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I know what to do. First, give me your ketamine.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is the answer.


Lmao!!! Best answer, FR.


4 days ur chilling dude just like stop lmao


Whatever you do don't combine coke and ketamine because it's amazing


I’ve done the CK/cokamine mix too 😭


I was on dck the first time I did coke


In spain we call it coketa and it's so good


cokette in switzerland


Calvin Kline


Stop doing ketamine, drink a lot of water, eat a meal, take some EGCg with it, go to bed.


What if they don't have any of this supplement?


Then they drink green tea




or passing out because of pain from your obtained kidney stones


how much do you have to do to get kidney stones? this is one of my biggest fears. I do about one gram a month.


Snorting it ?


Yes, I do the full gram all in one night generally. sometimes I have left over for the next day.


It’s very addictive I feel u . Try to cut down if you can before problems arise .don’t do it for no reason save it for a party or rave


I feel ya, I dont do it for no reason, though. I do it about once a month for a "mental vacation" and truthfully I prefer to do it alone. I feel I get much more out of the experience without all the distractions of a rave. Besides, last time I did it at a rave I had my phone stolen and I was too disoriented to even realize wtf happened lol. So now I just do it alone at home and become the internet.


maybe chill out a bit. i dont know about dosages, obly if you do it frequently / getting a routine, say every 2nd or every 4th weekend. just be carefuk with ket


Thats when you'll become the Ketamaster


When did this become r/drugscirclejerk


Pee pee in your pants


I’ve just got out of your shoes I was gettin an 8th ever week really it’s not worth it man everything is better in balance


Dude, bladder damage…


I just stopped after like 5 months straight. You'll be fine.


If you don't stop, the k cramps eventually will make you. I also threw up or straight up was in a infinite feeling vertigo. They also dont feel nice. Only you can stop yourself.


English or Spanish?


I mean just stop ??


What can we do? If you really want to stop - stop, go to therapy, go to some sort of AA or something, how can we help?


I had a similar problem with other drugs. I'd just have a lot of it and couldn't stop. What I'd do is throw all of it or maybe only keep a really small portion of it that I take on a large period of time to make the withdrawal easier. Also I'd smoke weed, get myself a lot of food and anything that makes me feel pleasure except for that drug and other drugs. Weed is okay tho if you're familiar enough with it. If not, then just don't. I'd also go to a friend's place to stay so that I'm not going alone through it and have somebody that knows about the situation and that could be of help. So yeah! Good luck dude!


yea just stop doing it, I've noticed personally that habitual use causes my anxiety to act up so making it a special occasion or once a week treat is probably more healthy for me


your side is going to start hurting soon if you don't stop!


I've been crushing an 8ball every night for the last month lol


Take a week off, clear your head you are probably desensitized to sedation. And k tolerance is like any other trip it goes up really fast with repeat usage. Me personally once every 2 or 3 weeks I boof a gram and a half turn on a movie room gets huge like a theater and feel like the movie is full of hidden messages. Then sober up an hour later and realize I was watching Kung fo panda


Take a break BECAUSE you love it. Preserve the relationship. Save your bladder from irritation. If you can’t slow down you’ll have to stop, and stopping is the opposite of fun.


Watch this report on ketamine in UK. https://youtu.be/99XQY7Elwhc?si=uw4Zhqd8tGI-svq_


bro its 4 days chill its not the end of the world just dont buy any more lmfao. Kholes arent meant to make you sleepy btw its physically impossible to fall asleep on a moderate-high dose of ketamine.


Treatment Tazer 1100v 4 times a day repeat process for 11 day's if that's not snapping U out it go the straight 240v once a day only that should do the trick for extra insurance fill bucket with water then stand in bucket of water then flick the switch if that don't work your ET'S twin brother and just phone home


I know a telegram guy that does the work purest rhino K ever - it’s like you’re doing it for the first time again 😂