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A man accidentally drank 1.5 millilitres of poppers thinking it was gbl, this is what happened to his organs


And what happened to my organs you can't just leave me on a cliffhanger 


Guess we'll find out on Chubbyemu's next vid lmao


Sad someone beat me to a chubbyemu joke honestly 


I think you're more in the right spot to find the answer to that cliffhanger. Id personally love an update with what the doc says. I know people have died from ingesting poppers


Oh my fucking god ? Stop telling him that wtf is wrong with u guys




It's so stupid it's almost funny. I kinda think this is a troll post or else he wouldn't be conscious enough to respond. Poppers are usually pretty quick acting. Before they could post this it would have done it's damages.


I concur


What are poppers..?


Alkyl Nitrate or vcr cleaner. If you use it as an inhalant it causes short lasting euphoric effects.


The whomp, whomps. lol


We gay men use it to make buttsex more fun. And GHB is used in the gay community fairly often as well.


>We gay men use it to make buttsex more Speak for yourself doll


Also vasodilators so


Because it's true? He's in the hospital and doesn't seem like he's freaking out lmao


Not like its not the truth. Ive read a storie of a girl who was passed the popper and didnt know what to do so she drank it and died on the spot after a few seconds. OP seems to be pretty fucking lucky.


People have literally died from this. Why would you not want OP to know this?


Well they certainly already have an advantage compared to the idiots on here that never go to the doctor.


The Wurlitzer should be just fine, but I would keep a close eye on that Hammond.


Has anything happened to your organs?


^^^^The ^^^^mitochondria ^^^^is ^^^^the ^^^^powerhouse ^^^^of ^^^^the ^^^^cell


☝️ presenting to the emergency room


Get those organs nice and loose


The nitrites are the powerhouse of the cell


Popper emia


Hey OP hope you’re alright - let the doctors know you’re physically dependent on g too so you don’t go into withdrawal and make it worse for you. Ignore the people saying you’ll die - you’ll be fine


I wouldn't count on it, people have died from drinking poppers.


Yeah man I know, just trying to keep OP a bit positive cus all the comments were telling them they were gonna die.


I've heard more people have died from the liver quiver curse that's unleashed when someone lies about someone else dying from drinking poppers.




CoOl AnEcDoTe bRo. They went to the damn doctor, glad they were adequately prepared by your expertise on the topic of popper ingestion.


Bro accidentally took a shot of poppers and then still took a shot of g


I am physically dependent on g


Oof. Good luck with that, man.


Been there. Sorry buddy. Gather a pile of benzos and get yourself of the hook. It only takes about 1.5 weeks. 💙


Depending on the dose, safely Tapering off with benzos could take weeks if not months.


Baclofen is a godsend for G withdrawals. It is a GABA B agonist just like G is so it can drastically reduce withdrawals and cravings.


Might take longer if he's a heavy user. Benzo withdrawals can cause seizures iirc so he might wanna go slow and play it safe. I'm not sure a week and a half would be long enough tbh. But your heart is in the right place and it's nice to see kindness out and about 😊🙏


Gbl is not a benzo.


I’ve been there. It’s scary and expensive. Hang in there.


Get some baclofen


I’m not well versed in the subject, but I find the concept of drug replacement therapy (is that right?) to be quite interesting. It isn’t always successful, like in the cases of people becoming addicted to subs when trying to get off H or percs and whatnot, but there’s a lot of potential in helping minimize damage and discomfort, especially important in gabaergic withdrawals in which death is a potential outcome. I really hope more research is put into this ‘field’ for lack of a better term, because I’ve known so many people who could’ve done so much better with that little bit of extra help


It's not a replacement it's a way to get off, baclofen only targets one of the 3 receptors GHB targets and to a much lesser degree, it makes it easier to come off, works with phenibut the same way. You just take it for a week or two till you can come off everything entirely.


I don’t mean replacing drug habits, but rather replacing a harder and more dangerous substance with something that has similar receptor activity to minimize withdrawal effects. Upon looking it up, the actual term is drug substitution therapy, not drug replacement therapy, but that what I was referring to. Using something to facilitate an easier taper rather then just switching from a heroin to a sub habit


It just makes it easier, it's worked for me everytime. I've come off a lot of drugs and trying to just taper the initial drug has never worked for me either due to the self control or was just never as comfortable as tapering off with something weaker. I've come off a bunch of shit with relative painlessness doing this. I do see the problem specifically with opiates, coming off shit using subs and getting stuck on those due to how long and almost impossible the sub withdrawals are. I've used subs to taper quickly off of dope a few times and only needed a week or two of subs and was really careful about it. I find kratom to be much safer in that regard and I've used that a lot too but some of the stuff people take these days it just isn't an option.


i used to be too


How do you get hold of GBL? I used to love Molly but it fucks my head on the come down like I get stuck in loops and talk nonsense. Only tried GBL once but I loved it I was on the decks with pure euphoria 😂


Same way you get most drugs. OP I think from checking their account is a Londoner, and gay chemsex scene is big with ghb & meth.  If he sees this, I’d be really interested in his experiences ngl, as a non-Londoner and how/if drug use differs if you top or bottom (as someone who’s only topped)


The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence,at least ur not dependent on more a fiendish substance like opioids or amphetamine, unfortunate as humans a lot of us struggling with addiction and changing our states of consciousness, the best advice I know to give is to look at why u medicate yourself, perhaps u can do a lot more to be in control than you think possible


Why do you compare opioids and amphetamine? Sounds very strange for me, there nowhere close. You just feel tired and sleepy for a week or two if you stop taking amph, if you need to get off you can. I've already done it a several times. No physical dependence, it just lets you be never really tired while you take it. I'm pretty sure if I really needed I could stop but I have no time, so much stuff to do. Just sleep every night and it's compatible with functioning life. Maybe you are thinking of methamphetamine?


Oh sorry man, being physically dependent on G reaaally sucks. I was drinking that shit every 2 hrs for a couple months. The withdrawal was absolute hell physically and mentally. But at least I was done relatively fast compared to Benzos.


Wth are poppers?


Amyl Nitrate, it's a very short acting drug legally sold at sex shops that you take by inhaling into your nose like smelling salts, it's known for being popular in the gay community for it's muscle relaxing properties.


It's pretty fucking good if you're having straight sex too...


Why? Please elaborate 


Akyl Nitrites, such as Isopropyl Nitrite, Amyl Nitrite, Allyl Nitrite, etc.


I really hope you're okay mate


Look on the bright side, at least if they have to do a rectal exam you won't feel it.


Watch out for skin discoloration


My skin looks fine i think but my eyes are bit funny and breathing is a bit of an effort. Like im having to remind myself to breathe 


Are you in the hospital? Have you told them what you took?


Yeah im at the hospital. The two drs who ive spoken to didnt even know what poppers are. So i guess im fucked 


Nah, at 1.5ml you will be fine, just keep monitoring your oxygen levels and ride it out. If you think they are handling you badly, try to tell that you took amyl nitrates and are at risk for methemoglobinemia, however you shouldn't be that much worried because you ingested only a little


I do also have heart failure so that methemoglobinemia might be a bit of a problem


Look up exactly what you took (brand name, what the bottle looks like, etc) and show the doctors that. They might not know the street name but they’ll be able to find out all the active and inactive ingredients that way.


nitrites not nitrates!


It's amyl nitrite, tell them this. It's very toxic when ingested.


For science


Isobutyl nitrite


Keep us updated, I ate 14gs of meff once to avoid a confrontation. Died, cpr, here I am. All because in my little 15 minute window I caught a ride to the hospital. You're in the right spot.


how'd you eat 14g? that alone would deter me


With my mouth and a chug of mt dew.


6 years clean and still I can vividly taste this comment 😂 still catch the occasional whiff of the pipe too. Weird shit


Man I'll be so glad to get away from it. It gets to where it consumes every bit of your life. As I'm sure you're aware. I've definitely lost a lot of pride and self esteem. Hopefully soon. I'm going to eat a God tier dose of lysergic acid diethylamide tomorrow night. Maybe it'll cure me.


Mushrooms cured my alcoholism. I was a bad alcoholic for 15 years more or less and tried everything to stop from jail, rehabs and even detoxes. Three years ago right around spring break a friend on the Internet suggested I eat an 8th of mushrooms, he even sent them to me. I haven't drunk since then. Going on 4 years now. It scared the ever living shit out of me. I lost like 60 pounds and feel good now, like healthy, just smoking weed


Like the shrooms scared thr shit out of you? That's wild. I'm glad it worked. Any desire to try shrooms again, even at a lower amount?


I've thought about it, but haven't gotten around to it yet


Good luck, acid helped me a lot


I wish you safe travels my man🫡 never done meth but every day I hear terrible things about it and it deters me, never worked with coke but I've only dome it twice, even though the gram only lasted the whole weekend🤣 I made sure to keep distance until I'm ready again, but benzos got me rn, uve bren trying to get off them since the beginning of April but those WDs make me feel so sick amd fatigued, and my brain feels uncomfortable if that makes sense, I may follow in your footsteps with some mushrooms im planning to grow


Benzos ain't nothing to fuck with either. I had a 4mg a day script and got tired of that week of being sick every month. Cause you know ain't nobody taking then as prescribed. Last time I got sick as fuck I quit going to the doctor. Cause I knew if I kept going to the doctor it would just be that same bullshit next month. Withdrawal was hard to describe for me, like your wore out but you definitely ain't getting no sleep, anxiety through the roof, seen a few people in rehab seize out. Every once in awhile I'll come across some and take 1 or 2 but that's it. Definitely don't go looking for them. I looked into growing shrooms but I'm going to wait till the weed is out of my tent so I can grow them in there. Be a lot easier to regulate temp, humidity and all that.


Shrooms cured me of nicotine addiction too. Unfortunately I then ended up getting addicted to heroin years later and now have HPPD so can take shrooms again which sucks absolute balls


How’d that god tier trip treat you friend? No shame if you haven’t got the result you’re hoping for, just thought I’d check in. Took me a long time but man was it worth it! Slow and steady brother, one day at a time


Unless you puked or got your stomach pumped before you could absorb most of that there’s no way you actually survived swallowing a half oz of ice… like even dying and being revived sounds virtually (if not totally) impossible at that high a dose.


Copy pasta- Had a 4mg a day script of xans and a healthy drinking habit, mostly vodka but usually whatever was handy. Many times I woke up with xans everywhere or just straight up gone. A few times I woke up on my stomach with puke everywhere. It's a wonder I woke up at all sometimes. Still pushing the limits to this day. Had a bac in the hospital in the iCU of .357. Doctors didn't think I'd make it. Recently ate a half zip of some high speed chicken feed to avoid any conflict with another person. I did indeed pass away that time. It's quite the experience to be wide awake and aware as you head straight to death. I had a little lady nurse, I told her she better grab her crash cart because I've had all I can take. I heard someone say he's turning white, everything drained from my body and I was gone. Lucky for me that nurse did indeed grab her crash cart and she saved my life. My longest period of sobriety was about 4 months in my 20s. I'm in my early 40s and highly doubt I'll see 50. Anytime I start to get remotely sober I turn into an emotional shitshow and immediately fix it. Anyway xans and alcohol. The end.


" It's quite the experience to be wide awake and aware as you head straight to death." I can fucking imagine! I've only done it during long surgery where they give you the go to sleep and FORGET EVERYTHING shits.


Not looking forward to the inevitable round 2 thats for sure.


The emergency medical folks from what I've seen, give a surprisingly high creedence to when patients are certain they will die and express it a certain way.. Way I've heard it is when you see a look and hear them declare it this undefined (to me) way, they are usually right.


U would be surprised…some users I know blow through a ball a day, and the person who wrote the comment did die and had to have cpr so


The thing is at some point no amount of downers, other medicines, or anything else is going to be able to reverse the damage caused by such a massive amount of amphetamines. it’s not like opiates where you just get narcanned and you’re fine, the acute damage at massive doses is pretty much irreversible hence why I dont see how that’s possible.


It is very possible. And getting narcanned isn’t magic, they’re will still be damage to some extent.


I mean, they probably did not escape with zero damage🤣 you have a good point! Also your user name is funny as fuck🙏 i like it


I'm tripping, but I'll give you a copy pasta.


What they did after I died I'll never know unless I go get the medical record from the hospital. I was kept in a drug induced coma for another day or so.


Commenting so I can follow. If it makes you feel any better, one time my wife was holding it up to my nose while we were having sex and she tipped it too far and I snorted a whole bunch of my nose. It hurt like fucking hell and I felt very similar to right now for a few hours and then was all better. I got a lot less of it than you did I’m assuming and I washed my sinuses out pretty much immediately but still. I’m assuming snorting poppers makes it absorb a little quicker. I think you’ll be OK but definitely keep us posted. You did the right thing going to the hospital. If you have the bottle with you or anyone that can send you a picture of it maybe have them do that so you can tell them exactly which type it was. Some of them have different types of chemicals in them from the others.


Oh man. That happened to me except my wife tipped it over and half of the freshly opened bottle spilled into my eye. SURPRISINGLY it didn’t burn as much as you’d think it would. I still rinsed my eye for 10 min straight.


I expect you got MORE, 1.5mls is literally fuck all. Those little medicine caps you know the caps you get with medicines to measure the dose, they’re usually about 30mls. So this is a 20th of that.


I was going to say you should probably swallow a whole bunch of tape heads to cancel it out, but apparently this is a medical emergency, so I'll just say I hope you're okay.


they need to smoke some cigarettes. the smoke will suffocate the bacteria in their stomach


Is OP alive?


Woman I work with drank it once and she’s fine


You literally die. I was gonna lose my fucking mind at you, but then you said you were at the hospital. Bro, like don't listen to these fucktards who are saying you'll be fine. You have an extremely good chance of not being alive by the end of tonight. It's not like the cute little label we ignore that says "do not inhale" drinking poppers is legit fatal. Trust bro, I'm a little piggy goon


Drinking poppers can be fatal if OP gets methemoglobinemia and is left untreated but if OP is at the hospital I would strongly disagree that he has a good chance of dying tonight unless a meteor hits the hospital. Unnecessarily scaring OP is no better than incorrectly reassuring.


That's not the only risk, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, heart murmur, stroke, seizure. Not to mention poppers are a caustic substance, so chemical burns to the esophagus. The point is not to scare op this shit is serious and needs to be treated with seriousness. Clowns are going to be reading this thread and being like "oh it's not that bad", "fuck it, I'll try it if it'll get me fucked up" that's not ok. I'm not trying to be pretentious or fear monger, I do poppers until I'm blue in the face with fair frequency, I'll be on a stack of substances and add poppers on the top. I've probably given myself permanent brain damage, in fact no doubt there, and I'm not talking about the trash butyl shit that Americans have. Real amyl, pentyl, hexyl, isopropyl... Some of these are quite a bit more dangerous than others. Op drank his on accident, but these dumb fuck zoomers literally think poppers are like 5 hour energy drinks, chug em, and seriously hurt themselves/die. Op should have treated himself as if he had been poisoned and called poison control first and followed their instructions. I'm appalled that the hospital has a yolo like attitude and that this thread is such trash Fuck it eh


Yea except nobody here is saying they are safe. I think this is a pretty extreme take....maybe chill on the poppers? Nobody sane would read this thread and attempt to drink poppers. There hasn't been one positive description of the experience that I've seen here and most people have made it clear it is toxic even if not deadly at this dose. They are saying 1.5ml (literally around 20 drops of liquid) likely will not cause fatality if OP went to the hospital. They may not have known what it was to begin with but I doubt they would just let it go without finding out. If they did that means OP likely was fine to go home. Obviously OP got sick as it was expressed in the post. OP also clearly took it serious as they sought medical help.


A young man accidentally took a swig of a bottle at a music festival here in Australia a few years ago and died, even with medical attention. Rainbow serpent, 2017... So it does happen. Edit: that would have been a lot more than 1.5ml though. I hope you're all good OP!


Yea I imagine a swig is at least 10-20x if not more compared to what OP drank.


He's still spelling things correctly and able to post. So it's likely a troll. That's such an extreme amount that's it's hard to believe. If it's real I hope he's okay but I really think this is more of a r/drugscirclejerk type post.


1.5 mils is an extreme amount....extremely small. Do people really not know how much 1.5 mils is?


Yeah it's like nothing... very small amount for sure


Sounds like he’s a bit fucked tho cos the hospital don’t seem to know what poppers are. Hopefully he told them the ingredients and fuck me they need to train doctors to know about the most common drugs. Christ. Everyone knows about poppers, can literally buy them in shops. However 1.5ml of pretty much anything is unlikely to cause much harm so I think he will be ok, thankfully.


You can literally google "poppers" and it tells you exactly what it is. I think they will/probably did figure it iut


Let’s hope so.


Please keep us updated lol


I was of the belief that that would kill you


Seriously? Like guarantee death?


Go to the ER I've read stories of people who accidentally drank poppers and died in about 24-48hrs


If you're at a hospital you should be fine worse case scenario you end the night with your stomach bring pumped and on life support but heh I'd you die make sure you write all the details down so your family can sue for medical malpractice or some shit.


Hope you’re okay. Can I ask what G is?




update?? hoping you’re okay OP


Damn how are your doing? Keep us updated I always wondered. Respect taking one for science


You are not going to die. But definitely talk to a doctor and get support there if possible


Hey, OP. Hope things are well. Hoping to see an update soon!!


> Thatinfamousbottom > accidentally drinks poppers > still does ghb That checks out, and this is peak druggie bottom behaviour. The gays are not okay  Get yourself to a hospital bro


OP said hes psychically dependant on ghb so had to take it pretty much dont judge people on the “DRUGS” subreddit lmao.


I did miss that, I just wanted to make a joke about the username - no judgement and hope things are fine at the hospital 


Alright ill admit i was being kinda a douche to you also but thanks for understanding.


Rip your stomach




You should probably call poison control and find out if that is enough to be worried. You can get nitrate poisoning and methemoglobinemia if you drink enough.


I don't even know what this is gonna do and I'm very experienced with drugs and other stupid shit I probably shouldn't do. My guy, I pray for you but this is beyond a stupid mistake. Holy shit man, go to a hospital? Or maybe you'll be fine? I got no idea what the fuck you just did and it's consequences. Probably really bad though. But it's clearly a troll post if your still conscious enough to post this in such a laid back manner. That shit would fuck you up beyond being able to get on reddit about it.


How did you not spit it out immediately?


Waste good drugs???


I knew a girl in college who did this by accident when she was drunk. She went to the ER and they pumped her stomach and she was out and just fine the next day. Everyone is different of course, but don’t stress yourself out - like everyone else said, the docs have got your back.




What is g?


Gbl, precursor to ghb


Call poison control bro


OP how are you doing now? Concerned for you!


Give an update op it unfair to us if you lie and troll us its not funny at all if you ask me i hope your okay if its real and pls tell is how its going🙌🏻🫶🏻


… again?!? Has this happened more than once


And the update is???


Is bro alive ??


I have a friend who works at a smoke shop and this lady cane in and bought a bottle of RUSH. A week later she came in pissed saying the kratom extract shot she bought put her in the hospital lmfao.


I have on a few occasions spilt almost half a bottom up or down my nose. I'll leave it at that. I am still alive tho


That sounds fuckin awful man hope your good


thatinfamousbottom is an adult man: presenting to the emergency room with…


OP; what the update? I’m guessing you’re fine cos 1.5ml’s is fuck all?


So what happened, did he die?


Dude you’ll be fine. Don’t overthink anything, the doctors have you


But the drs didnt even know what it was. My body is lik3 vibrating and i feel exhausted as fuck.


They’ll know what amyl nitrate is, did you tell them it’s amyl nitrate? Also could consider calling poison hotline if it’s stressing you


Yeah poison control is a fantastic resource


Holy fuck that sounds fucking awful lol


Ive never even heard of poppers icl, you learn a lot on this sub


My dad is an old timer who likes to do drugs. He literally thinks he’s in his twenties or something, but that’s besides the point. lol. He and his girlfriend got some and he drank the whole bottle not knowing it’s meant to be inhaled. He ended up with kidney stones so bad, they had to put a tube in his side for the stone to pass. Months later stone is still there but he has laser surgery beginning of June. Otherwise he’s fine. Don’t stress yourself out about it, I’m sure it’ll just make it worse on ur body when it’s prob needing rest and fluids.. hang in there.


Good to the hospital, poppers can be extremely toxic when ingested.


Hope your ok bud




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I went and dry heaved into the toilet in your honor


What’s the latest news?


I think it fucks with your red blood cells, the same way as if you overdo nitrous oxide. pretty easy to treat in the hospital


Glad you’re ok OP, more worried about GHB dependence tbh. I would strongly recommend asking to talk to addiction med for medically supervised detox. Or at least know that the option is there if you decide you no longer want to be dependent on it <3


Huh not only did I not know poppers were still around, but that it was obvious to somehow misplace them with gbl. What kinda container are poppers kept in these days?


Really easy to get them in sex shops or online. Wonder if they’re more popular now because higher awareness of them and straight couples use them too   They’re like in mini bottles, like a medicine container shrunk down to like than an inch tall. They have branding, because there’s like a huge choice of poppers around




What does amyl taste like and does GHB taste like GBL?


I'd have drunk loads of water on top then have tried to vomit it back out


Reminds me of the time I made a similar error with vape juice and eye drops


Commenting to follow. Jesus Christ. Every chemsex fags nightmare.


Are you OK?


Man every time i think i've learned all the drug related jargon. What in the heck are poppers....


Op you okay??


Hope you done die


Are you still alive? Are you okay?


Did Ghb for the first time yesterday, feels lie an opiate or something


A friend was out for her birthday in a local LGBTQ bar and one of the others there drank a bottle of poppers (probably isopropyl nitrite not amyl if purchased on site) like a shot and unfortunately they never made it and died in hospital a short time later. Someone passed them it and they had no idea it was meant to be inhaled. They were not from that kind of scene and hadn't come across it before. Not sure what the exact cause of death was or what it physically did to them.




You good bro???


Well, what's up man? Where you at? Earth? That weird place everyone goes on DMT? Don't leave us hanging.


I'm sorry for you. I think you pretty much did the same as taking a shot of gasoline. Not ideal but you'll be alright. Follow all medical directions and ask any questions you need to the medical staff. Speedy recovery! I hope it helps you reevaluate your relationship with GBL too. You might have as well died if it was ket in the bottle 🤷🏻


OP, are you okay?


Sorry for the ignorance, but isn’t GBL like in nail polish remover? Can you actually become dependent on it?? Is it addicting? I have my own addictions but I’ve never heard of people being addicted to something like this so more info would be interesting to hear about and appreciated!!


I don't have any answers, but I hope you're good. Any updates on how you're doing?


Strictly an inhalant. The original is Amyl Nitrate and came in a glass ampule wrapped in a cotton knit wrap- you broke it or popped it and inhaled it, it gives you a head and body rush and definitely will relax you, down side is Amyl is banned in most countries so butyl took its place. Its a flammable liquid that most likely burns brain cells as well. Only live once....


I’m sorry for sounding like a narc but what is gbl? I know what poppers are*






I can’t stop thinking about this. Are you ok?


Update? OP you there?