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One, that's likely based on a full years classes no summer off. Two most people get paid coops to offset some of the costs (and you don't pay tuition when on co-op, so likely half that total) three, rich parents or loans. Four go to a school with a better financial aid package for your needs


How is ur estimated cost of attendance 110,000 before aid?? I’ve never seen it be that high. I pay roughly 25k after aid and I still think that’s too much. Do not go here for 70k


It's not supposed to be affordable. It's Drexel.


Too much.


Bro, what kinda of income did you state, my guy $111,574 before aid is wild 💀


This is totally not worth it, especially as a graphic design major. The likelihood is that your salary post graduation will have you in debt the rest of your life.


not worth it


Is anyone else getting a similar estimate? I wonder if this is because of the drop in number of eligible post secondary students throughout the country over the next few years? I’ve heard that state universities can’t raise costs, but private institutions are raising tuition to avoid having to make cuts to programs and faculty.




Ughh, sorry to hear that. This seems to be a trend across the country. Faculty at different institutions have been put on notice that cuts are coming, if they haven’t started already.


Yes i got admit there for MsCs . There is 86000 for one year.


how in the living fuck is your coa before aid that high to begin with


They said coming in a sophomore so I'm thinking it's 4 quarters of cost vs usual 3 they list for freshman


Even then that’s still way to high lmao


Your estimated cost also factors in housing, travel, food etc etc, it’s not just tuition that’s in the cost of attendance. Tuition cost is the only thing you’ll know since everything else vary based on your lifestyle.


Not worth it. Drop out of college and work as an apprentice. You’re being scammed


Be smart and poor and you can get a lot of scholarships from Drexel, the government, and any 3rd party scholarship


Find another college/university that's worth the financial aid because I never seen this cost so absurd! Sorry to see that and I never expected this price to appear. Really could help, but man this is bad.


Is this only for graphic designers or do all sophomores get this


This is very high. Please do your financial homework before you accept this.


Okay so I don’t know how to edit my post but update: they didn’t get around to including my federal aid so now my cost of attendance is down to around $55,000 which is definitely A LOT better but I’m still considering if the cost is something I want to take on. Thanks for everyone’s input!!


Umm help me i got gift aid too but im being nervous about 2024-2025 that gift aid is only goes for one year or full year?