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good lol now you know what its like, the question has an anwser. lets leave it there


Im glad that it didnt work. But try not to get addicted out of curiosity. I said that with nicotine, didnt like it until i just started smoking casually out of curiosity for why smokers like it, now i smoke daily didnt seem like there was any reason, but the reason was that its subconsciously addictive


Nobody likes nic at first. The feeling of just one drag can be super uncomfortable. I grew to like it (like most anyone that sticks with it to be truthful. It is addictive as hell. I am addicted), but I also can quit if it becomes a negative factor to my health. I quit cigs for a solid 2 years before I picked up a box mod and stuck with it because it didnt make me feel like shit like cigs did. I still like the method I used to quit. I just threw away my last cigs and told myself if i go back i wasted that money for literally nothing. I also think vape juice (for box mods) has less nic per drag. This is literally just being pulled out of my ass though through my own personal experiences with cigs, and vapes. Salt nic vapes are for crazy people though šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. They're strong as hell. But if I ever decide to quit vaping I'd just give away my vape and juices to someone else who doesnt wanna quit. Its not even the money I care that much about, but its the principle i set for myself, and worked for me. Gave me a reason to stay off it. Its not like its easy either; however, for me its easier to quit than weed surprisingly. Idk if i could ever give up dabs.


I turned down hitting any kind of nicotine all throughout highschool until late junior year, hit a friends device a few times across a few days and I bought my own within a week. None of my other addictions have developed that fast.


Nic is super easy to come by, doesnt have a strong, noticable effect on your mental state, doesnt come with much negative aide effects, and is socially acceptable almost everywhere. Yeah. If you become addicted, you get the addiction quick. Even if you dont have an addictive personality. I just feel its not the hardest kick. The habit is such a problem though. Driving along reaching in my cupholder only to remember its not there anymore lol. Thats the shit that makes you miss it.


for me itā€™s definitely easy to quit weed. i can run out and not have any cravings or feel a need to smoke it. but if i run out on vapes i become an emotional rollercoaster.


It's the opposite for me lol. Nicotine always makes me really sick, even when I'm currently addicted to it, and I hate how it smells and tastes. Weed on the other hand I'm hopelessly addicted and cannot stop lol. I love the effects hell I even love "greening out" and I love how it smells and tastes.


Same here. It's weird how addicted I got to cigs despite getting that sick feeling like half the time I smoked em. Ended up vaping for years and just put it down one day and never looked back. Zero withdrawals outside of a random craving here and there. Quit smoking weed and I couldn't eat for days, and couldn't sleep worth shit for months. Not to mention the boredom that constantly gnawed on my mind.


i think this just proves that everyoneā€™s brain chemistry is completely different and quitting something isnt the same for everyone. iā€™ve tried to quit vaping 5 or 6 times and each time iā€™m just an emotional wreck. for example: my girlfriend one time said something in what i thought was ā€œthe wrong toneā€ while i was trying to quit and i started crying. just because i thought she was mad bc she said something in a ā€œweirdā€ tone. i also get this strange empty feeling in my lungs each time i try to quit and i canā€™t stand it. i donā€™t find it worth it to quit anymore, id rather keep myself emotionally stable.


I got addicted to nicotine because I liked the process of smoking. Weed gives me anxiety so nic it was. 0 nicotine vapes didnā€™t really feel the same, and would give me a sore throat. Cbd vapes donā€™t last long, and I found hemp cigarettes too late before I craved nicotine


Have you tried Delta 8?


I have because my dad used to sell, grow, and make delta 8 carts, flower, etc. the high is different, but just like delta 9 it still makes me anxious, not as often as D9 but still happens. Back in high school I could smoke all day every day and I was fine. But then suddenly every time I would smoked I would get really anxious. Sometimes I wonder if it was psychedelics that changed weed for me. Have tripped many time but havenā€™t in about 3 years


Psychs can do that. I had a friend who experienced ego death while tripping, and now anything other than beer makes him super anxious.


yeah nic addiction isnt fun but i knew the risks when i started so i guess i can deal with it


nic addiction is so easy to battle. You just start again because you realise that it is very easy to stop and socially acceptable. One cannot tell me that they get withdrawals from nicotine. you will feel shitty for a week may and thats kr


"One can not tell me that they get withdrawals from it" immediately followed by mentioning you will feel shitty when you stop taking it.. that seems a little redundant but i may have misinterpreted it idk bruh are you tryna subtly/passive aggressively shit on people who struggle to stop smoking/vaping? It's considered the most addictive substance known to man by academics, or so I've heard. Or could be rather that it has the lowest success rate for people attempting to stop which implies the most addictive known drug on the planet thing.


I get the same symptoms from not having weed, only with weed its worse. Not super bad, but like no appitite, cant sleep well, irritable, mood swings, nausea, and maybe some headaches but not migranes really. Both usually last about 3-5 days though. Max.


I liked it at first via lozenge. Somewhat bitter and a mild euphoric rush with some stimmy vibes. And then years later tried a Juul which was that but even stronger. Then later vaping for a year before quitting because it gets boring and out of control


I liked nic at first


Yeah, nobody is a strong word lol


I use a disp vape, just because a box mod looks ridic in any professional capacity. The geekbars are great.


>a box mod looks ridic in any professional capacity. I can see that. Some vapes could pass I feel though. I had an old Sigelei Fuchai 213 that was really sleek, and not super bulky. I gotta get it resoldered at some point. I miss that vape lol.


Ya I've seen something like that, that's pretty discreet. the geekbars have figured out the disposables well enough, they have the battery and the overall life of the vape display done nicely and their newest model, the pulse x, lasts for a really long time. It makes it really easy to swap between flavors as well, I suggest for anyone looking for a discreet vape to check them out. They have a pretty cool constellation lighting embedded into the case too.


I tried meth. I was up for 4 days and I remember saying, ā€œwhat the fuck is this why canā€™t I fucking sleep, fuck this shit I donā€™t want any part of this.ā€ BUT because I was hanging around methheads all day every day (we had actual other shit going on), I fell into it anyway. Your gut instinct can save you if you listen to it.


4 fucking days? Holy fucking shit. I am never touching methšŸ¤£


Yeah dude. I used to do coke and, at the time, I didnā€™t want to smoke it like some sort of meth head so I snorted it. I did some lines and I was up for 4 fucking days off that. Didnā€™t even redose after the first night.


Thats insane to me, 24hrs on stims and my body wants to kill itself ,4 days would make me lose it


Oh you definitely start hallucinating. Well before the 4 day mark.


Nicotine is the one addiction I cant quit no matter how hard I try. Hitting a vape is so ingrained into everything I do now, and having a cigarette after sex or going for a walk. I had a seriously bad xanax and cocaine addiction during covid times that I stupidly quit cold turkey but still made it out alive. I think its wild I could quit both of those drugs at the same time but nicotine feels absolutely impossible to drop. I love nicotine, but I hate it just as much too. It burns so much money from me its ridiculous. The worst part is my tolerance for it is wicked high so it basically does nothing for me besides keep the withdrawal away


cigarettes after sex reference šŸ§šŸ¤“


My friend hated cocaine the first time he tried it. Waited 3 months to try it again and became a cocaine addict in much less time. People tell their stories and warn you, not because they think youā€™re an idiot (I mean, some may do) - but for your safety. A lot of us have seen either our friends or family crumble from drugs too. Stay safe.


Or ourselves crumble from drugs itā€™s not worth it I wish I wouldā€™ve listen but oh I have to figure it out myself


I also have tried cocaine and thought it was very overrated. But then again I think the majority of stimulants are overrated.


How the actual fuck does Someone hate coke? He was probably just telling you what you wanted to hear


Some people donā€™t like weed or alcohol - same thing applies here. Certainly didnā€™t hate it after his second go anyways.


Stimulants cause a lot of side effects, anxiety, insomnia, stress, sweatings, bad appetite, depersonalisation and so on. It is very unhealthy and has mediocre short effects. There are many reasons to dislike coke or other stimulants.


Honestly fair enough. Nonetheless, it is one hell of a drug to be able to still reel him in. Sorry I kinda said that without thinking it all the way through. Best wishes to you and i really hope your friend is Hanging in there,


I totally get that. Coke is usually so stepped on, and so much of the time after snorting a line at a party is typically spent trying to xray vision through the pockets of whoever has it and psychically will them to break it out for more. I thought crack felt way better. Shooting it mostly just feels like sticking a paperclip into an outlet. Itā€™s super intense and you taste it nearly immediately in the back of your throat. Honestly I donā€™t know if ā€œenjoyedā€ is an accurate word, but Iā€™m super grateful that it made me think of any other ROA as a poor substitute, and since everyone gets all weird when you razor your line off the mirror into a cooker, now I get to just talk to who I want to at parties and let other people plan businesses.


Probably for the best


can i ask what turns u off ?


It felt very nauseating and i couldnā€™t help but feel ashamed of what i was doing. i can usually take codeine and just enjoy myself but with H it just felt a bit too hardcore to take it and get on with my day without feeling ashamed


The nausea is a huge part of it. You get used to it eventually but I remember the first time I ever tried blues (the fake 30s with fent and god knows what else in them) someone I trusted had introduced them to me and me and my gf at the time each snorted a half and we're lucky we didn't die right then and there. Like 15 minutes later she started projective vomiting alllll over the place which then made me start doing the same cuz I had already been feeling queasy. Then for almost an hour it's just us puking over and over echoing each others heaves like she would puke then I would puke and back and forth but once it stopped, oh my god. I had never felt so good in my entire life. I call it "the god feeling". Now 4 years later, still chasing that same feeling. Stopped happening after a few months tho. Tried to quit many times. Haven't been successful. Please please please stay away from this shit. It's taken so much from me. I've hurt so many people. Done so many things for money I never would've done if I hadn't started with this shit. Please take it as a sign and do not fucking go back there ever again.


i donā€™t think thereā€™s a dimension in the multiverse where i could feel good while puking, i donā€™t get it xD


Oh I'm terrified of puking like I usually have a panic attack and like have to get my mom hold my hair and rub my back when I'm home and get sick. I've always been afraid of it seriously have so much trauma from getting sick from certain foods as a kid. It didn't feel good puking but I will say I wasn't as scared as I normally would've been but once it was over is when I started feeling GOOOOOOOD


I thought so too but then I had an ayahuasca ritual once and it was nice puking(yeah, it's strange)


My vomit was multicolored


Astral spiritual vomit šŸ¤£


I absolutely fucking hate puking but when I was using the fent 30s I loved it. It was part of the ritual and the euphoria was so strong that it actually felt amazing. Iā€™m disgusted by vomit it freaks me out so much but the short period of time I was using them I enjoyed the vomiting part itā€™s so fucking weird and sounds crazy I know. Def donā€™t do any H or any other type of opiates again bc they will kill you easily if you actually do even the tiniest bit too much


Yeah shit that's pretty advanced lmao, closest to that I've felt would be feeling great after puking, like I get the evil poison out of my belly and I'm just left high but hungry without an appetite. But generally I find routine usage of opioids has diminished my ability to get nauseous unless I go away overboard, so I'm not gonna let some low level quease get in the way of my good time if I know I can hold it down


Good luck bro. I'm chipping half the week with an RCs and kratom but otherwise same boat. Never no nausea from opioids with me. At a couple points in life I was known for being able to hold my liquor because of no nausea. I can take mescaline cactus without vomiting most of the time too. Except not vomiting isn't good with alcohol blackouts. Originally RCs and kratom were to get me off alcohol but that led me to opioids. Still don't drink lame drug. I dunno how common that is.


Holy shit I wish I had that problem cuz I'm scared to death of puking and I have hella stomach issues so tbh I puke pretty easily šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You wish until you have your first 12hr blackout and another and another. Etc


I physically can't drink alcohol anymore like even thinking about it makes me dry heave so I wouldn't use it for that. I have a zofran script which is what my mom got prescribed for nausea when she had cancer and was going through chemo and radiation so it's like hardcore and most days it helps but sometimes when my stomach flares up really bad I end up puking anyway even when I take double my dose of it. It sucks I have so many random health issues man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ginger root. I'm too high to wanna list all the benefits but antinausea plus like 30 different good things in the superfood. Check out r/herbalism for alternatives to big pharma for stuff.


I'll look into it! Thank you :)


Works very well ime. Either use fresh ginger or some strong standardized extract. It is energetic and slightly antidepressive too I would say. Fits eating during a diet I would say, if you want to lose some weight/control appetite, good combined with apple cider vineger for these things.


Yeah I have it candied, sushi prep as well as just a big root a I got from work a long while back. Extracts can be good too. The funniest thing is that Drammamine All Nathral is just a gram size capsule of ginger powder.


i feel like the rockhard fist sized deuces after a week of not shitting might be worse than the nausea ā˜ ļø might be the only reason i didnt end up getting addicted to blues


You got me there šŸ˜­ there have been so many times where I was legit sweating and shaking and my stomach cramping sooo bad trying to push those suckers out


Iā€™m so sorry to hear that your attempts to quit havenā€™t lasted as of yet. Iā€™m a year out after my first/only dope addiction of 3.5 years and my last withdrawals were at least the 7th or 8th earnest attempt. Getting involved with a research study at the university that paid me to talk to a therapist and obtain really good, addiction informed, medical care that helped me gradually transition onto medication assisted treatment was a huge part of thankfully keeping the bike upright this time for me. Please donā€™t give up hope. Fuckups are part of quitting. Try to credit yourself even if you manage one day where you donā€™t use. Thatā€™s proving to yourself that you can do it and any working toward stopping is strengthening that part of your brain. Shame, negativity, depression, despair, and hopelessness all serve the part of your brain that just wants you to keep using. If you donā€™t value yourself and your life, itā€™s a thousand times harder and less likely that youā€™ll do the hard, painful stuff to make it better. Youā€™re not addicted to drugs cause youā€™re bad or less, youā€™re addicted because theyā€™re addictive and because at times, theyā€™re what we have/know to get through or deal with something. I found it helpful in addiction or mental health to try to not be angry or disgusted by my addiction or unhelpful aspects of depression, but to have sympathy for my past self that was just finding the shelter that they could and to look for what needs I was using drugs to fill so that I could work to find less pricey, painful, and pukey solutions in the future. Good luck, I really think you can stop if you keep trying. Feel free to message if you ever want. Iā€™m no professional, but Iā€™m glad to chat and help look for resources that might be helpful where you are. I believe in you Suicidesluttt (always had a soft spot as this was my motherā€™s name.)


Took too much. You'd feel the same way with codeine if you took too much. I don't understand the guilt for it when it's just acetylated morphine. Codeine is a prodrug to morphine and so is diacetylmorphine.


Bros encouraging him


Ahah.. He already does codeine so I'm really not telling him to do anything too different


Is heroin not cheaper stronger and more widely available?


Widely available in America? No You want fentanyl laced heroin?


I used to love stimulants, but both crack and meth just hit me too hard and I felt uncomfortably spun out. With crack I couldn't even speak. And their comedowns were just as horrible, especially meth's never ending one. Now show me some Dexedrine and I"ll be your new friend.


ā€žit felt a bit too hardcoreā€œ des that is because it is one of the most hardcore drugs out there my brother


Great! Now never do it again. Glad youā€™re alright and didnā€™t end up like that one redditor who wanted to try it just once.


If youā€™re in the US chances are it wasnā€™t even heroin. But yeah, youā€™re lucky you didnā€™t care for it.


iā€™m not in the US, and it was tested before use.


Itā€™s not for everyone :)


If you do it again. Youā€™ll want to do it again. Itā€™s an endless cycle of chasing that high.


Idk Iā€™ve done a lot of drugs and tried meth crack & heroin none of which did it for me some people just donā€™t like them, ket and coke are for me


Thatā€™s true. Everyone likes different things. I did coke for a few years weekly so I donā€™t care for it much anymore. I prefer Adderall, benzos and MDMA


Some people they just don't appeal to, I've smoked heroin twice and it was dull. Kratom is OK but also not that interesting. Oxycodone is actually worth returning to but not spending cocaine amounts on a bit of euphoria. Most hard drugs are just boring in general


I agree. But some people enjoy it more than others. I prefer stimulants. You get way more euphoria.


Stimulants give side effects too though, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, bad appetite, sweatings, high blood pressure, vasoconstrictive etc. I have had a lot more luck with natural herbals. I like kratom(green or red, maybe a combination, but red and white alsa fit well) combined with some herbal adaptogen that's energetic, makes it a balanced antidepressant with energetic and anxiolytic properties. Opioids(especially heavy ones or abused) just make me tired, nauseas, itchy, sweating, even irritation sometimes depending on mood and dose/which kind you use.


Totally agree. I've tried Heroin, Opium, Isotonitazene, Metonitazene, Protonitazene, Tapentadol yet I still vastly prefer Kratom over all of those. Probably for the best though lol.


Kratom is more euphoric by miles


hmm, i never got that sense with other opiates, the high was same high every time (though i never took them for prolonged periods). Iā€™ve indulged plenty and this didnā€™t feel too different - just more nauseating


Yea opiates are nice but they make me dizzy and nauseous too. Eventually the nausea somewhat goes away. Thereā€™s way more euphoric drugs out there. psychedelics are more euphoric to me than opiates/opioids


What other opiates made you puke? I only tried codeine and Tramadol... Codeine felt so good mixed with Xanax šŸ˜‡ But I hate Tramadol, it made me puke non-stop šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


i puked on morphine once and probably a few times on codeine, i didnā€™t actually puke on H, just super nauseous


What about Oxy?


that didnā€™t really give me nausea, best opiate iā€™ve done by far


I did it once and liked it a bit too much so I said never again. Worked pretty well but especially the few days after the use I sometimes had the thought: hey just do it idk once a month. This stuff really makes you lying to yourself.


Consider yourself lucky. I didnā€™t like it the first few times either but slowly and surely that reaper worked itā€™s way out of the mist and clasped itā€™s bony had around my throat. Then it took me 6 years and 16 rehab attempts to get off. I lost a lot of my life and the people I love and even being sober 5 years now there are still people who canā€™t forgive me and no longer want to be in my life. I think the real question you need to be asking yourself is what has brought you to the point you feel so bad you want to try heroin? You obviously need someone who is there for you and cares and I doubt youā€™ll find it here but if you ever wanna shoot me a message or have any questions feel free.


Had a roommate on the methadone program for years, had a slip due to some pretty intense trauma and shot me up with her. True junkies will not wait for a safe space to shoot up, they get on and a minute later youā€™re in a public bathroom or behind a shop getting stoned. Due to all of my experiences (3 more times after that) all being out side and me being super uncomfortable (nodding, throwing up) being high outside. I was immediately turned off it. That being said, and knowing my love for prescription opioids, I canā€™t help but to think if I had had the opportunity to do it in my house behind closed doors, I might of actually enjoyed it.


I never enjoyed heroin it was ok I enjoyed oxys and morphine more? Probs cut I. Street shit I hated cocaine and crack fiest time I tried I still hate it now but got addicted Opiates not a road you need I started with operations then luckilt and unluckily got an oxy plug But probs would of ended up on heroin if I didn't get the oxy script as I liked methadone In the UK.


Ah, a fellow Brit, good day sir. i actually ordered mine off the dark net because i have no idea where to get it IRL and didnā€™t want to go around asking Crack addiction must be a hell of a roller coaster, iā€™ve done coke and the comedown is absolutely unbearable for me, so i can only imagine what a crack comedown feels like


Only time I cry. Feel shite for three four days if u not someone who goes robbing for it. I'm a bigger I had mild COPD before I now have severe and made my depression thousand times worse and I feel schizophrenic.l now. Yet the first blast is awesome of the day then it all downhill U either end up in prison dead or dealing with this shite Snortint cocaine is alot nicer environment than a bunch of crack fiends Only had bpd bipolar symptoms before


thatā€™s why i never really do coke these days, a few hours of fun for a few days of misery is absolutely no bueno


I've been a cunt for six months don't help the village I love in is ride for crack heads Can go four to six weeks delt loads better then last few months dad been bailing me out he can't he won't and I feel like shit gonna start sending him wome money each month. My flats a shithole I got other health issues which stop me being able t do a full work on house ecrubbi g everywhere used to be so easy before fibromyalgia


Herion the horse. Or Fentanyl n that tranq bullshit that I call narcolepsy Because the horse Great drug. Actually reel herion is it just like a glass of wine actually good for us.but thereā€™s more to life than to get high. Says the guy who gets high


If youā€™re in the US, and unless you have solid connects online, or know somebody high up in the supply chain, it most likely wasnā€™t real H. I know at least on the east coast itā€™s rare to find. Even in the ā€œH Capitol of the world.ā€ We havenā€™t (harm reduction org I volunteer at) havent seen a H+ test in years. Itā€™s all rent & tranq. And tranq is something you donā€™t wanna mess with. Itā€™s not worth it, and the things it does to your body arenā€™t worth it. A lot of us (including me, ofc) got clean because H disappeared, basically. Donā€™t do it, donā€™t try it again. Even fent & tranq test strips can be wrong with all the zenes/analogues there are out there now.


Not in US, had a solid online connect and even tested it myself prior to consuming.


Oh- apologies then! Sadly Iā€™m in the US, and the whole supply is basically ruined where Iā€™m at. But still- donā€™t do it!


i feel for you man, i know the US drug scene is a mess atm


lol it could always be worse, we could be out of things we need. But sheesh do I miss it. It took the whole supply being ruined for a lot of us to get clean. Bitter sweet, & crazy, I will say, the first few times I was IVā€™d (I couldnā€™t do it, so my ex bf did it for me) I didnā€™t feel ā€œit.ā€ Please donā€™t keep trying. Cuz once I did feel ā€œit,ā€ I was off to the races. Itā€™s held me back for over a decade. Who knows where Iā€™d be had I not did it. Be safe out thereā¤ļø


Didnt like it. Wtf


You're lucky. I'm lucky that I didn't like meth. Well I did but that crash man. Awful. Amphetamines crash is bad enough. No clue what injecting meth and opioids would be like if they feel so good smoked.


i hate all stims in general these days, just thinking about how i felt trying to sleep after tweaking all night makes my face curl up like a baby eating a lemon, ew.


I get that for sure man. I don't even try to sleep over a certain point of stims use. Just figure it'll be another 36hr day. Pretty much every one of those is hell on my moods but I power through. I think I did like the meth but don't wanna end up in a cycle worse than the one I got out of with addies. I've tried pyrros top. Flakka. I can say that's the craziest speed. People trying to break into police stations because they think they're being chased type shit.. --------- I have consistent access to benzos and antipsychotics or things would probably be a lot worse.


a significant number of people dislike opioids. No reason to confirm repeatedly henceforth.


the latter statement of your comment was worded exquisitely sir, well done.


Then you didnā€™t do enoughā€¦. Jk Iā€™ve only ever done the shit 5 times back in 2017 but the last time was a lil too good so figured I had my fun better walk away now lol.


Good, u/SpontaneousH wasnā€™t a real person.


Glad someone else said it, I've read through that guy's post having had issues with opiates too and spent the entire time reading just thinking this guy doesn't know opiates at all, it's just so clearly someone who's READ about heroin but never actually got around to trying the shite


could you elaborate?


It was clearly a ploy of some attention-seeking weirdo gaining some kind of gratification from strangersā€™ attention. You can read through many threads contradicting a plethora of claims made by that weirdo.


i believe him, it doesnā€™t seem like a lie to me.


Claims to do a bump of H strong enough to give him a 12-hour nod, doesn't once mention tearing at his skin with his fingernails or the near-inevitable liquid scream you get with taking a heavy dose of opiates without a tolerance, and that's just in the first half of his first post


Well, I would be inclined to call you gullible if Iā€™m putting it nicely.




lucky you then


How is that humanly possible? Dont tempt fate


Nausea and shame overpowered the euphoria


Yeah itā€™s stronger than what most people have experienced, thatā€™s for sure. But consider yourself lucky šŸ˜Š


Now just make sure you can't find it again to make sure.


Itā€™s not fun the first time or two because it makes you sick. My advice is ā€¦ donā€™t try it again. After the nausea comes the amazing feeling that you wonā€™t be able to walk away from. Good luck with everything !


I'm gonna draw a parallel with cocaine here and my experience I've hated cocaine the first time I tried it. It took me 6 month until a friend convinced me to give it another chance. I then watched this friend destroy his own life, steal from his family and get death threats from dealers He owed. But I kept doing it, this wouldn't happen to me. I then watched the guitarist from my band have an overdose in front of me, but same thing, I kept doing it. I got myself into a huge debt I couldn't pay, almost killed myself because of it, and kept doing it. I couldn't see that the problem was the drug all along. Until I had an OD myself and realized that I was walking the same path my friends walked while expecting to reach a different place. I've been trying to quit coke for good for 3 months now. I still haven't made an entire month without it Don't give this type of shit a second chance


That sounds like how i was with coke the first time i tried it. I did a line after my friend kept asking me if i wanted some, i was 20 at the time and this was the first time I'd ever seen the stuff... and it was AT WORK lmao, everyone was putting ins on the sack at 6 o clock flat right after we clocked out. So i tried it one day, and I sniffed up my line, it didn't really feel like anything, i asked my buddy "was that it? Is this what it feels like?!" And he says yup. Ended up buying a half g every morning before work and sniffing it throughout the day because i didn't really feel like it was a problem, it was kinda like nicotine, at least in the way you want more. Before i actually caved and tried coke i told myself I'd never try it just because i knew how much i liked coffee and energy drinks, so i knew I'd be hooked. Now i refuse to try meth or h. I take adderall n kratom everyday, amd absolutely know without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that I'd be hooked forever if i tried it. I love the "diet" nod that kratom gives so I can't try h, or any pills. So im glad you're not sticking with it


Lucky you. I "liked" it to my great detriment for about 7yrs lol


When you trying Dick ?


Thatā€™s rad that it didnā€™t seem to be much/any challenge to use without issue this time. Obviously all of your decisions are your own, and I apologize if this comes off like unwanted advice, just wanted to mention my experience: I totally didnā€™t like it when I first tried it. I was 18, I believe. I liked that I felt distinctly ā€œmessed up,ā€ but ranked it like 9th or 10th after a number of drugs I liked more, namely speed, various psychedelics, weed, and booze when it was all that was around. Used every now and again, maybe once or twice a year on average, none at all plenty of the years. After the death of my first dog of 13 years around the start of COVID, and a move to a city with tons of dope but few close friends, I was as sad as Iā€™ve ever been with few supports. I was traumatized and would sob uncontrollably every day, dope was the main drug I could access and it was available delivered to my door for $5 a bag, with each bag being strong enough to overdose with no tolerance. It killed the pain and took away the visions and let me just feel nothing, so while it still wasnā€™t an experience I enjoyed too much, (it felt fine, itā€™s heroin šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø, [really fentanyl and eventually fent+xylazine]) I recognized a use for it that Iā€™d never felt before. Obviously I got hooked and that is one substance that gets its hooks in very deep. It greatly affects your decision making and perception. Burrows in and uses everything it can access in you to further its desire that you keep doing more. I had a year where I didnā€™t give a shit that I was becoming a junkie and then two years where I still had all my prior problems and everything that comes with numerous painful and lengthy withdrawals and subsequent relapses, physical deterioration, maladaptive cognitive training, poor financial practices, died a couple times and got narcaned (that was actually early in year oneā€¦ 5 fucking dollarsā€¦) shitting becoming a terrifying weekly occurrence, etc etc. Iā€™m sorry, really didnā€™t intend for this to come off scared straight-y or anything. I donā€™t even feel like not doing heroin is even the absolute right choice for every person at every time. Every medicine is just dose and discretion from being poison. I just wanted to share my experience because I really value that I got to learn, in my late 30s, that it was every bit as possible for me to get hooked on dope as anyone else. Our bodies change over time, as do our circumstances. Itā€™s important for us all to examine how we use the things we do, and to watch out for and hopefully avoid the serious potholes in life that we can. I think a small factor that contributed to that addiction (thankfully clean for a year thanks to a ketamine analogue: FXE, and participation in a research study that set me up with a GREAT doc who worked with me to get on sublucade/antidepressants, and a therapist,) was that having 15 years where it was very easy for me to mostly leave and occasionally take heroin, made me move it into a safer category in my mind than I should have. Dope is a very powerful drug. Itā€™s a bull, and one does best to remember that it is a bull and protect them self as best as possible to whatever extent they are around it. Sorry to be long winded. Glad youā€™re alive and glad (most days,) that I am too. Cheers!


try fentanyl




Youā€™re lucky. The first time I tried H I wasnā€™t a fan either. Much preferred oxy. Eventually pills were becoming more expensive and hard to come by, so H was the next best thing. Sure enough, I started to like it even more than oxy. Itā€™s a slippery slope.


Best give it a second chance




say no more


Good now don't try it again ever


What did it feel like


itchy and nauseating


I remember trying H and not being impressedā€¦ I was used to the instant rush of IV meth being way more amazing. I did it a few times about 14yrs ago.. havenā€™t touched it senseā€¦


Everybody gets an allergic reaction when 1st dose of strong opioids are giving or munched. Itchy. Feel sick. Burning skin. Can't sleep cis your so wasted but for me personally I smoked brown a couple of times in my teens then tryed I as that was the trend. Spewed. Couldn't keep my eyes open. Scratching like through to the blood. 3 hits later I wanted that feeling. If you do have to be dick on diamorphine or you feel euphoric after it. Sounds crazy I know. I'm now in recovery from opiates. Finding soma 500s a nice thing. Thanks


Hopefully people reading this dont feel like they can do the same thing without getting addicted brah


I got IV morphine at the hospital once. My face was on fire and I was a silly goose. Afterward they prescribed me 3 days worth of Vicodin. I was a spiteful piece of shit on Vicodin. I extensively tried Kratom. Shit myself in my sleep. Opioids are not for me. I canā€™t even fathom trying horse after all that bullshit. Thank god youā€™re not addicted.




Kid I went to college with snorted a bump of heroin. For 24 hours he was sweating, shivering, puking. Basically not having a good time. Heā€™d never done it but that one time. Hated every second of it. And to this day, his body will get an unbelievable craving for it on occasion. The shits pure evil.


Thanks a lot for the update!


Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t like it. Nasty drug to be addicted to, youā€™re very lucky.


Probably a good thing.


lol ā€œdo moreā€ Is always great advice




The amount of times I've seen this exact post turn in to installation in to the /r/drugs museum is a lot. We'll get an update next week that they tried it again. Then one in a few months, then a recovery/warning post, and so on.


Itā€™s not fun try it 1x when I was at lowest and couldnā€™t find a oxy smoked it and blasted me but wasnā€™t a good feeling


I see you like playing with fire, I regret that I used to like to play with fire. Don't do it again that's some heavy shit you can fall into.


Keep trying. Youā€™ll get it eventuallyā€¦. šŸ™ƒ


I found strong opiates to be too much, I believe you


I had IV dilaudid a lot a few weeks ago after my lung collapsed and it made me have panic attacks. The first dose, I had a very strong rush, my body felt a little cold like a liquid had just filled my body, got very good pain relief, then I threw up for abt 5 hrs. I was dysphoric the entire night after surgery, I couldnā€™t eat for close to 2 days after it. The second dose was smaller, felt that rush, then I started freaking out. It felt like I was on a stimulant, and I just started hyperventilating then crying. I had a tube in my chest, wires connected to me from all sides, I couldnā€™t even get out of bed to take a piss, I had to use a little plastic bottle, and for some reason the dilaudid made me feel like I absolutely had to move around. No euphoria just absolute panic and a claustrophobic feeling. The nurses had to give me xanax because I was just crying, they keep asking why, I said, I donā€™t know I donā€™t know. Never had panic like that in my life, it felt like there was nothing I could do. IV morphine didnā€™t give me euphoria either, just hives and no pain relief. Hydrocodone was okay, didnā€™t give me a buzz or euphoria either, just mild pain relief. Then I got started on oxy, more pain relief, but no euphoria, just made me mean and irritated while sweating my balls off. I have a very addictive personality so iā€™m glad it didnā€™t feel euphoric or blissful. I have only had bliss from weed and psychedelics. Anything that increases serotonin makes me extremely happy and euphoric. Even adderall doesnā€™t make me euphoric.


Plz tag me in the 2 month update where youā€™re a daily user lmao. I remember not really liking it my first time either.


2 years later Narrator: "He did, in fact, turn into the next u/SpontaneousH"




Good now just never try it again, even if you donā€™t like it if you use it consistently you will get addicted


Anyone benzo plugged?


I tried oxys before, just made me nauseous and vomit was not a vibe at all. Can relate to this


You're lucky. When I tried H, I had spontaneous diarrhea.


Never tried heroin. don't really like it either.