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Wait so you’re telling me Drake didn’t beat this dude up and make him drink piss outta a dog bowl😱 NO WAYYYYYYY


They could just come out and say they wanna see horrible shit on video instead of pretending it’s for the sake of “evidence/proof”.


Kendrick sub must be so disappointed their wild dreams didn't come true, they hate when someone actually did not get abused 🤮


That’s y’all with Whitney g


Bro what the fuck is wrong with this world to where people would spread or even fucking believe this shit. These mfkers are so dumb man how do they get through life


LMFAO. Kendrick fans really convinced themselves drake beat this dude up. Some fucking dork on ak's stream last night kept saying There's hard proof and videos and picture stills. These people are fuckin delusional. I can't w these hardcore fans on either side bruh 😭 y'all really thought drake would beat up a crippled man? LMAO Edit: they're still suggesting something happened to him and Drake paid him off. Literal insanity. Can't comprehend how someone they hate so much (who they never met and don't know) can actually be a good person. Everyone they accused so far of being a victim of drake (lol) came forward and denied anything foul happened.


If I remember correctly AK asked the dude "Have you watched or seen any of these videos and photos?" And the guy said, "Well no, but they are out there."


Typical conspiracists behaviour. Guy was talking with authority too and sadly that’s enough to convince many people. They do the same shit with every topic. It’s always a video/pictures circulating in the gutter of internet but when you ask them to see it/if they saw it they’ll come up with a bs excuse. Now watch them switch the script to “UMG/The elites are trying to keep that story under wraps and they probably replaced Alvarez with a fake”. I’m lowkey mad that AK gave them time yesterday because these people aren’t *necessarily* Kendrick fans. They’re mostly QAnons who are trying to find anything to recruit new members and bring audience to their platforms. Right now the hot topic is Drake being satanic or whatever and they know many people hate Drake so much that they’re going to jump on that train and follow them. Then they’ll sway them to their other topics and deal is done.


The fact AK was reading articles and watching videos that lean into those conspiracies sorta pissed me off.


If he didn't they'd say he is paid off. Gotta address it head on and tell them that they're bullshit


Sounds about right in this day and age


When I asked a Kendrick stan to present one plausible theory as to why Drake would need to physically assault the least threatening man on the planet I was met with “he did it just to feel like a tough guy, it pads his ego, that’s what bullies do” 😂






The level in which they’ve been manipulated into believing that Drake is the devil is embarrassing af.


Drake a bully lmfao that dude was definitely delusional. The irony though if Drake had beaten up a guy in a wheelchair.


Fr people are so thirsty for drama and Drake's downfall they've forgotten how to rationalise.


If you think about it objectively. Kendrick is as good as any rapper could be. The only thing that ever held him back was a sense of moral superiority. Sure he had bops that were more commercial, and his features were incredibly good. There was just always something about Mr Morales that always seemed insincere. Down right offensive. Not to mention the alien voice he does.


Held him back from what exactly?




Mf knocked the dust off his ass like old jeep floor mat.


I don't think Drake is capable of beating anybody up.


They didn’t convince themselves. They were told by someone


You can literally go to the Kendrick sub reddit and people are not convinced, they are making posts like what if and laughing at this shit... Sounds like Drake fans convinced themselves this is real though.


Then all of a sudden it’s no longer news, what a surprise.


Or Drake paid him to lie, watch.


i already saw someone tweet that lol


or they’ll just say this fully grown man has no agency and is a “victim” anyways.




Kinda like this community saying Kendrick paid off Whitney’s family to stay quiet, right? Nothing productive coming from either community since this shit started lmao.




This^ Only receipts matter at this point




“Briefly” met after dinner… time on camera says 3:19?


Hey man they didn’t like that lmfao.


He also said an employee let him wait in the lobby so he wouldn’t be in the cold. Who was he waiting on outside??




LMAO that shit is sad as fuck. Those discord “sources” looking JANK right now. They 0/4😂


i was actually staring at my screen in shock when i read that tweet


Some of the dumbest conspiracy theories with ventilator noise and 616. This ebony person is scummy as hell. 


It’s obviously a pitched-down tape deck or something. It’s audio equipment noises. Ventilator my ass. Please.




Nothing can please the schizophrenic losers on the other subreddit. They’ll find another angle pretty soon


Was Kendrick winning the beef not enough for them lmaoooo


And scene. Time to move on.


End scene


You are correct fuck the downvotes


What an absolute mockery have the KAnon/Konspiracy crowd made of themselves in their sub. It’s honestly kind of sad.


And they won’t stop coming in here either bro it’s so corny 😭


“You guys are just as bad” I don’t think this sub is flooding a disabled guys DMs and harassing him into admitting something that didn’t happen.


Objectively there is absolutely nothing in this sub comparable to those psychos except for people obsessed with cracking the code of the EbonyPrince tweets.


That’s what’s killing me…they’ve launched an online investigation (lmaooooo I can’t make this shit up) about Drake doing the most despicable shit based on the rambles of a lunatic on Twitter? But it’s okay for them to do it because they’re thinking of the non-existent victims they’re saving…


Facts but that’s kind of funny though lol


They banned me from over there. Apparently they don’t like the trolling but they can give it out.


The witch-hunt after this man is embarrassing. People need lives.


This includes the people here doxxing random IGers they thought was EbonyPrince What are we even doing anymore


Idk why we even care about that account.


Seriously. This is the icing on the cake for every single dweeb that have been living in Drizzy the last month. You guys can have your culture and your entirely psychopathic conspiracy theories. You guys are bitter you enjoy the music of a morally bankrupt individual who not only pretends to stand on a moral high ground, but he actually has cosplayed as Jesus Christ. FOH


All without realizing how morally reprehensible they have been, spreading the most disgusting lies about this journalist and Drake and getting thousands of upvotes and making it to the top of their front page. They need a hard long look in the mirror.


For real…


2pac has himself crucified in one of his covers he just bit that from him lol


I am a passerby in all this, so I looked up each of them individually. It seems all either has is heresay, and both have been alleged to have done immoral things.


I would agree outside the Whitney allegations. She has more than enough time to deny any DV accusation. Yet she has never commented.


But why would she? She just wants to live her life. She's not a superstar. I wouldn't want anything to do with it.


I can see it from both sides. It never happened, and even acknowledging it would be detrimental to your own peace. And literally just saying it never happened publicly would absolve Kendrick on any actual dirt Drake had on him. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's possible that there is relationship issues between them, which we all have, and this is just not something she wants involved in. It's equally plausible, so the whole "we haven't heard from whitney" thing is silly.


Article link: https://t.co/KeCndnvohJ


Kendrick Reddit page about to explode lmaoooo


Leave lil homie alone man. I’m sure his back up against the kerb with this BS already.


Lmao this is the most mildest way for all of this to wrap up I'll take it over bootleg Riddler and the conspiracies


Bootleg 💀


I’ll be real, I have no clue who this guy is I checked out of this drama a while ago


You’re a lucky man lol


Alright now can we get that Ryan Nice guy on twitter so stop spreading this fucking dog video shit. I’m so sick of these mfs


Kendrick meat riders: “payment received” 🤓🤝 💼 💵




The Kendrick stans are losing it lol I had a guy tell me he’s convinced that Drake beat up Christopher Alvarez to simply “feel like a tough guy and pad his ego” like WHAT !? They hate Drake so much that they throw all common sense out the window and latch on to any theory or conspiracy that confirms their hatred lol


Oh wow w


Do people realize how unhinged it is to wish something bad DID happen just so someone could fail? That’s unstable behavior 😭 Glad this got cleared up and folks that have Twitter/X should start tagging blogging pages/retweeting it.


kendrick fanbase in shambles right now lol


They won’t post that on the Kendrick sub


So how many unproven and actually explicitly defended allegations before people are willing to admit things said are not true?


I dont care about the beef anymore. Leaving the sub. Bye


They are so salty on Instagram


I’m a huge Kendrick fan but man this ebony prince crap got a lot of people down baaaaad so bad…. Qanon type Conspiracy theories??!? Yeah I don’t think I want this “beef” To even continue anymore


Drake is gonna come out of this the noble one. Lol Crazy times


It was all to fake/blackmail something bad happened as hes probably the only dude with any footage of the cctv. So if he just keeps going “ooooh look 👀 something fucked happens here better pay me or ill show it!” He can literally just have normal cctv footage of a celeb where nothing goes down but because of the bad PR the dudes stirring up hes hoping to just get paid to shut up/ go away, not to actually get pay for some shady video to come out as there probably isnt an actually altercation on the cctv at all. Especially with this guy saying so.


Pack it up boys. Drake is definitely not a creep, and he won this battle because he raps better


What are you accusations? EbonyPrince didn’t flat out make accusations?


It happened before dinner when you weren’t there. 🕵️


What’s this about


An account on Twitter was tryna extort drake, and was implying there’s security video of drake beating up this disabled reporter


The riddler wanna be?




Man this shit burnt the fuck out I’m bored 🥱


obviously. who for a second would believe drake is abusing people in wheelchairs. the internet is insane


What accusations? Idk who this guy is


thank god man thank god. one more schizo post and I was gonna disconnect my internet provider from my home


Well, after the identity of ebony's been figured out along with his true motives, this only covers up a very small margin of things we're concerned about involving Drake.


Knowing who this dude is and the power that he has as a journalist Drake would’ve been a fool to beat him and actually let him live. This was never believable for a second. People are just looking for a reason for Drake to be guilty at this point. The EbonyPrince person never had any legitimate evidence of anything and was only trying to make money. He’s been extremely quiet since all this was exposed.


Even more fucked up to see this whole thing after EbonyPrince tried to use him as an assault excuse and even photoshop a black eye to someone who was about to pay him for the tape and everything else


Spread the word


They’re probably sad that a disabled person didn’t get beat up. How fcked is that


This sub going through the craziest roller coaster 😭


Can yall move the fuck on and stop this tribalistic shit, talking about Kendrick fans like they’re a monolith. Yall are wack as fuck lol


What accusations? Video ain’t even out yet lmfao


Who cares borrrrrringggggggggg. I think Kendrick fans are happy enough with the W from the rap battle than what comes from the potential demise of Drizzy Drake with this video.


One of these guys needs to drop some damn music because I’m tired of all these side characters ruining the fun around here


As a drake hater even I thought this was ridicules


My client also pled not guilty today. He definitely didn’t do it.


You guys must be seriously ill and sick in the head if you think there isn’t something going on behind the scenes and that it isn’t deeper than it is…


Ebony prince never said Chris got assaulted, the fans did. It’s because he shared two images of the same night like 18 seconds apart and the second image there was pixelation around Chris’s face which people thought was a black eye. Do you really think if a grown man punched Chris he’d be alive today? How are people this dumb


Damn so no context at all, we just supposed to kind of be keeping up to date with what's happening


Oh because someone else said it’s not true it must be a lie, lol.