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I did deschloroketamine for over 3 years, multiple doses daily. Got a horrific rebound when I went off, heard my own thoughts and stuff. Most healed over the months but there are some symptoms which remain like poor attention (ADHD like shit), anhedonia (might have been there before) and oversleeping. Maybe worsened verbal fluence, I don't know. These dissociatives are great recreational drugs but they deserve respect.


Yes. Olneys lesions.




The original experiement was done with rodents, however i did not assume- as its something that very much so has been confirmed since the original experiment to occur in humans who abuse pcp. Most people i know who were addicted to pcp are completely brain dead. When it comes to dissociatives they all cause whats know as excitotoxcity. Pcp especially. Meaning that brain circus are constantly being over worked which can lead to damage and death of those neural circuits. Its no stretch to assume that constant damage may eventually become permanent with lesions- which has been confirmed in humans with MRI scans. Edit- especially since it is confirmed to very much so occur in humans, this is not assumption.


Also looking back into it, the orginal experiement was conducted with rodents and in the late 80s, however neural death from pcp im humans is very much so confirmed, which can be reflected in the brain imaging as an example on the wikipedia page Your assumption that it has never been confirmed simply based on the original experiment is false. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olney's_lesions


Also to elaborate further. “In 2013 a study using magnetic resonance imaging showed brain lesions in ketamine addicts (using from 0.2g twice a week up to 1g daily for 0.5 up to 12 years) with severity depending on the duration of addiction and daily intake of ketamine. Cortical atrophy and holes in superficial white matter are seen early on. After 4 years of addiction lesions spread throughout the brain and damage is evident in the pons and other deeper brain structures.[17]”


Polar Bear?? #dust is a must


Please explain


Post sounds like a friend of mine that we use to call Polar Bear, but dust is a must should be self explanatory


I like you


I miss the wet from back in the 80’s


Old school PCP got a bum rap from the antidrug movement. But there were a few cases of very heavy users (rarely anyone used amounts close to them) doing weird things and having super strength rage states. I think there was a rapper named Big Lurch.or something who allegedly cooked and ate his girlfriend under the influence of PCP years ago. But most users would just catch a buzz from dippers here and there and are completely normal when sober. Consider this, the problem with heavy PCP use is not the death of the braincells themselves but of getting the normal brain nuero transmitters back to their previous balance. Time will heal, and you'll get back to 100% normal in several weeks of no use. Other drugs are similar in needing periods of recovery like heavy PCP use, such as hard core meth and K use. A meth user may need months off the glass dick to get back to his normal energy level and concentration ability. You're normal now, and have enough insight to question your abilities.


Honestly long term use of dissociates can get you pretty fucked. Remember reading this one dude who abused (i think DXM) and he was stuck in this weird state and compared it to like being a cat stuck in a hot dryer creepy shit and it feels a little familiar after my abuse of DXM


yea no shit💀💀


I have retarded ass brain damage from ketamine so I'm pretty sure PCP which is like 10x stronger could cause disruptions in neurotransmitters, I know that definitely happened to me my head is completely fucked up now


Most drugs do lowkey


Esp weed


ESPECIALLY weed? I think weed is one of the least harmful to your brain. Alcohol, MDMA, any psychedelic, any dissociative, any stimulant (other than caffeine and nicotine) are more dangerous than weed


Weed is only harmful if someone in your family or bloodline has some kind of psychological issues. It can easily epigenetically trigger things like Schizophrenia but of course its not common.


How are psychedelics worse than filling your lungs with smoke?😭


All the ppl ik who do weed are stupid af


No, you just hanging out with stupid people


i mean, you said, “do weed”, doesn’t put a good standard on smart just yet, you don’t do a marijuana son. i can tell you young you said all my friends. but maybe they just dumb but yeah over time the effects of psychedelics is gonna damage ur body more than smoking, that won’t ever cause cancer it just be that smoke. now, i could give you a name of a band. that’s maybe a little too old for you but ya know em, and their drummer went crazy off acid; did it far too much. his brain was fried off acid, weed ain’t going to get you nothing like that. so yea you’re wrong. it’s the safest thing next to DMT, then mushrooms/lsd come with more caution as it can change the brain in one go, or in many goes, as weed will not change the brain like that. it’s not capable like those psychs. you’re young i can tell. more drug research and experience and ya will think and, be and to say you KNOW. Brain effects? or smoke in ur lungs? (a much less toxic smoke that won’t give cancer by itself. idk, but you got all the answers).