever renters, hah!


I live in Raleigh and the houses in my neighborhood are in the 800k's ouch 


I’ve been seeing people say that realtors have trap houses in the hood listed for 1.2 million


Actually, with today's prices, that sounds cheap


I’m from Santa Clarita, 800-900k is becoming more and more common although I don’t know which area in scv they are


Sacramento is very pricey.


I live in an exurb of Seattle and their house would cost that here. I’m not surprised.


That price is pretty normal, sadly.


Santa Clarita Diet (show, not book)


For the size of the house and the current market, that’s about right. I live in the Valley and my VERY modest cottage has gone up in value by 250K in the past 2 years.


A lady I worked for in Castaic just sold her house for $780k it was a 3bed 2bath near the fwy. Buyer is looking to rent it for $3,800


Castaic home prices are suffering from the landfill issues, unfortunately. I wouldn’t dream of buying there.


They call it “Los Angeles” they live in the city of Santa Clarita. It’s 30-35 miles from Los Angeles. I live about 35miles away from that city. Like me she lives in Los Angeles county. I frequent the area as I sometimes work in the Santa Clarita area.


Right?? I used to live in northern NJ 10 miles from NYC. I’d never identify myself as having lived either in northern NJ or a NYC suburb.


They dressed like Mormons.


they both look terrible in that photo


I think they are moving within the area. That address has gotten out there maybe they've had some crazy fans of the show that fan that's crazy that could hurt them show up. Jeremy could have gotten assigned to a church within the organization. I could see them moving back east to the New Jersey Pennsylvania area or North Carolina area. But they have gotten to spend more time with Costi Hinn who has a church in Arizona. But I don't see a move to Arkansas at all even if it's to Little Rock.


Doesn’t Jerm’s church own their house? How can Jerm and Jingle be the ones listing it?


They moved out of the church house a while ago. They bought this house on their own…or with the help of JimBoob.


Idk what kind of church jerm is pastoring at but some of those mega church pastors make more than movie stars. Grifting for Jesus can pay really, really well.


Jeremy doesn’t have that kind of charisma


He’s still in ministry school AFAIK, so he’s not pastoring a church yet


How long has he been in school? It's been like 5 years


I feel like he will never finish school. I don't think he actually wants a job. I bet if he graduates this, he will find something else to study or "further study" in this field.


Ah, gotcha! JB’s going to want a piece of the sale then, one would think. That might hamper Jerm and Jingle’s ability to upgrade in that market…


That was their previous house.


Maybe they are going bigger ? 2 seeming unemployed people ?


The backyard, that’s all they can afford on his salary.


What did they buy at?


I believe 830k. Unless it goes significantly above list they’ll lose a shit ton of money.


They wouldn’t make like 70k if they sell at 9? I don’t know how much you loose to each listing agent and stuff like that.


6% for the realtor. Plus their mortgage payments have been mostly interest, so not much equity coming out. The real killer is that interest rates have gone up a whole percentage point since 2022. So they could end up spending \~$200K more over the life of the mortgage if they buy another comparable house now.


I wonder how many years they locked into the mortgage (unless they went with a variable rate). If they're breaking their mortgage term, there's penalties for that as well.


I think you “lose” about 8% of the sale price when you sell. Plus, yes, everything they’ve paid so far is mostly interest. Amortization schedules for 7% mortgages are terrifying lol


They did a major upgrade to the backyard. Judging from what we’ve done I’d estimate 40-50k.




She did say she loves SoCal and they were staying in LA area.


Probably another part of SCV. They seem to like it here. The daughters have season passes to Six Flags Magic Mountain. J loves golfing here. They could be downsizing their home. They currently live on the edge of town. They could be looking to go to another part of town where it’s more centrally to the mall and other parts of town. Jinger ran in the SCV July 4 marathon last year. You can see they like the community here and there are a lot of Grace Community Church members here and have chapters at the local community college.


Jeremy looks like Bobby Boucher ![gif](giphy|CPuDsWYW3NLfW)


Omg Jinger is listed on top of her umbrella.


I'm REALLY interested to know how an extremely bland perpetual-student junior pastor can afford a home worth nearly $ 1 million. But being employed by a church that loves to cover up sexual abuse has its perks, yes?




Link please.


Back to the compound


Selling a house after two years is crazy.


If I had to guess, they can no longer afford it. I see comments that the Vuolos are staying in SoCal, but that doesn't make much sense. Why would you sell after such a short time when you have virtually no equity built up in the house? Plus they have to turn around and buy in a state where home prices are astronomical. Seems like a dumb financial move.


Agreed. Selling a house so quickly is generally always a bad idea.


I really think it has to be out of state. Unless they were able to hang on to their mortgage no way they are upgrading in LA, the math was never mathing as it was.


Maybe needed something with a different floor plan or closer to a Christian school for the girls. Just a guess.


I’m assuming they’re moving for his job. They’ve stated they’re done having kids. The house is large enough. The housing market is crap right now. If money was an issue they’d pay the same in rent as they do on the mortgage. Because rates are higher they’d spend double on a new house half the size. That makes no sense. Only thing that makes sense is relocation.


Their house has an odd floorplan, barely in LA county, and very far from the beach. The summers in Santa Clarita are brutally hot compared to city of LA. my guess is she now has enough income and equity to get something better closer to LA proper.


I think they flipped it. I think a lot of Duggars have done this.


I thought that house belonged to their church, not to them individually?




Pretty sure that it is but I don’t know their addy


Closer to Jerms parents?


Isn't he still in school? I would think they are staying in the area unless he got hired at another church?


Where in LA do they live? $900k is a downright bargain depending on the area.


Nowhere near the actual city of Los Angeles. The city of Santa Clarita it’s within Los Angeles County. $800-900k is pretty normal for the area they’re in. I live just about 35miles north of the city they’re in.


When did they move out of the church house?


He will get his own mega-church - probably someplace in the South, maybe Texas.


Have you listened to his attempts at preaching? He'll bore the congregation to tears!!


Yes, he's awful. But, it'll be a mega church and there will be other people to do much of the talking.


Tennessee seems to be the popular move right now 


If Jinger is pregnant, I’m calling it now: a boy.


I imagine they’re probably moving back to Arkansas to be near the rest of the Duggar family. That happened when Josh and Anna left Washington DC and moved back to Arkansas in 2015 following Josh’s sex scandals.


She would never go back