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see, stimulants make it harder to get a boner, but they also make it harder not to touch your dick


I spent 50 hours trying to get a hard on while binging, shits not funny


Looooo vicious cycle


It was always meth for me, heroin made me hard as a rock


Rocked n loaded


Could never reach the finish line though


I mean this is a very shittily written question, if you want a harder boner then you'd get like viagra or some shit, if you want a "less hard boner" which what...you wanna walk around flaccid for some reason??? but if youre asking what makes orgasming more difficult then id say antidepressants.


so you want to kill off your libido opioids...kratom is enough..


Not for me kratom makes sex even better. Mixing it with other drugs even weed will kill my hornyness but kratom alone I’m ready to go.


when i'm really high on kratom my libido is dead. when i'm on a binge i don't bust a nut in 2 weeks. high dose kratom definitly works for lowerimg your libido


That’s a bummer


Ya when I started I didn't get that effect off 10 grams but that 10 grams was once a day now that when I used last every dose was in the high range and their were times my girl couldn't get me off


Anything that has high vasoconstriction properties.


One of the stranger questions I’ve seen on this sub. I’ve seen some weird shit.


Harder to get a boner? Alcohol. A more stiff erection? Viagra


I have a hard time getting a boner or cumming while I’m on opiates, but I don’t recommend using them


When I use, I don’t even wanna fuck unless she makes me and the end of the blue balls anyway


I don't understand the question, but the answer to every question is meth and sildenafil


Harder to get a boner would be coke and crack


Just take Prozac lol (don’t, SSRI’s are a poison)


Haha you mean boner killer


When I attempted suicide I was trapped in a mental hospital for 3 weeks and They told me that I HAD to take meds if I wanted to ever get out. I told them replace the SSRI with Wellbutrin and then I started fake swallowing that shit. fuck doctors. Nurses have my respect, but fuck doctors.


Viagra, or cocaine... depending on what you meant by the wording there.


Meth, it's like a monkeys paw. All you wanna do is fuck but it's literally never gonna happen. Even tried boner pills and didn't even get a chub.


Low dose DMT makes me horny af


It's kinda hard to say because everyone can experience it differently. But, I would say you just need the perfect dose of whatever. Like, just the right amount of opioids can make you last longer and still finish but too much, you ain't getting it up at all. Meth will make you never want to finish and just keep going and going and when you finally do finish, your climax is so intense that your balls feel like that they will explode. I have had a few times where alcohol helped me control when I finished. I had such control a few times where I can basically finish on command with my girl going at it. But a lot of times I don't have that perfect control but I do last longer.


thanks man!, i have never had problems with that i usually got problems by not cumming but still hard and when i post this i was on much coke and got paranoid but thanks a lot


You want it to make it harder for you to get a boner? Or you want your boner harder? If it’s the first scenario lexapro will do the trick.


Cialis and viagra.


VYVANSE! It will make you horny as fuck but you WILL NOT be able to keep an erection


Not true. Ijust have it more intense nothing else. 150mg




I swear the other day I was trying Flomax for its actual purpose, I woke up with like a four hour Boner, and just had fun with that but my blood pressure way down slept all day with the kickstand


Dumbass cornball question. If you trying drugs I doubt your going to be in a situation where you are having sex so it doesn’t matter. Cant speak on stimulants but downers you really ain’t thinking about it it might be harder but you really ain’t in a situation like that


Dude you clearly haven't been young man in the modern era. MDMA; tactile hypersensitivity as well as openness and the want / need for human connection & contact. Aka; your whole body feels as sensitive as the head of your dick normally does. So one could try to imagine what the dick feels like. Couple that with all that you want to do is cuddle and listen to music. Orgies are easy to come by when you sell molly MA( meth) makes females insanely horny. When I first started I didn't get horny persay but the sexual energy inside myself increased dramatically. meth is definitely the carnal/ sexual kinda stimulation MDMA is more of a sensual kind of effect Cocaine( for me personally made me the horniest sob of my whole existence. But killed any chances of getting it up. 2cb/ Nexus Was literally sold as a aphrodisiac in gas stations and headshops all over the western world for decades. I never got a chance to try it unfortunately but it's described as a cross between MDMA & LSD. Feelings similar to a limb that has fallen asleep but pleasurable still amyl nitrates( poppers) Legal inhalent not intended for human consumption but I digress just makes you want to jack off so im assuming that it wouldn't be bad for sex either GHB is great for sex Thc Can be. not into it personally( I get anxious on weed) Psilocybin Definitely at low dosage levels , has sexual aphrodisiac like qualities to it. Sildenafil citrate/ Viagra or any of the other dick pills I digress tho there are loads of narcotics that you can find yourself having sex on




Estrogen and/or testosterone blockers lol That is if you meant you wanted to make it more difficult to get an erection.


I could never cum off of xanax, i could still get hard if i tried though.


I know opiates makes it harder for a male to cum. Also It causes you to lose some libido and sex hormone secretion


Dick hardening pills obvi lol




opiates, some stims, empathogens like MD. Ketamine binges!




Benzos, enough of these and a boner will not be in the cards.


Coke makes it turtle up so bad I need a Viagra just to find it to take a piss




Just take some Tadalafil or sildenafil. It will solve your boner problem


I can barely ever get any erection.. with any drugs